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They Don't Listen (SL)

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#1Go D. Drakkon 

They Don't Listen (SL) Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:27 am

Go D. Drakkon

“You can still change your mind Toge. Please just come back with us, and things can return to normal.” They said to him.

Toge would hear his words and he would have a smile on his face.

“I can’t, but you guys can leave. I hope you just turn around and go back home. Tell Drakon, he doesn’t need me. He’s strong enough to conquer all of Hosenka if he wanted to.” He said to them.

They would hear him, but it wouldn’t change their mind. He would shake his head s he knew this was going to happen when they approached him.

“I got a bunch of stubborn people that I picked up. But that is why I chose you guys. Show me what you guys got.” He said to them as they would nod and rushed to him.

It had begun, and the companions would just shake their heads because this was going to be messy.


#2Go D. Drakkon 

They Don't Listen (SL) Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:28 am

Go D. Drakkon
They would attack Toge and he would dodge their attacks one at a time. He had gotten stronger, but he could tell it was the same for them. It was then he would feel a punch hit his helmet. It would shake him to his core as he stumbled a bit. It was then he would swing his scythe. He had it turned around, so it was more a long stick than it was a sharp object. It would smack against one of them and they would feel their bone crack. It caused them to widen their eyes as they fell to the ground from the pain.

He would see another person coming for him and he would crouch to avoid their attack. It was then he would dig straight into them and pick them up into the air. They would fly over him and hit the ground hard due to him tossing them.

After he had done that someone would punch his armor a few times as they knew that Toge always wore these things.


#3Go D. Drakkon 

They Don't Listen (SL) Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:28 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would feel the punches on his abdomen as he flinched a bit. These guys were stronger than they were before, but that was exciting. The pain from the blows would make him happy and he would counter with a headbutt on the man’s forehead. He would stumble from the blow, and Toge would thrust his foot into their chest. They would gasp for air from the force and would fall to the ground. He would look at them as if they weren’t hesitating. Still, he had put a few down, and more to take on.

Boo watched this and he wanted to help, but he knew the only thing he could do was heal him at the end of this. The other two watched as they knew that everything would be or should be fine. Toge would look over to his right as he would see someone running straight to him. He would swing down his scythe as he would bonk him right on the head.

This would cause him to fall straight to the ground as it was a massive blow.


#4Go D. Drakkon 

They Don't Listen (SL) Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:29 am

Go D. Drakkon
Toge was excited to be able to do this, but there was a feeling lingering. The fight was good, the beating was good, and the blows to him were amazing, but it bothered him that the people he was harming were those loyal to him. He would shake that feeling and he would continue. He had already done enough by not aiming to kill them. They were still coming for him, and he was glad about that, they weren’t hesitating to fight him even though they knew who he was. It shows their resolve on wanting him back.

“You need to do more, fight, and beat me.” He said to them. They weren’t strong enough, but their persistence was great.

It was then he would feel three people land a blow on him, and he would look at them as if it would seem like they were thinking on their feet. He gasped for air from the blow even though his armor had done the protecting. It was coming to the part that it might break on the next hit.


#5Go D. Drakkon 

They Don't Listen (SL) Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:29 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would make the moves now as he approached one of his guys. He would swing his scythe with full force as he would clobber him on the side of his head. When he did that he would see a guy approach him and he would land a lariat on him. This would cause the man to flip onto the ground and moan from the pain. He would look at him and then he would feel someone hit him on the back of his head. He would feel his helmet coming off as if it had been damaged.

He would look at whoever did this with a smile on his face. He would shake his head as he would swing his body around. His scythe connected on the man’s torso as he was sent flying. He would feel the pain from the last blow and that was when more of his group had approached him.


#6Go D. Drakkon 

They Don't Listen (SL) Empty Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:30 am

Go D. Drakkon

Toge would just shake his head and they would all start fighting. He would continue his assault on the guys that were in front of him. It would seem like they didn’t know when to give up, but he wasn’t going to either. He knew that he would have to take them all out, which is what he was working toward. It was then he would take several of them down. They would see his expression on his face as he was enjoying the thrill of battle. They had punched him in his face and the wounds would appear and the blood would drip, but it would make him happier to push forward.

It wouldn’t take long, but Toge would be panting as he had them all on the ground. He would look at each and every one of them with a smile on his face. The battle was over and Boo would heal start to heal him and everybody on the floor as he knew Toge didn’t want them dying on him, but was this the end?

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