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Time To Open A New Shop

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Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:25 am

It was time it would seem for Ikanbi of the sands to reach deep into her pockets and do something she hadn't done in a while, spend her hard earned money on something ridiculous. That is, however, she had earned hard, but the money was hardly hers. Yes, she had family money to speak of, the fuck you money that others dreamed of. She dropped it in Talaz Lagar, in the commissioners office. "Yeah?" He scanned over the paperwork that Ikanbi had given him whilst Ikanbi waited patiently. She scanned him with her machine eyes and found him of absolutely no threat whatsoever. Except, bureaucratically, he was of no importance or mana baring concern.

Ikanbi smiled and shifted her weight onto the other other prosthetic legs and wondered exactly just how she might flip some other properties she had been eyeing in the harbor. What delightful little secrets she would find here.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:26 pm

For now, the mechanic shop would do. It had a huge garage and a large fenced in backyard. It was large enough to fit several mechs in, easily.

The building was incredibly tall, easy to build multiple floors of infrastructure into, it already had several after market modifications to speak of. To the side of the building was a huge lot with a fence and several gates, and then the entire complex surrounding that was further encased by greenery, stone, flowing water, and many trees, huge.

The main mechanic garage was massive and had a few floors of offices built into it as well as three floors of basement. It was quite bizarre really, she couldn't believe it, ofncourse she had to buy it, it was perfect. The upper most third floor above the ground level had a private bar, with a billiards table, ping pong, TV, radio, drinks, drugs, mech parts, weapons, paraphanelia of all sorts. It was a rough time.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:31 pm

Ikanbi fixed it up and gave it a really nice clean makeover. She outfitted it with magic security cameras. It was going to be great.

She bought the three buildings next to it too. Two to the west and one to the north. Ikanbi had a vision, it wouldn't be stopped it could only be delayed. She knew what she could do with the right tools.

They began work on the first building more thoroughly, Ikanbi hired a crew and they all took a detailed inventory of absolutely everything that the Mechanics Workshop had had to offer. They sweeped from top to bottom, all six floors. They even had a magic scanner to make sure they didn't miss anything and they used it to find the hidden rooms and passageways between different parts of the building as well as the hidden exits to outside. They began to very elaborate magic security camera system, which was incredibly intricate and had a very specific company from Talaz Lagar come to set it up, Ikanbi paid them handsomely.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:35 pm

They began painting certain parts of the building, things that were going to stay. Everything got nice dark colors, and the lighting became much more dim, it was like being in a sunset, dusk, almost night time, but not quite. The light was nice soft yellowy orange, with purples here and there, and the floor was black marble. There were several central columns that one could see on the first floor, they rose all the way to the third floor, and they too were a nice dark black marble. There were chandeliers hanging from the ceiling, high up at the third floor, but their lighting was magical and somewhat dark blue, purple, and black in color, they did not give of much in the name of brightness.

All of this could be seen from the first floor, but not upon first entering the building. No, there was a lobby, a waiting area before the main garage where the columns were situated.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 6:52 pm

The first floor had several automobiles, aerial ships, scoots, motorcycles, manabikes, bicycles, gliders, ornithopters, airplanes, hot air balloons, blimps, train cars, trucks, vans, busses, boats, submarines, and various manners of engines and mechanical knick knacks as far as the eyes could see. They lines the walls, the floors, everything, but it was all arranged nicely, neatly, very well organized. There were tools, so many tools, and paints, cans of compressed gasses of various types, forges, computes, mana batteries, generators, fuels, ingots of many different types of metals, rubbers, fabrics. It was a great workshop, capable of fixing and restoring much of anything mechanical that might come up in or around talaz Lagar.

It also had a very impressive inventory of completely in tact and functioning vehicles of that mentioned above, not just half disassembled ones and parts. The beginning of the room, closest to the south and facing the lobby and waiting room towards the front entrance grounds outside, thats where the land crafts were. Just past that were the sea craft, and then in the back furthest to the north was the Air craft. Through the top of the building, there were many sections in the roof that could be opened via magic to allow the air craft out easily enough.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 9:10 pm

She decided to try out some of the merchandise at some point, she got onto a mana bike and with a pit of guidance from one of the locals, the two of them set out to the streets and Ikanbi discovered she rather enjoyed mana bikes, they were quite fun little things for certain. She had picked a nice black one with yellow accents on it and she wore a nice matching yellow helmet. She tore through the streets very carefully, but eventually she did get the hang of it and enjoyed riding around on the mana bike very much indeed. She also enjoyed the boats and the air ships, they were quite fun in their own regards. There was a giant drill on the end of a ball cockpit too that could burrow underground and dig for miles that was also rather interesting. All in all, there were a great abundance of toys and goodies for Ikanbi and her friends to play with and try out. It of course meant lots of maintenance however.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:47 pm

