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Farming Simulator

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Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:37 pm

Kishin had always been a wanderer, drifting from place to place in search of new experiences and opportunities to showcase his talents. Once more, he has found a new place to do some work. His trusty ghost horse, Ghast, had been by his side for as long as he could remember now, a constant companion and source of comfort on his travels. From region, to country, again and again.

One day, as he was wandering through a bustling city, Kishin received an unexpected offer. A group of performers in Marigold were in need of assistance for their upcoming show, and they had heard of Kishin's skills as a performer and trainer. Perhaps, they had known him from what he had done in Hosenka. Intrigued by the opportunity to explore a new city and help revive a struggling theater, Kishin accepted the offer without hesitation.

He packed his bags, mounted Ghast, and set off for Marigold. As they journeyed through winding roads and dense forests, Kishin felt a sense of anticipation building within him. He had always been drawn to the stage, relishing the attention and thrill of performing in front of a live audience. And now, he had the chance to help others discover that same passion and excitement.

209 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:38 pm

As they approached Marigold, Kishin couldn't help but notice the city's state of disarray. Buildings were crumbling, the streets were littered with debris, and there was a palpable sense of hopelessness in the air. It was clear that the city had been through a difficult time, and Kishin wondered if he would be able to make a difference.

But as they drew closer to the theater, Kishin's spirits lifted to be interested again. The building was grand and imposing, with ornate carvings and intricate details that hinted at its former glory. And despite the city's current state, there were still people milling about, eager for entertainment and diversion from their troubles.

Kishin dismounted Ghast and made his way inside the theater. He was greeted by a group of performers, all of whom seemed nervous and unsure of themselves. Kishin could sense their lack of confidence and skill, and he knew that he had his work cut out for him. But as he looked around the theater, he felt a sense of excitement building within him. This was his chance to help revive Marigold's cultural scene, and he was determined to do whatever it took to make the show a success.

200 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:38 pm

Over the small time, Kishin threw himself into the task of training the performers. He worked tirelessly, pushing them to their limits and helping them improve their acts. He was tough but fair, never settling for mediocrity and always striving for excellence. And even though he could be strict and demanding, the performers soon came to respect and admire him for his unwavering dedication and skill.

Despite the long hours and hard work, Kishin found himself enjoying the process. There was a sense of satisfaction in watching the performers improve, in seeing their confidence grow as they mastered new skills and techniques. And as he worked with them, he couldn't help but feel a sense of masochistic pleasure in their struggles and pain. He relished in their exhaustion, in the way their muscles ached and their bodies trembled after a grueling rehearsal. Unlike him, who had lost such feelings.

But even as he enjoyed the training, Kishin knew that there was still much work to be done. The theater was in a state of disrepair, and the performers lacked the equipment and resources they needed to put on a truly great show. Kishin knew that he needed to do something to help, but he wasn't sure what.

207 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:38 pm

Then, one day, as he was wandering through the city, Kishin came across a dilapidated old shop. Inside, he found a collection of old props and equipment, discarded and forgotten. Kishin's eyes lit up as he surveyed the dusty old costumes and rusted metal tools. He knew that he had found a treasure trove of resources that could help bring the show to life. After meeting Judith, he had grown accustomed to picking up random things.

He quickly set to work, gathering up armfuls of costumes and equipment and bringing them back to the theater. The performers were overjoyed to see the new props and costumes, and they set to work incorporating them into their acts. Kishin was pleased by the success of his addition, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in the way that the performers had transformed themselves into new characters, using the props and costumes to enhance their performances.

As the days passed, Kishin found himself growing more and more attached to the performers and the theater. He had never stayed in one place for long, and he found himself enjoying the routine and structure of his work. He knew that he had made a difference in Marigold, and he felt a sense of pride in the way that the theater was slowly but surely coming back to life.

226 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:39 pm

But even as he reveled in his success, Kishin couldn't help but feel a sense of restlessness. He had always been a wanderer, and the thought of staying in one place for too long made him uneasy. He missed the thrill of the open road, the rush of discovering new places and experiences.

And so, as the day of the performance approached, Kishin knew that it was time to say goodbye soon. He'd bid farewell to the performers and the theater, promising to return one day and help them in any way he could. The day of the performance finally arrived, and the theater was packed with eager spectators. Kishin watched from the wings as the performers took to the stage, each one putting on a dazzling display of skill and artistry. There were acrobats and jugglers, magicians and dancers, and each act was more breathtaking than the last.

