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The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine

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The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 7:57 am


Lumikki walked down to the quest board in what felt like ages. At this point, she felt like everyone in the Worth Woodsea was just too keen to bother her. Sending the ravens that inhabited the villages straight to her when ever they were in need. Honestly, she never would of thought that her ravens could end up being used against her and it frustrated her. Perhaps in time she would have to add an additional fee when one was to circumvent the board. An offering to a Daemon if you will. Lumikki chuckled at the thought, it pleased her to think of gathering a following. Perhaps she should start to work on that. Lumikki started cackling as she got lost in her thoughts. Zoning out to herself as she stood before the board.

Lonu, one of the Daemon's ravens landed on the board. Observing the girl in her day dreams before breaking the silence. "I'm curious as to what has you so giddy lil Miss." It took a while for Lumikki to recenter and process that the bird was there, let alone that he spoke to her. But in a little bit of time she came back too, and in a bit more she understood and answered.

"Heheheh, it just came to me attention that I could gather me some followers~ And honestly I think I deserve it. The Angel shouldn't get all the love around here and Demons are easy to worship."


The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 10:27 am


Lonu looked at the Daemon for a moment. Really thinking over his words and keeping her excitement in mind. "You know. As someone who was a known spirit for a time, I can't blame you for wanting that. There's a lot of charm in reverence. Trygve wants to be the bird who advises you the most in terms of reporting and delegation of information. I can respect the birds dreams, he seems to make it his whole identity."

The bird paused to think more things over and get at an itch his wing. He only knew what lived through so he was wondering if there was overlap or if it was a fools errand. Well, even if it was, he actually liked the prospect of bonding like this with her. Especially as this was something only he of her ravens could provide. He's been learning so much in her company, he was simply eager to pass on what he knew as well.


The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Nerili11

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The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:10 am


”A one who was a spirit for a time. I’m not fully sure how much of what I know and was will be helpful to you. But it would be my honor to help you pursue this. I find the idea quite charming and entertaining. So if you would humor this bird lil Miss we could try to get you a following.”

Lumikki would look onto Lonu with the most glee her face would allow. It would also never occur to her that Lonu could help her in this endeavor. Well to be fair, it didn’t even occur to her that this is what she would want in the first place. ”And why not. You’d more than deserve to be revered by then. I think it wise to let them know you and fear you now….” Tenevi, a voice she hadn’t heard for a bit finally echoed in her thoughts. It only made the Daemon swell with more desire. She truly wanted this for herself.

”Lonu if ye would, I’d love that. What’s the fun in being a Demon if ye aren’t known for feared.” Lumikki was bouncing in place from her excitement. She couldn’t contain her hyper energy toward excelling as her own being.

”After the matter with the warring villages, I’m sure you could say you have fear covered…” The raven referred to a recent event in the Worth Woodsea where Lumikki quelled some fighting. One of the villages. Didn’t mind the prospect of burning down the nearby forests to win at their goal and the Daemon did not take kindly to it. There was hardly any mercy. Ravens of her flock were killed and pushed from their homes in the fires, leaving nests behind. The raven Daemon could not let that stand. And so Revna brought a winter to them. Freezing the battle in place and feeding the corpses to her flock. In her displeasure, she decimated the side willing to cast fires. Giving them no moment to explain and defend themselves beyond their hubris and deflection. The Revna had no interest in hearing words. She just wanted to take lives in exchange for those of her own.


The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Nerili11

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The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 11:35 am


”I can’t let it stand that me ravens get harmed and especially in me own territory. It’s a magairlean insult to me name! And me birds trust me to no end, that includes making sure they are taken care of. So if I must decimate a village to prove a point, I’ll bring winter to how ever many need to fall until it is know….”

The Revna’s eyes would slowly begin to glow a bright purple as she recanted her anger. It was clear this meant a lot to her. It was also this passion that would move the ravens to fly by her. She had a charm to her that would compel them to do many things and yet she also very much cared for their needs and well being. The Revna was one to make sure her birds ate and that they ate well. Now she was just as compelled to make it so by using her name as well. That in gathering followers, she could assure her ravens scared beings in adjacent. And in not sacred, revered as the omens they were known to be and known to bring…..

A chill would go up Lonu’s spine. Though he wouldn’t consider it bad. The bloodlust for her own compelled him, it strengthen his resolve to assist her in her desires. He could already see her natural ability to captivate, and with that he was sure they could do wonders towards building the love and fear she would need to take the land. At least enough to make her presence known. And so he did something he never thought he would do. Something that he himself never considered in regards to bonding with Lumikki.