The grand harbor was a boon for resources truly and so Ikanbi inspected it most duly. Truly then she moved about and hopped and put to work her machia prosthetic legs and her hermes soul, leaping about and surveilling the terrain. Over time, she became accustomed to the land, the sounds, the people, the places. She had bought many things, many properties here in the Grand Harbor. She had purchased a bar where many black market dealings were known to occur, she had settled herself in as a fence, a peddler and pawner, trader, disappearer, procurer of things and stolen goods.

She was quite good at it.

The bar was all black on the inside and had a nice staff of security, it functions exactly as it had before she had taken ownership, except, all of the broken things were now fixed, and it had gotten cleaned up considerably and given a bit of a makeover. The lighting was exactly the same as you first entered, but it grew dimmer and darker as you drew to the back of the building, where things were a little more different than it used to be on the inside.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:50 pm

She sat down in the back of the bar, in the dark and dim dull grey purple lighting and sipped on her drink, a magical drug and alcohol cocktail that made you see sounds and hear colors, as well as very much enjoy food things. Food things indeed, for Ikanbi had helped herself to sampling a variety of famous Talaz Lagar Snacks, the bar had a capable grill cook and he whipped up all sorts of wonderful treats for her, including some Machia-only things that were quite wonderful in their own different and metallic way. She heard a lot, sitting in the bar, for everyone continued business as usual. There were those doing under the table deals, trades, contracts, bounties. There were those doing above the table collaborative work, out in the open, excitedly and happily talking about their latest designs and schematics. At least for today, life was rather good, Ikanbi relented.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 10:56 pm

Sitting in the back at the bar, Ikanbi fiddled with a little computer she had been working with, working on a little program to help with the potion temperature monitor. It would cut the boiling time efficiency down tremendously if it could be monitored more easily via a mana circuit, obviously. She moved the vial over and turned on the open flame, then surged the glyph of magic around it with wind and sent it into the beaker with the cords of silver and quartz as the focus and components.

Perfect, she thought to herself after a moment. This will do just fine, she figured to herself. She examined her work and grinned to no one in particular but then brought out several more of them and continued labelling and affixing them with their silver and quartz and arranging them methodically so that they formed an aesthetically pleasing arrangement. A circle. It will do for now, she supposed.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:01 pm

At one point while in the large Garage Ikanbi went out into the back yard late at night, it hard a large retractable canopy and was fenced in, it was absolutely massive, she turned on the yard lights and found them incredibly aesthetically pleasing, and after a lot of work she had turned the back yard into something amazing.

Part of the yard was a farm, part of it was a bonfire, part of it was a lake, part of it was a forest, part of it was underground hidden passages, part of it was more mechanic stuff. It was absolutely huge and expanded for miles into the forest, and the whole thing was surrounded by a very nice magic fence with sensors, monitors, surveillance, recording, and proximity and motion detection. If something possessed mana, a Machia eye would see it. It was a very nifty and efficient system. Never the less, she was only in the part of the yard immediately attached to the mechanic warehouse and she began to practice her magic.

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:06 pm

The white mana flew around Ikanbi's body and surged outwards as sher body lunged forwards at a tremendous speed, flying into the night with grace and precision as she began training with her Hunter mentors. She had to learn the dash techniques, it was a calling in her soul. In order to truly become the absolute giga chad Hermes Godkin that she was meant to be, she would need to master dashing spells and utilize them unlike any other. She lunged forwards again, colliding her prosthetic arm in a strike with her training partner. She did it again, sending out the white mana and allowing it to fly her forwards. Her god soul smashed back, sending her partner backwards and knocking them prone. So far, it was working as anticipated, it was a simple spell after all. Basically, one had only to utilize wind as one of its most basic things, a force of, well, wind. It was a gust that pushed Ikanbi swiftly in the direction of her choosing, it was a wonderful and excellent little thing that she was beginning to get a little better at. She remembered a time when she could hardly use the spell at all, attempting to do it whilst training in the lava fields with Kon. How long ago that had been. She summoned the white mana again and her body lunged forwards with great speed, causing a knockback that blasted the area around her where she used to be. It was vicious and vibrant, and windy. It was her Hermes soul spewing forth wonderfulness into the world.

