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One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social)

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One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 26, 2023 10:12 am


Yuurei would hear Elise, and he wasn’t sure if she was underestimating Renji’s power. Renji didn’t want to go, but when he heard her words he decided to speak up. Of course, he waited for her to finish speaking though as she was telling them how long she could be gone for. He would see that she was done as she lit the other cigarette up.

“I could be of great help Elise. As long as Yuurei provides me with certain things, then I’m a force to be reckoned with. Still, I get why you want to be on your own.” He said as he had learned that Yuurei tended to want to do things on his own.

Still, within the years he knew the young man he had developed into letting people help him out with situations.

Yuurei would hear her speak, and he would hear Renji speak as he was drinking. He would smile at her as he was hoping that she would be on this trip.

“Alright, like Renji said he is strong, but moving on. Do your best to make sure you have everything with you. If you are having a hard time, I will know, and I will come to rescue you if I feel and deem it necessary, but I’m sure you don’t need it.” He said as he had a guild spell that allowed him to do so.

Renji would hear him and he forgot that Yuurei had developed three spells that the guild could use. It was hard to handle all three, but one was enough. He knew what the young man had picked, and it was so his guild mates could never be attacked by scoundrels.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:42 am

It seemed that at least Elise could respect how he was presenting himself and raising himself up as well. Elise however would just say it with the following."Then your place is with the guild master." Elise did state, she was still sticking to her current stance. Even if weird there was a comfort for Elise to do this alone, it was what she was use too. Over time it might be something that changed but Elise knew some what at this time she was stuck in her habits but seemed to take comfort in ones willingness to throw themselves out there.

But with that in mind she merely mentioned."But if your brave enough, or anyone else of the guild is one could wait outside of cave I will be at, after all if your too worried about it you could always wait a few days and enter."Elise was not asking for help, but a means to just in case keep a persons worry at ease while keeping herself comfortable. Elise just had to hope the entire guild did not just camp outside of this cave she was diving into and dealing with these theories of her weather or not it was true.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 03, 2023 7:03 am


Renji would hear her, and he would rub the back of his head. He didn’t enjoy leaving Yuurei’s side. As long as he knew that he was close by it was all that matter to him. Still, he didn’t mind helping others, but it would seem like Elise wasn’t going to budge on help.

“For now I will agree on that, but I am always there to help if you need it.” He said to her.

Yuurei would hear her words and he would smile. He was glad that she was at least compromising that much. This was good, but he didn’t need to be in front of the cave. If she was in serious danger, then he would have known due to his guild insignia.

“I understand, but we won't be too close, we can teleport to you if anything horrible is happening.” He let her know this as he would drink more.

Renji would drink his milk as well he wondered if she was curious as to how Yuurei would be able to teleport to her.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:38 am

Even if she did wonder, there was other things that might be important for another time to ask. As for Elise was more focused if Yuurei had over all ny other questions for her. After all if Elise was just being an open and honest person at this time, it would be odd to waste a chance to ask Elise question to answer while she was honest and comfortable at it at the time."I will be sure to ask if I need it."Elise said it seemed she had seriously kept it in mind.

But just in case she would ask if she maybe was prepared to called it a morning, rather then a evening."Good, any other question you might want to know?"It was left open ended. she expecting something interesting but also almost expected that if over all she was expecting something else out side of work.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 06, 2023 7:06 am


Yuurei would hear her and he would nod as he was glad that she was fine with this. He would hear her again as she asked him if there was anything else he wanted to know about her. He wasn’t sure if she had told him in the past, but he figured he would ask once again. Why did she hold a grudge against the beings such as Daemons and Nephilims? He did remember she told him that they always tried to make people do their bidding but was that all? It would seem like this was the time to ask her to go deeper into that answer.

“Okay, since I’m allowed to ask you some questions. The one thing I’m really curious to know is simple. Why do you want to take out Daemons, Demons, Seraphims, Nephilims, and any other dark creatures that lurk in the night? I know it has to be more than them whispering into the ears of men.” He asked curious to hear what she had to say.

Renji would hear the question that had been asked and he was curious too. He would put his glass of almost finished milk down waiting for Elise to answer the question or avoid.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 07, 2023 4:51 pm

He would get his answer form her, But it would be the last thing Elise did here. As she got up from her chair. Finished her glass of wine. Starting to stretch out her joints that got stiff from sitting there for a while. She would take a casual glance around the room in case anyone else looked at her funny in the room while she answered.

These question she never minded answering. After all Elise's grudge and disliking had yet to seem to fade, She was still ever so determine to execute this plan of hers, Even knowing very well it almost made her seem entirely insane. Using the gods against them selves was a hard to go do, They had to view Elise either as a tool to benefit them, or threat that giving into her demands was only logical to get them off of her case.

"To free us all from their influence....Us human will only destroy one another or get corrupted by them if we keep allowing our selves by being guided them."Elise even stopped for a moment to see if it might have bothered anyone, It seemed Elise had no problem of knowing it was still illogical."Root out what seeks to alter us for their needs..."Then flicking her quickly finished cigarette on to the floor.

