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Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki]

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Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Wed May 29, 2024 7:45 pm


” Yes team…” She’d mumble so low it was almost a faint whisper.” I still want to mad dash for power, but it’s cause I have this thought…or dream? The Angel’s strength was well known enough to deter any enemies from freely acting. All I want is the power to do the same. If yer enemies fear stepping toward ye then I protect me own without raising a finger. It’s all I want in the grand scheme. Me conflict isn’t with the mortals and beings here.”

Alisa’s comfort and words eased the Demoness from her rigid pose and she’d lean into her company while hanging on every word. Letting the Demi Goddess spill all her thoughts while the two exchanged their sentiment. Having her presence and understanding was growing on Lumikki, bringing her a sense of peace. Like one some could gather from a motherly figure filled with experiences and scars from life, but the love and wisdom to guild you through yours. It resonated with the Demoness who now stood in a particular place, one she lacked the guidance for. The Angel is his own being, he was a path Lumikki could observe; and her Uncle would be a well of knowledge himself but this responsibility is not one he knows.

She’d meekly reach over and clung to the sleeve of the Goddess, processing all her ranging thoughts amid the dizziness from all her drinks.” I never thought of that, ‘ye are what ya eat’. It’s not something I’ve considered…..I still feel a deep hunger, one I’ve known since a Daemon; and I figured that meant it was me nature to pursue. I had to eat them to gain their power faster as the years they’ve existed put ‘em far pass what I’ve done in me own. But……now that ye’ve mentioned it. What if I become just as detestable if I consume too many? Would I lose me purpose and the drunken power turn me to what I’ve hated? But how else could I close the gap between me and the lords and royals and all the bastards that sit comfortable on their throne?” Lumikki sighed deeply and stared at the water with a agitated expression.

Eventually she’d look back at the Goddess with a deep set pout on her face.” Could I at least still eat the Seraphim? I wonder what grace tastes like and….they deserve it…”

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Img_8011

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Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Fri May 31, 2024 3:05 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"And you should, of course, your own power in the ends is something your Guildmates can look up to... But there's more to keeping enemies at bay...", Yuurei was a tough act to follow, and few people could ever walk the path he walked. But there was no shame in that, and Lumikki's own path would not be inferior to his in any way, "Nurture your Guildmates, and your allies outside the Guild, so they can protect themselves. It'll give you peace of mind knowing they'll be safe even when you're not around. And besides, with some diplomacy, you can find yourself dependable allies, and less enemies to worry about."

She'd seen some past Guildmasters making enemies left and right, and the typical result of that is ending up with more enemies than you even know exist... Snakes in the grass are infinitely more dangerous than the enemies you know exist. Eternal Nightmare was a perfect example of that, who found themselves under attack by the Rune Knights and Infinity Wolves in unison after picking a fight with both. Even though they won that battle, the pyrrhic victory crippled the guild in a way from which it never recovered:

"And it very well might be? Nobody should deny their nature, but there's no harm in being more selective with it? After all, many of the demons I fought were so weak they barely put up a fight...", Alisa shifted closer to Lumi as the young woman leaned into her, reaching out and gently stroking that silky hair with a smile. Throughout their time together she'd grown fonder of her with every moment, and was happy to share as much insight to help her find her own way through her struggles, "I don't know how much feasting on them will change you to become more like them... But I do know while Demons may only grow strong that way... You can do it the way people do it in Earthland~? You can train. I've had to train every single day to grow strong, and trust me. No amount of growth can quite compare to that?"

And she imagined Lumikki could vouch for that at least, after all, knowing Brone, she had to imagine he must have helped train her at some point or another, or perhaps he was still doing so, after all, Alisa couldn't really think of anybody else who'd taken their weapon of choice to the pinnacle:

"Hey... Who doesn't love some spicy hot wings every now and then~?", she winked with a gente nudge, and while Alisa probably wouldn't have thought to eat Seraphim herself... That just means they'd at least give something back to the realm they'd taken so much from. Seraphim and Daemons were invasive species as ecologists might say... And the proper way to deal with invasive species is to eat them. So in that regard, Lumikki had the right idea.


