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{ D } Precious Stones

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#1Altuo Dorian 

{ D } Precious Stones Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 9:50 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 231 / 500Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Lion's PrideTags : @GojiSpells UsedNone
With a golden sun blazing in the sky above, while birds of a feather soared through the cloudless expanse of sapphire. A steady summer's breeze caressed each leaf as it glided through the treetops wild and forever free. The rustling that followed rushing like the sound of ocean waves. All around the earthy aromatics of stone and foliage danced along the whisps of wind serving as a refreshing sensation alongside the warm embrace of heat. Such a near perfect day for the season where undoubtedly most would eagerly indulge themselves. Swimming, hiking, taking a trip. Laughing, smiling, and all around just having fun. A proper day for a proper vacation in all its splendors.

"Ah, if only."

For one such gentlemen it was an all too enticing prospect. One perhaps he might partake himself if this kind of weather remained for awhile longer. However, for now there was former obligations to attend. A matter of personal business to which he had contracted the aid of another to assist him with. Leaving little time for flights of fancy. Eventually reaching his destination Altuo took comfort under the shade of a nearby patch of trees. Despite a few pit stops along the way it appeared as if he had been the first one to arrive. Perhaps for the better as it gave him a moment to rest and prepare for the task ahead.
deadly sins


{ D } Precious Stones Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 12:04 pm

The wait wouldn't be too long as the moment Altuo made himself comfortable he could likely spot the towering figure of a person approaching steadily in the distance. The weathered armor that hugged the individual's body clinking with each heavy step they took as they grew closer. Despite the spaced out expression on his face, Goji greeted Altuo with a simple head nod in their direction. After quite a long trip he was ready to jump straight into the reason as to why they were both here. Not that he had anything against a quick chat but when jewels were involved priorities came first.

"Take it your the one who put out the request?" Reaching around for the old rucksack that was strapped to his shoulder. Goji gleaned over the contents inside as he shuffled things about. Not quite looking for anything specific but more so making sure everything was in order before they headed onward towards the mines that were just a short ways away. "If your ready to go already so I am. The sooner we get this done the better yeah? I'm sure we don't want it to take all day."

[ WC - 194/500 ]

#3Altuo Dorian 

{ D } Precious Stones Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 6:16 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 587 / 500Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Lion's PrideTags : @GojiSpells UsedNone
Sure enough, just as Altuo was about to make himself right at home. Carefully nestled against the trunk of a tree within reach as his amber eyes flitted across the rigid terrain from one momentary distraction to the next. The devil's curious gaze would be hooked and lured away by the arrival of a solitary traveler making pace towards him. Their absolute colossal stature eliciting an inquisitive brow raise to say the least. A hand raised to nest against Altuo's chin while he examined the man from top to bottom and back again. Taking in the finer details now that he could put a name to face.

"That would in fact be me good sir. Altuo Dorian, your gracious employer. Which I suppose would mean I'm lucky enough to be in the company of one Mr. Goji? You've quite a reputation I've heard." With cordial formalities brushed to the side in favor of their objective. The daemon conceded his pleasantries. Even so, his mind teemed with intrigue as Altuo continued to observe the rugged mercenary intently.

"This is the part I would normally say quality can't be rushed. However, you have the right of it. Being back within city limits before nightfall would be ideal. Especially with a warm meal and a bed waiting at the end." Reaching into one of the pockets of his form fitting leather. A slip of paper and small pouch was passed along. Altuo turning on his heels in the direction of Sieghart Mines as he beckoned for Goji to follow suit. "To the point - I admittedly hired you to keep on eye on things but I'm sure that comes as no surprise. I needed a man of your particular penchant to keep me protected while I retrieve something specific. The details of which are not important."

Stopping just short of the mines entrance Altuo paused for a moment before stepping in. "Watch my back and deal with the threats as they come. That's all I require of you. But do try to be careful about who you cut down hm? I don't think either of us would enjoy unwanted attention."
deadly sins


{ D } Precious Stones Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 7:25 am

"Just Goji, no mister." An awkward tone peaked in his deep voice as Goji followed close behind. His rucksack was slung back over one of his broad shoulders while the two of them made their way over to the mines in decent timing. To his relief any small talk was dropped. The details of their mission ahead filling the conversation instead. As per usual, he was defaulted to a shift of bodyguard duty. Pretty standard stuff for his usual choice of labor. Seemed like things we're shaping out to be simple enough. Which meant no complaints from him. For now anyway.

