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They Sell Cures Right?(Open.)

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They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Sun Dec 31, 2023 6:56 am

Jai-Han was over all a simple person, But at times one could tell she was not all there and either some how too drunk or in some manner she was actually foolish. Jai-Han in some manner seemed to walk around with a fair amount of things. life of fighting and always being on the seas might have taken it's toll and maybe she needed some kind of help. But in some manner some one could also be to stubborn for that help or to know how to change for help.

Most people at this time, Jai-Han was just a woman walking slowly towards the potion shop. So far it would seem to be pretty innocent over all. Problems have yet to sprout out yet. But Jai-Han was still struggling for the most part. She was getting better slowly and getting off her feet moving into new things.


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 11:29 am


The, ah what was it called? Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus Hot springs extravaganza was alright so far in her time here. If she was being generous, Jikan would say that it was even...fun. Some old faces meeting up to speak business with Jikan using the event as a nice local diversion for attention. Some good delicious food, some music. Some fun when she was able to cut back. Yeah, it was alright in all means. What more could a simple warrior lady as for??

Walking around in the meantime, sober minded and seeking a bit of a time killer. Jikan saw a lady who was quite simply, not all there in the head right now. With how she as moving and talking though, Jikan was not sure if she was the town fool or a women who chose to go overboard in her liquor. Standing in front of a potion shop, Jikan watched on at this eyed patched women with her head titled.

wc: 165

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 9:02 am

While everyone watched her, Jai did not pay any attention to anyone. After all she was on a mission, she needed to get something done. By that she was looking for something to kind of help her wounds."Dang bi--h really had to shoot me while fightin' the beast huh."Jai was not seemingly paying to anyone sure you could look at her walking slowly with a bit of a limp at that time but she was still there and moving everything was over all normal.

She would eventually reach the doors, stopping for a moment to just check on herself. her bones still seemed stiff, she still felt pain. All she would just mutter is. "One of these days that kraken's gonna get it."Jai was not giving up she had lost too many times to not give up, But almost like there was cycle here, repeating.


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Sun Jun 16, 2024 2:36 pm


Standing in front of the store that Jai-Han was seeking to enter. There was a twist array of answers and yet further questions as this woman moved closer. With the closing of distance, some details were becoming more and more clear to the naked eye. While the growing crowd that was forming a distance away from her, whispering the expected and unexpected gossip of nosey townsfolk. Who is she? What happened? Oh poor baby, she looks like a mess. Is she a bandit? Pirate? Looks like she got what was coming to her...

The eye covered lady did not seem to mind any of this nor care. But with that wound of hers and the blood Jikan was now noticing, she was not surprised. And as she came closer, allowing Jikan's eye of death to really see her Jikan would understand the focus. Her eyes told of this women's death, an hour unless things were to change. Wounds were that bad it seemed.

Within ear shot Jikan picked up bits and pieces. Expected cursing of something pissed off facing death's door. A person to be the cause of it, a woman? But men could be bi--hes too, in the middle of fighting a beast too of all things. That just smelled like an opportunity in waiting that was taken. She had to be a dirty woman then, messing with a crowd that could not be trusted. Either that or she had a very poor way of judging her friends if someone she trusted would do that to her,

Jikan sighed. With that limb and blood loss it would be a comedic show for her to get to the shop. Turning well before the lady would get to the door, Jikan opened the shop and mouthed something before stepping in herself. By the time Jai would reach the shop and wait by the door. A matter of seconds after, a hand would reach out with a potion to dull some pain. "Take a sip of this pain suppressant then head in. They are getting ready to patch you up", Jikan said behind the door.

wc: 358
twc: 523

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 3:27 am

The problem for Jikan now was the fact Jai-han didn't believe her at all. Then again maybe just before she didn't do it herself it was typical of her at this moment."Yea....right a magic shop is just gonna have a doctor on hand."Jai said right away right a bit of snark with it. After all this was just how she was, At this time some one had how shot her and she got beat up by a kraken she was just roaming around over all.

Then she would just snark her more."What's next gonna have a bridge to sell me?"Jai-Han laugh loudly for moment and continued on. She's thinking she's heard this trick before."At least could have lied to me, in some manner a bit more believable."She would have to try again, Because Jai didn't believer her.


