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Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed)

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Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Sat Oct 21, 2023 3:55 pm

Thus Akuko was here too, it she did not ponder why she was here as much as other might but she was here far less curious about sneaking around and piece together by what everyone was saying about what was going on here Akuko had connected the pieces together to what was going on, She had to wonder what Mishiko thought of this or what all was going on at this time, After observing what all seemed to be entailed she would most likely go talk about it with Mishiko in case it became some kind of problem in the long run.

The walking dead returning that was surely an interesting matter to considering. But Akuko had to ponder how far did this branch out. Maybe one of the thing she had her mind she felt guilty about could actually be achieved. if it was entirely true. After all they where dead it would logically possible.

If what she thought was possible would linger around, She would go test it by walking over to a clean window that would reflect herself and what was around her in it. So far not seeing anything. But as she continued on."Hisako...."It almost sounded it was mocking her in some way, while also angry at her at the same time. But looking back at another window she did not see anything. So she simply continued walking and waiting.

If this being would work as she thought as Akuko walked into a dark place she would see something looking at her and she would pull it out of the shadow to reveal a shadow covered verison of her past self staring at her.

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Shenhe10

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Mon Oct 23, 2023 5:13 pm


Mishiko walked through the City as it was a time of the dead, her holiday as she was the Goddess of death, souls, and war. She knew that she will meet herself here as Quillareine will probably be curious about the life that has happened. Her own black hair trailed behind her as she had Ohta follow behind her as he was watching her back. He has a mask on that hid his face and his black robes. Mishiko was wearing her shinigami attire with her scythe in her hand. Soon enough she saw Akuko looking at windows. Her brow arched and then started to walk towards Akuko. "Akuko?" I asked calmly in my monotone way that was ghostly sounding.

Her dark eyes looked towards the problem and then looks at Akuko, "Talk to me," She demands in a friendly way with concern. The place was semi-quiet as there weren't many people around she Mishiko herself will be fine to be herself.


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Tue Oct 24, 2023 1:41 am

It was just too perfect to pass up at least for the other being linger around Akuko, She did turn around but Akuko was not the first one to speak when she did or was she?"Yes...turn around."That voiced sounded like Akuko but given Akuko was looking at Mishiko at the time her mouth or lips did not move and any other powers related of late did not have her able to talk magically."Talking to the one who watched you die.."Yet again the voice lingered

Akuko on the other hand seemed for once to start getting upset and annoyed like it was some kind of cruel joke. She forgot to pull this being out."What is going on here Mishiko?"Akuko asked because none of this seemed logical at all. But she should have answers to what is going on here.

To it seemingly trying to pick on her more."Why would she explain that to you anyway? all she does is leave not knowing anything and throw on you until the bitter end."At this point Akuko merely turned around to what she was looking out with both arm into the shadowy corner pulled what looked like herself in the past but veiled in shade and darkness and throw it to the ground and held them there."Who...are you?"Akuko was losing control quickly.

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Shenhe10

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 1:23 pm


Takao was wondering down the street, watching as people walked around and had fun with whatever this weird festival was. He has long white hair that goes down past his waist, which allows his fox ears to blend into his hair. He normally is seen wearing a yellow and white kimono, with his chest exposed. on his right hand he wears a black glove that covers his middle, and pointer finger along with his thumb. He also normally wears black sandals along with this. Takao decided that he was going to dress up today by wearing a fox mask. Takao wasn't always the most creative Demigod in the world, nor did he really have to be.

As he wondered the area, he came across his mother, a being so tall that she towered over the people and didn't exactly make herself hidden in any regard. Next to her was a man, also in a mask, which Takao knew was Ohta. So Takao decided to follow them because he might as well. Weirdness and oddity often follows his mother around, and today was the day where the veil was the thinnest it would be all hear, so maybe the Demigod of Death would attract something interesting.

