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Sins of the Father - Prelude [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father - Prelude [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:11 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
It had been a few days since the gang raid in the heart of Era. All Rune Knight squads had been successful in their respective raids and all criminals were detained in the dungeon. While there were multiple injuries, thankfully there were no deaths on either side. Due to their individual efforts, Daisuke and Misora had been promoted to the rank of Lieutenant, the same rank as their father. Their parents beamed with pride as the two were honored during the ceremony. The other story, however, was the blue cat-like creature that Daisuke found. Upon taking the creature to the medical facility, Daisuke was surprised to learn that it was largely robotic. At some point in its existence, it had been converted into its current form which meant it had sentience. Unfortunately, it still had not awoken from whatever had been done to it by the gang. So, the twins decided to take it to their parents’ place to keep an eye on it until it woke while they were on a bit of a reprieve before their next mission.

WC: 180

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father - Prelude [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:12 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Daisuke sat in his old room and absentmindedly stared out in the yard of the estate. It had been so long since he had last been home since taking residence at the Rune Knight grounds but it seemed like nothing had changed. As his mind drifted off to the days of his youth, he is startled by Misora barging into the room. “It’s awake.” She says as Daisuke immediately knows what she means. The two make their way down into the living room where their mother had made a place for the creature whenever it woke. As they enter the room, they see the cat-like creature sitting upright and looking around. It seemed to be out of sorts, attempting to gain a sense of where it was. Once Daisuke and Misora approached, it instinctively moved back. “It’s ok. We’re not going to hurt you.” Misora says as she cautiously moves forward, her voice calm and clear. “Who are you?” The creature says, surprising both siblings with its ability to speak. “My name is Misora and this is my brother Daisuke. He’s the one who rescued you.” She says as she points towards her brother. “You saved me from those mages?” the creature says as a wave of relief spreads across his face. “Thank you. Thank you for saving me. Do you have any fish?

WC: 224

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father - Prelude [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:13 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
The creature, soon after revealing its name to be Merry, began to open up to the Sato twins while eating the fish that was provided. Merry was a creature known as an Exceed from a place called Extalia. He was partnered with a man known as Talaz Lagaar with whom he traveled the world with. Unfortunately, they were attacked during their adventures and Merry nearly died as a result of his injuries. In a desperate bid to save his companion, Talaz revived Merry into his current mechanical form and the two continued their travels until the researched met his end. Merry, in accordance with Talaz’s last wishes, continued traveling the world and going on adventures. His travels, unfortunately, led him in the clutches of the dark invader with whom Daisuke fought who had plans to unlock the power the researcher stored inside Merry. Misora, being the softie that she was, cried during Merry’s telling of life while Daisuke remained stoic. He was also saddened by the story and wanted to do what he could to help the small creature. Suddenly, a knock on the door disturbs the trio.

WC: 188

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father - Prelude [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:15 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
Daisuke makes his way to the door and opens it, revealing a member of the Rune Knights standing on the other side. The knight, upon seeing Daisuke, salutes him. “Greetings Lieutenant.” He says as Daisuke salutes back. A wave of embarrassment spreads across Daisuke’s face as he was still getting use to the fact that people would now be saluting him and addressing him as the same rank as his father. All of it was a rather jarring experience. Upon being ushered in, the knight spots Misora and greets her the same. Merry, upon seeing the display, mocking salutes as well to the snickering of Daisuke. “Lieutenants, I know that you are on a bit of a break but we’ve a mission that requires your immediate attention.” “What is it?” Misora replies. “A wanted and highly dangerous criminal has been recently spotted in Hosenka. We’ve been after this guy for years but all attempts to bring him in has failed. You’ve been tasked to head to Hosenka and take him in.

WC: 171

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Sins of the Father - Prelude [Solo] Empty Sun Feb 19, 2023 9:18 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
He hands Daisuke the information as the three of them discuss the mission parameters before departing shortly after. “So, are you guys cops?” Merry asks as Misora closes the door behind the departing Knight. “Eh…sorta” Misora says sheepishly. “Cool!” Merry says in awe to their laughter. “Hey, Merry?” Daisuke says as he moves towards the exceed. “You said that you wanted to honor Mr. Lagaar’s last wishes and continue having adventures right? How about you come with us? We go on all sorts of adventures and things are never boring. I think you’ll like it.” “That’s a great idea brother. How about it Merry?” Misora says as she moves towards Daisuke. Like him, she was also wanting to do something so Merry would not be alone any more. Daisuke’s idea was perfect. Merry ponders for a moment before asking the twins a single question. “Will there be fish?” This prompts a laugh out of the two as they note his near obsession with fish. “As much as you want.” They say in unison. “Then what are we waiting for!” Merry says with glee as he hops on Daisuke’s shoulder. “Well, that settles it. Let’s go to Hosenka!” “Aye sir!

WC: 199

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