”Very well my lady. Then I pledge myself to your cause and for as long as you breath, I shall stand by you. When all your birds are taken by time, I shall be the one to linger underneath your wings.” He would bow as he spoke, wings all fanned out as she granted her the gesture. The little spirit meant what he said and didn’t take nor make this pact lightly. Yes…that is what this was. A pact, and the first Lumikki would make of her won power. Where she was the being to be sworn to….Lumikki would begin to tear until it became a soft cry. She could not believe the turn of events from a small and passionate desire to someone that would help her pursue it in all his vigor and swear upon being with her. There were not a lot of times and moments the Daemon could remember what would move her so, but this was a memory she would remember for all time. And so Lumikki would craft the raven a frost feather of her own as a sign of her acceptance and the importance of the pact made.


The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 12:13 pm


Lonu would head for his place in the room to store his gift and Lumikki would look back to the board fully serious in her desires to take a new quest on. One she hasn’t for quite some time. After that exchange, she felt it would be nice to take a bit of time to herself so that she could let the exchange sink in. It was a lot for the Revna starting her dream to hold down.

As she scanned the board, it was as she thought. There was indeed a quest for the mines. She pulled it off and gave it a proper read over as she began to walk to the guild entrance. Eager to be busy with a task. It looked like the one’s to make the request were hoping that she would collect an item for them in the mine, though it was important she made her way over now. There was a limited amount and it would be fair to believe someone would find and take it before she could. It was an ore that was used for a particular product the rich came to enjoy in their trending fancies. Lumikki gagged in her mouth to think she was wasting her time to retrieve this. She almost wanted to crumple the paper and toss it away as she looked back at the board for another task, yet when she scanned it another time from where she stood she could see this was the only task for the mines at the moment.

Lumikki sighed. She felt she wanted to return to the earth for just a moment. A time to ground. If she was lucky, there would also be an idiot or two to take her frustrations on.

Lumikki un-crumbled the paper and gave it another read, biting her lip before she continued her walk out the guild and toward the mines.

Slipping into her raven form as she made it down the cliffs to the base.


The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Empty Tue Sep 05, 2023 1:12 pm


Lumikki made her way through one of the man small crevices she sought out before. From the other time she wanted to enter as a bird to that the opening was not accessible to most. She flew in quickly and made her way down.

Her goal for the moment was to lower herself down so that she would be more likely where the ore was found. Taking a short cut in any and all of the small openings she’s found along the way. When she got deep enough, she chuckled as she happened upon hearing voices. She truly figured she be the only one here. Though, if her luck was exceptional, maybe they would even posses what she came for. After all, not many would be this deep in the depths.

She shifted silently to that of a Daemon, tucking herself in the pleasant cold darkness and waited for the fools to approach her trap.

From the sound of it, it was a small group of four. They boasted of how they too found someone gathering the ore and how it made the score easy. Killing the man and leaving him below to be forgotten and forsaken. They laughed of his surprise and anguish. How he was a fool to come all the way down here alone.

The Revna broke into a chilling grin. One she considered letting them she as she approached like a ghost in the darkness. Silent, cold, and deadly. They could already feel the chill in the air as the commented on how it was a sudden drop. The cold was already running up their spines. One was scratching at their arms and rubbing profusely. They were all at a loss and it pleased her.

Lumikki then began to speak back in their voices. Repeating back their gloating and bragging so that they would hear all the things they just said spat back at them. She rotated through all their words over and over until the men were unnerved. Her chill kept them from moving so they’d sink further in their fear and her tendrils would wrap around their legs and hold them in place. At this point, they choked on the air they breathed and at last she would step before them. Undoing her veil so that they would peer at her full Daemon form. As monstrously and ghastly as she could muster. Her eyes glowing purple and the men in her ice cold piercing gaze.

Lumikki wailed like a banshee, breaking their mental down further. The last of their wits were gone. They all belonged to her now and she would walk to all of them slowly. Grazing their necks with her fingers so that they could choke to death with her frost. She broke into a laugh for each and everyone that she killed. Watching them all as they crumbled on the floor. It brought her more pleasure than she cared to admit. It was this and destroying the warriors of the village the brought her the most joy as of late.

The Daemon plundered what that all meant to her. And how much she was changing. She wondered how much more she would change over time as the Obscura had it’s way.

But what snapped her form all her thoughts was the voice that came from no where. Only uttering a “thank you” before fading as quick as it came and a bag laid one her feet. She looked inside to make out it was of the man they killed and his things. She brought it with her when she left so that she may tell his family of what happened.

Lumikki found his family in short time. Breaking the news to them they broke into tears. As they should it was heartbreaking. Though they thanked her, trying to pass her their treasures. The Daemon turned it all down. Instead pushing a pouch in their hand before walking back out. Before she left, already turning to a raven by then, she told them if they had need of her then she would grant them access to reach her through her ravens. The family continued to cry as she flew off. More so as they saw just how many jewels were in the pouch. It was enough to cover their expenses for a while. And as they cried and praised her for her kindness, they swear to aid the Raven Daemon anyway they could.


Curtain Call

The Cold Depths What's Mine is Mine Nerili11

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