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Fens Forge

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Fens Forge Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:27 pm

This is My forge.


Fens Forge Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:42 pm



Name: Jotun's Fang

Slot: Primary Weapon

Type: Two handed Axe

Class: Legendary [45]

Quantity: Custom

Element: Frost

Damage: 120

Durability: 2xS


Description: Jotun's Fang is a huge axe weapon that stands roughly the height of a full grown man and then some. It's possesses two handles for even swinging and it's large guarded hilt and handles make it difficult to strike at the hands of the wielder. It's made out of ice that will never melt and fashioned around iceworn steel. The defensive arrangement protects the weapon in a bid to make it more durable and makes it easier for the user to swing it as the center of it's weight is more balanced.

The offensive arrangement however forgoes the defensive portions focus and instead creates a top heavy axe that is impossibly poorly balanced. A huge axe head that puts forward it's weight in every swing and it's entire look looks like an oversized icy battleaxe. More akin to a butchers blade like this it's made for one thing and one thing only: To kill.

Fen came across this weapon in a tomb to her ancestors, she fought many draugr for the right to wield this weapon.

Measurements: The overall size of the weapon is ten feet in length and the axe head goes three feet in one direction when transformed into it's offensive nature. When defensive it's large axehead takes a center guard. The size of it's hilt is twice that of normal, nearly a whole three feet in length itself. Overall Jotun's Fang is massive and carrying it around even normally is a pain. It's clearly a killer's weapon.


Requirements: Fen Von Wolfenstein


  • Half Moon: When not in a transformed state, the user's weapon takes a more defensive role. Providing them with a defensive arrangement that allows them to take half damage from weapon clashes.
  • Wolf Moon: When in a transformed state, the user's weapon takes on a more aggressive role. Providing them with a knockback effect that scales with damage dealt.
  • Heavy: This item is impossibly heavy, increasing the strength of the user by 10% while wielded. The user is also the only individual that can lift this weapon as it's weight increases whenever someone other than them attempts to lift it.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Item Type: Axe/Weapon
  • Weight/Handling: Very heavy/2h
  • Effects: Halfmoon [15], Wolf Moon [15], Heavy [15]

Total points Acquired: 45
Total Points Spent: 45


Fens Forge Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 1:51 pm



Name: Hunters Visage

Slot: Helmet

Type: Medium

Class: Unique [30]

Quantity: Custom

Element: Frost

Durability: 1xS


Description: This mask has always graced fen's body as long as she could remmeber. It's cold and smooth, almost as though it's made out of wood. She can't remember a time when she didn't have it. It splits open to allow her to eat when she needs to and it's dark husk of an apperance swaps to a lighter white variant whenever she finds herself transformed into a full werewolf. She can't remove it and even when it breaks it remains on her face albeit it's protective nature barely works at that point. Two eyeholes sit perfectly over her eyes and the ears that are a part of each type of mask change to represent the sort of form she takes. She no longer resents the fact she has this mask as now it's just a part of who she is.


Requirements: Fen Von Wolfenstein


  • +30 Speed


  • Deepsong: When worn this item gives the user a sense of vibrations near her as long as her feet are touching the ground. Allowing them to feel the tremors and vibrations as though Seismicly aware.
  • Farsight: When worn the user can see everything perfectly up to 40 meters.

Points Breakdown

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  • Rarity: Unique
  • Item Type: Helmet
  • Effects: Seismic Sense [15], Sight Improvement [15]

Total points Acquired: 30
Total Points Spent: 30


Fens Forge Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:00 pm



Name: Final Curtain

Slot: Armor

Type: Medium

Class: Unique [30]

Quantity: Custom

Element: Frost

Durability: 1xS


Description: Final curtain was a gift from a seamstress to fen in her younger days. The weight of the final curtain is fairly heavy as it's inlaid with metallic rings just underneath the surface. It's a smooth waistcoat, made of several different fabrics which ward off the cold in the area that it covers. Draping down past her knees this oriental design fits snugly on fen's body. It's coloration is a mix of golds, reds, tans and greens. Overall it looks very homely and easy to approach. Though it's magical nature of protecting fen's body through a thin veil of protective magic is largely unknown to her. The long tasset that runs down the front of the waistcloth is actually that of a warding talisman from the old woman's homeland.


Requirements: Fen Von Wolfenstein


  • Lightstep: The user is naturally half-soundless. Making it difficult to detect them until they are up close.
  • Longstrider: The user enjoys an improved jump and lunge of up to 10 meters.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity: Unique
  • Item Type: Armor
  • Effects (if applicable): Half soundless [15], Improved mobility [15]

Total points Acquired: 30
Total Points Spent: 30


Fens Forge Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:01 pm

Claiming these with my adventurer starting perk + Weaponsmith for the first one.


Fens Forge Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 7:48 am


This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section for all three customs.

Fens Forge Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Fens Forge Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 8:41 pm



Name: Bloodfang

Slot: Primary Weapon

Type: Sword

Class: Legendary [45]

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Damage: 120

Durability: 2xS


Description: Bloodfang is a rather sizeable sword, meant to be a two handed weapon for those of regular size but for someone like fen it's simply a one handed blade. Considered a nodachi rather than a katana this sword sports a blade length of 89 inches with the hilt being roughly around a third of that. The sword has a single edged portion that runs from the guard all the way up to curve slightly around at the tip allowing for it to be used for slashes or piercing attacks. The bladed portion is a deep blood red while the heart of the blade is nearly obsidian in coloration.