"So you need me to be your meat shield." From the corner of his mouth a slight smirk grew. The look in his narrow eyes seeming almost mischievous. "Pretty boy like you must be as soft as you look. Makes sense." Such a cheeky comment was not meant as an insult but definitely a jab. As they arrived and he was given his orders Goji wasted no time pushing on. "Just don't get in my way and there won't be any problems." Not giving Altuo a chance to clap back, he stepped inside the cave ready for action.

[ WC - 392/500 ]

#5Altuo Dorian 

{ D } Precious Stones Empty Sun Jul 21, 2024 9:38 pm

Altuo Dorian
Words : 883 / 500Mana : 200 / 200Theme : Lion's PrideTags : @GojiSpells UsedNone
"Pretty boy?" By his own nature Altuo lingered on the words with an almost delighted interest. The misguided stabs at his dignity rather amusing in their own halfhearted way. "You think I'm pretty do you? I didn't take you for that kind of brute." Absolutely one to return fire when he received it in kind, the shots he fired back fell short of their mark as Goji had already fled into the depths of the cave system set out before them. "Hm hm, running away, how fitting for a dog with all bark and no bite." With a curt chuckle Altuo followed suit in short order, catching up to Goji with relative ease as he took the lead from there. Navigating with precision on par to that of a local. It became evident that it was far from the daemon's first rodeo round these parts.

A benefit all things considered as no sooner had their journey embarked did the two reach an expansive clearing carved out of the very rock and stone that surrounded from every corner. Rumbling within it's confines was an assortment of bodies on the grind. Ranging from the burliest of humes to the stoutest of dwarves. Each and every one unbothered, in their own lanes, and set to a task at hand. Even with all the activity buzzing around them Altuo made his presence known to a few familiar faces spotted amongst the well oiled machine of a team. Exchanging a few words before being escorted by two dwarves to his usual sample collection site.

Just before disappearing behind a boulder he managed a quick; "Stay here and keep watch, good boy." Giving Goji a task in the meantime until he returned.
deadly sins


{ D } Precious Stones Empty Thu Jul 25, 2024 10:56 pm

Even as far ahead as he had managed to tread before Altuo inevitably was able to pick up pace. Closing the distance between them with little effort. Goji could hear murmurings of what he could only assume was some kind of snappy retort directed at him. Fair game, at least their mutual sense of humor would keep things from getting too boring along the way if nothing else.

Impressively Altuo took the lead, his thorough knowledge of the inner caverns showing itself as he made simple work the of the numerous pathways and crossroads within. Eventually bringing them to a clearing housing many hardworking men, woman, and various other races in between. The sheer numbers and level of coordination between the miners a respectable sight to behold.

As soon as they had arrived Altuo had already sprung into action. Making conversation with a few dwarves who proceeded to lead him away to another part of the cave system. His last witty comment earning him a dirty side glance from Goji on the way out. Left behind to play guard as was the original plan. For awhile things were calm and collected. Nothing out of the ordinary breaking the peace as the miners continued to work away at their own projects. Goji himself wandering around from place to place with his head on a swivel. Every now and then stopping to observe the process.

That was, until a mighty rumbling overtook the cave bringing everything to a grinding halt. In one of the far off corners of the mines, frantic shouting filled the room as a few bodies were flung through the air as if they weighed nothing at all. Their limp forms hit the floor afterwards causing those around them to drop everything and flee for safety. From the chaos emerged a stone golem composed of the very same terrain they stood on. Clearly angered from being accidentally disturbed.

Ready as he ever was to carry out his end of the bargain, Goji rolled his neck and cracked his knuckles as he prepared for a decent fight. His face contorting into a twisted sort of smile as his body fortified itself at his command. Flesh melting away to be replaced with some kind of special metallic layering. Once his transformation completed he jumped straight into battle. A tightly balled fist reeling back before it was unleashed on his foe at full force. The ring of metal singing along with the creature's pained roar as it stumbled back. Allowing Goji a small window to follow up with a second punch. Only this time before it could connect one big solid hand sent him crashing into a wall. The beast had retaliated and not a moment too soon. Leaving Goji vulnerable to a counterattack even with his metal body negating the brunt of the impact.