Elise did seem aggressive about it, Maybe she could be talked out of lessen how far she was going to attempt with this goal that she could never achieve."Humanity can pick up the piece when it is free."But for now Elise was stuck in her goal. Over all she expected at least one more question about her goal from him. So she would stick around for it. Over all she seemed she was prepared to depart soon.


Last edited by Elise on Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:10 am; edited 1 time in total


One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 12, 2023 7:37 am


Yuurei would see her get up and it would seem like she was done with this. He would smile at her as he was glad that she took the time to spend time with him. He would wait for her to answer his final question. He would hear her words and he wondered if he lived long enough, would he also be a Seraphim who did their best to corrupt humans to do their bidding? He was a Guild master and he already made sure that those within the guild contribute in some form of manner. The only difference was that he allowed them their freedom and to pursue what they wanted.

“I see, so mass genocide, to make sure that the human, elf, and dwarf race are the only race left. That way they are the only ones that can do what is needed to be done and not be influenced by some other being. That is interesting; I would like to see this happen, but I of course don’t want to perish under this.” He said to Elise.

He wondered how strong she could get and he wondered if he could get the entire guild to become strong and high-rank mages and fighters. He had to make sure that everybody would be able to defend themselves no matter what. He knew people weren’t fighters, but they always needed to be prepared. Renji would finish his drink as he could see that Elise was preparing to leave them. He would hop off his seat and he would look at her, but stay near Yuurei.

“I like your thinking Elise. You got a lot of work to do though.” He said to her as he would look at Yuurei.

He would look at Renji and then he would look at Elise with a smile on his face.

“So, what are you going to do now?” He asked her wondering what she would say to him.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 6:37 am

Any words over all about seemed to not really effect Elise. In some manner she most likely heard it before, But she was also assuming that her guild master for some reason might not like the idea either like she was doing something far too harsh. Or Elise stuck in their own mind about some things in her mind."How careless the ones I hunt can be with people...It will be the only way to set it straight."Elise almost seemed equal parts determine as well over all seemingly able to know it was crazy talk.

Over all it seemed she interested when he apparently wanted to see it happen. It was different."Oh? you want to see this happen?..."Elise sounded over all puzzled by that."If you remember anything I have explained, there is a system I work through...Even then logically...I will never complete this goal." Maybe she needed to make sure it was stated again."I phrase things harshly...if one happens to be harmless to the public of the things I hunt...I might be will to grant exceptions to my goal."Then merely left it at that. Hopefully Elise seemed cruel and harsh but fair as well.

In terms what she would do now, it might be a bit funny sounding but Elise was still a nun thus she had some other things she sometimes needed to do."I have some prayers I need to do before the sun rises up."It seemed over all it seemed she had a few things she needed to do. Nuns had rituals she needed to do Elise might be an odd one but she still did these.


Last edited by Elise on Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total


One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 14, 2023 7:50 am


Yuurei would hear Elise speak, and it would seem like she felt like she would never be able to complete this goal. He would look at her and he would nod. It was true, if she stood human she would never be able to complete this goal. Still, he figured that she would only stay human unless she gained the blood of a god and became a Demi-God. That would be interesting, but would she then hate herself for not being a regular person? It was contradicting, but it was what went through his head.

While he thought about that, she told him that she had to do some prayers before daybreak. That was interesting, and honestly, he forgot sometimes that she was a nurse. He would nod listening to her before he decided to speak.

“I see, so you don’t think you can complete it because you won’t live long to finish. Then why don’t you search for a way to live longer? I have a friend, Kaito, you might know him. He transcended from human to a Demi-God, I didn’t ask him the details, but I can ask him for you. Then you would be able to live long enough to finish your goal.” He said to her as he knew she would probably deny this offer.

“Do you go to the church that I met you around to pray in?” He asked as he had built a place for her in Paradise Dawn to be able to do her stuff, and brought people of the church to spread their words to whoever in the guild paid them a visit.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 18, 2023 4:44 pm

Maybe this matter would be quiet an interesting twist for him. But Elise already knew Kaito, She knew a few people from when she arrived here and started travelling north to here. It so far at least up front did not seem like it would be something of Elise's interest. But she also had a problem of being okay with help. So there was some barriers to work through at this time."I think most of the things I have achieved so far where almost seemingly impossible at some point...It is merely at times my stubbornness to try and achieve it in some manner that makes it better."It sounded  illogical for a moment, But as one got to understand Elise it would make more sense over all.

But moving on to Kaito."I know and have met Kaito before.....I have also met his guild master. "Letting it out she knew two people is a bit of a sign Elise seemed to have her web go pretty far."I haven't been too curious about how he achieve that...but I still think he is a bit odd."She recalls Kaito trying to make a move one her in some manner much like in the manner that happen here before as well."As most Fiorians seem odd to me."She was thinking about how previous meetings with other people who where known in this nation. Kaito, Jikan, Kazimir, The Necromancer, The Necromancer's sister, The socially awkward painter. Most of them where fairly interesting if not also  far different then most people she expected to meet in Fiore.

