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Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito)

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Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 4:43 am

It seemed some how again Averie ended up here in Talaz Lagaar. Over all she seemed to be lingering about searching for something. Anyone over all who knew Averie she was always looking for something or at something. Even muttering to herself for a mere moment."What ever it is, it is suppose to be in this area, She did tell me it was here."Averie was saying to herself in caelum as she walked about.

There was line of conversation Averie overheard while she was roaming about here again. Helena and some one her sister had left unnamed lead Averie towards some kind of staff that gave off magical almost undead in nature. It was vague and over all explain too much. Which Averie did not mind hearing so little she just needed to find it.

So she was over all searching a general area with no exact clues of where this object was. Averie was a bit over all still looking in stuck, searching for this with no idea what it was. But her focus there. A staff was normally an out of place object here thus she had to wonder why she did not find it yet.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Sat Aug 05, 2023 6:49 am


Kaito entered the scene being told this place was making strange weapons, armors and parts so he was going to check it out and find out where they were being stored while trying not to get himself into trouble. This place seemed quite busy with the sounds of the machines that were building normal robotic parts for the people as well as replacement pieces for tech of this island. He sees someone that he had not seen for a bit and he walked over to her. "Well if it isn't Averie, what brings you here?" His voice was kind and welcoming to the woman and he gently patted her on the back with his gloved hand.

He feels kind of like they were being watched from somewhere. Revy comes running to catch up as she had gotten side tracked at looking at some of the pieces that were on display in the front of the fabricator at a vender trying to get common and better quality stock moving fresh off of being made to the people Revy loved to build things so it was a pretty common thing for her to get lost at looking at things like that then she see Averie and she in a teasing voice says. "For how much you two bump into each other it is almost like fate wants you two, to get together." She giggled and then she looked around a bit as she wonders if their is a separate area that they make this strange items at or if the fabricator was just well hidden in the group of them.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Sun Aug 06, 2023 6:21 am

It would break her focus for a moment, Because well some one knew her here and she was not expecting it, If anything it was a strange matter over all because she was assuming no one else would find her, unless there was a reason for it. But Averie did trail upon her thoughts far too much."Huh?"She mentioned yet again in Caelum while she around her. It seemed even if it was for a moment it was now easily seen her focus.

But it was Kaito and thus most likely there was not much else really to worry about. But since he wanted to know. So back to Fiorian language it was for her."I am here on a lead that my sister told me about."It was hinting that Helena was here in Talaz Lagaar, But since Kaito knew Helena's nature of magic it was most likely not all that shocking to learn that Averie's sister was here in this nation. Just where she would pop up was easily guessed if some one where ever go actually seeking her out.

But surely it seemed whatever it was, Averie was super fixated on finding it."Some kind of staff that might have to do with my sect of magic."So needless to say Averie was not going to just be taking a casual stroll as she kept walking. Not wasting any time it was a pretty strong pace over all a magic staff based around Averie's sect of magic was a strange thing so it was logical for Averie to start trying to find it.

It was not Averie trying to be rude with how small of conversation she was having at the time but she was on a mission. Averie was just trying to find a staff she did not mention really any detail in which might not help her.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Mon Aug 07, 2023 10:18 am


He walked up to Averie and he gently puts his arm around her to stop her for a second. Then he got in front of her so she will look at him. "Well if it has your aspect then maybe it is in with the dud items as they couldn't get it to work for themselves so they thought it didn't work at all." He started leading her toward where those items would be by the hand. He was sure that the area for duds was around there somewhere.

Revy comes running following after them wondering if she was going to need to do anything as she was watching them but Kaito was being kind of pushy to get Averie to follow him which was kind of out of the normal for him as he was usually just a make a suggestion and they follow the person if they take his idea but this time he had been very pushy with her. Kaito was just trying to help and if it is in with the duds then it could be destroyed to be remade into something else so this was a thing that had to be dealt with swiftly.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Tue Aug 08, 2023 4:24 pm

Averie's social flaws where going to show for a moment and peer out blank.Averie thought the they in mention was her sister. Thus she looked a bit confused at this point even just mentioning it as much."I don't see why. Helena doesn't need to meddle with anything based around nercomancy..."Averie said plainly with her confusion.