[ WC - 865/500 ] @Altuo Dorian

#7Altuo Dorian 

{ D } Precious Stones Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 2:45 am

Altuo Dorian
Words : 1515 / 500Mana : 150 / 200Theme : Lion's PrideTags : @GojiSpells UsedLucid Steps
Slay the Spire
Knowing full well he had slipped his way under Goji's skin even just a little with his surplus for sass. He couldn't help but shake his head with a sly smile as his entourage made way to a guarded subterranean alcove. Abundant in not only rare sources of substrates and gems but a full ecosystem of flora and fauna only found underground.

It was a place that he would often visit for routine sample collection. Not only for his contractor's benefit but more often than not his own as well. A necessary routine acquisition for his vast range of research topics that were always on the go. As well as for the betterment of his combative capabilities in the arcane fields of a very unique magical affinity. One which, to his knowledge, was known only to him. A blessing bestowed by the curse he was bound to so many years ago.

Though at first he took a few precious moments to enjoy the budding grove that flowered with brilliance at the heart of it all. Drinking in the almost ethereal essence the place radiated. He eventually set himself to the task that they had came all this way for. Starting from a pile of rocks, to a boulder, to a glistening geode. Each extracted for their various uses one by one with a practiced hand. Just as he was about to move on to the next however something stopped him dead in his tracks. The tectonic shuddering of the cave itself followed by the cascading screams of people on the other side of the walls.

Scrambling to pack away what samples he had managed to piece together before all hell broke loose. Altuo rushed full speed ahead the same way he had came. Just in time to catch a glimpse of both Goji and the Golem wrecking havoc as they were locked into a fearsome one on one. The tides of which took a turn for the worst as Goji was knocked away in one devastating blow. Laid low against a wall after managing to land a hit of his own against the construct.

Acting almost on instinct Altuo rushed to provide aid. His leather heals clicking together as he sprinted into a full on dash. Amber tinted arcane crests appearing under each step as cylindrical crystals launched him even faster towards his target. With a raised arm aimed directly at the Golem, specifically targeting a spot where Goji had smashed open the stone of it's torso. Another arcane sigil was summoned with a flick of the wrist bringing forth a spike composed of the very same crystal that had quickened his trajectory.

Locking in the shot the spike was launched at the Golem like a bullet from Altuo's palm. Piercing the monster with enough force to have it fall to it's knees before returning to dormancy. One last scream of agony rattling the entire cave system from the inside out. Slightly out of breath as he was from the mad dash recovery of his ally. Altuo turned to Goji with a weak hint of laughter slipping out between huffs for air. Just relieved to see his friend mostly unharmed and in one piece. "Heh, having fun without me? I feel left out."

Even in times like this Altuo still had some witticisms to spare as he offered a helping hand to his hulky metal man of a friend. "Well, happy to report we got what we need. What say you to a drink by the fire when we get back? I think we've more than earned it." Lifting Goji to his feet should he take the help. Altuo did a once over of his belongings, making sure everything was accounted for before preparing to lead them back out of the mines.
deadly sins


{ D } Precious Stones Empty Fri Jul 26, 2024 3:50 am

"Not my fault you were late to the party. Hurry up next time if you want play too." Close to enjoying their back and forth banter at this rate, not that he would openly admit it. Goji brushed off the rubble that littered his lap before taking Altuo's hand in his own without any reservations. Not thinking too much of the gesture as he rose back to his feet. In that simple act alone something sparked within Goji that he couldn't rightly explain so instead he would push it aside. Passing it off as nothing to pay any mind to.  "Make it three drinks and an extra plate of meat. Then we'll call it even." With a pat on Altuo's shoulder Goji gathered his things together. Doing one last scan of the cave for any more hidden surprises. Once he was certain things were in the clear the two of them could head out.

[ WC - 1019/500 ] Quest Complete

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