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 10:17 pm


"Wise as ye are beautiful, ay, but hardly a surprise. Ye've sat on this seat long enough to see every avenue, so yer advice won't be wasted on me. This after all is the first time I took on this work, and though I don't mind a few mistakes, it can't be at me people's expense..." Her voice was soft, as she genuinely gave Alisa's words some thinking over, almost melting in the air with its sincerity. One could forget she's an ice witch or frigid Demon if they were to observe her now, because although she had a terribly dangerous nature, her passion and love had not frozen over with her change. Of course, it would be the budding connections like these that could provide the tinder and embers to keep it so. As her ice may be eternal, but her love might not.

"Were the mindless thralls? Could've been the Lesser. I was warned of that fate before I took the change on. Nothing but beasts, they are. Hardly a surprise ye found 'em to be weak." Alisa shifted over as she spitefully complained, the Goddess now running her fingers in Lumikki's hair a certain way that instantly lulled her to a peace and almost sleepy state. She'd softly purr and lean in as she enjoyed the pets, no longer heated by the talk of demons that ignited her just a moment before.

"Haaaa, yer right. I might as well beat them the way us of Earthrealm do, but...thinking about it still makes me hungry. I just wanna rip them apart tooth and claw. How about I avoid the Lesser? Only chew on the higher ups? Though Alisa conceded with the desire for Angel, and that would be enough for the Demoness to have something to look forward to. While a giggle escaped her lips at the notion of calling them "spicey hot wings".

"Feels like a fair agreement. I wonder how their Grace would affect me Obscura? I suppose in time, I'll aim to test it out. How does one of yer stature train anyhow? I doubt many foes make ye still sweat She nuzzled into Alisa as she asked her question, enjoying the Goddess' warmth and the sweet scent of lavender mixing into her own." I hate fighting the Angel, and I feel bad making Brone suffer through all me spell practice. He takes it like a champ but it hurts to see sometimes..."

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Img_8011

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Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:40 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"My, flatterer~...", Alisa couldn't help but blush as she rose her hand up to her cheek, her inebriated stated making her especially susceptible to praise, "I'll help you as much as you can, of course. Our guilds are quite different so I doubt every avenue I walked through will apply to you... Still, I hope some of my experience can help you regardless."

Alisa smiled. Mind... Body... Spirit... Alisa always looked for the beauty in every one, but even for her, she rarely met someone who hit all those marks at once. She'd have felt at home in Blue Pegasus, but Alisa knew better than to ask her. Lumikki had her place in the North, and it suited her. Challenging one's comfort zone can help build character, but it's one thing to completely live outside of it:

"If they were thralls or not, I could barely tell the difference... I sensed not even a sliver of individually from any of them.", Alisa sneered as she thought back to them... There were Demons she remembered...

Adamel, Furtr... She may loathe them as enemies, but she respected them. The Demon Prince of Diamond who bode his time for centuries in the name of vengeance, or the Demon Prince of Storms, whose death to her in battle was but a sacrifice to summon his God. They were enemies Alisa would never forget, but they were also few and far between:

"Fufu~... That would make you a gourmet, no...? Not having even a bite of anything but the finest game~...", Alisa snickered, winking knowingly at her fellow Guildmaster. She'd almost envy the ability to grow strong from eating her slain demon enemies, but alas, after having killed them for so long, Alisa couldn't imagine them tasting very good.

Maybe it was an acquired taste? Or maybe only other Demons could appreciate the taste? She should ask Liv about it when she got back, but she doubted a Succubus who feeds on Mana would have much to share in that regard:

"Hmm, they say it should burn you from the inside out, so... Honestly, I'm not sure I should even recommend it. Then again I don't trust a single word coming from their lips.", she really shouldn't be encouraging Lumi to eat something that could be harmful...

But as she rolled a lock of her hair around her finger, she realized she didn't really trust anything the Seraphim said after what she learned in Stella. Alisa shook her head, making a mental note to one day tell Lumikki about this. When they were both sober... Instead she clung to what she asked next, happy to tell her about her training regimen:

"Well, I use my crystals to make training dummies, and then take on quests to find enemies to test them on? I usually don't try them on sparring partners until after I've mastered them... Unless they're Daiko of course, but he's immortal. I don't know anybody else who can take the full brunt of my attacks and practically shrug them off like they're nothing. I'm just glad he's on our side..."

