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defying gravity [training]

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defying gravity [training] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:28 am

Vesper had been struck with a curious idea as of late. Lightning was inherently magnetic was it not? His magic imbued his body with electrical properties already, so then why could he not cling to surfaces? Vesper was absolutely positive that his logic aligned completely with scientific principles. To test this theory, he ventured forth to a secluded alley, hands on his hips as he stared up at a warehouse. The hypothesis was simple, swirling around in his little head, abuzz with such simplistic concepts.

Test 1; A failure. Vesper placed one of his candies in his mouth and crunched down, releasing the magic seal to coat his body in lightning and hopped at the warehouse wall. An embarrassing sight as he clung, shrieking metal crying out as fingernails dug in to find purchase - a futile attempt before he crashed down to the ground.

He can't quite comprehend why his attempt failed. It was foolproof, was it not? Vespers eyes widen, a stark realization that he doesn't actually understand the concept of magnetism. A frustrated groan as he splays out in the empty clearing, staring at the sky. He's going about this the wrong way, but he's adrift even still, trying so desperately to understand magnets. Maybe the problem is that he shrouded his entire body in lightning?

Test 2; Another failure. This time, Vesper, much like last time, cracks down on one of his prepared treats, conducting the magical energy into a more focused point; his hands. To recount this attempt would be absolutely mortifying for the boy - a blessing that nobody was around to see. Vesper rolls up his sleeves and claps his hands together, rubbing them together, believing that the extra friction would somehow help. He lunges at the wall, splatting against its steel surface and for but a moment successfully binds himself against the building's exterior. His eyes shimmer with excitement and then shock as he slowly peels away. But, Ves refuses to let himself fall again. Little hands paw, or rather, skitter to climb along the wall with such frenzied panic motions. Impractical and useless of course. Ves falls from whatever grace he had, knocking the wind out his lungs with his unfortunate collision with the hard earth.



defying gravity [training] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 10:29 am

"Ow, ow, ow...! Auuugh! I'm sick of this!" He yells with a frustrated whine, reaching deep into his pockets for something to chew into. A stick of gum to ease the ache in his teeth. He chews, over and over with furious intent, grinding it down to adhere around the shape of his fangs, pulling and bouncing it around to stick from the top and then the bottom again. Childish gnawing while he clears his mind and then it strikes him - a bolt of inspiration. What if he changed the properties of the lightning to something more adhesive in nature?

Test 3; A resounding success! He realizes something very important in these experiments. To put it quite simply; He's an idiot. He holds out a little gummy, a magic circle appearing around it as he focuses on it intently. He doesn't understand a gosh darn thing about magnetism, but he does understand the stickiness of gum. This time he's confident that he's cracked the problem. Ves pops the gummy into his mouth releasing a current of lightning to course through his body, coalescing at the base of his feet. Every step towards the wall itself is met with some resistance - humming lightning that sticks to the earth. A cautious kick against the metal wall and he struggles to pull it away and so, he put his faith in his abilities. A leap of faith. Ves finally has finally solved "magnetism" in his own unique way, walking vertically up the length of the building with jittery paws until he's standing so proudly on the summit.


[275 | 648 | Learning: D-Rank - Magnetic Gummy]

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