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Crystal Summons - Meet the Family

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Crystal Summons - Meet the Family Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:19 pm

Crystal Summons - Meet the Family Ruby-Carbuncle

Name: Ruby Carbuncle
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 5% of the user's base mana per turn
Requirements: Crystal Beast Summoning Magic
Type: Summon
Element: Light
Range: 20 meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Sustain
Size:  50 centimeters
Strength: 1
Constitution: 130
Speed: 121
Effect: With a ruby in hand or with enough willpower, the user extends their hand, causing a gold magic circle to appear. From said hand, the small creature will hop out.

Physiology: Ruby Carbuncle, or just "Ruby" is a small purple quadrupedal creature with large red eyes and a red ruby gem at the end of it's tail. With a joyful demeanor, this little fellow tends to stick tight to its summoner, showing them sincere affection. While not capable of speech, it’s squeaks and body language are quite direct when made toward their summoner.

Crystal Summons - Meet the Family Sapphire-Pegasus

Name: Sapphire Pegasus
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 5% of the user's base mana per turn
Requirements: Crystal Beast Summoning Magic
Type: Summon
Element: Light
Range: 20 meters
Cooldown: 1 Post
Duration: Sustain
Size: 3 Meters
Strength: 121
Constitution: 9
Speed: 121
Effect: With a sapphire in hand or with enough willpower, the user extends their hand, causing a gold magic circle to appear. From said hand, a mighty neigh will be heard before the sapphire steed will gallop out from the circle.

Physiology: Sapphire Pegasus or simply, "Pegasus", is a large majestic steed, its coat and mane are a pure white. It also had some gold accents in the form of small wings along its hoofs along with a sapphire horn in the middle of its forehead. The most defining and prominent feature of him however is his two large wings on his back that have a 3 meter wingspan and with a separate spell is capable of using them for flight. These wings have golden feathers and a a single large sapphire on each wing. Despite being a horse, the summon is capable of some simple speech but prefers to communicate with neighs and whinnies. It tends to act protectively toward it's summoner and will rush into battle to defend them at a moment's notice.


Crystal Summons - Meet the Family Empty Tue Feb 20, 2024 4:20 pm

Training these please


Crystal Summons - Meet the Family Empty Wed Feb 21, 2024 8:26 am


these two spells are approved for training~

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