Alisa let out a heavy sigh at that, realizing she didn't have that many partners that could get hit by her attacks and recover so easily the way he did. Sure, Daiko could win or lose a fight, but he never came out of it any worse for wear...


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 9:51 pm


”If them burning us was so easy, I don’t think it’d take as long as it did to push the Demons out of this realm. Sides….I met a half…half Seraphim, Demon abomination. He wasn’t clear on the process of it, simply said he’d been pitching it to both sides for ages. Don’t really know what his deal was but he came for the Angel of Dawn for reasons ye could guess. We bid him farewell but I didn’t get a bite of his wings. Still….I wonder….if I to could hold the grace in me?” It was a puzzling thought that saw no end, there were no clear answer if the man never returned. Lumikki didn’t even want to become a mix of the two either, as there was a pleasure in being demonic in its simplify. But it did not deter her from giving some thoughts a try.

”Huh…wait, did that mean ye spoke to other Seraphim too? What were they like, were they like Yuurei? He promised me a war and I have yet to rip their wings but…hmmm who would have thought…I’m not as bloodthirsty as I was before. Wonder that caused that shift? Am I getting more mature? Guess being a Guild Master could do that to ye.”

She’d nuzzle back into Alisa and listen.”—Daiko?! The other bird lad? He came to the North once a bit ago. Scouting for the Angel before we lost sight of him. He was an interesting one, I like him for the wings and magic; but the fire? Oh I don’t care for fire. I wanted to play with him though, he’s like me inverse in every way. So I’m curious what his company is like. I wonder what it would of been like if I joined yer guild when Brone had?”

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:08 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Oh... Was it Odin? He was the only one I met.", that combination was a strange one for sure, and Alisa had only met one person who ever posessed it, "From what I know, he'd sold his soul to something who was neither Demon nor Seraphim, but had nothing to fear from either side... it's no surprise that being could give them this power so casually... Still, the fact that they exist means it's probably a power you could get, if you wanted it."

Would she really want to? Alisa couldn't imagine what it would feel like, to feel frayed between two realms, none of which are your own. Her and Lumikki both shared a distaste for the Lucent and the Abyss. Perhaps having a grace of her own would help balance the Obscura inside her? Hard to know for sure, Alisa wasn't even on bad terms with Odin prior to their fateful fight, but she knew he was consumed by his obsession with Morrigan, and was no longer the man she had once respected:

"They were nothing like Yuurei. He at least came from Earthland like you or I did. The Seraphim, like the Demons, have no attachment to this land whatsoever.", Alisa may disagree with Yuurei's approach to being a Guildmaster, but she respected his dedication to personal growth. The Seraphim however, were nothing like that. They were born and died with the same titanic strenght, "They... burned entire cities to the ground because they believed a demon might be hiding there... Forced the inhabitants, children and elderly too, to find and kill all the demons, or be killed alongside them. They... Lied about Illumin, to create a faith of mortals who'd do their every bidding. Illumin doesn't care about the faith in his name... He's but a father wanting to spend time with his son."

Alisa felt her anger bubbling as the memories of the demonic invasion flashed through her mind... Lumikki could feel the tension in her body, and while Alisa loathed the forces of both the Lucent and the Abyss. The deceptive, insidious nature of the Seraphim made them perhaps even fouler than the very Demons they hunted:

"Mhmm, him exactly~... He's one of my oldest friends? We've known each other for over 10 years now~", Alisa reinforced, her eyes glimmering a bit, she had nothing but admiration for a guy who was like a little brother she never had, which might have perhaps felt a little cruel when she knew he had a crush on her, but at the same time. Alisa also knew she was far from the right woman for him. His new girlfriend seemed to be a far better math, "Oh I think you'd have felt at home there? I mean think about it, two of your founders made their homes there for a quite a while? I think Daiko would have loved having someone else who shared his love of the skies though~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 9:54 pm


