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Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B]

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Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Fri May 03, 2024 9:24 am


"Who the hell send us children, when we called for warriors?!"

A knight exclaimed in anger as he looked over the young duo that had arrived at the encampment. It was clear that the man was quite displeased at the apparent age of the younglings, yet an older knight whacked the back of the man's head.

"Shut your trap recruit, these two are guild mages endorsed by Blue Pegasus. If their leader believed them to be ready, then they are ready. Besides, do you want to have the Clock Tower Director hear you call her a child again?"

The younger knight sighed audibly as he approached the duo with a smile. "Sorry about that, the knights are a bit on edge after the last wave came out of the cavern. They killed quite a handful of our friends so many are still mourning their loss. Either way, it seems the higher-ups decided to sign you two up alongside the missus over there." He gestured toward Astrid as he continued. "In order to aid in the dispelling of the throne chamber's barrier you'll be accompanied by someone, she should be able to tell you more-"

And indeed, as expected a familiar voice resounded from a nearby tent.

"Ves! Bri-chan!" It was a child-l!ke fairy that came floating over, a gentle smile lingering on her lips. "I'm glad you both could make it, ah let's call over your remaining companion for this expedition. Miss Astrid?"

The fairy called out as she waited for Astrid to join the group. "I am Yu, I have been aiding in the overseeing of the void cavern activities here. Despite the fact we send several expeditions inside, they all tend to emerge in different spots in the cavern. So far we confirmed there are three different champions in the cavern that need to be slain before the barrier to the boss chamber is weakened enough for me to dispel it. Once that is done you will all be able to join forces with the remaining group to take down the big nasty kobold that occupies the throne there. Although I wish I could aid you all directly during the fight, I can only provide guidance in the form of advice, because I will be needed to use my magic to keep the magic inside from consuming you."

She sighed briefly, after which she shook her head and smiled. "Although I know you heard it before, but aside from the compensation Caelum offered, you are also allowed to keep any treasure or relics you find during the expedition, just be mindful of the effects the void has on these items."

She hummed softly as she gestured at the cavern. "For now the cavern seems to have calmed down so we should be able to enter without any resistance.

Welcome Group B~ Your intro is posted with an additional surprise! You will be aided in this expedition by Yu who will be providing advice during the expedition and is needed to help dispel the barrier at the end. Keep her safe and she will help keep the void's magic from affecting you negatively.

Group B: Vesper, Briar, Astrid (+ Yu as a npc ally)


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Sat May 04, 2024 10:33 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She had heard about the situation in Caelum, but honestly it seemed foolhardy. Talks of the Void had become recurring, to the point that she couldn’t help but think that they may have been validity to them. The topic was barely spoken of within Fiore, both within the public space and the political theatre; the idea of even acknowledging the presence of the Void within the latter space being a sore place of contention. Fiore was still struggling as it was dealing with the combined fallout of Astrid’s political policies and the conclusion of the Talaz Lagaar civil war, a conflict that had significantly drained the nation’s coffers, made worst by the reallocation committed by the young Senator. The last thing that anyone wanted to admit was that there was a new threat emerging in the form of the Void.

So, Astrid’s presence felt much like that of an unexplained outlier. Her notoriety certainly had become noteworthy within many a circle within Fiore, but in a foreign nation she was just another figure, sold by her having maintained a low profile even before crossing through the border. She travelled light, effectively a wanderer, the tricks of the trade she would normally be at her disposal instead being reserved, the last thing that she were interested in doing drawing unwanted attention.

After all, she could not hope to achieve the intended success if it were realized that she were a political figure. Even those within the Senate knew nothing of her presence within Caelum, this trip having taken place within the middle of the extended recess, interrupted only by the emergency session that she had called for barely a week before. For all any of them knew, she was engaged in some bedroom fun with her primary ally within the Senate, Lady Tsara.

And under most circumstances, that would be exactly it.

But the allure of the Void was something that she certainly could not scoff at, nor risk it being true. The tale of what was occurring had come to her through private channels that stressed the urgency of her arrival if she sought to take full advantage of the situation. It should not have come as any surprise that she were not the only individual here; a small assortment of figures, some native to the lands, many foreigners like her, having converged upon Caelum for one reason or another. Likely some out of pursuit of fame, hoping to make a name for themselves. Others maybe out of a sense of pride, the hero sickness that so many young adventurers and Mages seemed to have been afflicted by. Or perhaps they came with their own motivations like Astrid herself, seeking out proof of the Void’s existence, or if not more, a way to benefit from it.

There may have been opportunities to determine exactly what those motivations were, enough time having passed before the amassment was broken up into smaller expedition groups. But that took time, the logistics proving to be a nightmare, which lent to plenty of time for the people there to interact with one another, establish some superficial sense of comradery, develop trust before they inevitably descended into a threat that for many was above their heads. All save for Astrid, whom spent more time to herself; there was no point in entertaining the idea of friendships or anything like that in this kind of environment, especially knowing that many of them were certain to suffer some sort of tragic fate.

No point in getting acquainted with inevitable corpses.

After what seemed like hours, the groups were finally given orders and sent off: some deploying earlier than others, the number of people dwindling down a few by few until eventually there only remained the auxiliary presence in the makeshift base camp, along with Astrid and the few others that at this point had come to make up her expedition team.

If it could even have been considered a team.

Some foreign creature, a fairy she seemed to recall one of the auxiliary members describing it as, along with two young boys, several years at the minimum younger than she, and based on their excitability, neither as informed, mindful, or anywhere close to prepared for what may have been encountered. The irony of her final point was not lost upon her; even Astrid unsure as to what would be encountered either, but unlike the two children she had been tasked with babysitting, at least she were capable of surviving on her own.

The others? Well, it was fair to say that Astrid were more interested in what the fairy said as to the promise of treasures and relics. A reward of that sort was the minimum that could have been offered, and begrudgingly, within her mind came to the realization that as frustrating as it would be, there was a benefit to having the two alive.

The success of this expedition was unlikely to be much influenced based upon their survival or not, but it may have been at least a deciding factor in that delicate balance between inconveniencing and difficult. She preferred the idea of handling the former as opposed to the latter.

And besides, if push came to shove, there were more than enough ways to deal with the children if they turned out to be unruly…

Just what those methods may have been were for her own devious mind, her attention divided between her own warped imagination and listening to the fairy speak, her eyes opening with full attentiveness as the order to move had been greenlit. With the cavern secure enough to enter, she sauntered forward in its direction, expectant that the trio would follow behind.

Or not.

Wasn’t outside the realm to believe that they wouldn’t chicken out then and there. But, if they had any spines, she half-expected to hear the sound of rushing footsteps coming behind her as they hoped to keep up.

#3Briar Caidh 

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Sun May 05, 2024 1:19 pm

Briar Caidh
Briar had a particular excitement about him all the way over with Vesper; not only was it his first major adventure, let alone his first with his friend, it was to a country he shared blood with. He could almost feel it on the airship trip, looking out boldly into the winds and trees, each breath of its air like something renewed - strengthened - inside of him. It built in his chest and spread warmth across his cheery cheeks, laughing without humor from the wonder of it all. Wanderlust, he heard his Caelish father call this: the call of an Adventurer. The call of a home, where your home could be anywhere you plant a seed. He jostled a little pouch at his hip with the aforementioned - primrose, that he'd sow here, a breed of plant native to the Caelish Isles (so as not to disrupt the local ecosystem, of course).

