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If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.)

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If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 12:35 pm

She did recall how she ended up on the island Alisa now wanted to take her too, But before she even explained."Oh? and do what there? sunbath naked while sipping drinks?"Helena laugh about it because she was in fact thinking that what she would do in some manner eventually."I am sure Averie won't need to suffer with every man looking at me like they did last time I was there with her, But consider Bellum for the future if I need a vacation too."Helena mentioned because she had a feeling there would be a reason for her to be there in the future.

But Helena seemed to have taken joy from this, Almost like when this happen it was leading back to that was relaxing. The locking embrace of a kiss seemed to have no time waste with some kisses from her as well."Oh? spoiling me even more are we?"She laughed about it. It seemed she was not thinking about how she woke up this morning and what happen to her at this time. Then merely gave Alisa a few neck kisses while she was up there.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 5:12 pm



"You almost make it sound like there's anything wrong with that~", Alisa teased, knowing all too well Helena would be partial to such a proposition. She was usually all work and no play, but to her credit, when presented with an opportunity like this she didn't usually pass it up, "Fufu~... I don't believe there's any escaping that. Feels like wherever you go, you're doomed to have the wanting eyes of men and woman. Now that sounds utterly awful~"

Alisa had a sarcastic, mischievous tone as she finished that sentence, all but rolling her eyes as she imagined Helena would have no complaints about that particular arrangement. Quite the opposite, judging by how she was with her...

"Mhmmm~... I did tell you I'd spoil you silly, did I not~?", Alisa purred as she carried Helena to the edge of the pool inbetween kisses, nibbling that supple bottom lip as she approached, hands sliding down from her lower back, squeezing that succulent behind as she eased her lover onto the side of the pool, letting her rest there until she stood eye to eye with Alisa, that kiss easing into a slow, loving makeout, humming into her ear as Helena nibbled her neck, hands gliding up and down her back, lingering, enjoying the taste of her lips, and yet still remembering something she said right before Alisa flipped her onto the pool, "Now... What was it you said... You wanted next~? A drink was it~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 5:06 am

As it almost seemed like a set up before her now Helena would take that shot. After all she knew she gathered eyes and the bigger boast so far was who was handling her now."No it isn't wrong, Just maybe if i am trying to rest and do that, there are going to be an unsightly scar or two."Helena laughed about it .

Even following it up with."Yet here you are. over all the eyes...I do not know if I should consider that the victory or you and Sofi should."Helena said with a chuckle for a reason. She was right Alisa was intending to spoil her she seemed to be grateful about it.

Even having to remark."Oh? what spoil me enough so i don't feel like leaving for work again?"It was a joking remark but almost felt like that might be a case for it too. Helena felt like she wasted her youth in some manner she can achieve either goal or dream she had right now. Helena's mind seems clearer for now.

No doubt in the future days to come, she will most likely focus back on her life matters."Do you even drink water to avoid hang overs? Or...do you just sleep it off?"


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:27 am



"Not like a single measly scar could ever detract from your beauty~...?", Alisa replied, a smile on her face as she encouraged her luscious lover, ever happy to spoil and pamper her, showering her with affection and admiration until she could forget all about her worries... Her chin coming go rest on Helena's chest, planting a soft kiss there as her arms draped around her waist, smiling as she looked into her eyes, "Fufu~... Well I most certainly feel like a winner from where I'm standing? I guess all three of us get to enjoy the view~"

Alisa's arms wrapped just a bit tighter around Helena as she too started climbing up from the swimming pool, her wet body climbing up from the pool... She knew the Icebergian beauty was a hard worker, and would probably jump at the chance to go back to her travels. So she'd make sure to give her as many fond memories as she could, enough to keep her warm and give her something to look forward to on her return:

"Oh yes, I'm going to spoil you so utterly you won't eeeeever want to be anywhere other... than... right... here~", Alisa punctuated each word with a kiss as she smooched her way back up from Helena's cleavage to her cheek, and a final smooch on her lips as Alisa fully climbed up and out of the pool, sitting down next to Helena and giving her lover some of her personal space back, before standing back up on solid ground and offering the girl a hand to help her stand up, before leading her to come rest in the shade, "Mhmmm, you should defenitely drink lots of water to stay hydrated, especially if you're going on a bender? Sleeping it off when you're completely drunk is a very bad idea... Much better to walk it off first~ How about you~?"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 2:26 pm

While Helena listened and did not mind being handle she would mention something she knew Iecbergian were like, well some of them anyway."Depending on the person. The more scars the better." Helena laughed about it because, Over all she knew how it worked for some one of them, No matter what Helena was some one who could be some kind of pure beauty.

But that was not all. In some manner she would simply ask."I could stop my travels for a bit...I do have a feeling the road will call for me again.I just need to solve something else first."It was not back on to thinking about it for a moment."Maybe after i talk to that woman who left me in this state."But alas only knowing it was a woman at this time and other details being still a bit of a hazey, Just knowing they where a woman and most likely other previous mentioned details at the time she might have spoken already it was a long shot.

It seemed Alisa was more prepared for drinking then she thought."Hard to need a hang over cure when....booze is poison that can be removed from the system and you can just make your body recover from it quickly."Helena laughed about it,Because she used her magic a lot it seemed.

But she seemed happy some one was spoiling her as Alisa did at this time.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 6:13 pm



"Oh that person isn't you~... I'm sure you can do better than the rugged look.", Alisa snickered as she finally climbed up and out of the swimming pool, the water cascading down her curvaceous frame.

Indeed, pure beauty described Helena quite adequately, and though a scar or two is a show of character, having too many of them evidences a measure of sloppiness, recklessness, constantly diving into more danger than you're physically capable of tackling and only surviving through dumb luck:

"I don't doubt that... As fun as that sounds, I'd hardly try and chain you down to the same place for long. That said, I genuinely think you should take a few days to relax, enjoy your vacation... And maybe figure out how you'll rebuild?", Alisa guided Helena back to the shade, taking a seat at one of the lounge chairs as she crossed her long, shapely legs, calling over her maid once again for the woman to pour them another drink, cupping her cheek as she eyed Helena up and down, "You'll defenitely need to if you're going to find that woman. If she was strong enough to do that to you, it won't be any easier for you to take her down in your current state."

Still, Helena was a smart woman, so even as Alisa narrowed her eyes and looked deeply into those gorgeous hues, she knew she'd understand the situation... If that woman had been able to defeat her at the height of her power, sneaky tactics or otherwise, the difference in power would only have grown now:

"Oh, so you... Never... Had a hangover before~? So you're telling me I'll have to get used to looking after you~?", she teased, winking playfully at her as she folded one arm under the fullness of her bust


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:30 am

It did get her thinking about it. This was merely just day one, She should give herself a bit more time. Even more then a few more days. So maybe she will make Alisa a fair deal. If she really needed to consider it a deal. Trying not to let it out that she felt nice being spoiled and she most likely could make her hide here forever and never o exploring again while getting all of this outward affection.So she would merely mention it."Well, if you are really that worried about it....Let me give you my word."Helena merely seemed to forget Alisa was still trying to woo her and move her around to relax. So she would refocus and looking around where she was and merely just go and stand next to Alisa.

It seemed she tuned out, Then merely mentioned."I will rest here for a month, Before i figure out anything else. Is that a good promise to you?"Helena even tried to act cute, if she was not already considered and not pretty enough by resting her head on one of Alisa's shoulders while looking at her. She had a feeling it was what Alisa wanted to hear.

While it was cute she would explain in some manner, revealing just how much she used her magic to solve simple problems."It's all relative for how i explain my magic was so effect with in understand the biological parts of the human body, So no I have never gotten a hangover only helped people remove them for quickly money."Helena revealed how she made on the road at times.