He saw his mom stop infront of a women that Takao didn't recognize but he felt some deep attraction to them. That wasn't the weird part, but she was stunningly beautiful with white hair, braided that goes down to her lower back, rainbow colored eyes pointing her out as a Demigod quickly. She wore a skin tight body suit, that covered her body minus a slit on the side of both hips before combining again and continuing down. Some of the suit was see through, showing the front of her legs and her stomach and ribs. On both of her arms were a set of sleeves, that seem to be connected by a white piece of fabric that has a collar. At mid way up the bicep it changes to a wet of white flowing sleeves ending in slightly modified tekou gloves. She was wearing a pair of white wedge shoes with a blue tekou on her feet as well.

Something in the back of Takao's head was screaming at him at this point, but he couldn't tell what it was. This wasn't a feeling to run, but.. something else. It didn't really matter because it appeared this his mother knew this person well, so he simply walked up and took off his mask and said " Hello Mother " and he took a bow, as deep as he was required to go in this moment. They were in public still and he needed to follow proper protocol, though he would still do it in their home but less deep then before.

Takao then turned to the women and gave her a bow as well, one deep enough to show the proper amount of respect to whoever this was. Mishiko clearly cared about this women, whoever she was, which means that Takao cared as well. " I am Takaokitsu Mikoto. It is a pleasure to meet you. "


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Sat Oct 28, 2023 2:29 pm


Mishiko looks at Akuko who was then talking to the shadow manifestation of her past. "I see..." was all Mishiko said calmly and then looked at her dear sisterly friend. Her own dark eyes mirrored the dead spirit, "Akuko, it is the part of you that you left behind, a soul of the dead due to the events of this month," Mishiko began and then heard a familiar voice to see her son. "Takao..." She spoke calmly and ghostly as she gave a small smile that many did not get to witness unless it was their time to die or a moment of weakness such as this. "I see you have come to enjoy the festivities?" She questions her son. Not in a harmful or judging way, but more of a curiosity of a mother to son. Her eyes then looked slowly towards the shadow of Akuko's past as she heard the snark comment.

Before Mishiko could say anything, she heard a sweet innocent giggle that was very venomous, one that could attract men. Mishiko turned towards it to see someone she did not expect. The shadow manifestation of Quillareine, her human life that died by murder. Her eyes were mixed with darkness and pink, her hair was the same as Quillareine's a mixture of pure death and sickening pink that attracted the eyes. She was wearing her bodycon black dress with her scythe over her shoulder like Mishiko still does. "Oh how wonderful it is to see so many new yet familiar faces," Quillareine spoke and walked with a sweet smile towards the shadow of Akuko. "Awe, still as trickster and cold, huh?" Quillareine teased sweetly towards the one who was being snarky towards Mishiko. "Quillareine..." Mishiko started to say and gazed at her shorter, human version which was part shinigami. Quillareine smiled happily and gives a small wave to Msihiko. "Nice to see you. I'm glad to see despite my death, you were able to complete our goal...". she told Mishiko and then looked back at the Akuko from her own life who seemed to also have died and be here.  


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Sun Oct 29, 2023 3:10 pm

Akuko was in for a ride, it was going to be be a lot for her to take in now. First herself her former self best to say was here. Now: Mishiko, quillareine, A random person, this lingering monster talking to her Akuko was going to be having a rough patch."It's what?"Akuko mentioned in her confusion, it had not connected with her mind yet it was suppose to be illogical to have happen even around a goddess of death."And this is suppose to happen around you Mishiko?"She asked because it was kind of what one. But then Akuko let her shadow self go because well it was living with her. What else she could do.

But after hearing his name she would some what try and keep herself in line. since she just left go of that shadow version of herself. she would bowed as well. But her shadow self would answer in the most typical manner in which is normal of her."At least some one's goal was achieved, Or did you forget about wanting to find a spell to sink Joya in the sea..."Her former self was spilling her secrets because maybe that is a good thing."But who am I to judge? I only just wanted to help you live."Cold and witty. It seemed death really just made her former self even more resentful.