He had shared this with Vesper in his excitement, dimpling in his overtaken grin. Every step, sway, spin and hooray he shared light with this merriment. He took the purpose behind this excursion with the appropriate severity, of course, but Briar was a child still and would behave as a child in his eagerness would. He already knew he wouldn't act out on the battlefield. He had the training - enough, at least, to not bring his allies down, and besides; Ves was countin' on him. He'd smile over at his best friend when they landed, clenching his staff between two determined hands and offering a final resolute nod on their first steps into the Kingdom of Albion to do their part. "Well, pally, I'm thinking we oughta' --"

It isn't to say he deflated, but there was a puncturing of his enthusiasm at their first reception from the encampment. His cheeks burned, a lighter - more bashful - red, and he shifted on his feet with a nervous tilt of his head and lift of his shoulders; he wouldn't sink to apologize for their presence, but he wasn't sure how else to respond to an adult admonishing him for his perceived inability. Sympathy? He knew he'd do better than he was expected, at least. That's what mattered - so he stood up a little straighter, cleared his throat, and planted the end of his oak staff in the dirt without stirring it. "Real pleased to meet you, sir - sirs! I'm Briar Caidh of Blue Pegasus and I promise to do my best by your faith today. S-so please, rely on me! On us!" He'd manage a facsimile of a salute, unsure of the process between veterans and youth, only to be interrupted by a perk to his ear. "The Clock Tower Director, you say --?"

"Miss Yu!" He'd brighten all over again, a flower blooming in the mugginess of this atmosphere. He scampered over to her, barely constraining himself from throwing his arms around her in pure joy at seeing her again, and here! She had the type of aura that reassured you in her company. ... And, besides all that, he thought her a friend. It was comforting.

"A-and nice to meet you, miss'm - Briar, at your service! We'll --" Well, he wasn't sure what to say to Astrid. He studied her over, almost in awe - his eyes bright, taking in molten onyx and the firelight that he imagined about her. At her edges, blurry, almost cold to his head. He'd straighten himself a little taller, almost reaching up to Yu's height, and grip his staff horizontal between both tightened hands only to bow to Astrid. Respectful, a fluffy sheet of blue-white locks scattering over his sparkling violet eyes. "We're in your care, miss Astrid, but please don't feel like we'll be holdin' you back - we'll look after you and miss Yu just as well, promise." He'd tilt back, smiling with a softness and warmth that came easily to his little heart, and then he'd scamper to catch up.

"S-slain, you say? Well, golly. I don't think I've ever ... uhm, I just haven't met me a monster yet. Er ... What's a 'Kobold', you say, miss Yu?" He'd linger on their advance by her side, assuming the same from Ves, though he'd catch him up if he ever fell behind. His gaze had the same reach as vines, he relied on - to keep everyone together. "Well, I reckon you can leave your defense to us, madame Director. We won't let anythin' happen to you, okay?" A quiet promise, one he shared again with their first meeting to take some of this weight off her equally slight shoulders.

"Let's do our part and catch up to our fellows, yeah? Ehe."


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Mon May 06, 2024 5:28 pm

To call Vesper anxious was an understatement. The steady pitter-patter of his heart deteriorating into a full blown tempest, rapid wing-beats struggling to burst from his chest to escape the storm. But, there was a lifeline - a ray of sunlight always beaming its warmth. A sanctuary and calm to be found  in the Eye of him. A soothing amethyst that mends all ailments. Excitable feet carry him away from all the discordant feelings swelling up and into the gravitational pull of his dear best friend. "Primrose~ Such a pretty name, Brii." A nod with pinkish cheeks as he settles down, grinning ear to ear. A spatter of small talk and encouragement at Briar's little ambition. It truly was a lovely idea.

There was a sense of wonder that also gripped the boy as easily as his jittery nervousness. He had trained for this moment alongside the boy standing so close beside him. It was almost a petulant need to not let his worries ruin the moment he took the plunge into being a proper adventurer. One that was not shared by the other knights accompanying the expedition. A rude comment and a growl that remains still - stuck in his throat as his shoulders deflate under the weight of his words. He follows Briar's lead, refusing to lash out in anger or wallow in sadness - to do what he can to be a person worth relying on. "Vesper Lovera, at your service~" A suspended bow, arm folded with an air of defiant grace and elegance. He raises his head to glare at the knights with fierce ruby with a smile that was contrasted so heavily in kindness. He was so used to these introductions, a perfectly rehearsed play. "I'm also a mage belonging to Blue Pegasus, so you can count on us~" A playful smile and a wink, ignoring the previous comment in favor of their shared objective.

Solace in the form of a fairy, fluttering over with child-like exuberance. "Miss Yu~! It's so wonderful to see you again! Ah- I'm sorry, I didn't bring treats for everybody today. I wasn't sure if it was appropriate..." Vesper was on his best behavior, but even he couldn't quite restrain his excitement at Yu's entrance.

He listens intently to the orientation, sneaking glances to the woman that would accompany them on the expedition. Her aura was intimidating, to say the least. Vesper's skin flares up, tiny needles prickling at his skin with tiny strands standing up in ill omen. It was the complete opposite of the people he found himself surrounded by in Blue Pegasus. He couldn't muster the courage to say a word, or rather; it felt like a futile endeavor regardless. A sense of cold nihility that drowns out all else. He places a hand on Briar's shoulder as gripped his staff ever so tight, bellowing out his determined vow. It makes Ves want to as well. "We're here to help however we can, ma'am. So don't count us out just yet, okay!?"

Vesper clung close to Briar and by extension, the adorable Miss Yu, the leash called fate never allowing him to wander adrift. "Now that you mention it,... I've only really fought human-shaped opponents. I've heard stories about Kobolds and the like but I've never seen one, either." A hand lifts to graze his lips, deep in his own thoughts with jumbled worries. They didn't sound that scary, but it would be a bit too arrogant to assume otherwise after hearing the knights recount their previously failed voyages. He directs his attention to Briar, a hand raised to pat the smaller boy atop his head, ruffling his fluffy hair with a playful grin. "Don't you worry about scary things like 'slaying' until we actually encounter a monster. And besides, we'd be able to beat them up together~"


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Tue May 07, 2024 7:19 am


Despite her cheery demeanor Yu had been observant of her surroundings. Despite Astrid's lack of a greeting or a proper exchange of words, she expected the woman to carry through with the expedition, even if her team had been far younger than anticipated. While Briar seemed quite a bit more nervous and restless compared to the training camp, it seemed Vesper's presence was doing wonders in granting the lad a bout of courage.

While trailing behind Astrid, her wings allowing her to soundlessly hover behind the way taller woman as she addressed the duo. "There is a reason Ryuko made you fight summons with a intelligence similar to humans. Kobolds well... there are of smaller stature, growing up to two or three feet, and while they are usually somewhat dimwitted, their tendency to team up and overwhelm their foes in numbers is part of why some novice adventurers struggle with them."

She paused, holding what appeared to be an ancient grimoire close to her chest while she continued. "Although among them are certain kobolds that have been mutated by void magic, far more dangerous and unpredictable than most. Keep in mind your training, and as harsh as it sounds: don't hesitate to kill them. They won't hesitate to try to do the same either."

Although as she trailed after Astrid she couldn't help but wonder what a noble politician like her was doing here... a thought that was quickly replaced by another one as they entered through the gate. The first thing the group noticed would be no doubt the stench, a stench of the worst kin, as if they had been dropped in a toilet filled the air, and judging from the dimly lit tunnel they were in... They were currently in the sewers.

Up ahead torchlight could be seen illuminating a path further ahead, but before that could be an option there was another problem to deal with: A soft skitterish voice resounded from among the grates above them. "Ugh if I had known that you smelled this badly I would have asked another patrol route..."

A kobold holding his nose was patrolling on the floor right above the tunnel they were in. "Oooy mate, That wasn't on me! I don't smell like an used toilet!" The other kobold whined in protest while a third one... Yu had just barely realized what was happening as her body shrunk into its tiny pixie form and she concealed herself amidst Briar's hair. Why? Because...