It seemed in the end now Averie was in thought to about now."Unless she was looking to replace her staff, but I assume she would have found some kind of basic stick and made it herself..."Averie was not just talking what if's while no longer moving or keep track of what she was doing. She was now horribly distracted which was normally unexpected for Averie who had been one for logical thought and actions."Unless she thought this staff was one she could have used....later one to realize it something else..."


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Wed Aug 09, 2023 10:47 am


He can tell that she misunderstood what he had said so he would reword what he said. "I mean the people that work her might not have been able to use it but your sister saw what it looked like maybe it’s aura and knew you were it’s proper host." Kaito gently keept ahold of her hand and he walked her into a room full of misshapen or broken items and he tries to keep his eyes out for that she was looking for as if he sister said it was in the area it must be here. He is unsure if Averiemis going to keep following him or if she will pull her hand away from him and walk away but he was going to do his best to help her.

Revy was following behind them and she was watching out for trouble and for anyone that was not meant to be here and might end up trying to hurt Averie as she was going to make sure the woman doesn’t get hurt or come to harm.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 7:27 am

Averie then seemed some what shocked that she realized she misunderstood something. it was a odd moment of shock that went away quickly. Almost like she wanted to show that it was something that did not affect her as much but she knew she had confused herself unintentionally.'Oh I see."However Averie's mind knew she confused herself and for a moment not wanting to seem like an idiot almost seemed to space out.

Then she got back into her normal mind set."Very well, Then I should get back to looking."Some how Averie felt like she recovered well form that and continue on her way. But she would let the conversation go stale at least she had to make sure nothing got screwed up at this point and she embarrassed herself even more."So...what brings you to the area?" It was not the most well thought out one but she tried.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 11, 2023 9:59 am


He blinked at the way she had just spoken to him and he wondered if he had done something wrong to her as he had only been trying to help her but it seemed like he had done something wrong to her maybe she just didn't like him. He let go of her hand and he stays out of her way as he helps her look for the staff she was after but he kept stealing looks at her as he did so and then he heard her ask why he was here. "I was told that this place was making weird pieces of equipment and I wanted to see what kind of things were here." He was just Honest to her though he still thinks that he had done something wrong to have up set her and act distant from him there.

Kaito sits off to the side so he is out of her way as he just had to think on it he guessed as he was clearing not helping Averie with how she was acting so he guessed staying out of her way was the best choice for now as he seemed to been causing her trouble. Revy was not sure what was going on or why it was going on so she keeps it to herself as she can't seem to wrap her head around the quick down turn this was taking.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Sun Aug 13, 2023 4:55 pm

So that was the case, surely this was interesting and different. She had only really been trying to cure things she did not branch into much else at this time."Oh so they do more things aside from horrible life ending illnesses."Averie said about that matter. She knew one thing that was it even then the thing she knew of was most likely under control at this point as far as she knew."I did not take that into account."Averie now had a major amount of things to keep into account now.

Like how horrible of things could have been made here, Or what all could have been made, did she meet any other undead things? So many things to ponder. Then almost like something was calling her she seemed to look around like something caught her sense, the feeling of undead magic was lingering about in her mind now."It's...somewhere not too far away."Averie was now trying to figure out which was an entirely the correct way forward.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Mon Aug 14, 2023 2:59 am


Kaito simply followed her as she seemed to have caught onto something and he wondered if something was going to happen here as he had a weird feeling in this place but he didn’t really know what to except from the things in this area and he was being as careful as he can be put some things just can’t be avoided and he stumbled a little and fell a bit but caught himself. He hadn’t noticed that his stumbling has shifted something in the well stocked area of duds.