”So it is possible…how vexing. I thought he was an outlier but if it’s reoccurring then it’s a path indeed. But I’m…happy as I am…am I? Part of me wonders if there’s a particular beauty to grace that I could envelope. The Dazzling gleam of something divine. Sometimes I feel like a feral monster….so I get curious about………..the possibilities. Yuurei told me when we met, there’s beauty in dark and me, I keep those words dear but, I don’t know…insecurities left from me mortality? I guess it keeps me ‘human’, huh.” She’d pick apart the night before her, tearing it into ribbons and morphing the tendrils into shifting shapes absentmindedly. Every once in a while, she’d take a tear and eat it up. ”Yer dazzling….” She’d mumble along after her long winded ramble.

That talk would continue ironically in a dark path, only now with the account of Seraphim illuminating the words that Alisa brought to light. Her account of the messes and atrocities brought down by the fanatic pigeons. ”No better than the thralls that make up the lesser Demons. Amusing how they could make me race appear more sensible when our methods of destruction are marked by the sight of us alone. Maybe yer point is right, if these pigeons constitute a dazzling beauty, I rather remain a feral demonic monster. Least I be paired with the distasteful liars that insist they’re not playing the game….” Lumikki met Alisa’s tension with her own, the shapes before her turning sharp and jagged, like shards of ice crashing into each other over and over. The Demoness could hide her emotions but this moment didn’t require it.

But it was a good thing that talk about Daiko was enough to get her mind off as curiosity compelled her. And dimming light would burst forth at the mention of Lumikki fitting. Like a child happy to be loved. It would be curious to see Lumikki learn her lesson for drinking so deeply after a long warm bath. It made her emotional, volatile, but affectionate and clingy. She’d nuzzle further into Alisa until she curled onto her lap. Feathers now sprouting as her constant emotional burst in every direction was making her lose touch of holding back her form. ”Ye know, that makes me happy. Hearing I had a chance a family there is nice…belonging is nice.”

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 3:35 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

Indeed, it hadn't turned out too well for Odin. In the end, Alisa found out he'd been planning to summon Morrigan despite knowing fully well the Calamity she'd unleash... And when he found out Alisa knew what he planned to do, he came to Hargeon to kill her, her and was killed by her instead. It was a shame, at a time she had even respected him. It wasn't even their first battle in Hargeon square. Alisa nodded at Lumikki's words, but she couldn't pitch in. It wasn't her place to pitch in on such a personal change beyond what she'd already said:

"Oh, yooooou're one to talk~...", Alisa giggled as she couldn't help but plant a gentle, affectionate kiss on her head as she stroked that silky smooth hair, "I'll say, he was defenitely right about the beauty in you... Darkness too of course, but take a look at this night sky... Who in their right might could find anything wrong in this beautiful darkness~...?"

Light and Darkness can be equally good or bad, ugly or beautiful, all of it depends on what purpose lies behind them... And Alisa found no greater example than in the ugliness of the Seraphim and their abhorrent zealotry:

"There is nothing beautiful about them, anybody who'd say otherwise is either blind or has never seen the horrors those things can commit. And likewise... There's nothing feral about you."

Still, merely bringing up Daiko put a smile on her face. She knew he was a Lamia at heart, and if somebody ever remade the Guild he'd undoubtedly return to it. But the free spirit of Blue Pegasus suited him like a glove and he'd matured into a striking young man without ever losing that youthful vibrance:

"Fufu~... Well, you haven't missed out on anything, you're welcome to stop by whenever you'd like?", Alisa giggled as Lumi practically curled onto her lap as the two eased into that post inebriated lull... Alisa propping herself up on one arm as the other hand'd left Lumi the whole time, gently stroking from her hair down to her feathers, utterly enthralled by how soft they felt against a touch, "Mmm, in the end it's... All one really needs in life~..."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 8:41 am