"hehehehehe sorry bro, that would be me... you know the saying... When you gotta go, you gotta go or you're stuck in the shit."

At the same time these words came the water in the sewer seemed slightly... okay better not think on that. The least Yu could do was offer a tiny milage of support as she lightly patted Briar's head and whispered softly. "Sorry... I can't nullify this..."

Then again, these kobolds likely had something else to worry about than the stench of the sewers!


3 Kobolds are chattering at the floor above, there is a staircase leading up and a pair of grates covering the top of the tunnel.

Each Kobold has 3 S-rank durability.


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Thu May 09, 2024 12:53 pm

As the group waded through murky depths consisting of things better left unspoken with a repulsive stench permeating the winding tunnels, Vesper's attention was drawn to the informative explanation of his guild senior. He'd never taken a life and there was something needling about the idea of being forced to kill a creature that had a similar capacity to think, to feel as humans do, even in a diminished capacity. Not enough to really deter the aspiring hero, but something worth considering nonetheless. "Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." A declaration with steadfast intent with a smile to dispel any worry that might be blossoming in his best friend's heart.

The wretched fragrance was especially harsh on Vesper's bestial nose, every choked breath an assault on his senses. "Bleeeegh... Miss Yu, How much longer do we have to trek through this gross sewer...?" A hushed petulant whine in the calm before they reached their destination. Vesper was too intimidated by the woman who carried herself like an empress to allow his question to grace her ears. A light flickers deeper within the dimly lit tunnel and gives hope to the boy trying so desperately not to breathe in the noxious fumes. An abrupt halt to their journey at the first notice of little manic voices, babbling on in flighty speech complaining about the odor just the same. Vesper feels paralyzed - indecisive about the proper, struggling to breathe from the swelling anxiety and smell alike as he hears a splash. "Absolutely not!"

Vesper was a clean freak. It comes with being as well acquainted and passionate about the culinary arts. This whole experience was one he was bravely enduring in service of the people relying on him. A quick glance to an equally horrified Briar and fairy hiding away so snugly in his fluff. An eyebrow furrows and twitches as a fire ignites in his belly. What is this color called? Rage? It felt so foreign in the way led his movements with invisible wires, jerking him to action like a marionette. He channels that energy, forming a magic circle that shrouds his hand, pulsing with a muted hum that molds a piece of small chocolate that rests between his thumb and index finger. With a flick that pops and bursts with a spark, the little chocolate is sent flying at one of the grates, blowing it apart.

"Let's kick their... a-" It seemed too crude to say in front of Briar despite the current situation. "butts! We can create a distraction at the very least while Miss Astrid... handles them." It felt wrong for him to take charge, but he couldn't persevere in the muck any longer, a hand shooting towards the stairs to direct a two-pronged surprise attack. "Briar and I can go up the stairs and cause another scene. They should be easy pickings in all the chaos, right?" Vesper trails down to tug at his hand, enveloping him in optimistic warmth to uplift, to rescue him from the filth and scurry to their positions, tip-tapping up the staircase. Vesper was clinging so tightly, his body; a shield for any little terror that might spring out from the shadows, fist clenched in iron until he reaches the precipice and strikes the nearest kobold.



Last edited by Vesper on Fri May 10, 2024 3:17 pm; edited 1 time in total


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Thu May 09, 2024 6:23 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She led their little expedition, not by choice, but seeming to be out of purely the nature of natural hierarchy. What was she, if not an adult woman in the company of two children essentially and a juvenile Magic creature that likely had as little insight or intelligent thought as the duo. The only thing that she could have remarked towards them were of comments she happened to overhear as she walked along, a pair of attempted introductions, both giving names that would be likely forgotten, sprinkled within a general lack of information that was worthwhile.

Except for one thing. Blue Pegasus. The guild that Astrid had, at best, a mixed relationship with, viewing it and its members in a far worse light than that of their guild leader, and her ally sworn by blood, Alisa Vollan. Though, that greater sentiment may have since become a bit warmer in recent memory, what with Astrid having reversed much of the original legislature that she had first pushed while as a Senator, effectively erasing the plight that Alisa and her members had suffered under.

That wasn’t to say that such political shifting would erase the memory seared into the minds and memories of many a Blue Pegasus members, of her having walked through the doors of Blue Pegasus and having applied lost, unforgivable Magic upon them, to the point of it being her possessing them. Quite a few who felt that firsthand, but the two with her, she didn’t much recall seeing any children during her presentation. No doubt that they had been present then, their reaction to Astrid would not be anything close to as warm as they had made them be.

Or perhaps they had made mention of it? Admittedly Astrid did not give too much thought to it, her focus instead having shifted to overcoming the invasive smell that was lingering throughout the air, even with its own pungent taste to it. It was sickening. And it was only made worse the further they ventured in, the trio once behind her now quickly picking up and even overtaking her in their descent deeper in, a thick liquid soaking their feet as they continued to slog their way through.

It was miserable.

Everything about this was awful.

The smell was putrid. The taste that seemed to cake the air was so acidic that she found herself deliberately tearing into the inside of her mouth, drawing blood if only for the sake of having something else to taste than the alternative.

That she was venturing through this hell with the promise of something relating to the Void at the end of this, under no other circumstances would she ever find herself willing to travel through something as revolting as a foreign sewer. She dreaded this experience. She recalled a saying that her father once said, that adversity would build character and make a person better for it. With each step she knew that it was all the more shit, her father’s words and this kind of environment.

It had left her so frustrated, so jaded even, that her focus had almost been completely averted, had it not been for the Sonar within her head going off. Three figures in total, not too far out, indicative of if nothing else them having gone the correct way. Or at least a way that promised some sign of life, and perhaps a clue towards the Void. She said nothing at first, continuing to walk forward as small talk was made between the others, Astrid contributing nothing herself, just instead keeping intent focus on who may have been before them.

Finally, whatever she had picked up had been also discovered by the rest of the troupe, it appearing to be a trio of small creatures, kobolds. Ugly things that she had seldom ever interacted with; things that she would not have put past that the Blue Pegasus mages were far more aware of, whether through their own experiences or those of their guildmates. Either way, they certainly were beyond Astrid’s own expertise.

Alerted, she stood back while one of the Blue Pegasus mages rushed forward, taking to combat in a leadership sort of manner, a role that none had genuinely taken for themselves, not even Astrid. It was interesting to her, if nothing else, seeing one of the children take the initiative, to the point that she had become more interested in the spectacle than that of the actual fight that were now taking place. An explosion burst above, one of the grates slumping down as a massive splash threw water in all directions, where the other Blue Pegasus wizard had disappeared to being unclear. She assumed that in likelihood he would have been close towards his companion.

He probably wasn’t dead, if nothing else.

More interesting to her though were the creatures and how they seemed to have responded to the ambush going on. One found themselves directly in the throws of the one who charged, another was taken back by the suddenness, while the third seemed to be somewhere between the two in terms of awareness. That somewhat-preparedness did little to help either of them as a web shot out from her wrist, taking hold of one of the other two kobold, ensnaring it within. A quick pull and down went both of the kobolds, both of them landing in the water with another large explosion of water. Astrid looked, seeing the sewage water nearly rise to their heads. If it were a little deeper, then no doubt it would be drowning conditions for them.

She said nothing, but looked at the two creatures with a look of disdain and disgust even, holding out her hand down towards the kobolds as a blast of Eldritch Dragon Slayer Magic rippled out, creating a massive explosion outwards, causing much of the foundation and ground within the sewer to give way, effectively creating a crater within the water. The kobolds, assuming not outright killed in the blast, would almost certainly have been pushed back by the force to the base of the sewer, their bodies smashing against what she assumed to have been concrete or some other hard substance. If conscious, their bodies would be tattered, in agony, now having descended within an artificial hole as water poured down upon them like that of a waterfall crushing down upon them.