Akuko was getting more and more confused, Then the shadow of Akuko would seemingly walk over to Mishiko."Yes good on you for saving the land that hated you enough to kill you and your best friend because of how it was use to being...totally worth saving rather then just letting it all burn and drown."Shadow Akuko said almost like in some manner it still hung on to Akuko's former wish of mindless ruin."Guess i will be forever a relic of the past, forgotten and stain on trying to keep a person alive."It was almost in some manner it was looking for validation of some sorts for what it tried to do.

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Shenhe10

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Mon Oct 30, 2023 10:57 am


Takao stood there as he heard the name "Akuko" and he looked at the women his mother was speaking too, and several things clicked into place all at once. This was the thing, well person, that Takao knew that he needed to protect and that he had loved from before he could remember. All of those memories and why this was the case was still very much beyond his own scope of understanding, as it was simply apart of himself but also seemed foreign and unknown why he felt the way he did. Takao finally had his answer and he would need to figure out what he needed to do for this women to get more into her life. His mother then asked him a question but before he could answer he could hear the sound of a snarky women, something that seemed to scratch at the back of his mind in a way he had never felt before. Thinking back to what his mother had just said, this women might have been Akuko from before or atleast apart of her.

It was at that moment that he heard the sounds of a innocent giggle, one that caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand straight up and his hand to go to his sword in a moment. He was in danger, and he knew it. Quillareine was this being's name, and they appeared to know his mother. Well that did make sense given that his mother was a God of Death so a dead person should know who they are but still. It seemed more familiar then any of that, something was going on here. Was Quillareine similar in some way to Akuko's shadow was to her? Takao wasn't fully sure and he then listened to the cold and snarky shadow speak to Akuko.

"If all you cared about was helping keeping a person alive, then it seems you have made that come true and you paid the ultimate price for it. You will be of the past, but not forgotten, as you helped my mother and Akuko reach where they are now. If you cared about destroying Joya, then you have succeeded as well. Joya of old is no more, and will never return. So it appears that your goals are completed, and yet you are still so angry about it all. " Takao spoke those words and that is when he heard the sound of something that his very soul knew well, even if he didn't. The sound of a chainaxe roaring to life in the background.

This noise was followed by the sounds of heavy footfalls, the sounds of mechanical hissing and the sounds of distant battle. As a being clad in red and bronze armor, with a helmet that had to large horns that went straight up with various demonic features on it,  being nearly as tall as his mother in the armor, came from the shadows as well. The being had an axe on it's shoulder, one taller then Takao was, with a set of serrated teeth on the end of it, which seemed to vanish for a moment as the roar happened again. The armor was of a make that Takao had never seen, and wasn't sure he would ever want to see who was capable of making it. The helmet this being wore  The area around them instantly began to smell of blood, the iron and metallic scent was familiar to all those present. Around the waist, arms and legs of this beast were large chains, that seemed to go deep into the shadows before disappearing, the chains were tight and seemed to strain against whatever this thing was. The chains seemed to want to pull this thing back into whatever Hell it had come out of, but due to how thin the veil was, it didn't seem to have the power. Ragnar the Red now stood there before the only two people he ever loved or respected, and he was clearly just as dead as Akuko's Shadow Demon was.

Takao backed up and got into a fighting stance at the appearance of whatever this demon was before, his hand still on his blade as he tried to figure out why he knew this thing but was so scared of it. He knew what this thing was capable of doing, what lengths it would go to, even though he had never seen this thing before. Ragnar the Red barely looked at the Fox-Man, the prey was simply not worth the trouble as his helmet moved across the group of people there. Ragnar's eyes didn't even stop on Akuko for a moment, either of them, before reaching the eyes of Mishiko and the chainaxe revved to life and with an attempt to take a step forward, the chains snapped tight again and the beast was locked in place, unable to advance on it's 'prey'. A force came through the helmet, though it wasn't a noise even though it felt like a shock wave had ripped across all of them, moving clothing like there was a gust of wind. This beast was fighting against it's chains to get to Mishiko, the strongest in the group.