Kaito keeping his eyes on Averie as she kept looking for her staff when a staff that had heart markings shifted and hit him in the back and it activated on Kaito. Kaito felt a bit weird but he was going to ignore it and he followed behind Averie but he felt a strange urge while looking at her and he felt like he wanted to talk and say something to her but he was keeping it down the first thing that needs to be done is finding the staff for the woman not time to be saying the things he was feeling strongly in the moment.p, he would wait till she finds it for him to ask such a thing to her.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 7:10 am

At least in this matters, when following Averie around she seemed focused on her task at hand but she felt safer about it because Kaito was around. Over all she was fairly happy about it. Even if she was horrible at expressing it she was happy about it."But where...is a good question."It seemed something was scrambling on exact location.

As far as she kept walking she seemed to zig zag every once and a while. then she would stop at an area that was a high pile of metal and ruin and she seemed to looked to see if she could climb up it. The life of Averie was just gonna always have these problems show up. Then it seems Averie was trying to seemingly find spirits or undead around that might help her at this time. seemingly have to start to look for them right now.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:34 pm


He sees that she was looking to climb of the pile to look for the staff she was after. He lifts her and puts her on his back and he started to climb the pile and he smiles and speaks. "Let me know if you see it and make sure that you hold onto me tightly." He keeps climbing sturdily as his magic lessened his weight on the pile as he climbs and he wonders if there will be something that she can use or wants from the pile as he is unsure if the staff is still in one piece or if it had been taken apart before being thrown into the pile and he keeps climbing on the pile feeling her weight and body against his back as he did so.

He was going to make sure that she finds what she needs if they can find it but there were a lot of things here that would make this a bit harder to find the staff but Kaito was not going to give up will she found the staff and then he was going to ask her something he doubts she will agree but something on the inside of him was telling him to ask it.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 18, 2023 11:31 am

It broke Averie from her focus to have that happen, for it was never on her mind to start with to have this happen she was just here to do her thing of seeking out this stick. But well alas when this happen Averie almost seemed stunned in some way. Averie's mind was seemingly completely blank and unsure how to process what was going on with her at the time.

It almost seemed like Averie had tuned out during her internal panic of being carried up. She was not against it now days but she also seemed to have not been prepared either and not expected it to happen. As they where climbing up there would be a ledge they would find not too much higher up where there was a staff that was just sticking out of the grown in a lazy manner, it had a strange purple gem in the centre and the head of the staff it like a ring adorn with an odd pattern even two smaller red gem in as well. Averie still stuck in her thoughts, maybe internal screaming for her own personal reasons it was hard to tell at this time entirely.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 18, 2023 1:40 pm


Kaito just kept climbing up the pile till he reached the ledge and he gently put his hand back behind himself and against her bottom and pushed her up his back a bit so she could see into the other stuff as he thinks that he sees the staff but he needs her to tell him if that was the staff or not and then he could get closer to the staff so that she can grab it as that was a bit of a journey yet ahead of him. "Averie is that the staff you are looking for?" He had already started to move toward it a bit still keeping her safe and secure on his back as he didn't want to drop her and she seemed to be squirming a little so she was probably not very comfortable on his back or the fact that he had just picked her up and started carrying her without her permission.

Revy is just watching this all from the ground and she wonders if this is going to end well or horribly, she hopes good but she knows that she should not hold her breath as this is still Kaito that she is talking about here he will find some way to ruin the mood and any momentum that he gained.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Sat Aug 19, 2023 5:20 pm

It seemed the conversation got Averie to focus, that switch got back to her mind that she was searching for something and it was right in front of her. It seemed to be the object she was looking for. Only because she was sensing the undead magic from it. That deathly focus had return and she seemingly was staring right at it emotionless. So about how normal Averie was.

There was not any nervousness in her words. Looking at the area around her it seemed Averie was also watching in case anything was a miss here and some one would use this chance to try and sneak away with this staff."This is it and it seemed nothing dangerous lingers here."Averie said. There could be some kind of evil spooky spirit but Averie could deal with that. For the moment she did not seem to try and get off of Kaito yet.