Astrid took a step back, feeling the ground beneath her feet crack slightly as small bits of concrete lent down into the hole, rubble to bury what may have still lived within that drowned crater.

It did not account for the third one, the one engaged in combat with the Blue Pegasus children, but as far as she was concerned, she had had given them a significant boon. Three versus two was hardly a fair fight to put children through. Even with whatever reservations she may have had towards them, she figured a two versus one could at least go their way.


Used Spider Pull (Target) on one of the Kobolds, snagging it and pulling it and another Kobold into the water. Used Eldritch Dragon's Mind Blast to blast them with kinetic force that creates a crater in the floor, blasting the two Kobolds into it, potentially dead, potentially unconscious, potentially with broken bodies, all while water fills in, the pressure causing them to remain underneath, inevitably drowning as time goes on.

One Kobold remains fighting Vesper, and potentially Briar Caidth.

Mana: 11,250/11,530

Passive Effects:
Major Sonar Detection: Astrid can can use sonar to detect the movements of anyone within a 50-meter range and sense their location.
  • via Aberration

Name: String Pull (Target)
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Arachnida
Type: Supplementary
Element: Arcane
Range: 20 meters
Cooldown: 4
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user shoots a strand of web from their wrists and connects it to a second point. The user can then pull the target at spell speed towards themselves. If it is an object, it must weigh less than twice the weight of the user. If it is a character, their strength must be more than the target and the target will be pulled at spell speed. This can be negated if the user uses mana equivalent to the mana cost of the spell to break free. If they fail, they are pulled towards the user keeping a distance of 3 meters between the user and the target.

Name: Eldritch Dragon's Mind Blast
Rank: A
Mana Cost: 200 [80]
Requirements: Eldritch Dragon Slayer Magic
Type: Offensive [Enhancement: Damage Over Time, Armor Piercing, Overcharge - Offensive]
Element: Arcane
Range: 20 Meters [50 Meters | +10 Sage Monarch's Sunglasses, +20 Magus Passive]
Cooldown: 4 Posts [2 Posts]
Duration: Instant
Effect: The user pushes their palm forward towards a target to release an invisible blast. The blast expands outward in a cone, reaching a maximum height and width of 10 meters at the conclusion of the spell. It causes 1 S-Rank worth of damage on impact and knocks the target back for the remainder of the range.

#8Briar Caidh 

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Fri May 10, 2024 3:30 pm

Briar Caidh
Briar did his best not to show his apprehension on his face, but he had never held well in the face of his friends - that is to say, Yu and Vesper seemed to know him better, enough to offer him both further explanation and words of encouragement. The issue was that they didn't seem to understand really where his nerves were coming from or to whom they were directed. He wasn't worried about himself.

The grip of slight fingers tightened around the gnarled oak of his now well-worn beginner mage's staff, staring directly at its tip while the two others chattered & him and Astrid held steadfast in contemplative silence. A small smile in Vesper's direction, quiet with a softening light in his eyes. "But they are intelligent, then?", came his voice, free from any waver yet drifting just under his regular volume. He was deep in his thoughts, balancing the heft of his equipment with slacker hands to weigh it in the hammock of his grip. "Mm." This wasn't mage-like of him. He didn't want to come off as ... well, a little kid, who didn't understand the risks and levity behind what they were doing here. "Not like miss Ryuko's phantoms." How did you broach the topic? Killing. He had culled weeds before. He had fished. He had even fought off pirates, but that was to the ends of them being arrested by the proper authority. 

Here, they were the authority for monsters. They were the legal representatives of their various factions and magehood as a whole, on a grand quest to fight back against these 'void dungeons' and the encroaching terror they promised. He knew this - had joined here knowing this, with little trepidation at the danger, as he believed in himself truly and his fellows, and Vesper - and combat didn't scare him, if a deterrent when it came to people getting hurt. And these weren't people, were they? Mutated beasts. It's not like Briar was a vegetarian; what high horse did he have?

Still, his thoughts were private, kept behind the cautious line of his lips: their purpose wasn't moral grandstanding. They were preparation. He was going to have to assist in the taking of lives of intelligent creatures, and he'd be prepared. Maybe he wasn't old enough yet to know there were things you had to do even if you didn't want to; but he was old enough to accept that he had a duty to his guild, his home and this land of Caelum. It was as Vesper thought, their dispositions alike: this couldn't deter him, but it wasn't an ignorable act. He'd have to pay his proper respects when they succeeded.

It flared in streaks of magic from his firming grasp, his eyes focused and himself more acutely aware of the three around him - his group on this expedition, with Vesper at his side and Yu fluttering about in that way she did, Astrid leading the procession with all the poise he'd expect from the aura she gave off. He'd look at her back, taller than his, and he'd square his shoulders with a small huff of air. It wasn't just madam Alisa, miss Ryuko, mister Saturn - there were so many people bigger than him he could look toward as role models. He couldn't let any of them down. He'd do his part as everyone else appeared to do theirs; and maybe, one day, a nervous young mage would draw the strength and grace from the sight of his back the way Astrid was doing for him. 

The scent of lavender drifted from the dim glower of his staff, helping to free some of the oppressing scent that bared down on them and whisking outward for the party in somewhat of a protective circle - if entirely for their noses. He wasn't unused to less than ideal rural circumstances, growing up in nature and spending fair days and nights arms-deep in the ... necessities for his garden work, but he wasn't any less prim of a boy. The sewer was the least of his worries and the stinkiest of them, and he wasn't going to let that reflect on his performance. That's why he sucked in a breath, wrinkled his nose, and then --

His words echoed Vesper's at exactly the same time, the pixie sprite of Fei Yu finding refuge in his softly scented hair while the reality of their setting hit them all at once. "Absolutely not!" Now, Briar, again, wasn't the vain sort, but instinct won over; beauty and presentation still mattered. Less than that wasn't acceptable in his party's presence, and the ramping outpouring of lightly fragrant mist from his flickering spell seals only ramped to a bright, vibrant splash of magic. It encompassed them, stalling the ticking seconds toward a gross end, and he thought quicker on his feet. Swung his staff in the air, standing taller in the drudging muck with Yu at his final refuge. He was a mage of Blue Pegasus, wasn't he? As was Vesper and his quick response, paving their way with a passion Briar could only reflect. 

He pulled at his magic. He tended through the green, dewlight strands that built its garden, not moving from the spot within a lavender haze until Vesper made his way onto the ladder and Astrid went at her own gear. They were not showing up to the fight with their slightors gunked. He dug his hand in the well of his mana, curled it through the roots of a spell he could envision, and he made his wish. Freedom and aide. He plucked it. He scattered its seeds in a halo of magic seals sparking to life down his frame and atop Fei Yu's little form, and it billowed, refreshed; just for him to shoot out of the water as his perfuming magic dispersed, soaring through the opening his friend had made for them both with what could constitute a battle cry. It was more a particularly ferocious, slightly bruised, mewl; a hand to help keep Yu in place and a dandelion blossom carrying him into the scentless sky and the ongoing combat they had flung into. Better than anything else being flung, he reasoned, and he settled in a hover with his staff pointed at the kobold Vesper frayed with -- 

Astrid had called her own battle, and Briar wasn't going to do any less than live by her example. "Thy name is Trumpet Creeper!" A seal would glow beneath the creature at blows, glimmering, for sticky vines to materialize grasping from its light until the poor kobold was fettered by his magic. Flowers bloomed from their trappings, easing the lingering smell for those on the ground.

