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Tenevi IV

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Tenevi IV Empty Fri Mar 15, 2024 6:06 am


Tenevi IV Tenevi11


Name: Tenevi

Slot: Companion

Race: Harpy

Class: Legendary

Quantity: Custom

Element: Dark

Mana: 1500

  • Strength: 61
  • Speed: 61
  • Constitution: 61


Height: 1 1/3 Meters
Weight: 50lbs

Appearance: A harpy with multiple cool colors for her feathers. The base is a deep gray and bluish plumage that gives into mint green to lavender to purple and then black. She has four wings in total. Her first two sprout from her arms, and she has talons for her hands. The second set sits around her waist and sprouts from her lower back. Her legs also give way to another set of talons. Her face is one of a girl and she has a short and slanted bob cut. Her body is adorned with a dark blue wing cape, a sheer top tied in a blue ribbon, and a deep blue midpiece. She had anklets as well.

Description: Tenevi is an aspect of Lumikki taken form. When she was a child, she was separated from her inner darkness to weaken the influence of a demon. When her Nan died, that aspect of herself returned, after spending years within the primordial dark it shifted into another being almost. It returned as a voice present in her mind but soon wanted to be more so that she could truly be along with herself.

Personality: Tenevi can come out very cold and dark to those who are not Lumikki. Very jealous of her master’s attention and reliance. Though she would prefer to be cruel and tear apart all the approaches Lumikki, especially those her masters care most for, she holds those urges back tremendously so as not to upset her master. Tenevi knows all too well the importance of family and loyalty for her and chooses not to sabotage this. Though there will be times she lets her real feelings and thoughts slip, she mostly maintains a polite demeanor and a pout.
Though Tenevi is polite on the surface, she is far from kind. Opting to not help anyone in need unless Lumikki asks directly. She has a very mischievous attitude as her master does, though where Lumikki usually stops at harmless pranks, Tenevi would prefer to cut deeper. She also wields on full display Lumikki’s darker thoughts and tendencies, hardly holding back unless it would be a problem with her master.
Tenevi is somewhat a voice of calm and reason to Lumikki who through all the aspects shifting constantly for her, causes her to at times be reckless or self-loathing. Tenevi wanted to pierce the limitation of just being a voice in Lumikki’s thoughts so that she could protect for herself the aspect of herself she loves most. Hoping to be a protector and caretaker for Lumikki on her journey back to the primordial darkness.
Tenevi is extremely jealous and possessive but quite mindful of her limitations as she doesn’t want Lumikki to hate her.


Requirements: Lumikki


  • None:

Companion Perks:
  • None  

Partner Perks:
  • Two birds one Will: As the two work as one in ways they never managed to before. They execute tasks faster than ever. You receive a 15% word reduction on completing quests.
  • Shinies Galore: The glinting and glimmering delights are quickly snatched. The user receives an additional 20% jewels when completing quests.
  • Inner Fury: The harpies cold and vindictive ways lead her to always want an ever lingering touch. She may not yet be strong enough to fight with her Demoness, but her presence would be made known. Upon striking the target, they will lose the equivalent of one rank lowers worth of mana.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Legendary
  • Legendary custom companion ticket
  • Three companion perks:WCR 15%(9pts)Bonus Jewels(12pts) Mana Burn(24pts)

Total points Acquired: 48
Total Points Spent: 45

Tenevi IV Nerili11

Pokedex Entry

Tenevi IV Empty Fri Mar 15, 2024 6:07 am


Tenevi IV Nerili11

Pokedex Entry
#3Alaric Holloway 

Tenevi IV Empty Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:15 pm

Alaric Holloway
Lumi has claimed her custom!

Tenevi IV 1ttePXg
#B72F22 | Sheet
#A96161 | App

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