Most likely because Averie seemed to not think about it."Bring me towards it. I will watch out for anything from beyond the grave if they wish to visit."That was entirely her worry, in case some thing tried to pop up, Part of her doubted it.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Sun Aug 20, 2023 4:07 am


He hears that she will protect him from the dead or undead danger which to him is kind of a funny thought that this small woman would protect him from something when he is one of the strongest mages in the world. He had to admit that her comment had hit him a little different and was making him feel funny on the inside. He did as she told him to do and he gets her closer to the staff and he looks around as he knows that he needs to keep her safe and sound but this was all mostly going to be on her as he got close enough that the woman could reach and grab the staff.

Revy is still watching and she wonders if she should be watching this or if she should have gotten up there and tried to help them but she was pretty sure that it was already over and they had the staff but she wondered what will happen to them or if something else might be waiting in the wings from them to just come barreling out for a fight but Kaito should be able to keep Averie safe.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Tue Aug 22, 2023 3:41 pm

It was silly to think about it, Here Averie was saying she was going to one of the most powerful mages in fiore from the undead, One who fought countless things before and could mostly do it himself, But Averie duty bound and stubborn in her own Icebergian fashion was going to say it anyway.

But this was just how Averie was, She was focus on what she could do at this time, it was horrible when you thought about how she was trying to be a great nercomancery buy she was only thinking of the world in front of her only.

It would just be right with in her grasp when she reached over frimly holding it with both hands, as she touched that staff she almost seemed to tune out of reality holding it, one could still feel her breathing and such, but she just stopped mentally for the moment.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Tue Aug 22, 2023 6:31 pm


Kaito saw the woman grab the staff then she seemed to have zoned out and he feels her slipping a bit on his back and he hurries up and he gets a hold of her and he moved her to in front of him and he princess carries her and he kicks off and his dragon wings appear and he flies gently to the ground and he looks at her and she seems like she is not there and he tilted his head. "Averie are you okay?" Kaito had become very concerned that the woman seemed to just be staring off into space and he wonders if the staff had been cursed or something and he had just helped her curse herself.

Revy hurried over and she transforms and sees that Averie is looking like she is out of it. "If it is a curse we need to find a way to break it? Only thing we have on hand is to try the bread and butter one, a kiss?" Kaito blinked and looked at Revy wondering why that was the first place that she had went and who she is saying should kiss her as their were no princes around or handsome men to do such a task and he knows that he himself is still cursed or at least he thinks he is. He brings his ear to her chest to see if her heart beat was normal and if he could hear anything that was wrong.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Fri Aug 25, 2023 1:43 pm

She would start coming back to reality while these things where going on, as if anything she was slowly tuning herself to the staff and it's powers. She was coming back to reality, but just over all slowly coming back to it. After all the varying things the staff could allow Averie do was far beyond what she thought.

If anything while process what this staff was, the first she she understood was in fact a horribly evil staff. It showed and allowed her mind to be in tuned to a few things.

Over all checking for a heart beat was a smart idea, her heart was beating as it should and she would then turn back to reality."Huh?..what is going on ? wait i am okay."She head placed a hand on one of Kaito's shoulder to show she was okay. At least she was not embarrassed by being touched or Kaito being so close to her.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Sun Aug 27, 2023 3:55 am


He was glad to see that the woman had seemed to have snapped out of it and was back though he was not sure that she really liked him as she had not really reacted to him being close to her, she use to seem shy around him but now she just seemed cold and indifferent to him, so maybe he his feelings were wrong about her. Kaito set her down on her feet so she was no longer in his arms and he looked at her. He then took her free hand into his hands holding her hand up, he wanted to see if she would even react. "Averie will you bare me a child?"

Revy was watching but when he said that she literally fell backwards on the floor in shock, not in a million years had she thought she would see that happen or even hear Kaito say that to someone. She was trying to stand up but her head was spinning from the pure stupidity she had just heard as the woman had not even reacted to being in his arms why would he ask that of her was he just aiming to be denied?