[ 1171 | Learning B-Rank Name of Dandelion (600 req) ]

Stats & Gear:


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Thu May 16, 2024 10:55 am


It was fortunate that each of the mages in the group had their own thoughts on how to handle the current predicament. Whether it was through Vesper who used CHOCOLATE to blow a hole in one of the crates, and Astrid delivering the nightmare to the kobolds by using some sort of spider webbing to drag the two kobolds down into the hole. To the remaining kobold it looked like a scene from a horror movie: the way their friends clawed onto the ground.

"Save me Willbert!" one of the kobolds cried out pathetically as he felt his body dragged toward the hole alongside his mate. "Tell Darkfang I love.... to get a raise!" And then the two were pulled into the sewers, the sudden blast of magic quite literally burying them into the crater underneath the sewer. Perhaps Astrid was of the mind that kobolds would have to be buried among their own territory? Although to drown them in the sewers was kinda evil...

Meanwhile as Vesper and Briar made their way up to the next floor through the stairs, Briar's spell made the little fairy inhale the floral scent with a sigh of relief. "Aaah~ Febreeze, you are my hero little Bri-chan~" Of course Briar was not done yet, using a powerful binding spell to restrain the kobold, the vines making it screech out. "SEWER DEMONS! THE SEWER DEMONS ARE INVADING THE CASTLE!" The poor kobold cried out just moments before Vesper came delivering a powerful punch to the cheek of the kobold, knocking any will to fight out of it. "Evil sewer demons! I... I... I won't forgive what you did to my friends!"

The kobold cried out as it started to break some of the vines that were restraining its body. Meanwhile the little fairy hiding among Briar's hair whispered worriedly. "Careful Bri, I'm sensing a flood of voidal energy building up in that kobold, at this rate he might become corrupted by the void..."


Kobold 1 & 2 got buried in the sewers
Kobold 3 got beaten but according to Yu something is about to happen to him! Be careful!


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Sat May 18, 2024 8:22 pm

Entangling vines adorned with lush tangerines that bloom envelop the kobold that Vesper had his sights on. A warm vibration simmering in the afterglow of his best friend's magic and a heart that resonates within. It held the surprised kobold so perfectly in place, no chance of escaping the wolf's iron fangs that bludgeon the side of its head, suspended still in the snare. It was screaming and flailing before the blow. The horror in its voice; sheer terror at the so-called sewer demons, Vesper didn't pause of course, but in the aftermath of it all, he began to question its meaning. Only the single kobold remained above ground, the smears and stains of things better left unsaid smearing the stony ground, trailing down towards the exposed grate. Was it referring to Miss Astrid? She certainly possessed the aura of a demoness, and it was the only answer that made any semblance of sense.

"Thank you, Brii~ See? These guys don't stand a chance when we work together, huh?" He'd flash a smile, voice cracking in his tenor with the exhalation of thrill and fervor. The small lightened with the blossoming spring that was left in his wake and while this respite would remain for the briefest, fleeting moment, but... There was comfort in his support. The pink in his cheeks dazzled so brightly.

The vines whip and snap, crumbling under the maelstrom of energy that was pulsing, swelling from within the kobold. "Uhm.. Miss Yu, what do you mean 'corrupted by the void'? What do we do about that?" It was rhetorical clearly, but there was genuine confusion in the resulting chaos. There was no time to think, and so he would simply act. Vesper's eyes dilate, a flare in the eyes as his body howls, fist clenched tight as he twists his body, arm locked and loaded at his side. "Miss Astrid!" He'd offer this roar, a plea for assistance if this punch fails to quell the gathering storm. Vesper growls, a resounding rumble with the release of a tiny bolt that's aimed directly at the anomalous kobold.

After his strike in paltry defiance of... whatever the hell was going on with that weird kobold, he'd tug at Briar's hand, enveloping it wholly in his, and scamper to a safer distance from it




Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Wed May 22, 2024 3:53 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She watched for a moment as the ripples in the water continued to pulsate outwards like a perpetual force, an stopwatch of sorts, monitoring the life that may have persisted within the water, crushed beneath rubble and water rushing over it and again like that of an unrelenting cycle. A rough way to go, she must have thought, to so unexpectedly find a fate like that. It were not known what these kobolds may have sought to achieve, if their presence was that of something nefarious or just unfortunate timings. Either could have been true, tragically this world cruel enough to where neither scenario would have much mattered.

If it had not been for Astrid’s and the two childrens’ involvement just now, it would have been an all but certainty that they would have met likely a more painful death outside these walls within Earthland.

She started away, taking a final glance back towards where the ripples had been, seeing calm water now finally. A weak smile flashed upon her face; she should have been commended honestly. She gave the pair of beasts a painless death, the impact of her blast all but certainly knocking them out as the water softly siphoned away their life.

That still left one, the one being dealt by the children. From the cries she heard as she slowly pushed her way through heavy waters, the aftermath of her efforts now having made the current all the more unbearable to walk through, it was apparent enough that things were still progressing.

“Still playing with this one,” she asked in a condescending tone, more like that of a mother scolding her children for playing with their food. “I would have figured us to be moving along by now,” she words cut through, much like that of the heels that seemed to leave a ear-splitting sound as she ascended the same sewer steps with a grace that seemed to give false illusion towards the grated steps.

She looked at the two, two Mages that hailed from Blue Pegasus, undoubtedly looking to follow in Alisa’s footsteps one day. Cute. But foolhardy. Certainly they would need to learn that there is more than just initiative to survive in this world.

Sometimes, cruelty was required.

Astrid leaned forward slightly, even at such a position seeming to tower over them all, the two Mages and the remaining kobold, a whirl of energies surrounding it in a most unnatural manner. “What’s this now,” she mockingly inquired, knowing full well the manipulation of the Void, the very sight of it one that caused her heart to race slightly with anticipation and excitement. She needed proof of its existence, and here it was. She leaned forward, even more now to where she was all but looking right over the kobold, her eyes staring right into those of kobold, the swirling miasma seeming to even consume its pupils.

“Such a burden you have there, isn’t it? All this power, it’s overwhelming you might say. There are ways to endure you know,” there came the illumination from her left eye as it flashed upon the kobold, a cacophony of mental commands all with the very same instruction “OBEY” echoed over and over and over again, an unyielding assault upon the mind until there was nothing left to do but that; obey.

“Look how cool and relaxing the water is. Enjoy yourself, let yourself get lost within it. Let it fill your lungs as you embrace this power of yours. Then, just as it feels too much, go deeper.”

The instruction clear, it was simply just a matter of the kobold to follow through. Unless of course, one of the two children sought to interfere or had their own plans. She was interested to see what they may have done, if anything. Had she assumed them any other member of Blue Pegasus, perhaps this would be a frightful reminder, but maybe this would be something different entirely.

Witnesses to speak of Astrid’s influence, the perfect foil to set forth discourse within Blue Pegasus.


Used the Eye of Makima to "persuade" the remaining kobold to take a deep swim within the pool and never reawaken.