But as for that church."I doubt they want me back there after I got mad some one in it and yelling at them in the middle of the night."Elise mention recalling her encounter with Jikan. Knowing very little of that person beyond just telling her to piss off and that was about it."But if you really think otherwise. I could. I had everything set up at the guild house."Elise had truely been prepared in advance.


Last edited by Elise on Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:09 am; edited 1 time in total


One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 21, 2023 9:26 am


Yuurei would hear her words and it would seem like what he had suggested could possibly be something that she could achieve. He wondered with her being stubborn she could achieve a form of immortality or a way to live even longer than she possibly could.

That was when she had spoken about who she had met, and he chuckled when she said that Kaito was an odd one. He was, but he was genuine and always fighting against something internally. He wasn’t too sure what it was as he was hoping Kaito would tell him one day.

Once she was done speaking about the church and how she didn’t go back there, he was glad that she would be using the one at their guild.

“The guild church that is provided for you is more than open. I’m glad you will be using that one over the one in Orchida. I wonder who got you so upset that you would yell at them.” He was curious to know who it was that pissed Elise off.

Yuurei would then talk about the other matter at hand, which was Kaito. She knew him and thought he was odd, so he wanted to address it.

“Kaito is an odd one alright. He’s always fighting his inner demons. I don’t really know what those are, but I can tell he’s always fighting to stay on the right path at all times. Still, in the end, I can say that Kaito is a genuinely good person, and just wants people to be safe and happy.” He explained to Elise wondering if she saw him in a different light than he did.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 22, 2023 6:00 pm

If anything this all felt like the continuing signs that Yuurei wanted Elise to stay around more when Elise wanted to get out and explore a bit. But this also meant it was seated home base that some one would expected to be at and not risk being asked to leave because some one didn't knock at the door and she started to insult them in minstrel."Long red hair lighter then mine, she spoke minstrel as well. Acting like she owned the place carrying an ego far to massive for her head."That was Elise entire opinion of a person she never got the name of.

It was a vague image of whomever it was. But she had other things to focus on."I can could be more comfortable around Kaito then his guild master....Master Karlinius unnerves me and confuses me at the same time."Elise mentioned about her who she met. Almost like what she expected her meeting with the Fairy Tail Guild Master went different then she assumed it would be.But it showed Elise could socially mention feel like she could stand some one. Weather or not it showed often it was an odd thing."Everyone fights their demons...internally, externally...no doubt whoever I met has them...between Kaito, Master Karlinius, That painter woman from Blue Pegsus, Blue Pegasus' guild master...it is just a common thing everyone deals with." Even if some one might have expected them too for once it did not seem like Elise was down playing people struggles even if she might almost seem like she would.


Last edited by Elise on Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:08 am; edited 1 time in total


One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 26, 2023 10:52 am


Yuurei would listen to her words, and he would think about who she was describing. It wouldn’t take long for him to figure out who It was. There was one person he knew who had long red hair and would act like they owned Orchidia. He shook his head at thinking Jikan would act like that. He figured she would learn from last time, but that wasn’t the case.

“You probably encounter Jikan. She’s the guild master of Sleepy Calamity or Sleeping Calamity. I can’t remember. Either way, she isn’t a threat, but I will have a talk with her soon.” He said to her but was happy that Jikan drove her to use the guild for more of her stuff.

He never met the Fairy Tail’s guild master. Even when they fought, and he saw the guild masters from every guild show up, that specific person would never show up. Instead, it would be Kaito who made his appearance, which he found interesting, but comforting at the same time.

Yuurei didn’t know who the painter from Blue Pegasus was but knew who the guild master was as she was his former guild master.

“Understood. I’ve never met the guild master from Fairy Tail. Alisa was once my guild master.” He knew that she was trying to leave, so he would get up and he would escort her out.

“I will let you be on your way though, I know you have things to do, so I won’t keep you waiting for very long.” He said to Elise with a smile on his face.



One's Day Off. Part One(Open Social) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 28, 2023 9:07 am

It seems Elise's reaction would most likely not be shocking."Is that her name? here I was just going to call her something a bit more creative for a nickname."Elise seemingly however held back insults only because she might have been stopping herself from going on a rant."Oh? you wish to willingly speak to her? you poor soul..."Elise did leave it at that.

Elise would give her a personal warning about Judith at least you had to take this from the view of a Elise rather then in general for how she normally acted and seemed and her normally a less social nature."Judith...is...nosey...she asked me when was the last time i ate, if i was drinking enough water, When i am going to give up smoking and asked if i had enough food for my travels,if I got enough sleep.."Elise seemed to shiver for a moment. This was just normal to Elise to try just doing things on her own and she would get by, It showed Judith was oddly friend and caring even to strangers. Elise was just a different kind of person she was not use to caring or kindness.

But seemingly being allowed to go now Elise did seemingly nod to the manner."I will be back eventually. Things are exactly as I need them to do side from maybe good sleep."At least it was left off with something that Elise could figure that she had planned everything exactly how she wanted it too and nothing was wrong. Oddly most likely different and seemingly now out of place of Elise she actually did the normal thing of waving too bye to him. Weather or not that was too different or out of place for how most could view Elise was up to Yuurei. But she seemingly was most likely trying to be somewhat social with her own struggles.



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