" Mishiko, what the hell is that thing?"
Takao asked his mother about Ragnar the Red.


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Tue Oct 31, 2023 3:06 pm

Well it seemed if anything some one might need to either comfort or control Akuko for she may start getting out of hand soon. But the former image of Akuko seemed to be not prepared for such words."Maybe but it was the wrong way to rid Joya, after all it's still there and most of the people are still living!"to think Akuko was suppressing this even if she believed it. Akuko seemingly had over came her strong desire to ruin an entire nation different then how was mentioned."But what do you care anyway? All you Gods and Demi-Gods just have to make everything work the safer way and not the simple way..."this shadowed sounded annoyed and unhappy.

Akuko's mental state was seemingly starting to fail, Two of the people here could actually salvage. But Akuko was breaking but not over her shadow talking to her. Anyone who know past Akuko and being used with that daemon no matter what was said and done this daemon was just gonna do or say whatever it wanted. After all shortly after it walked away from Akuko after being some what freed from her grasp."Quilly dear...I don't know how you can stand even consider talking to these back stabbers...all that did was leave you behind much like did."Keep in mind this shadow was never fully Akuko to start with just a daemon who wanted to live and fused with her to continue to persist it seemed when removed this part never could continue on unless it has a host. Where whatever was left was still there and kept Akuko alive.

Then she stared at the three being who entered this matter. Well six at this time it was something Akuko knew well."Rag..nar?"Akuko sounded even more confused, But it was not helping as she was not even more emotionally ruined. The signs was this moment broke Akuko where showing as for a moment a tear started to run down her face."Does....does that mean he's gone too?...."This she came too because it was not he normally acted or seemed to use to seeing him in a while. Given he just showed up as he did it seemed to be the logical connection.

But using the chance. Some one had to use it."Oh Raggy dear! wonderful for you to join us, care to have add something in this matter." The shadow acted so casual for a reason, it was still Akuko after all.

However the one that was actually living seemed to almost feel like she could no longer comprehend this matter. she merely fell to her knees and started weeping even if it was lightly. To that shadow that was once her going."Look at that...ruined already...no wonder you died."It was the deepest cut the past her could make but maybe it had a point, Akuko was not going to do well if she let these things to get her.

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Shenhe10

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 10:45 am


Mishiko just listened to them bicker, Quillareine stood beside me as she was listening as well. They felt like they were always the one who listened and took action our of the Trio when it came to goals, ambition and even just listening and giving answers. The only real difference between herself and Quillareine was Quilla's sweet personality that Mishiko herself had no more of unless it came to her own lovers. "Takao is correct. In a sense we both won what we wanted. The Shogun Ayame who has done all of this is dead, her associates are dead, the old city is in ruins and we are now in control of it and will make a life for Joyans to where they no longer have to fear of those who are meant to protect them. Not only that, I have created a facility where we will create and create a new world, creatures and peace as well as things that can help more than just Joya." Mishiko spoke passionately and soft for once as she was passionate about her Faction, Joya and her loved ones.

"Also, that seems to be Ragnar and yes, Akuko... I haven't been able to find you till now to tell you..." She paused and thought of what to say next, "Ragnar tried to ascend godhood alongside us and he failed. Like tripping over a stick into a pit of death sort of fail." Mishiko continued on. "The truth is, Takao is the half of soul I could only save since I tried my best. Inari agreed to put half of his soul in my son with him so... there's that." Mishiko gazed at them tiredly.

Mishiko turned to Ragnar and shook her head like he was a complete dumbass for trying it without a god to escort or help. Her eyes then cornered to Quilla who was just enjoying the show in her sweet shadowed demeanor.