In which could make a soul ponder just how much money she could make at a bar or tavern with a revealing top and a sign with a jewel amount to cure hangovers quickly."Much like how I use to make sure Averie was not cold by giving her a fever, but removed all of the worst sickness parts just having the body have the warm up heating reaction."She most likely made sure and paid for places to stay and sleep while she travelled through simple and quick money making methods such as that.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 10:00 am



"Mmmm?", Alisa's brow arched, but then she smiled as Helena shuffled up to her, joining Alisa as she took a seat at her lounge chair... The sculptress slipped her arms around Helena's slim waist, pulling her into a warm, cuddling embrace, their wet bodies meshing together oh so sublimely, stroking Helena's hair as she smiled, "That sounds lovely~... And in return, I'll make sure to pamper you every day. Mark my words Helena, you won't miss the road for even a day~"

It was what Alisa wanted to hear, after all, she believed her when Helena said she planned to do so. And for her, this meant she could spend that whole month spoiling her lover, someone who was always oh so happy to indulge her desires. Slow, gentle kisses as she ran a hand up and down her frame in a loving caress, making no motion to peel away unless Helena did it first in a constant show of affection:

"Heavens... You have some really creative ways of making money? Though I almost wonder what exactly can't you do~... Still, no need to worry about hangovers. I'll take care of you this time~", Alisa's eyes widened with a sliver of admiration. She knew Helena was an incredibly versatile, powerful mage, with nearly limitless potential to what she could do. And even though she may have lost her old magic, much of it came from her creativity, "To be faaaaaair... I don't think you need any form of magic to make someone's temperature rise~?"

Her voice lowered into a purr as she narrowed her eyes, rolling a lock of Helena's hair around her finger, her gaze seductive as she didn't miss a chance to tease her lover, even as the maid came back with their drinks once more:

"Why, thank you, Gianna~"


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 1:02 pm

Thus the drinks would continue, Helena did not mind but at least Alisa over all knew things Helena had dealt with."This for correct in your case, But your looking to do other things."Helena could not help but laugh at what she was about to say in this moment."But Averie is not you, I would not do the samethings with you, I would with my sister."Helena mentioned even if she did love her sister it was not and would never be considered in that manner.

But some one left get them more drinks Helena had to ask Alisa."But speaking of pamper, What is your next plan for me then?"Helena asked because she was curious to see what would happen."After all, If i am here for a month I don't wanna assume you just want me to lay about at the pool?"She was being nosy to see what would happen.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Sun Jun 30, 2024 4:06 pm



"Oh, I'd sure hope so... I'm sure some cultures would frown upon you doing with your sister the same things you do with me~", Alisa nudged, Helena, smirking as she inverted Helena's very words, not for a second imagining she could ever replaced the white haired beauty's sister...

After all, family was irreplacable. Alisa too had her own, but then again, Helena knew that too, after all she was involved with not only Alisa herself but her wife to boot... The sculptress kept her hand on the curvaceous icebergian's frame, caressing her up and down as she mused on what plans she had for her, raising a finger to her lips as she glanced up into the sky:

"Well~... Since you mentioned Luluhawa... I figured we could take a little trip there?", Alisa mentioned. Granted, a whole month of lazing about by the pool could work wonders, but at the same time, she doubted a workaholic like Helena would be able to adjust very easily to simply doing absolutely nothing for that long... At the same time... The fact that Luluhawa was so many miles away from Hargeon didn't seem to bother Alisa whatsoever, for she simply arched her brow and spoke as if the remote island was closer than the next town over, "Rent ourselves a little cottage, and go explore? I've seen most of the Island by now, so I'm sure I could show you around~"

Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:26 am

All the humour aside Helena did consider it a serious offer and figured it was best, Merely pondering what happen if she was left there for a while to adjust and learn the entire island herself with a few tips from Alisa."While the answer is already yes." She would laugh about it and mention."Are you sure it is a good idea to bring me there? What if I don't wish to return here?"She seemed to actually ask it if was a serious question. In some manner she was making Helena be lazy for a while.