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Sun Jun 23, 2024 7:49 pm


Why all she outta. Jikan never smacked her lips so hard and fast in all of her life. On and on the woman went as soon as Jikan finished speaking. Give a little out of nothing and it was met by nothing by an annoyance. With a sighed that clearly shown annoyance behind the door, Jikan had no drive to deal with this snobbiness in her eyes. She could get the distrust given the randomness…and well betrayed, left to die etc etc. Did not stop the irritation. “Shoot ya self. Do make sure not to make the ground outside smell too bad out there. It is bad for the business and I kinda like the store owners here”. Jikan said quickly, pulling her hand back into the store and letting the door SLAM.

It was not something Jikan had to let be her problem. After all, as much as she liked to do good things for goodness' sake, she was a lady who also did things by calculation and her own interest. The offer was the bottom of the barrel that this grown woman would get, generosity did not stretch far when it came to people other than children after all. The healer in the store will just have to deal with the publicity. Even a dead body would draw some eyes, win win in the end”. Jikan said in a bit of a dry un-empathetic tone in contentment.

“You look penniless and on your final legs. I would make more dropping your body off to a medical school for examination than trying to sell you anything. Now, stand there if you wish, and let whoever did that to you win and savor it”, with that the soft clicks of Jikan’s feet would echo away as she went further into the store.

wc: 307
twc: 830

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:51 am

The problem with just answering with that was. Jai was just how she was and she was going to answer with ever more aggressively and this would be normal of her."Uh huh tell me somethin' new princess, some one already shot me."Jai-Han threw back at her because it was almost like it was a right away thing. She would add even more to that."Even if I die here, I don't care if it's the floor and stinking up the place." Jai-Han just kind of laughed about it because she really didn't care she was just there.

There was no end to it yet."Yeah what are you the guild master of Fairy Tail or the owner of the store? how do you know who's in there?"Jai-Han continued just being a pain while she continue her slow walk forward and casually.

only because she could only take it casually at the time."Peniless? Nah ill solve that later, But if your gonna try and kidnap me i'll let you know. I bite, I punch, I kick and I won't give up until you hurt...Even the medical dorks you leave me will bleed when im done."Jai-han had some spirit left in her. Just kept on fighting and just not giving up.

But she was walking."Patches' is gonna get an ass beatin when I see her next, She tried to kill the captain...I won't forget it."What do you do with such a strange woman? kill her? keep her going? or have life just eat her up?


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Tue Jul 16, 2024 7:22 pm


It was what it was. And Jikan was most certainly not the type to play a soft hand to someone who was an unknown stranger. If she was this stubborn and chose not to act, than she was her own adult and would lay in that bed. If she chose to distrust her then Jikan would not force her hand. She would leave this aggressive lion howling and cursing at the door if she failed to do it herself. But with all of that attitude, Jai still chose to talk to Jikan instead of doing something. Call it a rebuke, or this aggressive personality she was showing, but she was still interacting with Jikan.

“Uh huh”. No duh sherlock. It was easy to tell from the blood and the way she had been holding herself as she limped over to the store. “My my, you sure are a dull, dumb person, aren’t you? Quite ready to die just to spite the world around you eh?”, Jikan said, her soft voice inching higher. Sharp with its edge. Cutting like that of a needle poking through the skin. The tone held a slight heaviness as that of a tremor that threatened to grow the longer this woman was in her presence. Each letter enunciated crisply as if fresh off a hot stove. Her scoff was held back, but her pace was quicker filled with impatience at this woman’s continued waste of her time at this point.

“I was a guild master in the past. But not told. Now I am just a traveling warrior and hunter of monsters. Enemies of the world and test of my strength all the same”. Inside the store Jikan rolled her eyes. “How do I know who is in the store? Uhhh, how about the fact that I am in the store??? Is your brain starting to die?”. Jikan said fully walking away from the door, her staying the same through all of it. “And how will you do that? You are not much in the shape for physical labor, and it sounds like the source of your skill was stolen from you. What resources do you even have to play the game of revenge, pirate”.

She let out a scoff, insulted by the thought. “Kidnap? You? The dying barking dog on the floor in the middle of the city. Really??? You think that high of you when you have no ship, no men, and no charisma with that luck”, Jikan said, bringing a tired hand to her face in a sigh. Quite tired of this lady. She had heart though, commendable.