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 12:25 pm

The only problem really is Akuko over all felt like she was better then this and was over all just having a horrible time. Anytime she felt like she was ready. Then again maybe these things were all just needed to get out of her system as she avoided it for years. But she stopped crying pretty quickly considering she was trying to get better about this. She would continue grieving Ragnar at least internally. This kind of means of learning was never good for Akuko. She had been over all trying to being okay with how the world changed. Letting out a bit of a sigh "It just means, Even if i was worried about actually saying good bye to Ragnar, I don't have too in the end."

And thus that shadow that seeming was unhappy spoke yet again."Oh look at that a happy ending, At least most of us are happy seemingly."Shadow Akuko so to say was a never ending wheel of negativity almost like there was a reason it was torn out of Akuko to slowly eating away at her life. Akuko should have sworn was some good with in that monster maybe she just forgot that part that could have been existing with in her.

But Akuko seemed to look at Takao."So this is part of him...interesting."She was trying to pretend that she was just not crying like a depress frustrated child because she just learned she lost her partner, but she was still some showing signs of it. However Shadow Akuko seemed over all bored with all of this because well even if things where over all done with how she wanted Shadow Akuko in some manner was negative emotions."Well what now, do we all get drunk and make up? Because that sounds lame."Shadow Akuko looked at all of them to see what kind of answer she would get.

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Shenhe10

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Fri Nov 03, 2023 9:41 pm


Ragnar the Red turned towards Shadow Akuko when attention was brought to her by saying his name, and this time the chains didn't seem to stop him as he moved and swung his massive two handed chainaxe, one handed, directly into the spot where Shadow Akuko's chest would be. How much damage that did, if any wasn't really the point. It was clear whatever this Ragnar was, he had no memories or cares about who Akuko was and was far more beastial then before. This creature didn't seem aware of anything other then what brought it's attention, and anything that did he would attempt to kill. Though he did not focus on Shadow Akuko for very long as Mishiko began to speak.

Ragnar turned and once again, attempted to break the chains that seemed to keep him from interacting too much with this world, as he took a swing with his massive axe at Mishiko. It was an inch short, and Mishiko most likely wouldn't even bother to dodge it given that if anyone knows the reach of Ragnar the Red, it would be the person who watched him fight more then anyone. As the chainaxe swung past Mishiko, another set of chains appeared out of the shadows and attached itself to his chainaxe and began to pull him back. This Ragnar did not appear willing to let go of his chainaxe, Gorechild, even if it was simply another point keeping him in check. Another silent roar could be heard, as another gust of wind came from Ragnar as he grinded his power armored boot against the stone trying with all of his might to get to Mishiko. It was clear that this was simply the animalistic instinct of trying to usper the current leader of the pack. To prove that they are the strongest. His armored hand reaching out in a claw as it tried in vain to reach The Goddess of Death, having no idea or no care that his unlife could be snuffed out in a moment.


Takao stood to the side as he watched his red and bronze beast swing this massive axe directly at the shadowy figure that was tormenting Akuko. This thing was a rabid animal, uncontrollable and unpredictable. How was Akuko able to live with a thing like this and consider him anything of important. Then he heard the words " half his soul" and he turned to his mother and said " What!?! How is half of my soul THAT thing!? And is that how other gods are made? I just assumed gods were made like mortals were made. "

At that point Akuko turned to look at Takao, and he felt his heart skip a beat and he began to sweat slightly. This feeling was something that he could hardly accurately describe, it felt like drowning but floating in the air at the same time. He had wondered at times why he knew he loved an Akuko, and it was only now that once he saw her that he realized what he thought was love wasn't even close to the real thing. Are these feelings his or are they Ragnar the Red's feelings. Where does Takao's personality start and Ragnar's begin. Is there a difference between them at this point? Does this new information really change anything about Takao's feelings or how he has acted so far?

"Akuko... I am sorry, but I can't tell you that I am the person you loved. While I may have half of his soul, whichever half that might be, and I have loved you from before I even knew who you were, I am still just Takao. I want you to be happy more then anything, but I also don't want you to lie to yourself to have to avoid dealing with hard emotions and that hurt you more in the future. I am here to help you with that if you want me to be. "
Takao seemed almost ashamed that he couldn't be exactly what Akuko wanted or needed at this moment, but he also wasn't willing to lie to himself or her to selfishly give into his base desires. Takao simply wasn't Ragnar, though Takao never knew Ragnar the Red in anyway so maybe he wasn't the best judge of that.


