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Gravity Magic Starter Spells

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Gravity Magic Starter Spells Empty Wed Mar 20, 2024 1:31 pm

Gravity Magic Starter Spells AP1GczM1q1RMDlSqll5qXFyFmOB23oCYzMSyEk8UR4EauSls2TlalusNv9_KcwzSVJ3ZKriVIoofK_gMNpWkPMIpxTjtVGhZV2z72_mJXvc8XVYYQTujM1UfdZUcdSIWOPCk4Qd4ZGWLI-c1KV6v6S-MGjmT_oD9id_4SKBaZSU0KKvMGjtPLGVP1IpaX1HRu63ykjbc9P9azU-KiU3W0RjWiBX0lfU9IAaLzjxmoa5bRNLWsySA7cdQLs_zP6apdEEe3ILSRUa5TS7L0z8fy2b_jQXZHAIyTznT9Os7Iip3_uZz3BhtsxbGENGbYeBnql6dvXHWQ9QbWWtqZNmFyOHvvyMjMJ4yK8WfJknyUbVaL9nCO-0rM4x2aoU5mMy70bKoimwkS1sFv8SNNZf2HiDys1EUMCZ0NKOU-bh2jyD_4Who8i8x-d2kKIafHJqrLzY7-h34ZyFBH9S7sWdDc9pnUdzLguxD1hpciMNkQsw5PhjF7bFfdPaA5LtzWhhrJyP40N_tLMxFILZS5hEGmcBIHD_2w5VL8HWvtmhmlvKL2h9VcsBkM44PjvXh0exjKihTdSLywzcOVSkEymumzd30-qYeEkvqwU2JV_Ah8Jm4lcyEsLVW4aZX-RMAJfgcaVJqwmeGTHgWil0CgVwA_Uh8SPZ4toFXXTnLf51HxroJCyoufNwDWoF26fkvfG1dVyPZZTe9Ivqf1W8bMRzhhpJM5L7lkUi83t62onCBoauoa9emJ1Rl93R_7w8sM91gbI0y6XZten9VqXMxnspnToBrWx1UyazFkH2GaTchguq84cfzAHwbEHIlHsVI5YEnmZ57AQbTHhpBkLFiNiFl0cn0210zC6gz8c1oFOBpz2pY90F7ZvBHwYYRMKOgTuSqzFUJ8SF8JcQJB2eK_JZObLAh__OiF28-EiaE5JtXpjoYLok5Vd_oUo66m9ggs6xHUqSnz7PegVtpysz9FkyHMUy5S_Q5SQIaNc9Sl3tqWwnrp7QSEe_LTlQGYicG8mAITA3Y4U97AsFn7wCG6I4X_9gjVl_lHqcBNETttuS0gl2x=w600-h330-s-no-gm?authuser=4

Gravity Magic Starter Spells

Gravity Magic Effects:
Offensive-type spells apply a Debuff (Speed) to the target equal to the rank of the spell. The target is affected by the Debuff (Speed) for 3 posts. The effect does not stack, however, it does reset the duration back to 3 posts if the target is hit again while the effect is applied to them.
Debuff-type spells are doubled in range.
Debuff-type (AoE) spells are doubled in size.
Normally, the Speed attribute cannot be decreased below 1, however, Offensive-type (and its additional Debuff through this magic) or Debuff-type itself via Gravity Magic is capable of doing this. Should a target be lowered in their Speed below 1, they will suffer a percentage reduction. At its most powerful stage, the target can no longer move.

Speed                  Lunge Distance & Speed           Run Speed
0 to -50               2.5 m/s                                   5 m/s
-51 to -100          1 m/s                                      2 m/s
-101 and lower     0 m/s                                      0 m/s

Spellhowler Effects:
Superior Debuff: Debuff-type spells debuff double the amount of points compared to the numbers mentioned in the regulations.
Enhanced Spell Range: The range of Debuff-type spells are doubled.
Debuff Immunity: Spellhowlers are immune to the effects of their own debuff spells, this does not apply for item spells or their companions.

Starter Spells:

Name: Shot of Gravity
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Offense/Debuff
Element: Arcane
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Instant
Effect: The user clenches their hand before releasing it creating a bolt made of magic roughly 15 centimetres in length and a magic circle. This bolt can thrown at a target at spell speed. Upon hitting the target they will be damaged for 1x D-rank damage, while the bolt will melt and disappear and apply 1xC-rank Speed debuff for 3 turns.

Name: Gravitational Spread
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Offense/Debuff
Element: Arcane
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Instant
Effect: The user draws back their arm towards them before clicking their fingers at a location or target to cast this spell, a magic circle will appear from below the location and at the user’s hand before a ball of magic which expands in 3 meters in diameter grows in mass at the focal point after the equivalent time to travel from the user to the location has passed. This mist then will coat those within the area and damage them for 1x D-rank and apply a 1x C-rank Speed debuff for 3 turns.

Name: Gravital Walk
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: Self
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: The user tapping their heels together creates a magic circle below them and causing their feet to become sticky shoes, allowing them to slide upon surfaces including vertical walls and even upside down. The user may disengage a foot from the surface on their own pulling from the back of that foot.

Name: Gravital Dash
Rank: D
Mana Cost: 25
Requirements: Arcane Magic
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: 5 Meters
Cooldown: 1 Posts
Duration: Instant
Effect: Instant
Effect: The user stamps down causing a magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of light will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 5 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

#2Alaric Holloway 

Gravity Magic Starter Spells Empty Sat Mar 23, 2024 11:51 pm

Alaric Holloway
Denied. Some edits are needed.

  1. Minor Issue:So, it looks like you're trying to add your magic information and everything on here. No need! You may give us a breakdown of your magic's perks and abilities but you don't need to link the image or anything. If we've done our part, your magic is already linked directly in your profile. So, if you don't mind, let's clean all that area up!

  2. Minor Issue:Same thing with your class, no need to give us the overview!

  3. Major Issue: When making your spells or anything for that matter, please leave things as their base sets. Outside of your magic, which of course has a direct influence on how your magic will always work; things like items, classes, and even pets will likely change in the future. Baking in their effects into your spells and gear will only cause more work down the road to correct them. So, for that sake, just keep spells based on your magic and that spell's type. For your magic, discussing Gravity's increase to spell size and speed debuffs are totally cool! Just don't need to add in Spellhowler. Just mention that when using the spells in the thread.

  4. Major Issue: Offensive spells may apply a debuff to speed but they are not at their core debuff spell. This means Gravity's bonuses do not apply to its spell sizes that are offensive in nature. So, go ahead and remove the debuff to the typing area. The Gravity bonus would only apply to pure debuff only based spells. You will need to correct spell sizes to proper amounts.  

Please make edits and resubmit!

Gravity Magic Starter Spells 1ttePXg
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