The crossguard and the little bit underneath it are plated in a bronze/gold mix giving it a royal look. The hilt itself is wrapped in a black leather with the underlying hilt being almost a pearly white. The underlying hilt uses a lightweight metal giving the blade a more difficult handling for those not used to it's blade heavy mannerisms. The very butt of the hilt is like the crossguard which seems to be a mix of bronze and gold. The actual metal of these can only be speculated however as it's crafter and prior owners are no longer in the realm of the living.

The sword itself was crafted in some age old forge out of iceberg, the embers of which have long since gone cold. The weapon itself has a history far outreaching most of those within the wolfenstein can, tracing it's origins back to before the hold was even established making it an ancient yet reliable blade. It always seems to be testing its owners; not even revealing its true power or name to them until they have proven themselves.

Fen discovered this weapon during a raid on a opposing house deep within the tomb that lay there. Prying it from the prior owners dead hands and using it to slay the draugr that infested the tomb one by one. She proved that she was worthy to hold the blade in its current state. But not proven enough to where she could unlock its secrets.

Measurements: The blade of Bloodfang is 89 inches/7.4 feet/roughly 2.2 meter in length. The hilt is 29 inches/2.4 foot/ .7 of a meter in length. It's overall size is 9.8 feet/118 inches/2.9 meters.


Requirements: Fen


  • Feast: Upon Striking the target, the owner receives one rank lower worth of healing to their constitution.
  • Strength of Legions: Regardless of the strength of the user, this weapon can be wielded one handed.
  • Oathbound: The wielder can hear the 'soul' or 'spirit' of the weapon. Though this doesn't provide anything outside of an intelligent weapon to converse with. As such it cannot provide extra senses or warn the user of impending danger.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity: legendary [45]
  • Item Type: Sword/Primary hand
  • Weight/Handling (if applicable) 1100 lbs/2H
  • Bonus Attributes (if applicable)
  • Effects (if applicable): Lifesteal [t4/20 pts], One handed [t4/20 pts], Sentient [t1/5 pts]

Total points Acquired: 45
Total Points Spent: 45

Last edited by Fen on Sat Jul 20, 2024 12:10 am; edited 4 times in total


Fens Forge Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 9:01 pm



Name: Fireblood Regalia

Slot: Armor

Type: Chest-piece/outfit

Class: Unique [30]

Weight: Medium

Quantity: Custom

Element: Fire

Durability: 1xS


Description: Fireblood Regalia is set of equipment that was handcrafted for fen by a varied amalgamation of people. Ranging from seamstresses, leatherworkers and smiths. Lightweight, magically enhanced and well rounded the equipment provides her with ample protection and a boost to her already unnatural physique. The jacket covers a good chunk of her upper body, providing with is a faint magical aura that helps deflect blows. It's a deep teal in coloration like her center piece cloth. The jacket is inlaid with some metal that matches her sword's hilt. It's sturdy enough to deflect most blows aimed at her.

The the collar of the jacket juts up to help whatever helmet to protect her neck in some instances. Each shoulder has a solid length of curved metal that rest easily on her shoulders, these dark lengths of metal have golden bronze spikes on them giving her a 'punkish' look. The sleeves of either part of the jacket only come down halfway with a tough leather circle where the sleeve is cut off that is interwoven with metal. The direct portion of her elbow is protected by three layers, two of which are metal.

Each of her forearms and wrists are protected by gloves and bracers that seemlessly work togethr with the jacket portion of her outfit.

Her central part of her outfit is a tight form fitting set of leather and cloth that's interwoven with magic to help reduce drag against the air. Letting her achieve faster movement without too much sacrificed for protection. It may leave some of her exposed however it works in tandem with the jacket to project a thin layer of magical protection across her body.

Her pants are held up by a large belt and buckle that looks like it was praised for its simplicity and coloration rather than anything else. The belt is made of the same leather that helps protect her elbows. The pants are a dark brownish black that covers the length of her legs down to her ankles. Leaving her feet exposed to the elements but still protected by that thin protective barrier. Were that protective barrier to be broken her armor would break as well. Fen isn't particularily a fan of the outfit, but given the nature of the people that gifted it to her and the expressions that they held she felt as though she could wear it with pride after a bit.


Requirements: Fen

  • +105 Speed


  • Shutter Step: An Improved jump and lunge up to 10 meters.

Points Breakdown

Please list Forge Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity: Unique [30]
  • Item Type: Armor
  • Effects: Mobility [t3/15 pts]
  • Bonus Attribute: +75 Speed [15 pts]

Total points Acquired:
Total Points Spent:


Fens Forge Empty Wed Jul 17, 2024 1:02 pm

 Hello @Fen !

Bloodfang: For the most part, it works. I just have a few questions. In the description, the blade length is an estimated 36 inches, while the handle is roughly a 3rd of that. That totals the length of the blade at around 48 inches. However, in the measurement section, the weapon is described to be drastically larger. Is that a typo?

Feast and Strength of Legions abilities seem fine, but for the disarming immunity, I feel this may be a generous ask for a Tier 1 ability. I could be wrong, but anything else in terms of immunity is in the higher tier, and while I know this is a creative ability, I don’t get the causation of how this happens. The blade is sentient and it simply can’t be removed by any means outside of Fen wanting to drop it?

For Fireblood Regalia

This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section for all three customs.

Fens Forge GPIjkMz

Fens Forge Empty Fri Jul 19, 2024 8:17 pm

@Tae fixed the size issue, went with the bigger size and weight.


Fens Forge Empty Tue Jul 23, 2024 7:08 am


This custom has been approved, please create a copy of the item and the source post in a reply post using its name and rarity for its title in the Customs section for all three customs.

Fens Forge GPIjkMz

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