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Sun Nov 05, 2023 5:15 pm


Quillareine and Mishiko were listening to them bickering and saw Ragnar trying to harm them, but Ragnar's crap didn't even phase as if someone was trying to break a mountain with a toothpick. The tall Amazonian woman looked at them tiredly with her soft gaze as Quillareine gave her a sweet smile. The duo felt bad for Akuko as she knew it wouldn't be the same, but in the end, Mishiko tried her best. After people were about done with their talking, finally the two started to talk. Quilla gave her loving smile and looked at her Akuko and Ragnar. "Dear brotherly Ragnar, can you settle down? Your attacks won't do anything." She started and walked to Akuko, her own hand against her hip, "Also stop being a grumpy bitch and be happy you can see progress in the lives we gave ourselves for. You're just mad you're dead," Quilla puffed her cheek out, her pink hair being brushed to the side with her own hand.

"Yes, Akuko... I couldn't get his soul and yes Takao, depending on things, Demigods like yourself and myself are born the same way mortals are. Then there are demigods who can be champions of us and the other Kami, but Ragnar was the weakest link it seems," Mishiko spoke calmly and ghostly as she looked at them. "I could use a drink though, speaking of," Mishiko continued finally.


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 10:54 am

At least one of the Akuko's seemed to be moving on. The other just showed why she was not longer living and never wanted to adjust to the times in life. There was a slight moment with that weapon swung it touch for a moment and the shadow Akuko just poofed for a moment then returned to the spot she was at."Oh? lame even he doesn't remember me."The shadowy reflection sneered about it. But it seemed it's behaviour would slowly eventually settle as it felt now useless to it's own petty problems. But being touched by Quillarine seemed to settle it for her."Yes I am mad i am dead, I pretty much died keeping Akuko alive, nearly died before it and all I wanted to do was LIVE!...Bah."Grump she might be she showed her pointed she wanted to live and cause chaos same for any daemon lingering about in their lives."I give up...let's go drink."Shadow Akuko had finally just give up about her woes.

As for the current living Akuko who was processing this information. She seemed to be doing better with trying not to let these problems she knew she had linger anymore. Looking upon Takao like in some manner there was a blessing in front of her, It was not fully Ragnar but parts of him he was in some manner still alive and it was some kind of comfort to her. So Akuko after looking him over seemed to take it well enough like she was going to be okay. So before they continued on Akuko walked over to Takao tightly hugging him resting her head on one of his shoulders. Much like she use to do with Ragnar and waited to see what all would happen. With out saying it Akuko had made it known this way she was willing to try and make it work.

Thus with the mentions of drinks. Shadow Akuko simply let out a sigh."Fine fine...a bottle umeshu would do nicely."It seemed they both would start coming around, Even Akuko said."I do not need anything at this time but water."But she had not let go of Takao. This might be the signs of progress everyone needed to see at this time. Takao seemed to have been accpected by Akuko life could start moving forward.

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Shenhe10

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Mon Nov 06, 2023 11:45 am


The Red Beast known as Ragnar the Red seemed to stop for a moment as it looked at Quilla as it spoke to him. The Beast at this point seemed to have, stopped and shut down. As if the computer in his brain was trying to find a file that he knew existed but it didn't but it kept trying to find it until it error-ed out and caused a crash. Ragnar just stood there, like a statue, and completely silent as what was left of his half of his soul tried to figure out where the information he knew should be there was. Something was very wrong, and Ragnar the Red knew it at this point and he also knew that nothing was going to fix this. Without any visible emotions to show what Ragnar the Red was feeling, he turned around, the chains going slack in that moment as he walked back into the shadows and vanished. The smell of blood, oil and death faded away as Ragnar went back to whatever place he was destined to be without the half of his soul that made him human.

