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From Dark Horizons (Erebus)

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From Dark Horizons (Erebus) Empty Tue Nov 28, 2023 1:39 pm


Name: From Dark Horizons

Difficulty: Epic

  • Erebus (protagonist)
  • Kon (early, mid, late: deuteragonist)
  • Zerutod (early: deuteragonist / contagonist)
  • Astrid (mid entry: new guildmaster)
  • Anika (deuteragonist / contagonist)
  • ******** (benefactor)

Story: Erebus, a formidable enemy of the magic counsel and monarchy within Fiore has grown his forces and amassed the highest bounty on Earthland to date. Presenting himself publicly after years unseen, he is apprehended moving through Bosco by Konstantin Sokolov, in leu of aiding with the Nine-Tails against it’s attack on war-torn Joya.

This aide to the magic council came not without making new enemies there in Joya. Without surprise, Erebus was jailed days after, his trail red hot.

Erebus is long thought to have been some storied character, a folktale of the non-magical, able to stand with the very monsters they fear and fight, but now secured by the state, he is postered as national news, this finding disproves the theory he never existed all together. Erebus is a human able to steer the minds of those he most hates or even desires.

Eager like the roaches they are, the inhabitants of the super-max prison Hellsea Bastile, also seek the bounty on Erebus for their accolades– some even owing him for their time behind it's walls, years spent herein and coming after.

Erebus must, and without fail, defeat the strongest under the Deep Blue; challenger by challenger. In order to survive, both C.O. and Prisoners will detest him and try to kill him for the smallest infractions. After everything is said and over, all parties in the Hellsea will have either come with the hopes of destroying him, laying his legend to rest, or will no doubt bow to him by choice or force alone.

In addition to those conditions which stack against the rogue, special trials have been devised for the Don by Konstantin and his trusted lieutenant-- a Rune Knight that Erebus has heard of. Erebus is forced under the thumb to abide and take all punitive actions enforced by the Rune Knights'.

Now ostracized and isolated for life, Erebus will become an infamous adventurer with a reputation that now extends past Fiore and into other countries, a name soaked with evil business.

With no one present at the Hellsea to successfully hold Erebus anymore, Kon and Tempris will be tasked with moving him to Era-- the dungeons there are made to monitor his threat with less error or mistake than previously thought enough for him, at the bottom of the ocean. But for Erebus, this is only a waiting game; on his last days between life and death, a surprising visitor approaches to bond the mercenary from the Kingdom's control, the aide of a new servant changes the criminal's fate going forward. This servant will come with a proposal for Erebus that will relocate him to a new country, where he begins anew.

  • Kingpin of the Criminal Underworld (Political Power || Bosco)
  • Attain an Epic SL Story Companion

Name: Chapter I: In the Name of the Father

Rank: S

Type: Bad

  • Zerutod
  • Konstantin
  • Erebus

Summary: Erebus is escorted by Konstantin Sokolov to Hellsea Bastile, there Zerutod is instructed to keep tabs on Erebus. He is to send aide if things become unnecessarily destructive in the Hellsea.

Meanwhile, a group of criminals jailed here in the Hellsea catch wind of Erebus, and are displeased for a number of reasons. The consensus however, don’t wish to be sharing the facility with him and decide to introduce themselves— whether it be envy, pride, or etc. they don’t intend to let Erebus find comfort. Dragging his first day in prison out into the open and forcing his hands.

Outwitting this group will demand their obedience— and for the Mercenary’s trouble, their connections and resources will fall under his control. This quest transfers Fiore’s East region of black market control back over to Erebus. In order to be the face of the dark network, as the Dons of Akudama Syndicate were previously, all four regions of Fiore must be subdued by a mixing of fear, respect, honor, and abandon.

The East is one of four pinnacle territories needed for a criminal entity or enterprise to operate the Underworld, a non-political capitalist face which surfaces Earthland as the illusion of ”generalized” organized evil. From selling of slaves, to drugs, to subjecting magical species to sacrifice for personal gain/energy. Whoever has control of the Underworld in masse, becomes the stand alone representative of all dark business within Fiore.

Under or perhaps the better knowledge of the Rune Knights, Erebus is trapped in a bid to survive, with the control of the Underworld now becoming the stakes. Konstantin will leave Erebus to Zerutod, who must figure out what is going on in the grander scheme of things beyond the exterior. For the closer Erebus gets to dominating the Underworld, the greater his threat becomes.

By a twist of Fate, Erebus is told after a year in confinement, that he should escape, however forces from the Hellsea as well as Rune Knights will follow him into Fiore. Attempting to slow down or undermine his plots and plans. Finding new allegiances and planning what could be a future without doubt of loss.

Everyone's Favorite C.O. -- Gary: Stationed at the Hellsea with Zerutod, Gary is a older gentleman still living his dream of being a hero. He was tough when he was a young adventurer, but as the years went on, Mages and Warriors got stronger, so he retired over and became a correctional officer, despite being pretty kind to the inmates, most of the Hellsea write Gary off as soft and perform wickedness when his back is turned. Due to this conflict of interest, he's been assigned a 'trainee' who will help him with the latest and greatest criminal to enter the facility.