”Huh…yer right…I forget to see it that way. Ye forget how beautiful the night sky is sometimes when ye see it so many times….Insecurities are an odd thing, ye think ye’d leave them behind when ya transcend but really, now ye have forever to carry ‘em with ye.” She’d look up to the sky to take it in again as if for the first time. It was boundless, endless, all consuming….It really was like her. Lumikki wondered with lingering desire, was she the night sky taken form? Was she a piece of the colossal abyss from above? She’d always rather that notion than the desolate pits of the other realm and she would not be entirely off. The sliver of darkness in her that was severed by her Nan when Lumikki was a child, an attempt to stave the Demon who sought it. It mingled and merged with the primordial dark, shifting in value and substance overtime. By the time it returned to Lumikki, she was grown and it contrasted with the Obscura that poisoned her mana. The duel darks would often clash from that point on, but in the end, pure darkness always won. As if her soul called to it in her workings. Of course, it was acts of defiance, anything to turn toward her father or turn toward her race; but these were thoughts that were never made quite privy to the Demoness that embodied them. Just hums and whispers in the abyss of mind, emotion, and soul.

”The only Seraphim I’ve witness is Yuurei…but I could admit there’s a twisted beauty in him. So dazzling to the eyes but there is always something off. To the cusp of unhinged? It’s like the inverse of mine when I unravel, shifting to a more volatile and feral form. But while I dip into the realm of nightmares, there’s a sense of despair I can’t fully explain to his. An existential dread? The burning judgement in yer soul? Hard to say, as I only expand on the volatile chaos that makes up me form, while he is more stuck on that which is his. Grace….feels so rigid compared to Obscura…”

Alisa was kind enough to accept Lumikki as the Demoness absentmindedly curled onto her lap; but the shift in the Goddess weight and posture was enough to shake Lumi back into an awareness. Prompting her to flick her hand and will her magic to form a rest that Alisa could lean on. The night sky warping around them so that it fluffed in a cushion the Goddess could sink into. With a cool touch that matched the chill of the passing breeze.

”Was it hard for ye to find where ya belong? I can’t always imagine how one stumbles upon their guild or family. I came to the Dawn on me mother’s request and because Brone was there to take me.” Lumikki nuzzled into Alisa’s warmth, entirely relaxed and disarmed.

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:26 am


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Your insecurities too helped make you who you are. Regardless of what you started as and what you ended up as.", Alisa sighed her chest rising and falling as she thought back to her own. The desire for revenge she'd all but abandoned, the sense of weakness and inadequacy against Black Sun...

The sense triumph when she felled the first of them, and the ensuring apprehension when she realized he'd only been the weakest of them. Though she'd given up that quest in favor of her guild, she could never forget how those enemies were still out there, lurking

"They say you can't quite have genius without a hint of madness? That hardly surprises me... I didn't interact much with him before so I can hardly say for certain, but I almost imagine he had at least some of that before he acquired his grace.", Alisa shook her head, never having had much of a chance to meet Yuurei personally beyond his achievements in the Guilds, "But when I look at you, I see someone... Grounded if that makes sense? A Grace does feel more rigid than an Obscura... Though I imagine if you had one of your own, it would be radically different from his."

Perhaps it might not feel like the most fitting word for the winged beauty now curling in her lap, but Lumikki had a powerful connection to her Icebergian roots, far more so than herself or any other Guildmaster Alisa had met. That's where the true source of her power came, more so than her Obscura or anything else:

"Why, thank you~...", feeling that cool rest Lumikki crafted for her, Alisa smiled and leaned into it, a soft sigh leaving her lips as she relaxed and eased Lumi into her soft, welcoming lap, letting her rest and relax on her in turn, turning up into the sky, brushing a loose dark lock behind her ear as she reminisced on the road she'd taken to end up here, "Mmm... It didn't feel like that at the time? But now that i think about it... It took me years of wandering. When I joined Blue Pegasus I must have been hmm, 17? But it took me much longer to realize the Guild was my home... Years in fact... Back then I rarely spent more than a few days per year at the Guild."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 4:23 pm