435 | 1265

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:11 pm

Now matter how it seemed Jai-Han still seemed unaffected for the most part. Almost like she was still thinking so many other things compared to seemingly insulting a helping hand from the end results of what she had willing done to achieve her goal, Sure she mentioned one person,Patched would apparently eventually get what she dealt with."Well I ain't dead yet right?"Jai-Han merely mentioned as she seemingly slowly continued on not even caring to think about what was said to her much beyond key things she heard, might not even get the full point of it.

Eventually something might go through her skull depending on if it was words or something that would actually kill her was a good question."I have time, That's what I have time and a desire to build it all up again."At this point you could call her drunk and everyone would believe it. But at least she was not yelling.

"I'll get better in time, ill get strong in time, Then Ill find Patches and that dang kraken and kill'em."
She sounded like she could not be reasoned with, Like this was now her only option in life or she was just needing to sleep and rethink her life for how much in bad shape she was in.


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Sun Jul 28, 2024 2:40 pm


In this stranger's realm of anger, she was giving quite a show about herself. The person who did this to her, the aim and ire of her wrath. Was someone named Patches, of all things. Jikan would have loved to doubt that name and just count the sentence she had heard to delusions and inaccuracy due to blood loss. But she was far familiar with odd and unique sounding names due to her travels across Fiore. Born and raised in Minstrel, the nation of Fiore was quite a foreign concept culture wise, and at times still can be. Perhaps this was not a person's true name, but rather a call name they went by on the seas. Or even a nickname this woman had given them. If Patches was really their name...well, Jikan would be curious on the state of their parents when they decided to give them that name. What was the reason, a family thing??

Nevertheless. this pain in the butt was quite stubborn and even more so annoyin'. It seemed she just went on and on about the same things in her venom filled breath. Unaffected by anything and everything else around her. Her mind truly must have been racing through her past, feelings, and desires. So many times, had Jikan seen that face on dying faces. And ever the more it was fresh each time. She could kind of picture it right now but rather now, the claws of death were slowly moving towards this woman after all. There was no point of thinking of her.

"Yes yes, you are not dead, yet. Remarkably so. It must be the kicking and screaming you are constantly doing", Jikan said sitting down in a chair eyeing the door. Waiting for the continued drawl to speak before finally it sounded like something clicked. Her voiced changed beyond wanted to do to what she WILL do. Each sentence gaining a sense of energy that held a fire in it. A fire that made Jikan tilt her head to the side.

"If you have the desire then stand. Stand and walk towards it then. If not, you are just wasting your time. If that is your passion than aim for it, and make whatever deals you need in the end to take ahold of it".

385 | 1650

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 5:56 am

The oddity of Jai-Han continued to show because she just kind of stopped talking and continued to try and walk towards the door, slowly as she was moving. Annoying as she might be Jai-Han was managing well as she continued to walked on and continue her way towards the door.

But at least she was quiet now she really stopped yapping. Being half way to the door. Then eventually she would just take a hold of her leg and with moving it a bit there was a bit of a snap sound then she would stretch it out a bit more, then did the same to the other leg with a bit of a londer snap.

she was a few feet away from the door at this point and she seemed some what determine with each step. It but she was still in pain which was no shocking.


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Mon Jul 29, 2024 7:05 pm


Nestled within the confines of Jai's journey. Jikan stayed in a silent assessment as she heard silence. Perhaps Jai had bit the nail and succumbed to her injuries. Perhaps she had tired of yelling out her frustrations to the world and was swallowing it down with all of its bitter taste. Or rather, what Jikan had thought had truly happened. Something clicked for this woman, and instead of just talking the talk she was thinking, planning, how to walk the walk. It was an odd change, but one that was built up to like a small ember.

Jikan turned her head, eyeing one of the many magic store workers who at this point remained quite silent and out of the ordeal that their store had happen to be the location of. "I am sorry for the scene", Jikan said quite plainly yet sincere. The owner just giving a soft cough while looking away from Jikan. "No, ah no, it is alright. Just up, keep her from making a scene yes? You may have paid for us to help her, but she may be pushing it a little...".

Snap...snap... SNAP

Jikan turned her head as she looked with a bit of increased interest. Did she really...just snap her limbs back into place? My such a crazy thing to do, one that felt like few and yet many she knew would have the gall to even think of doing such a thing. It was not a smart thing to do. She would likely be in even more pain than she was before, still swelling, her nerves would be on fire. And who knows what long term. Would she make it and open the door, or would she fall before she could take ahold of it? "I got to say... you sound and act not like the average person in Fiore. If you want someone to work for to help you in your aims. You may be in luck, hypothetically. But. What is your name?".