Enemies: All NPCs of the supermax prison can be used and roleplayed by different PCs participating, as well as fodder criminals which may stand in and audience.

Ozart: A physical giant, and leader of a prison gang. He provides a level of control over the Hellsea itself.

Helmutt: A dark network kingpin, formerly allied to Akudama Syndicate, he no longer wishes to be extorted and has taken a side against Erebus. If Erebus can subdue Helmutt, he can take back 1/4 of the Underworld, starting with the East's control.

Lo: A sorcerer claiming to be from the outside, a fan of Erebus and his fables, this dark mage is in deliverance of a special jar. He has a gift to bestow to the Don, however, first must face Zerutod-- an undercover agent. Who threatens the dark ruler from escaping the control of the King.

  • Jewels - All
  • Infamy - All
  • Bounty + Contracts - All

  • Erebus is taken into custody by Kon who is then introduced to Zerutod.
  • Zerutod will monitor activity as the thread continues.
  • The remainder of the thread will continue in an A-rank Part 2 of this act.

Name: Chapter 1 - Act 2: Showstopper

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Erebus, Zerutod


Erebus was brought back through a spiritual retelling of time, circumventing a dark reality he would have undertaken to change a fate that would burn the world. He investigates the chamber he is first seen in, seeking out the character Zerutod, devising a new plan, that will aide him in attaining the right resources to enact a plan to help the prison be reclaimed by the Magic Council, in one hand— Erebus sees this as a means of escape. In another, he wonders where Kon is. What passage of time everyone is in, and if he is truly a senseless monster as folklore and rumor have made the name Erebus out to be.

There is history between two enigmas brewing— to which Erebus is again left with a choice between light and dark. Should he pursue the same darkness that destroys him over and over, nothing will change, but if he might triumph and see the light, what could this mean for the future of his tale.

Others: N/A

Enemies: Does the quest involve non-player enemies? If so, mention them here.

Rewards: Money

Objectives: Ere and Zerutod might join forces to sedate the chaos ensuing in the Hellsea Bastille, they’ll both decide to investigate in their own way upon the situation, Erebus needs to find his weapons and Zerutod may be the only man for the job.

Name: Chapter 2: Hallowed be thy Name

Rank: S

Type: Bad

  • Zerutod
  • Erebus

Summary: A character in ties with Ozart offers Erebus a formal challenge. Defeat Ozart at his true power, and the Hellsea will calm itself.

Erebus turns his attention to Ozart, Helmutt devises a special potion that will make the fight more balanced.

Upon realization that Ozart is too powerful in this state will prompt Zerutod to assist. Ozart levels each floor with dark magic explosions.

The foundations of the prison begin to falter, and a water leak causes the floors to fill-- starting at the lowest level and racing up-- floor by floor.

At the climax of this battle, Konstantin will call Tempris to the stage, requesting that Zerutod not assist in any more fights alongside criminals like Erebus, lest he catch a charge himself of treason.

The thread concludes with Erebus being escorted to trial by Tempris, who will arrive just in time to see Erebus slay another person behind bars.

Everyone's Favorite C.O. -- Gary: A decent guy, but in order for Erebus to get into the weapon(s) and belongings vault, he must make a choice. Slay the man, and save himself, or turn and fight without his items.

Tempris (ending cameo)

Enemies: All NPCs of the supermax prison can be used and roleplayed by different PCs participating, as well as fodder criminals which may stand in and audience.

Hellsea's Hound, Ozart the Superior: Former strength wasn't enough, Ozart needed magic and intelligence, with the added credential's of Helmutt's magic, a slender version of Ozart is born. His power causes a flight risk to all inhabitants under the Bastile.

Helmutt, Enhanced by Darkness: A dark network kingpin, saved by the C.O. Zerutod. Helmutt retreated to his cell, by use of his connections he is able to smuggle magical supplies and contraband. He surprises Erebus by using a few drops at the bottom of Ozart's bottle on himself, which bolsters his own statistics.

  • Jewels - All
  • Infamy - All
  • Bounty + Contracts - All


  • Erebus must liberate the Hellsea
  • Zerutod must defend the Hellsea
  • Zerutod must make an HR report, which prompts Tempris to come to Hellsea Bastille.

Name: Chapter 3: Whispers in the Dark

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Summary: Zerutod must make a choice between giving Erebus Lo’s jar, as it is a tool between dark interlopers.

Erebus meets Kon again, and two share a discussion in the ‘light’, a heated escalation between their powers ensues. The result in Erebus developing hope and structures of thought that were foreign to him before.

Konstantin is in a state to ascend, while Erebus is in a state to redeem.

A specter of a ghost begins to speak to Erebus, it is unknown whether the Holy Knights can hear the voices or the see the specter. The specter encourages Erebus to press on with his mission.