No doubt the lingering mention of her sister again Averie was most likely show up here looking for her. But it was simple thing to figure out most likely she just wanted to see what Alisa would do. would she go herself or send some one else to bring her back?


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Tue Jul 02, 2024 3:01 am



"Hm~...?", Alisa sipped her drink, holding Helena's gaze, casually draping her leg over her lover as she shuffled close to her, all to happy to just be lazy with Helena for as long as she wanted as she wondered what was on her mind, "Oh, I'm almost hoping that happens~... I'm sure you haven't forgotten, I can travel to the island as easily as walking through a door? While we... Would get to relax... Unwind... Sip some cocktails... Skinny dip in the ocean... Explore the wilderness."

And thus Helena had the answer she wanted as Alisa simply had that playful, unburdened smile on her face, happy to simply join her on her adventures on the Island just as easily as she kept her company right here in Fiore. Alas, that was neither here nor there, for she doubted Helena would actually take such a plunge... But if she did, she could do so with the knowledge that Alisa would feel no need to bring her back:

"Though Helena... If you are seriously considering a change in scenery. Would I actually be get you to come back~?", she chimed, raising an eyebrow


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Yesterday at 5:18 am

The funnier part is Alisa seemed to more temp her into not returning. In some manner it was actually logical."Well..I still do need to borrow the airship to visit my parents, I may also take Averie with me."Helena did laugh about it because she was still on about her plan."But either way. I suppose enough what if's we have already talked about at this time."Helena over all consider many things.

Like for example."I know we've been drinking, But how different is Fiorian food from icebergian food?" She might already know the answer from being here for the small amount of time.

Since she would know more she figured it was also a chance to learn what Alisa tended to eat, Clever way to learn things. Who knows what else she could learn about people while she was doing these casually planned tricks.


If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 Empty Yesterday at 4:27 pm



"You're already welcome to use the airship whenver you'd like? Every member of Blue Pegasus can... And why, even if Christina is unavailable, i'd be happy to fly you over there myself?", after all, Alisa had her own Airship, a much smaller vessel, not nearly big enough to support the whole guild, but big enough for Alisa, Sofia, and everyone else in their immediate family, "Fufu~... Indeed, no point worrying about things before the time comes~..."

Truly... Helena still had much to learn about Fiore. Sure, she'd been in the country many times, but if Alisa had to guess, she'd say she'd never been in the country long enough to learn about their cuisine... And as she asked about the food, Alisa took another sip from her drink, and put it aside, once more calling over the maid:

"Brings us both some ice creams, Gianna. Something homemade, the proper Fiorian way. It's about Helena tried a real gelato.", she asked, and the maid took a bow before going away to fetch her request... Thena and only then did Alisa turn back to Helena, "Its too early for dinner sooo you'll have to settle for a mid afternoon snack? Its radically different, I can assure you... Not much really grows in Iceberg, so people need to make do with what they have... Down here in the south, everything grows? You have plenty of fresh, tasty, ingredients, each unique in its own way."

Alisa didn't know how much of this Helena had already experienced for herself but... As a hedonist who loved all pleasures in life, Alisa was happy to give her a quick few examples:

"In Fiorian cusisine, nothing is more important than the freshness of the ingredients. Take some sliced fresh cheese, a tomato and you have yourself an appetizer. Boil some pasta, stir fry it garlic and olive oil, grate some cheese top, and you have yourself a meal."


Strength is also Beauty

"Mind over matter"
- Alisa Vollan

credit to nat of adoxography.

Sheet | Relationship Plotter | GFX
Fortune Wheel | Victory Road | Dice Game

"Would you like a glimpse of real beauty, Guest?"

If Only It Was A Dream.(Closed.) - Page 3 CyhFjWA

Main theme ~ Serious Fight!

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