”Funny isn’t it, the differences in people and how much it paints them…..Admittedly, I given some thought to it. Even as a child, it was easy to notice all the differences. If I had grace, I wonder if it could become a warm blaze? A gentle flame on the skin? Whose to say though, the Seraphim are a twisted bunch; but I suppose if the Demons didn’t wring the humanity out of me, perhaps even the Seraphim wouldn’t stand a chance….their pettiness would see to it that I was dead though….surviving as a Demon is just so much more simpler….Illumin is such an eyesore, I’ve been meaning to tear down at it but just couldn’t fine the time….perhaps I could start making some though….” Her voice was clear but muffled by the constant shifting and nuzzling. It was just another spill of her thoughts. More musings that Lumikki entertained as they passed through her mind. Even odd things like what her life could have been if she was a Seraphim instead, but it would always make her shudder when it popped in her head. After all, there was something about the sanitized Angels that sought to destroy the intricacies of humanity, Lumikki could not help but worry. If it were her fate to be one, she’d be largely stripped away of that too.

”In contrast to Angels, the Demons seem more pleasing. Where Seraphim rid ye of all that makes ya human, the Demons push ye to sink further into it. For better or worse, I rather excess.” Eyes finally no longer hidden, she turned back toward the sky. Her hair and fringe in disarray as it sat on her face. Really, the Demoness was simply a mess at the moment, but she hardly gave it any thought. Her focus was only on comfort and the interesting conversation.

”Aaaah I guess all guilds suffer from strays that never come home. Sometimes I just wish they’d visit more…or maybe I should just leave more meself.”

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 4:01 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

"Oh... I don't doubt it? You may be an ice mage, but in some ways you feel warmer than most people I've ever met? Seraphim and Demons alike are both twisted bunch... But considering how many wars have been fought over Earthland, if corrupting a single human were easy, the two of them would have most likely corrupted all of Earthland by now?", Alisa assessed, knowing that not only humans, but elves or dwarves as well, were a lot sturdier than most people gave them credit for, "I believe what makes demons dangerous is that... They know how to play to your own desires? Offer you everything you ever thought you wanted, at a cost you never thought you'd have to pay. That is the very nature of an Obscura."[/b][/color]

Alisa trusted neither Demons nor Seraphim... At least not those that came from their respective dimensions, with their own agendas to push... She didn't think of Lumikki the same way though, as someone whose Obscura was merely a single fragment of their tremendous power. She'd be just as strong without it:

"A Grace would have you become a slave to the Seraphim's will, while an Obscura would have you become a slave to your baser impulses. Neither is a fate I'd wish even on my worst enemy. I'd much rather stay true to myself, don't you think?"

Alisa's smiled brightened as she saw Lumikki open her eyes, and she simply brushed that pale, silvery hair away from them and simply let out a low, melodious giggle as those words fell on her ears:

"Hey~...", Alisa nudged Lummikki playfully, her brow furrowing even if her smile widened at her words, thinking back to, well, the vast majority of Guild mages she knew of, "If you kicked out strays that never come home, most guilds would lose over half their members~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:57 am


”There’s a savory satisfaction that comes from being a slave to yer own desires. Albeit, it’s the never ending hunger that’ll drive ya mad. Still, there is some pleasure to being ravenous. If there was an aspect I would choose to do without, it would be the manipulation of insecurities and fears. This need for validation in power, and the sorrowful path one scraped along to find it. Demons and the like really know how to find ya when yer low, it’s the unfortunate account of me beloved as well. Snatched up once in a pitiful spot only to be in service like some puppet. Maddening if I didn’t have me loved ones with me.”

Alisa would do the kindness of moving the remaining hair form her face, and Lumikki would coo and purr as she did so. Now that she could see undeterred once more, she’d gaze up upon the Goddess in a different angle. It was fascinated getting to witness all her shifting features, but it was usually interesting witnessing others in many regards.

”Suppose yer right…..still a shame though. There are some I feel I’ve yet to meet still. I guess I’d just have to make it a mission to streamline every new member to me office so that I could at least be introduced to ‘em. I don’t very well wanna mimic Yuurei as it took months to meet that lad. It almost seemed like he took every new member and entry like a surprise. Never knowing when the recruit first took their steps within the guild. Ya wouldn’t know it, but I feel Brone is more the out going one. There’s more charisma in him I feel than in the Angel. Course, I could be wrong, perhaps even biased. There is some charm to him, I guess, but it gets chased out by the sparring encounters.” Lumikki would take a moment to nibble sheepishly at the dark by her lips as she uttered the stray thoughts flowing through her mind. Guilds really made for complicated families, but it often would feel like it contained all sorts of characters.