Enemies: N/A

Specter: The soul of a spirit which can speak and be seen by Erebus (Nilhatak’s Courpsemourn), it is unknown where or who she comes from, however Erebus is under the impression there is a force on the outside trying to reach him. He begins to obey the whispers and listen to the spirit. The phantom seems content on reminding Erebus why they want him here.

Objectives: Zerutod will make a decision.

Name: Chapter 3 — Act 2: Interrogation

Rank: A

Type: Bad


Summary: Konstantin has questions. This part of the epic is to determine what and why Erebus became the criminal he is today, and what good that can be squeezed from him.

Erebus and Konstantin momentarily leaves the interrogation room, Erebus is locked in confinement again, he is not allowed water or drink by the guards discourtesy of his reputation until Konstantin passes judgement on the criminal heel.


Enemies: N/A


Konstantin wants answers, Erebus may or may not have the answers he is looking for. However— freeing the criminal might aide the world in a growing darkness.

Name: Chapter 4: Eye of the Storm

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Summary: ???



Seed of Evil: The conscious and wrecked mind-state of Erebus, which conjures itself up to act as his mental consultant, a form of insanity in which he has triggered episodic hallucinations involving this spirit.

Rewards: Money

Objectives: Erebus faces against his inner darkness — he triumphs it.

Name: Manifest Destroy Chaos

Rank: S

Type: Bad


Summary: Erebus maneuvers his way around the prison like a ghost, placing his hand over the face of guards and casually bends their will— criminals are changed into resistance fighters, reminded of heroism, and knights begin to see the light hidden in the darkness.

Others: N/A

Enemies: N/A

Example NPC: Include any relevant information of the NPC such as appearance, morals, philosphy, etc.

Rewards: N/A

Objectives: Erebus assembles a militia that will aide him across Earthland.

Name: Who Let The Dogs Out?

Rank: S

Type: Bad

Participants: Erebus, Kana

Summary: A part of time that was forgotten by Erebus, or — potentially still a prospect of chaos.

Others: Helmutt is now at allegiance to Erebus post this point, pledging to the dark prince.

Enemies: N/A

Example NPC: Include any relevant information of the NPC such as appearance, morals, philosphy, etc.

Rewards: Jewels

  • Allied with Kana
  • Allied with Koe

Name: Defying Destiny Begins with Desire

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Erebus

Summary: Erebus again meets the angel of death, she leaves the mark of Emilia on his hand. Motivating his desires for escape once more.

Enemies: N/A

Example NPC: Include any relevant information of the NPC such as appearance, morals, philosphy, etc.

Rewards: Money

Objectives: Shortly mention what needs to be accomplished in this part of the storyline.

Name: Devil I: Erebus

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Put down the names of the participants in the storyline.

Summary: Erebus is freed by the magic council, however the dark is restless, and doesn’t want to lose it’s champion. A devil, a creature who has been watching his struggle from Hell below and is hungry to feast upon Ere’s soul walks with him as he leaves the prison. The only thing keeping his attention, is the fact Erebus won’t give up and die— however Erebus has developed a new skill— “Faith”. Adramelech and Erebus begin to negotiate the wagers of life that come with Undeath, to which Erebus retorts that he will only die when redemption is a hand’s reach away.



Example NPC: Include any relevant information of the NPC such as appearance, morals, philosphy, etc.

Rewards: Makima’s Controlling Eye — Mutated Bloodline.
Objectives: Shortly mention what needs to be accomplished in this part of the storyline.

Name: Devil II: Erebus

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Erebus

Summary: Listening to the floating skull, leads Erebus down a quest where he is to seek out the Devil’s Collector. A tough daemon, apparently, the current warlock working for Adramelech. In order to aquire the endurance needed — Erebus must slay the foe and walk away with his vessel untouched by Chaos.

Others: Does the quest involve other non-player characters? If so, mention them here.

Enemies: Does the quest involve non-player enemies? If so, mention them here.

Example NPC: Include any relevant information of the NPC such as appearance, morals, philosphy, etc.

Rewards: Makima’s Controlling Eye — Mutated Bloodline.
Objectives: listening to the floating skull, leads Erebus down a quest where he is to seek out the Devil’s Collector. A tough daemon, apparently, the current warlock working for Adramelech.

Name: Devil III: Erebus

Rank: A

Type: Bad

Participants: Erebus

Summary: The final conversation with Adramelech's agenda ends with Erebus slicing his hand and pouring his blood into the pot (obtained from Lo) out of his wound, along with a parchment delivered by the devil’s servant. Erebus sends the contract back to hell, with the deed signed in an insidious pact— then he promises to destroy all the Devils and forces of evil in his afterlife.

He wages his soul for the goodness of Mankind.

Enemies: Does the quest involve non-player enemies? If so, mention them here.

Example NPC: Include any relevant information of the NPC such as appearance, morals, philosphy, etc.

Rewards: Erebus gains the Devil’s tarot
Objectives: Shortly mention what needs to be accomplished in this part of the storyline.

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