[Ragnar the Red Exit]


Takao, had put away his sword at this point, as Ragnar had finally left and he felt that there was no more threat here. And he eventually focused back on Akuko, who just walked over to him and gave him a tight hug and placed her head on his shoulder, and something in Takao at that moment knew that this was the only right thing in the universe right now. Like apart of him had finally be put back together. While Takao's body tensed in the first second of the hug, it quickly relaxed as it was realized what he was feeling, and without any thought Takao wrapped on arm around Akuko returning the hug, and the other, without any input from Takao's mind, put his other hand on her butt.

Takao leaned his head down and took a deep breath of Akuko's scent and something in Takao soul, clearly the Ragnar half, felt like a drug addict that had been forced to stay away from their drug of choice and was now given access to it again. And in that moment, just whispered to Akuko " I am happy to have you back my love. " before just enjoying the feeling of being with someone that his very soul knew he should be with. Takao then responded to the question and said " I would also be fine with water for right now. "


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Wed Nov 08, 2023 1:42 am


Quillareine would take Shadow Akuko to get some drinks just so she could get her to stop complaining about everything. Mishiko saw this and shrugged a bit and then looked at Takao and Akuko. She silently turned away to leave as she felt like the two would need time alone anyway. Stepping into the shadows, it no longer mattered. Quillariene on the other hand smiled and felt bubbly as she was chatting with her old dear friend Shadow Akuko. They might be somewhat dead, totally dead, but they could at least enjoy some drinks, right? Her bright pink eyes gazed at the shadow and ordered some drinks once they got to the location where they needed to go. She and her friend had a nice time chatting along with how their lives were and how their life would never be like again as they were dead, but at least they could enjoy the afterlife with each other's company, no longer alone.



Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Sun Nov 12, 2023 12:54 pm

It seemed these two where the only two left here. Herself and Takao it seemed the piece did make sense now and Akuko was over all pretty happy. Akuko did not watch everyone else leave it was not on her mind she was too happy in her moment of bliss and thinking about how happy she was. Even the way in some manner being touched by Takao was in fact something she was use too. Just this time no witty jokes about it.

It was just her relaxing. Then she would look around and realize almost everyone left, she was not shocked by this. Then she would kiss Takao on the cheek. Not reacting with her butt getting touched."I suppose that means we can go get that water with out much problem now."Akuko seemed to chuckle about it. Seemingly to them both all plans came together now and they could go.

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Shenhe10

Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Wed Nov 22, 2023 2:49 pm


Takao was in a mindset that he had never been in before, he had stopped thinking for a moment and was just allowed to.. exist. That kind of peace for a moment was something he never experienced before and might not experience again for a long time but eventually Takao felt a kiss on his cheek and it pulled him out of his mental state.

Takao's hands moved without much thought on his behalf, his hand moving off of Akuko's butt like nothing had ever happened and even Takao didn't seem to be aware of it even as his hand moved. He looked at Akuko and then smiled at her before saying " Yes I think that would be great. We have alot of things we need to learn about each other. " There was alot of history that Takao needed to learn and alot that Akuko needed to learn about Takao as well, as the way things were might not be how things are now.



Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Empty Sat Nov 25, 2023 2:14 pm

And with this, This situation ended as nicely as it could. Akuko went through a lot. Then again any time she seemed to be around Mishiko she seemed to get horrible more and more emotional with in the choices and actions that seem to happen, she wanted to be use to it but it seemed in the end she was not. But at least she would be trying to handle it some what hopefully better in the future. For after all there was it's good and bad sides.

So being happy with what she had now, she would use it as a means to continue on before anything else considering showing it's ugly face to ruin the now settling happiness she was getting in her life. So you know Akuko was actually pretty happy even if she was still a mess. At least no one else had to deal with her mess.


Dance with The Dead: Making Peace with Your Shadow.(Closed) Shenhe10

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