334 | 1984

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Wed Jul 31, 2024 4:43 am

Eventually she would answer her question but that was not important at this time, Jai had business to deal with and this business was to get something to help this pain which in reality was far more dramatic. But This was just how Jai-Han worked, she only really cared for her goal and mission that for the most part was it, Anything else was only used to benefit her. Over time that was something that might be caught on.

Pain was temporary, Jai was too either stubborn or stupid to give up. But she was now in the build and she seemed to be, completely quiet and calm now."I just need some medication to settle my nerves after fight that i am recovering from."The fact she was settled and calm now might be scary but she had no idea that Jikan did cover her costs.

It was not a worry at the time."Well that is most likely because, I'm normally sailin' on the seas, either was long haul cargo shipping, transporting people to other nations or sometimes sea beast hunting."It was a long winded way of saying she was a pirate, but she did sometimes did perfectly legal things as well.

As for what she mentioned."Ya can just call me Jai, This all matters what kind of work you got."She waited at this point to hear what was said.


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 12:42 pm


Intrigue danced and tickled at the tip of Jikan’s brain at this point. Was this lady just one out of another batch of wild and ruthless dirty dealers that got the short end of a double cross. A gasping struggling person that held an inner flame of self-destruction and nothing more. Boredom was the only result for Jikan if she gave more than a sight from her eyes. Or perhaps, this was a rare case of a seed waiting to be planted and grown. A story to amuse the world and influence those around. What was her potential in this goal that she ran on and on about? Was there strength in those words, or just a weak resolve gasping at threads of anger. What piece would she be in this game of life? What dangers would present.

Ask Jikan waited in vain for her question to get answered. Business was here at hand, and it seemed this woman finally got the bite of reality of her situation. Pain was a good source of a reality check. Managing to get within the store the huffing and puffing of this pirate was all calm and still like a sleeping pond. Her eyes would struggle to see likely due to blood loss, but if managed to get a good enough view of her environment she would be able to tell a few signs. A glass case holding a number of pills and jells. A nearby shelf that held band aids, wraps, and braces. Far over in the corners of the shadows lit by soft candles were other medical tools and devices. Syringes, needles, masks, gloves, and other small pharmacy items.

Without a word Jikan just waited as the man at the counter spoke. Placing a bottle down filled with pain medication. It would not heal her but, it would stop what she was going through from dulling her senses. “...”, the man paused before seeming to reach under a special counter before pulling a clear bottle with a black purple liquid within. “With how you look you may need to drink more pain away. Sera, get the tools ready to fix her up”. The man said sliding a number of coins Jikan had already delivered to him into a register.

With a cool gaze Jikan just let out a soft hm. Recognizing her words with the experience she had. Good, people, and hunting. A good split from the pirate life. How well was she in each though? What was her experience and tools to handle situations? And with the ones she did, how big of a job did she pull with her old crew? Illegal? Legal? Grey? “I got work. The type depends on the person and situation. But first, let's not let the new person die before she gets started shall we?”

wc: 471
twc: 2455

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Fri Sep 13, 2024 3:50 am

Over all Jai was just some what gaining focus again. But she still had so many things she wanted to do. Like get a boat, gather a crew, set sail and kill a kraken. Everything else as a means to get strong and powerful."Eh, Even if I was complain so much, I am sure a few more weeks and I would have been fine."Jai was seemingly trying to act completely normal and getting to the point most likely because she was not feeling as much pain and broken bones and getting shot left you.

Jai was not generally much of a strong warrior, she was just stupidly stubborn and never gave up. Or she was completely cursed to always fail and did not realize just yet and moved on with her life."Besides, I ain't dying that easily, The Kraken didn't kill me, Patchy didn't kill me. im still here."She laughed about it again like it was not a massive problem.


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Mon Sep 16, 2024 7:53 pm


From the back, behind the door hidden beyond the counter. A soft movement was heard as two figures exited. A simply purple haired man, and a silver long haired maiden. With a nod towards the store owner they went on their move, gathering a bit of items that were not already on had in possession before walking towards Jai. Stay a bit of distance away at first as if the two were contemplating if it was safe to approach her.