Mana: 10,950/11,530

Passive Effects:
Major Sonar Detection: Astrid can can use sonar to detect the movements of anyone within a 50-meter range and sense their location.
  • via Aberration

Name: Submission
Rank: S
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Makima's Controlling Eye
Type: Supplementary
Element: N/A
Range: -
Cooldown: 2 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: By gazing upon a chosen the target, the user can force others into submission and obedience as long as they have seen the user's eye. To use the effect, the user must issue an order, while the target may either submit to the user and obey, or attempt to resist the spell. Should the enemy attempt to resist, they must roll a D100 and roll higher than 50 in order to resist successfully; if they fail, they will take 1S rank damage directly to the head, while their Speed, Intelligence and damage dealt will be considered one rank lower for that turn. Additionally, the difference between the user's and their enemy's reputation will affect the threshold needed to successfully resist. Every 1000 points of difference in reputation between user and target will increase or reduce the dice success threshold by 1 depending on who has the higher reputation: The user or the target respectively. The treshold cannot increase above 75 or decrease below 25. In subsequent turns that the target attempts to resist, they may roll again to break free of the spell while taking only A-rank damage if they fail. Each success or failure in resisting will decrease or increase the threshold by 5 respectively. A target cannot be asked to commit actions such as the taking of their own life, committing explicit actions upon others, or other actions that would be considered taboo according to site rules. Attempting to have these actions carried out will result in the spell failing upon the target for the remainder of the topic. Though the user may look at multiple targets, they may only issue a single command per turn.


#12Briar Caidh 

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Fri May 24, 2024 5:27 pm

Briar Caidh
"S-sewer demons!? Hey now!" The first line of crassness from the crease in Briar's lips, a veritable pout beneath his dedication to Fei Yu's protection and an underlying fret for Vesper and Astrid both. He floats in the air with the lift of his dandelion spell, swaying with the breeze and the impact of their various magics; only to wobble, his mana dispersing, and flail before he's able to catch his feet a little closer to the ground. "Gosh!", comes his exclamation in the final seconds the dandelion bloom shimmers. His flight spell then dismissed, floating away in blue-bright specks, he's able to reconvene with Vesper in the fray - face to face with the final Kobold in his bindings. Until, of course, his friend makes good on taking it out of commission as well.

A minor victory. It doesn't last, coming from Fei Yu's chime in a brush against his ear drawing him alert. He holds up his staff defensively, hopping a step back, and observes the sudden maddened rush of energy that coalesces with the creature. He wasn't sure what 'void energy' entailed, or what a corrupted kobold would put up in a fight, but he knew better than to challenge fate with brashness. He'd hook his staff through a loop in Vesper's arm as the other charged forward, pulling him back to safely with a coo of admonishment. "M-maybe not, Ves! Let's make space! Miss Astrid --"

As he dragged his fellow Blue Pegasus away with his careful scamper, distancing from the impending danger, the woman of black had already made her way over and chided them for their time spent. It didn't seem particularly demeaning ... more patronizing, in a way that fit perfectly with her image and made Briar blink away a certain bedazzlement. "Y-yes ma'am." Everything about her exuded a casual sort of experience. She had seen, failed, and accomplished more things than Briar and Vesper would face in double their ages - that's how it looked to him, with her overwhelming confidence behind a subtle drawl. She had her own plan with the kobold, Briar's hand already splayed against Vesper's spine and coating him in his defensive spellwork in preparation for what might come next.

"Your name is Sunflower ... so keep shining, okay?" He'd whisper, a twinkling sound heralding the construction of the shield around Vesper, while Briar tactfully angled himself behind the brawler. Remember his positioning. He wouldn't do anything good for them at a fighter's range - from here, he could sustain his support and rely on them for the front-line. It was equally a better vantage to keep Fei Yu out of harm's way.

He wasn't expecting Astrid's management of the kobold, especially within the throes of its - transition? It was some kind of ... suggestion? She spoke to it sweet nothings of its oblivion, goading it to a grisly rest. He couldn't help but to avert his eyes briefly, remembering himself shortly after and turning them forward again to remain alert. It seemed a grim way to approach a wounded opponent ... but he wasn't the authority here, and he had no moral horse to sit atop on the battlefield. He'd listen, he'd learn, and he'd apply his feelings to his experiences afterward. Anything else would be a detriment.


Stats & Gear:


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Mon May 27, 2024 7:32 am


Yu had gone silent as she watched Astrid address the duo and then turn toward the Kobold. It's gaze settled onto Astrid's as she employed the power of her eye, yet it was at the same time she spoke something seemed to change. For Astrid it would have felt like her mind was being pulled out of its body, as if something had connected with her, and for a moment the sewers had disappeared. Instead the woman found herself in a medieval throne room, and seated on the massive throne was a titan of a kobold. He rested a hand underneath his chin, looking at her direction. "Intriguing, when I felt someone stirring in the minds of MY servants I hoped I had finally caught my intended prey. Pity the trap was wasted."

The kobold lord sighed in mild frustration as he rose upwards, a hand reaching forward, as if beckoning for Astrid's face. "Then again, you showed me something interesting, and that which interests me... will inevitably become mine."

The same moment he stated these words and it looked like his hand would reach Astrid's face, the reality seemed to draw her back, although a painful sensation would course through the eye that contained Astrid's secret power (A-rank damage), and more worrying was the fact its power seemed gone? "Astrid!" the fairy's voice called out worriedly as she hoped from the safe sanctuary Briar's hair had provided till now. She rapidly flew between Astrid and the kobold, her body surrounded in the eerie mixture of its golden and voidal aura and with the manifestation of her golden staff struck the kobold's head!

The attack had been enough to send the kobold tumbling onto the ground, yet having taken her true form once more the arbiter looked worriedly at the woman. "There is too much we don't know about the void yet, to approach it so recklessly... I was able to nullify whatever was going on with you but I can sense the voidal corruption growing more agitated. We best proceed with caution..."

- Astrid's Makima's eye has been sealed for the remainder of this topic
- ??? Has obtained the power of Makima's eye!


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Tue May 28, 2024 2:00 pm

The burden of an abyssal maelstrom strengthening in such proximity, too close still in the wake of their skittering, still too close for comfort in the face of the unknown. Vesper's hand would seek out Briar's for warmth, nervous jitters of his thumb grazing sturdy knuckle as the void roils and swells.

An unsettling intonation pierces through the snarl of chaotic energy; remaining still as a feeble whimper in defiance of such a consuming presence. Vesper's attention would remain fixed on the woman who towered above on a throne he couldn't begin to fathom. She appeared pristine, in the aftermath of whatever occurred downstairs and there wasn't a sliver of hesitation in the steady click of heels that echoed in a way that needled his skin in icy chills. No, she confronted the kobold that was enveloped wholly in a shroud of void energy with an enraptured gleam twinkling within such hollow eyes. It wasn't hubris. Vesper could tell that much. "Apologies, ma'am. We managed to defeat it, but then... well it's as you see now." He tightens his grip, mustering the courage to speak up in a polite, even tone. Her words were not necessarily cruel, but they were seeped in a veneer of failed expectations that Vesper craved to surpass. He'd not despair, choosing instead to rise above the little weight that tugged at his heart.

It was easy to remain in bloom when the sun shone so closely, so vividly. Vesper feels a hand gently caress his back, humming his decree as if it were even something the wolf could disobey. "Always, Brii. As long as you're shining with me." His head would tilt to meet a dazzling violet, a butterfly spreading its wings to flutter from the petals that so readily provided refuge. He made a silent vow with that smile. It would persist no matter what as long as they were together.

Miss Astrid had a rather... creative method to deal with the kobold. Whispering sweet nothings in its ear, beckoning it to oblivion of its own volition, or rather its will had been completely subjugated by a power that Vesper could not comprehend. She was terrifying and Vesper would remember this display of cruelty, etched into his forevermore as something to never succumb to. He didn't fault her for it. The young boy had no place to decide what was right or wrong, only the distressing throb that seized his chest as he watched, unblinking - enthralled. His teeth bite into his lip, an intense look in his eye as he absorbs this lesson.

Something seemed off. A phantom hand reached out from the shifting space of a vacant chasm, hovering a hairsbreadth from Astrid's eye and before he could even react the Fairy that found shelter in Briar's hair had burst to the scene, thwacking the kobold in the aftermath of whatever had pained the woman. "Miss Astrid, are you okay!?" He'd take a step forward, pause, and heed the warning of Miss Yu. Still, he wanted to assist in any way he could no matter how paltry an effort from his safe distance.