250/500 D-Rank Wind Dash Spell

Last edited by Ikanbi on Sun Sep 29, 2024 4:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sat Sep 28, 2024 11:23 pm

The white mana flew out from Ikanbi as the glyph shot throughout and launched her forwards into the night. She did it again and collided with her training partner, sending them downwards with a nice hard elbow as Ikanbi then turned around and delivered a follow up strike with her etherium hand, aiming it squarely between the shoulder and elbow of her opponent's left arm before using another dash spell to slide away, which then knocked them back again. It was a tedious and grueling task but it was efficient in a manner she supposed. Still, the training was rather fun if she was being honest with herself. Her opponent channeling their mana and a glyph formed around their body, and Ikanbi's knockback on the next pass didn't work as intended, causing her to frown. Ah well, she had her fun while she could she supposed. Still, she continued to summon forwards the glyphs and the white mana and fly about the back yard in the darkness. The retractable canopy overheard gave some great privacy, it even encased some of the sides above the fence to the west and the east, but even some of the land to the west had been purchased now, so it didn't particularly matter that much. Ikanbi surged with the mana and darted forwards again.

She looked at the lights and took them in, they were beautiful in just the right way. She liked the orange and purple lighting, the dim darkness, the spookiness, it was kinda neat, it was cute, she liked it. She adjusted the module and turned on some of the nice pink lights as well, here and there, and then for a while she just paused and enjoyed the sound of the water flowing.

500/500 D-Rank Wind Dash Spell

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Sun Sep 29, 2024 5:57 pm

It was another day and another round of training in the back yard of the Mechanic's Warehouse, a nice little addition to The Collective of sorts of Ikanbi's own. She had to make it work, she had to, there was an idea brewing in that mind of hers and she had a vision on how to bring it forwards into fruition. Still, there was quite a bit of work to do. Ikanbi persisted, she continued onwards with the task at hand. The white wind mana formed the glyph and Ikanbi shot forwards quickly, sending out a wave of knockback energy that shot out from where she had used to have been. It sent her training partners down, knocking them prone momentarily as Ikanbi turned around from the end of her lunge. She readied her weapon, they were using staffs today

She prepared the spell again as her opponent got up and lunged towards them, bringing her staff in strongly from her right sight, swinging in to the opponent's left, they raised their staff to block and Ikanbi whizzed past them, beginning to surge with mana again as glyphs again began to form around her feet. She would launch forwards again with the white mana, the power of the Hermes soul launching her forwards and sending her opponent backwards with the force of the knockback. The wind was strong, it tore through the area around her as she dashed, the great god soul within her stirring up and spewing forth wind calamity in the wake of her lunge.

250/500 d-rank wind dash spell

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 7:10 am

The white mana flew throughout Ikanbi's body and the glyph launched from her feet, sending her forwards in a gust of wind that flurried around her sharply and knocked everything away from where she had been. Then, Ikanbi threw that ass in a circle. She grasped her staff and swung the lower end of it upwards as her body surged with the white mana once again. She launched herself forwards and send another explosive blast behind her, a flurry of wind that knocked back everything all sorts of ways.

She readied herself now for her opponents. "Okay."

She had three opponent's today, two in the front and one more behind those two. The one in the back spoke to the other. "You're the control and if that fails, I'm the damage." They had said, though Ikanbi was able to hear them. The wind mana shuffled around Ikanbi as she stepped forwards closer to the group of them, within a few steps pace. She stepped between them and the glyph fired off, lunging her just a few more paces forwards so that she burst between the two in the front and went straight to the one in the back, causing a gust of wind to knock the two in the front back and away from Ikanbi and the other one.

"Oh yea?" Said Ikanbi as her staff collided with the targets armor, crushing into the left shoulder. She followed up with another strike to the same spot, then another, then a strike coming from Ikanbi's left and to the target's right temple, though this was blocked by the targets own staff raising upwards just in time. Ikanbi surged with the white mana and dove backwards suddenly, knocking that target down and flying towards the one that had been on her right originally, suddenly slamming into them with her staff.

500/500 d-ranked wind dash spell

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:25 am

The objective was simple, really, the targets were to be bound in place, and if that failed, then cause lots of damage. Okay, yeah sure enough, but it was still a training exercise. Their were eight targets in total, and Ikanbi had two partners. "Alright, I'm ready when you are." She said into the radio. "Let's move out." She heard back. "Yeah." Said the other one. The lights grew dimmer, then darker, and Ikanbi surveyed the area before them. "I see the first targets." She said, as their silhouettes came into view, their mana signatures began to register within her heart of hearts and she could see them for what they were mathematically worth. How convenient, she had thought to herself. Suddenly, she wasn't entirely sure it was such a grueling task to train with the others. For certain, she could at least relay some information.

