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From One Adventurer to Another [Skald]

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From One Adventurer to Another [Skald] Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:08 pm

Icebreaker didn’t really know that many people in joya, but what she did know that it was difficult for a lot of her kind here. Even with the new struggles leading into different governments or the like it was rarely an easy transition for those left behind. Remembering the old ways were sometimes easier than encouraging folks to change. She sat there calmly drinking out of her gourd; enjoying the taste of the sake from the source.

It was a night that she didn’t really think would go anywhere or go anyplace important. It wasn’t hard for her to think that; given one of the most interesting people she had already met. But you never knew what the world would give you and with her sitting on a collapsed wall watching people walk back and forth well…

Her ears perked up and she’d stare a little more intently as she noticed something that… Well she hadn’t seen before or rather, hadn’t seen a type of it in a very long time. They almost looked nervous somehow?

Hopping down from the wall, she'd pad towards where she thought they were heading to...


From One Adventurer to Another [Skald] Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:14 pm

Joya was a strange place for him to be, a strange place for him to set foot in. Many people stared at him when he wasn’t wearing some kind of disguise, some kind of something to hide his many tails or foxish looks. It was aggravating to think that he was anything but what these people thought of him. That being a kitsune, one of the forest. Many of them tried to give him things, gifts, treats, like he’d give them favor. Some even asked him in a language he didn’t speak. Making him hurry along a little more.

It was nerve wracking to the point of where he wasn’t watching where he was going; running headlong into what felt like a slab of beef. Nearly knocking himself silly and landing on his tails. Looking straight up he was gifted with the sight of deep blue eyes, white fur and… This being reminded him of someone that he had met a long time ago but… He knew that person was dead. Slowly pushing himself up from the ground he’d ask softly.

I didn’t hurt you did I?

He was sure he didn’t they felt sturdy to him. But then again everything felt sturdy to him, the walls, the constant pressure. There was a lot he didn’t know how to handle and this was one of them…


From One Adventurer to Another [Skald] Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:16 pm

Icebreaker couldn’t help but be amazed that her sense of direction didn’t screw this up and with a smirk as the small fox man bumped into her she’d reach out to help him up. Shaking her head as he asked his question. Silly that he thought that he could hurt her; he looked the gentle type. One that wasn’t prone to violence even if his outfit told her he was trying his best. Thinking to herself she’d hand him the gourd, pat his shoulder and pad towards where he came from.

If he was nervous about being followed or the like, she’d be able to dissuade people by her mere presence, not to mention her sheath and sword hilt would make folks think that she was some samurai or ronin on patrol. Even them out pretty quick she figured. She would have hummed or something like that but she couldn’t; all she did do was just make a fox very very nervous.



From One Adventurer to Another [Skald] Empty Tue Jun 27, 2023 4:21 pm

Being handed the gourd and patted on the shoulder was a bit baffling to the fox, looking up the much larger entity didn’t even give him their name. Walking past with their hand on their sword and it looked like they were going to talk to someone on his behalf. Which made him even more nervous how they’d know in the first place. Stumbling upwards for a moment he’d hurry along. He didn’t want to waste whatever precious time this being was going to buy him from the folks who wanted to seek his favor.

Heading out of joya or elsewhere in general was probably a wise idea. Either that or sticking around in this part was just going to lead to a host of problems. He didn’t claim to be a forest spirit or kitsune but people kept putting words in his mouth or thinking that he was being just… humble? He didn’t know how to handle that at all either if he was being frank…


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