A flourish with a snap of his fingers forms a magic circle over the prone kobold that rains down keen-edged pocky sticks upon it.



#15Briar Caidh 

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Wed May 29, 2024 1:55 pm

Briar Caidh
A sequence of events in a flurry. He had stationed himself securely with Vesper in the wake of their supposed victory, the foam of his mana a dewbright barrier between them and the void-laced Kobold. Astrid had this under control; both Blue Pegasus magi had placed their faith in her expertise intrinsically, wordlessly, while both also knew better than to get in her way while she spun her spell. Magic was a delicate weave. If the best they could gleam was a trance she was attempting to pull over their persistent enemy, they weren't going to risk breaking it. He palmed over his oakwood staff, his hand leaving Vesper's spine with the gift of his magical coat. This was going to be managed and they were going to be fine - or they were going to be prepared.

Then the fairy lept from his tresses and threw herself in front of Astrid, earning an exclamation. "M-Miss Yu!" He called, encompassing his nerves for both her and the woman she had dove to protect; successfully, it seemed, though in outward appearance & discussion alone he got the feeling it wasn't so simple as warding off the dazzled Kobold.

He acted instinctively. He'd plant his feet in the ground, skirting back through the dirt, and Vesper had already begun to move in his own counter-defense. Briar had started to stir the soothing aroma of his magic, a seal appearing under the coupling of Astrid & Yu while one flared in warm light beneath him. "Our name is Raffles--" He began, his voice thick with his concern and dedication in equal amounts ... but the passing moment deemed it unnecessary. Vesper's rain of candied mana kept the object of their worries pinned in his shape on the ground, and Fei Yu had collected herself to fret over Astrid in the course.

Briar let the spell dissipate before it takes shape, pocketing away the need for the defense to instead take slow, cautious steps in regrouping. He didn't want to walk into danger or overshoot what they needed right now. "Is ... is everythin' okay, misses? That was plum startlin' what you just did, Director. Are we okay to move on? Don't forget, you have us, too! If you need us to take the lead, please just let us know. Right, Ves?" He'd shoot back at his active friend, his smile nervous; decisively rallied, but a bit shaken by the surprise of their sudden fallout. "We'll move a bit closer together now that we're up here, I reckon. I-If anyone needs any healin', you can just ask, alrighty? And you gotta be careful, miss Yu, pardon me 'n all - it's our job to protect you too, y'know?"

Stats & Gear:


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Fri May 31, 2024 4:22 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

The sensation swirled and lingered, crawling onto her skin like that of an unwelcome spider, its presence unyielding, eternal, and there being nothing that one could have done about it. So too when she harnessed the power of the Eye of Makima, expecting the same sort of outcome and control exerted like she had done time and time again, to feel the corrupt sensation that she had become somewhat familiar with herself – that of the Void – by instinct she found herself pulling back, the arrogant lean replaced by a surprised backpedal. But there were no movement, no action taken by her body. Rather, she found herself now within something else entirely; an unexpected realm, nothing like that of where they were.

A real place? Perhaps at a time. But whatever had happened, whoever or whatever had forced her here now had done it for a very deliberate purpose. An example to be made? A threat? Something as simple as intrigue even? All could have been true, just as likely that none of it stood true too.

All she could tell for certain was that she did certainly exist within there, having the full capabilities of movement, her body in reality likely still as it had been. Sadly, even the concept of time were unclear, Astrid having admittedly thinking little towards the actual reality and instead to wherever she had been forced within. With barely time to even fully get a grasp of things, she heard it, the voice that crawled through her mind. Originating from nowhere discernable that she could tell, but existent within her head all the same.

Her heart raced. The encounters that she had had with the Void were seldom pleasant, but there were an underlying element that connected all of them before; she were in control. Here, she neither knew what was occurring, nor how. The only thing that was certain that it was neither by her own capability that she had been forced into this realm, nor did she likely have the ability to leave it by her own account.

The voice radiated again, a clear threat echoing throughout her mind. She wanted to speak, to challenge whatever or whoever it was to try, to just try and take it.

And it seemed that whatever it was, it knew just how to respond to her challenge, even without having been issued.

Astrid did not see it at first, with each utterance of the Void’s presence seeming to pull away at her focus, trying to sufficiently grasp hold of the situation. Only then did she it as it came upon her, a spectral grip, the loose outlining of a hand, dark and gloomy as that of the Void made spectral and in genuine existence. She sought to move back, to backpedal even a step or two out of the slowing approaching limb, only for her legs to remain stuck. She tried one leg. Nothing. The other. Nothing. Then the capability to turn her body ceased. Her arms were frozen.

Nothing that could have been done other than to stare ahead as the hand moved closer, three fingers puncturing together as they placed themselves around her own eye, closing together as they simultaneously pulled, the sensation echoing through Astrid in grueling fashion before suddenly she was gone.

The next thing that processed within her mind, Astrid stood there, before the Kobold and the two young Mages from Blue Pegasus again. As soon as the shift out of the realm came forth, she stepped back, her breathing haggard, a tear running down her right eye while she felt someone else running down her left. Without a word, she tried to compose herself, struggling, a hand – her hand – raised slowly as she put it towards her eye, smearing her finger with whatever was there.

She peered down, the blackened hands doing little to easily tell just what she were looking at, but she could tell all the same. The thick, maroon substance like that of paint, the darker color still standing out even against the cursed skin of hers. Blood. With her hand she lifted it again, covering her other eye, her vision remaining the same, yet something felt off.

It ached, her mind was reeling, her body felt the pain too. What happened exactly, she did not know, but one thing was clear now, the Void had taken notice of her.

Finally, her breathing calmed down, her composure somewhat returning to what it was. But there were no doubt that something had happened. Astrid turned towards the other two, the two Blue Pegasus mages, the faint trail of blood still sinking down from her eye, dismissing what had taken place to her, waving it off, “Let’s just keep moving.”


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 10:11 am


It seemed that despite the events that had unfolded Astrid was still alright, that by itself seemed to be enough to convince the fairy who retreated into her pixie-like form and flop back onto Briar's head. "I'll try to be a bit more careful next time." Yu muttered softly as she watched the group prepare to advance onwards. With the way deeper into the castle being in the form of a long corridor, one that was dimly lit by torches the group would soon arrive in a spacious round chamber, at the center of it being a large statue of some sort while equally curious was the fact that aside from a large closed door further inside, which if they investigated it would prove to be locked with no sign of a key hole present.

Still, on the wall there appeared to be drawings of some sort, depicting a story while underneath the drawings were runes of some sort, a sight that fascinated the little fairy. "These runes are written in ancient Caelish. If I recall reading before, you were born in Caelum Bri-chan? Are you able to read these runes? If not I can help with their translation."

With the suggestion made it seemed the group had some time to figure out on how to proceed to their next challenge!

Secret Quest for Briar:
Ancient Legend of The Void Castle:
Roll a 1d20 to try to translate the runes, your reward and the results will be shown in the next DM post~


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 10:13 am

A tiny tremor carved into the confines of a worried heart, tugging at his sleeve at the sight of curdled blood trailing down from her eye. It was still intact, but the woman was undeniably reeling from the aftershocks of something painful. She didn't acknowledge it, culling the agonizing experience from her perception, a mere echo muted in the confines of the Void. Vesper found her resolve inspiring, and breathtaking, but a solemn expression creased his usual joyful veneer. He wanted to do something to help, but... What could he do? "Mhm! You can count on us, too!" He'd flex his arm with all the bravado of an eager puppy, but even he understood this was far more dangerous than their other adventures. He was too young, too inexperienced when it came to matters beyond his comprehension such as the Void, He held a tacit grasp on the the inner workings at best, and even still the abyss remained ever enigmatic.