Her Hermes soul suddenly resonated within her and she began to formulate something that she thought she could bring into fruition with a bit of hextech work and luck. She put the thought to the side for a moment. She thought of a polearm that would be quite nifty if she could use it in just the way she had really wanted to. She summoned forth the white mana and the wind glyphs shot out of her hands, a gale of wind burst forth into several of the targets and caused a ruckus, and the opponents felt themselves drained, as though they were suddenly tired, it was exhausting really. Ikanbi surged with mana again and darted into them, holding her staff sideways, parallel to the ground and horizontal, it knocked the both of them prone immediately they were caught off guard by her sudden appearance. The two of them were winded, truly, and Ikanbi spun around, her heel colliding with one of them's heads immediately and her staff smacking firmly into the other one's head three times.

300/500 d-ranked wind debuf spell

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:37 am

The young spellsword to be surged forwards with another burst of speed with the aid of her Hermes soul and the wind lurched behind her violently, tearing the ground apart and knocking back the knocked out bodies of the two downed fighters as she soared into the next one with a fierce crashing shoulder charge straight into their stomach, which knocked them back harshly. Horendously they fell down and Ikanbi again spun with a heel, though this time it was a follow up to where she had struck into their stomach, as well as sending her staff straight into them with a violent twist and yank into their inner left thigh, then several hard blows to their right thigh, she then moved on. She could see the next group and continued listening in on the radio as her teammates talked about how quiet it was and how they hadn't seen or heard of anything yet what so ever. It was wild to her, really, how they hadn't found anyone or heard anything yet, but, no matter.

She sent forth the blast of wind, the debilitating cursed wind that she knew would be a hindrance, she sent it forwards to the next two targets with a grin, though they couldn't see it, and she knocked the both of them off of their fit with vicious spinning maneuvers where the staff went under their legs and she pivoted around the cause them to fall.

500/500 d-ranked wind debuff speed spell

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:02 pm

Ikanbi of the sands wasn't done yet, there was still some more training to do, yes, there was wind to mastery and wield. She willed the white mana forwards and the white glyphs fluttered about her feet as she launched through the air in a lunge, taking off with a jump and leaving the explosive wind behind. The chadlike wind knocked about and tossed her opponent's aside, Ikanbi turned and smacked her staff into the sides of their heads, three to the first one, two to the second one. The willed the white glyphs forwards once again and burst off into the trees in the darkness. There was one more target, for now. Where would they be? She didn't know, but surely she would find them if she tried even just a little, right?

She persisted onwards into the grove and eventually did see the mana signature in the night. Excellent, she had thought to herself. She had still had complete radio silence from the others in her group. They must be terribly far behind, or lost, or both. Probably both. She continued onwards and enjoyed herself, the thrill of the game, the thrill of the chase, the thrill of the hunt. It was a fun little sport, really, in its own way. Ikanbi continued onwards. She willed the white mana forwards into glyphs that she shot out as a cloud of wind onto the last target, debilitating them, or at least she thought.

She summoned it forwards again, the white mana glyphs forming along her hands and launching the wind forwards onto her target, debilitating them further. No, something still wasn't quite right she could tell.

250/500 d-rank endurance debuff spell

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

Time To Open A New Shop Empty Mon Sep 30, 2024 11:34 pm

The brought forwards the white mana again and again the glyphs flew from her hands to send forwards a a furious gust of wind onto her target. Again the wind assailed them from afar and hindered their progress. It was a harsh, cruel, debilitating wind. It would surely wreck havoc on their bodies and make them feel horrible pain all over. She did it again. She brought forth the white mana and sent out the glyphs from her hands once more. Once more she sent out the gust of foul wind that would drain and cause despair and anguish upon her targets. Ikanbi pressed forwards and began to do it again.

The wind kicked up and the white mana pulled white glyphs into fruition around her wrists and she shot the blast forwards, it tore through the air as air itself, a gust of wind that would ravage and wreck and rain debilitation down upon her opponent. It was a good spell, she supposed, a nifty little number that would likely be most useful if she used it most correctly. She wondered just how she could push it, how many people she could drop it on at the same time, was it even really doable? Was it?

She would find out soon enough, she would surely get the chance, for Ikanbi would continue her training long into the night. There was a lot to do, there were many spells to practice, she could feel them resonating in her god soul. The call of the wind, the call to be free, untethered, unbound to the earth. Freedom. Freedom?

Ikanbi surged with the white mana once again.

500/500 d-rank Endurance debuff spell

Time To Open A New Shop BgYy4ZU

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