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Traveling again (north to East)

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Traveling again (north to East) Empty Wed Aug 16, 2023 6:28 pm


Kaito had heard rumor that some interesting new blood had entered the guild he was part of Fairy Tail so he was going to head back and greet them if they were willing to be greeted as he knows that not every new member of the guild has liked him. He was going to do his best to stay on the new members good side if he can do that but there was no telling for if he could.

Revy walked up with a few things that she wanted to bring with her that were extra and she saw as the man moved his hand in a motion and a gate appeared for them and she walked in with him and she hoped that this would be fun as the guild mother seemed to be away so the fairy Children could play and try not to ruin someone's good time or the first impressions that they might get from meeting someone famous from their guild and off they went to the east.


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