As he watched, Kishin couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what he had helped to create. The theater was alive once again, and the performers had risen to the challenge of putting on a show that would make Marigold proud. The show went on for several days, and each night the performers gave it their all, pouring their hearts and souls into their acts. Kishin watched from the wings, offering advice and encouragement where needed, but mostly content to simply soak in the atmosphere of the theater. After all, he's a lich.

244 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:39 pm

Despite the damage wrought by the dark universe invasions, Kishin was determined to bring the city back to its former glory. He continued to perform in the theater, bringing joy and laughter to the people of Marigold every night.

In exchange for his services, Kishin was rewarded with jewels. He bought food and clothing for the needy, repaired buildings and infrastructure, and even commissioned new artwork to adorn the streets, a way of advertising. The people of Marigold began to see Kishin not just as a performer, but as a hero, a savior who had come to their aid in their time of need. They flocked to the theater every night, eager to see what new wonders Kishin had in store for them.

But despite the joy he brought to the people, Kishin could not help but notice the damage that still lingered in the city. Cracks and fissures marred the walls of buildings, rubble still littered the streets, and many shops and businesses remained closed.

166 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:39 pm

Kishin knew that there was still much work to be done, but he was determined to see the city restored to its former glory. He worked tirelessly day and night. As he walked through the streets of Marigold, Kishin saw the faces of the people he had helped. Children ran up to him, laughing and hugging him, while parents smiled and thanked him for his work.

Kishin knew that he was not doing this for the rewards or the accolades, but for the simple joy of success. Seeing the smiles on their faces, knowing that he had played a small part in their happiness, was all the reward he needed.

And so he continued to work, day after day, night after night, pouring his heart and soul into the city of Marigold. He knew that there would always be battles to fight and challenges to overcome. He walked through the streets of Marigold, his mask hiding a satisfied smile.

159 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:39 pm

On the final night of the performance, Kishin could feel a sense of sadness creeping in. He knew that it was time for him to move on, to continue his journey and seek out new adventures. But at the same time, he couldn't help but feel a sense of attachment to the performers and the theater.

As the final act came to a close, the audience rose to their feet in a thunderous applause. Kishin felt a lump form in his throat as he watched the performers take their final bows, their faces beaming with pride and satisfaction.

After the show, the performers gathered backstage to celebrate their success. Kishin joined in the festivities, sharing stories and laughter with the talented performers he had grown to know. They thanked him for all that he had done, and Kishin knew that he had made a lasting impact on their lives. Even if he had to remain having an endless life of his own.

162 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:40 pm

As the night wore on, Kishin felt a sense of contentment wash over him. Kishin knew that there were many more adventures to be had, and he was eager to continue his journey. The performers and Kishin drank and celebrated late into the evening. Kishin couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with the performers, as if they had become a part of his family over the past few weeks.

They recounted stories from the show, laughing and joking about their favorite moments. Kishin listened with delight as they described their experiences on stage, their facial expressions and movements coming to life in his mind. The performers also had plenty of questions for Kishin, curious about his unique abilities and his travels. Kishin spoke of his experiences as a lich, of the battles he had fought and the enemies he had defeated.

Despite his lack of magical abilities, Kishin had managed to carve out a place for himself in the world. He had Ghast, his trusty ghost horse, and a never-ending thirst for adventure. The performers began to disperse, making their way back to their respective homes and lodgings. Kishin stayed behind, savoring the last moments of the celebration.

200 wc


Farming Simulator Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 1:40 pm

He looked around the theater, taking in the sights and sounds of the place that had become his temporary home. The stage was dark and quiet, the props and costumes waiting patiently for their next use.

But Kishin knew that this was not the end for the theater, or for the performers. They had breathed new life into the place, and he knew that it would continue to be a hub of culture and entertainment for years to come. As he rode away from Marigold the next day, Kishin couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia for the city and the people he had met there. But he also knew that he was ready for the next adventure, ready to see what the world had in store for him and Ghast.

They rode on through the countryside, the wind in their hair and the sun on their backs. Kishin knew that there would be battles to fight and challenges to overcome, but he was ready for whatever came his way.

As he looked back on his time in Marigold, Kishin knew that he had made a lasting impact on the city and its people. And even though he was a young lich with much to learn and experience, he knew that he had found a sense of belonging in the world, a place where he could make a difference and leave his mark.

234 wc 20% guild reduction

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