“Sure, with blood loss on the way. I am sure your body would have plenty of time to clot and heal up”, Jikan said in a soft sarcastic tone. With a quick shift of her eyes she gazed at the two nervous workers. The look seems to alter them and take away any fear stopping them from moving. Sitting by Jai’s side and slowly moving to secure and wrapped her broken bones as well as cover her bleeding after receiving some form of permission.

“Yes you are, but you did get close. By the sounds of it. You need better luck, and a better gun”, Jikan mused while waiting for the medics none medics to do their thing. “So, you second in command betrayed you because of greed eh? The pirate life shields no one”.

wc: 215

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Wed Sep 18, 2024 5:54 am

The warning signs of Jai would start seemingly to show it's self as her honest answers would turn heads."I don't need a gun, I solve my problems with a sword or my fists personally."Maybe Jai's bad luck was her being force to keep in living because she was just too dumb to stay dead in the figurative sense.

But she was a up front kind of person, by that she also caused problems."Nah..I just kind of talked her forcefully, into joining me on this trip after she wanted kept running away and telling me she didn't want too."Jai-Han just trying to out right admit to kidnapping and forcing some one to do something they didn't want too.

With said hints it was not easy to see why this yet to be seen patches, left Jai in the state she was."We worked out are little....misunderstanding at that time, Still dunno why she would go mad and do what she did."Jai laughed about it slightly like it was nothing still.


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Sat Sep 21, 2024 7:19 pm


To the less…combative prone individual. A normal citizen of Fiore, Jai’s response may have been a bit of a jolt to the nerves. However, Jikan had long ago lost that glamor. She was raised to uphold her family’s legacy. She was raised to be a hunter of all beings magical. To cut down Angels and Demons alike if they threatened Earthland. To hunt down vampires as they slithered through the night, and to track down Werewolfs. To turn the hunter into prey. Despite that work and life long past her, such trivial things as a person said they handled things with their hands instead of guns was child’s play. It only gave a look to make Jikan think Jai was a bit of a warrior. Or at least, she was not afraid to get her hands dirty by the nail or by the blade.

Perhaps it was those years in Sleeping Calamity and the hardened shell she had to make. But it did not face her one bit. It was worth noting that she was a person not afraid to throw done, much like many in her old guild. Too stubborn, too ready to prove something. And…short sighted. So many damn times had she talked to just have someone act like it was in one ear and out the other. She could appreciate that they never minded Jikan cracking two heads together to get something to ring and stick. But…she preferred a rather finer touch of operation. Hearing Jai’s words she withheld a sigh. Just a tilt of her head to the side with a raised eyebrow slightly.

Forcefully talked her into it. Along with her cre. When the second in command wanted to keep running away for survival. By all regards, it sounded like Jai was just a crazy hard headed lady throwing caution to the wind. Mutanity happened by various reasons as a pirate, moral, greed, all on the plate usually. But this sounded like Jai was just out to get them killed without knoweldge or care and they put a stop to it.

Bad guys valued their lives too after all.

“You honestly going to say you did not see it coming when she said she did not want to come nor do it, and you had to force her along???”, Jikan said bringing a finger to her had to give a few soft taps. Had to use the old knogging this one. “Misunderstand hmmm? And what would that be pray tell? Eh, either way. You are in your current state”, Jikan sounded plainly as the medics finished wrapping her up and giving her the pain medication.

wc: 440
twc: 3110

Main Theme | Battle Theme | Defending Theme | Evil 1 | Evil 2

They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) 0554acacfde855d47381f6f9080b1841-700

Minstrelian ffff33
Fiorian 33ff33
Boscian 3399cc
Joyan ff99cc


They Sell Cures Right?(Open.) Empty Wed Sep 25, 2024 3:33 am

Over all Jai seemed to almost just entirely ignore the question, Like in the grand scheme of things in her own world. It really did not matter. There was other things to do now, Most likely unless Jikan really tried to get an answer out of Jai-Han there would not be much to get out of her Jai-Han unless really pressed. It would be considered a not important point beyond this.

"Well the misunderstanding is, Well a future problem, I'll get to later if i ever find her again."Jai-Han was not mentioning either if she was going too, Planned too or even considered, Since she was always seemingly playing a game of not telling anyone her plans and tactics. Mostly because she did not have any, She just kept trying with whatever she would manage to get together in a quick amount of time. So normal horribly plans.

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