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The Snake & The Owl Dragon [Harpa]

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The Snake & The Owl Dragon [Harpa] Empty Sat Mar 11, 2023 10:44 am


She licked her lips as she tries to place flowers in specific places. Her sibling's shrines are here, and her Shrine was still nowhere to be found. She wondered where it could be and wondered if she should find someone to ask about it. She of course couldn't tell them it was her since she is still banned to be worshiped publicly. The Goddess knew that worshipping the Kami was forbidden for the past century because of Ayame, the current Shogun.

She wore a black cloak with long black gloves. Her pants were brown and baggy as boots were her feet's cover. Surely enough she was now done with placing flowers. Eyes could be felt gazing at her as they were unsure of who or what she was. Any high priest that was worthy enough though would know, but she kept her gaze of bleeding red and onyx away from public eyes. Thankfully, it was night time though so her eyes were hard to see anyways.


The Snake & The Owl Dragon [Harpa] Empty Mon Mar 13, 2023 2:02 am

Looking over the edge of the mountain area, Harpa sighed and glanced towards his older brother nervously as the snake made its way up the dirt trail. He still didn’t understand why Jiādé didn't just turn human, he understood Bái’s reasoning, he was smaller than the two of them, so it would take their younger brother more energy to keep up, but keeping himself firmly but gently wrapped around Harpa’s shoulders and neck, head buried into the lavender strands just cause extra weight for the demi-human, as he walked behind Jiādé. Another sigh left Harpa, only for Jiādé to stop and glance towards him, hissing irritated. “Climb on if you are so fed up with walking, I'm sick of hearing your sighs.” A flinch ran through Harpa, as he stared at his brother with owlish eyes. Jiādé had never really shouted at him before, so this was a whole new feeling, they were both usually shouting at Bái instead, as Bai was more mischievous than the two of them. “Sorry… Gege…” If snakes could roll their eyes, both Bái and Harpa knew the large snake was doing said action right now.

Bái buried himself into Harpa’s large white and lavender pea coat, as the middle brother climbed onto the part of Jiādé’s body that he usually did, and the elder brother continued his way up the mountain. Their aim was the temple at the top, they were curious if the higher beings in this country could help them figure out how they could meet the mother of all creation, from Harpa’s apparent homeland of Sin, though they were not hoping for much, since the friendship between all the countries seemed to be almost apocalyptic when it came to being kind to one and other. “I hope we can find something out about who you are, Harpa-ge.” A small hum left Harpa with a nod at what Bái had hissed out from under his collar. “And Jiādé-ge don't be so harsh, it’s Harpa’s first time climbing a mountain, you should know this.” A hiss, that if he Jiādé was human right now, would be a scoff more than anything was the reply Bái received, and Harpa just quietly curled in on himself when he heard the hiss.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

The Snake & The Owl Dragon [Harpa] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

The Snake & The Owl Dragon [Harpa] Empty Sat Mar 25, 2023 3:38 pm


The sleepy Goddess started to hum softly, a tune that made all stay away from her. It was beautiful, but also haunting. The flowers the intertwined were spider lilies and flowers of white and lilac, her colors. Blue and purple are also related to her as the souls of the underworld, but when it comes to flowers, those were hers. She hated red, red was the color of trickery, but it was also the color of the thing that makes her go insane. "Mmmm," she hummed and finally stood up from the Shrines to walk towards the table that serves tea. As she sat down she saw soon enough a person that was not like the others here. This one had snakes with them. Companions like her dear Ohta? She wondered, but was not going to ask. She lifted up her hand and a Priest came over, bowing their head respectfully. "How can I help you G-, Miss?", they asked and she nodded towards the person. "I invite them to sit with me, a free drink and food for them and their companions," she says. He nodded and walked slowly to them to invite.


The Snake & The Owl Dragon [Harpa] Empty Sun Apr 02, 2023 9:39 am

Hopping off Jiādé when they reached the top of the mountain, Harpa looked around in wonder at the shrine and trees, Bái hissed a little in amazement as well. Stepping onto the sacred ground, Harpa brought his hands closer to himself, finger tips covered by the striped sleeves, as Bái wrapped himself around the middle brother's shoulders a little more and Jiādé  stayed behind him, being careful of where he moved his large body structure. "This place is huge..." Jiādé hissed at that, almost like a laugh, which Bai just hissed back at the elder for. "Not everyone is as big as you, Jiade-ge. Shut up."

Pausing Harpa squinted a little as he blinked, and nodded to the man who made his way over to them, glancing at Jiādé nervously he turned back to the man. "H-Hi..." Facepalming to himself Harpa sighed, he'd spoken in serpentine, not an actual language this normal person could understand, clearing his throat Harpa tried again. "Sorry... H-Hi... We're just here to... look around..." Hopefully this man can understand Fiorian because it's the only other language Harpa knew.

Serpentine #9E7D36 ☽•☾ Fiorian #0C803E
Bái #ED2939 ☽•☾ Jiādé #C09FEC
☆ • Harpa's Notebook • ☆ • Harpa's Files • ☆ • Harpa's Quest Logs • ☆

The Snake & The Owl Dragon [Harpa] FVWV4PK

STR : 22 | SPD : 25 | CON : 24 | END : 24 | INT : 23

The Snake & The Owl Dragon [Harpa] Empty Sun Apr 02, 2023 10:07 am


He bowed his head, "I am here to invite you to sit with the Miss over there," he told them in Fiorian as they learned some from tourists. They better be respectful to the Kami.a He thought as he kept their genuine calm smile. If they agreed, they will escort to Mishiko who is looking at them with her abyssal eyes and X pupils of red rubies. She lifted her leg to have it rest on the other side. She leaned and had her elbow on the table and chin resting on the hand. Her head tilted as she scanned them with her eyes. "Get them a menu," she spoke in Joyan as he hurried over to get a Menu without asking any questions. They gave them a menu and asked what they both wanted. Mishiko gave her answer in her ghostly alluring tone in Joyan. If they decided not to join her then she will then get up and engage herself.

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