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III Shishi-Yoroi

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III Shishi-Yoroi Empty Tue Feb 13, 2024 6:21 pm




Name: Shishi-Yoroi

Slot: Armor

Type: Internal Armor

Class: Unique, Points: 30

Weight: Heavy

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane.

Durability: Unique, 1x S-rank


Description: Armor of the bloodline of the Family Tilon. This magic armor was crafted for the protection of a Tilon Family Warrior. Forged with blood magic, the armor bonds with children that carry even the smallest amount of Tilon family blood. This armor is passed down from generation to generation in the Tilon family. It is a strange metal laced blood silk shirt, with archaic designs and ancient Sinsese markings. It is said to carry a portion of the bloodline power of every Tilon family wielder since its creation. Following in the faith of those whom follow the efforts and lessons of Emperor Yuan this armor bonds with the wielder at a young age becoming part of his/her chest rib cage and spine. It is released from the wielder in the form of a metal laced shirt at the time of death or after the wielder gains the power to outgrow its protection. Before the protection is invoked, it rests inside the flesh and bone of the bearer nourished by their bloodline energies in the form small black tattoo like markings on the user's back, shoulders, and rib cage.

Lore: The family Tilon was a proud and stubborn clan of fighters, farmers, rangers and beast masters. When they began to marry women of excessive strength one such matriarch wielded a decisive magic that enabled the creation of 6 blood bound sets of armor that would bond with, protect, and pass down specific Tilon family martial arts between the male and female children of the family. The helm and armor bonded to Willicus was passed down to his firstborn son Zendreyu. Zendreyu can in turn pass it down to any child he may sire or any of his relative's children. It is actually part of an entire set that had portions of it lost through centuries of battle and family transitions. This left Willicus with only the helm and armor as the shield, spear, earrings, rings, necklace were either lost, stolen, or sold off by others.

Measurements: Always a perfect fit to whomever receives it.


Requirements: Tilon Family Bloodline

  • Reinforces the skeletal system of the upper torso.
    +20 Endurance, +10 Constitution, +30 Strength  

  • -40 Speed (Drawback canceled out by Forge)


  • Effect #1: Bonus Quest Experience Reward: You receive an additional 10% experience when completing quests.
    Effect #2:Weapon Mastery Reduction: You receive a reduction of 10% to training your Fists (Martial Arts).

Points Breakdown

Forge Points Used:
  • Rarity: Unique
  • Armor
  • Heavy Weight
  • Bonus Attributes +20 Endurance (4 forge pts), +10 Constitution (2 forge points), +40 Spd (8 forge pts to remove Heavy armor negative stat for Spd attribute) 14 pts spent = 5 stat points per 1 forge point with a unique limit of 30 stat points) +30 Strength (Natural Heavy Armor Bonus)
  • Effects:
    Drawbacks -40 Speed (canceled by Forge)
    Lvl 1 Effect (5 forge pts)
    Martial Arts Mastery Reduction: You receive a reduction of 10% to training in martial arts.
    Lvl 2 Effect (10 forge pts)
    Bonus Quest Experience Reward: You receive an additional 10% experience when completing quests.
  • Spell: None

Total points Acquired:30
Total Points Spent:5 + 10 + 8 + 4 + 2= 29


III Shishi-Yoroi Empty Thu May 02, 2024 11:34 am


this custom is approved.

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