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 4:31 pm

If there was anything was never expected, it was just what was happening now. of all things that? she almost expected it to be if anything a moment. Averie wish she could have shown excitement with getting her staff but she was dealing with the first touch of adjusting to a new thing in her hand and how it would work with her. Averie's mind was always on work it was an odd way to work but it was just how Averie was, She was still a decent person even with her problems being social ones.

Then with that question. There was a shock to this moment and Averie's face actually had a shade of red to it. She had emotion actually effecting her now, she was embarrassed in some manner but with what was dropped on her no one would be shocked. They weren't dating yet and in some manner Averie felt a connection to Kaito but she felt she messed it up some where."W-wait you would actually consider such a thing with me?!" Averie said. She had emotions showing and it showed she sounded willing but did not think it was a thing that would happen.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Tue Aug 29, 2023 7:30 pm


He looked at her and he tilted his head. "I did ask it of you, do you not see me fit to undertake this task with you?" His voice was kind of playful and he smiled at her as he waited for her reply to the question he had asked already as he thought maybe she liked him but now he is wondering if he was wrong and she was totally not interested in having a family with him as she was too good for him maybe? Maybe in her culture they arranged marriages and she was already promised to another so their family would be something that could not happen, he was still holding her hand in his hands like he had been when he asked her.

Revy is standing there looking like she had lost a few of her nine lives as she had never in a million year thought that Kaito would do such a thing to some poor woman. He was far to reckless and brash and he really had just put this woman on the spot there was no way she would agree to that so abruptly.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:05 am

Well if anything this was something that anyone who taught her about things pertaining to this part of her life, these things where catching up to her and now it happen she was not prepare to deal with."No...it isn't that at all."Averie said in her shock she sounded in some manner still confused by what is happening. Helena warned her and she was not prepared. But she would collect herself slowly and trying her best to keep her focus now. This was a turn she was not expecting at all and maybe explaining something was due.

For in Averie's eyes."I did not think you ever liked me in that manner Kaito."It was one thing to mention the other part was something she had a feeling she might have done wrong."I did not think I was worth the effort, even if in your eyes i might be, I doubted what my heart might have wanted at the time."Averie was messing up some words every once and a while. This was given that Averie was not the best at this things but she did in some manner think one thing."If you consider me a fitting partner...then I would."The awkwardness was starting to hit her now.


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:47 pm


He looked at her and he got closer to her and he got close to her ear and he whispered in her ear so only she would hear it to hopefully help keep her embarrassment down and to a minimum. "I have been drawn to you for awhile, so I was waiting for you to ask me out but nothing, I thought at the beach you might crack and ask me, but you didn't. So today I went I am going to ask for it to see if you will accept. You did accept so now lets go work on that." Kaito lifted her up in his arms and he opened a portal to go to his personal Dimension and he jumped through it with her the portal closing behind them.

Revy was just standing there in awe that something had happened like that and was he taking Averie right now to make children. Revy just looked at the ground and blinked and wondered if that was really what was about to happen. Revy took a seat to wait to see if this was a prank or if it was for real, had she been had or was Kaito about to become a man?


Powers of Fabrication.(Kaito) Empty Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:14 am

Yet in her entirely reality hitting her at once Averie seemed to over all be slowly adjusting to these things, she did not know how all to take in this information. It was most likely different to have Averie have a shade of colour that was as pale as the moon could reflect the shade of red did subside slightly but since it was a rush of new emotions figuring out she had been a fool this entire time Averie was adjusting to things that she over all. But to Kaito's benefit she was not resisting this entirely idea. Averie simply just sighed."Well aren't I a fool..."Averie would deal with matter the best she could at this point despite everyone's warnings

But she seemed find as they wen through the portal whatever else happen is just between them, It was after all it was more of a private moment between them and Averie was most likely not going to talk about it. Revvy saw an interesting moment in life but it seemed it was a different situation.

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