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Img_8011

Pokedex Entry

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:34 pm


WORDS: 500 | TAG: @Lumikki | CASUAL

Alisa was no stranger to indulgence... She was naturally whimsical, prone to sudden impulses. But there was something about the way demons ingrained themselves into the lives of their victims, and it felt like something else entirely:

"Indulging your heartfelt desires or indulging whims you never really had to begin with. They make you feel like something is wrong with you and then offer the cure... Cure that will only leave you worse off than how you started off in the end.", Alisa shook her head and sighed, brushing her hair behind her shoulder... And yet there was something in Lumikki's words that picked her interest, making eher brow arch, "Oho~... Your beloved? First time i'm hearing of this~... Now you must tell me, what kind of person are they~?"

Demons were indeed insidious... She was no stranger to hapless demon cults who'd sold their souls to some demon or another. Many of whom soon came to regret the bargain they'd made, or simply didn't live long enough to regret it. And yet while these words brought back memories from the wars with the Abyss... Alisa never quite felt her mood sour while she had Lumi purring oh so happy as she laid on her lap, and the crystal woman found herself giggling like a schoolgirl as she looked into her eyes, practically smiling ear to ear at how endearing her drinking buddy looked right there:

"Oh I can relate... I... Haven't met nearly all my members, especially the new ones or those who travel a lot?", she replied, rubbing the side of her head sheepishly, an awkward smile on her face, "It can be hard to meet everyone in your guild. I doubt I'd have fared much better than Yuurei either, unless someone would have gone out of my way to meet me? Why, many members join the guild and immediately depart again to find work. I try to meet everyone but some always manage to elude me~ Though... I completely agree with that? To me Brone always seemed more... Approachable?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Empty Wed Jul 03, 2024 7:31 am


”I read some notion sometime ago in a book, that the Abyss is the amalgamation of human desires distilled to is purest form. Of course it was written by the very humans that want to feel the center of all the realms. Personally I take it with more grains of salt than a cup of sea water, but the connection isn’t lost on me. Obscura is like passions intensified for better and worst. It just so happens that many emotions turn sour with enough excess….—huh! Me love?” Lumikki stirred up from the intrigue, a surge of flustered compulsion shook her in place and now she was fidgeting. Her head turning slightly as she kept looking every which way and now her pale while hair was bunched in her skittish hands as an attempt for comfort. When she could finally muster the words, she’d focus on braiding some locks of hair to keep her tempered. Doing so like it was the most fascinating thing in the world.

”What kinda person? Aah well…he’s a warrior. Fights with enough honor that even Brone likes him….He’s got crimson hair and so much passion…charming….um-ummm it feels weird putting it into words. Ye know, I never really got to talk about things like this with anyone before. Aren’t a lot of lasses up in the Dawn for me to pour me heart out like a maiden to but…he’s me soulmate….least I think so……….” Lumikki took a deep pause while she used all her capacity to think out the words. Her stomach was still burning with sake and in the heat of her passions she was worried of looking like such a fool. Lumikki would face away to save her from anymore embarrassment welling within her, at least for long enough to explain herself.

”He’s a Daemon who joined me guild for a time and during a mission we had got to talking. Out of curiosity, I proceeded his patron, ripping the pact he had before and providing him one with me. But the merge was far more intense and intimate than I initially thought, or perhaps it was me sloppiness for no one taught me how to be a Demon. It just felt like they were invasive but still far removed, but when I did it….it felt like we became one….. Like we could feel the other does, see what they see, hear the other’s thoughts. If I let him, he could wander me mind and settle in me very soul…..All that to say, it was an odd way to fall in love. I’m just lucky he loves me back.” She reburied her face under her hair when she spoke.

Walk of Shame [FPHS – Drunken Hiking | Lumikki] - Page 2 Img_8011

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