An idea. Silly, perhaps, but he wonders if maybe it would help Miss Astrid if even just a little bit. There was a quiet moment in the traversal of winding corridors, likely the last opportunity to act before the impending chaos sweeps them up into a fierce battle with whatever skulks within these halls. He hurries ahead, shivers and the unsteady tapping of his feet resounding through the dimly lit passage as he approaches Astrid. Vesper rummages through his pack, trembling with stark nervousness as he fumbles about to pluck a candy bar nestled inside. His eyes shut, curtains on the anxious pooling of dew coalescing on bold scarlet as he extends a hand to offer his personally wrapped treat to the woman. "Uhm.. I know this is silly, ma'am, but.. I'd like you to have this!" Taken or not, the boy would be proud of himself for working up the courage to offer the candy to the woman, a hand flitting to ruffle the back of his auburn hair. "Ah! It's okay if you're not much of a sweet tooth, Miss Astrid. I just like making candy and sharing them with people.. Hehe~" He'd forget the proper formality that he'd presented prior, perhaps a sprout of amity blooming in such a wretched place, or the anxiety of such a feat wearing him down. He'd scurry away after he attempted to regroup with his best friend, sloping against the smaller boy, his heartbeat reverberating so loudly, drowning out the sigh of relief that escaped his lips. He was proud of himself.

The party would come to a collection of runes etched into the wall in a language that Vesper could not recognize. He'd pause, lean still against the little elfling, as Miss Yu explained and offered a challenge of sorts to Briar. Vesper would sway, and wag with an audible excitable gasp. "Looks like it's your time to shine, Brii~" He grazes the tip of his finger against the roundness of his cheek, giggling as he leans in. "Let's go, Brii! You can do it, yes you can~ If you can't do it no one can~" A hushed whisper for his ears only, a playful tease from his number one cheerleader, rocking his shoulders in tandem with the rallying encouragement.


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 12:29 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She was there, but wasn’t.

Astrid tried to maintain the indifference in her behavior, in her walk, in her voice, yet it couldn’t have been. The tragic reality was that in what she had just encountered, she saw something else, something within her that frightened her more than the threat echoed by whatever force it was that had tried to intimidate her. Vulnerability. Namely that of her own, the idea that the aura of absolute power that she carried herself with, borrowed power in part from the Eye of Makima, something sacrificed in part in order to bestow her absolute control. She had come to use it, to even rely on it to the point that her own weakness had been exposed in that usage.

Her weakness. The term sounded so foreign, so ugly. Uglier even was just how true it sadly was.

Though she may have stood like a giant amongst the two Blue Pegasus members, even her mind flashed to her encounter with the Blue Pegasus members when she had last visited their Guild Hall. Her dominance, the power she wielded, as much hers that controlled the scope of what the Eye enabled, but nevertheless without it would have been likely a different scenario. Yet, she had sought to command it as her own, behaving haphazardly with it, now seeing the ramifications of it for herself.

It was a mistake and the price paid was the warm sensation that ran down her cheek, a chill running down her spine as every so often the feeling resonated further. Astrid swallowed, gently taking her hand again to her face, her finger curled just enough not to make a fist but at the least all run the course of her face as she graced it, pulling it back then to see the blood smeared down the length of nearly finger.

She closed her eyes, dreading even imagining how she may have now looked, at best one side of her face looking as if she had been crying a steady stream of blood. Though, perhaps better than actual tears, the thought occurring within her mind, not from that of the pain, but rather that of the shame that gnawed at her internally.

But so lost within her own mind, she didn’t notice at first the Blue Pegasus mage, Veppy or some name to that effect, coming towards her. When his words, timid and etched in caution, broke the silence, even she couldn’t help but find herself somewhat startled. She turned in his direction, her eyes focused on him for just a brief moment as they then lay centered on what seemed to have been some confectionary. An olive branch? No, nothing with that sort of significance attached to it. A gift, perhaps a more appropriate way to have looked at it.

They lingered on it for a moment. It was an unexpected moment of kindness, one that genuinely Astrid did not expect, neither simply out of what she imagined of people, doubly so given a Blue Pegasus member was the one extending such an offer. The idea even that this may have been a test was something too that had her wondering, but a ploy like that, though something that surely her mind would entertain carrying out herself, to find herself the pawn of one now, under these circumstances, it felt hard to believe. Possible? Certainly. But unlikely more likely.

A second or so passed, what felt like a much, much longer timeframe before her hand extended, fingers delicately enwrapped around the candy like that of a spider’s legs gripping onto its prey. Delicate, yet still having a hint of fear in them all the same. She was silent for a moment, almost as if struggling to figure out just what to say, before the visage broke; a smile fainting appearing in stark contrast to the blood that ran below her eye. “Thank you,” she muttered, with not much strength nor the same indifference shown before.

Her grip tightened around the candy as the Blue Pegasus member turned to the attentions of his comrade, the duo seeming to be in far more attentive conversation with their fairy guide. More than suitable for Astrid as she lingered behind somewhat, within her hand still holding the candy given earlier, her eyes focusing more on it as she ever so often glanced forward to the pair, Vessy and Burt. In a way, she also felt saddened; seeing the Void again, the interaction that took place here than in her previous encounters with it…

Though she was confident that she would survive what happened next, a part of her was almost saddened at the likely fate awaiting the others. Astrid hoped that maybe she was wrong, but what confidence she may have had towards them faltered to the sensation of suffering from the Void firsthand.

#20Briar Caidh 

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:25 pm

Briar Caidh
Briar wanted to make some sort of keening noise. He didn't, because that wouldn't be quite respectable in current company or in the big adventure they had unfurling out before them, but it was an urge that built in his heart and throat and just behind his pretty, wobbly lips. He was concerned. Not for himself, or really about what they were doing, but the general party morale. Had he chastised Fei Yu? It wasn't his intent. He didn't want to make her feel bad for jumping to miss Astrid's ... rescue? Whatsoever she was involved with, it seemed important that Yu had intervened. It just ... she seemed a bit solemn now, her and Astrid both, and he'd twiddle his fingers down the coarse of his staff in hopes an idea to lighten the mood would help them all.

They set off together, thankfully bunched a bit more closely and without the muck of the sewers to impede or otherwise distract them much. He had - and with respect, giving the two space - noted Vesper's little treat to their group's imposing leader, and a smile played at his lips until that whining impulse melted away for the softness of his breath. They were going to be okay. This wasn't the most playful of adventures; it was only natural some sort of pall came with the grim portent of their troubles, and Astrid appeared - in his uneducated, polite mind - to have taken some sort of brunt of it. He'd keep an eye on her and the fairy in his hair both. If anything, he had transitioned to relying on Vesper rather than looking to protect him: as magi of Blue Pegasus, and boys with hearts bigger than their senses, it was their duty to keep watch over their betters. Children looking after their parents. Burdens they couldn't understand were just burdens they needed to help lessen.

He'd pat Vesper lightly, idle wishes. It was when they came across this ancient scrawling - and miss Yu called Briar out directly - that his little head peeked up, coming with a hop to attention and a dazzled sort of look in his eyes. "Oh, boy. Uhm! Yes ma'am, miss Yu! Ma and Pa were pretty set on makin' sure I didn't lose touch with my roots. I'm pretty spiffy with my native language. It might take a sec ... a-and it's not a modern dialect ... but allow me, madam." He'd beam at the fairy and scamper forward, his touch tender and gentle across the old stone and the lines of the story told. "Cad atá tú i bhfolach ...?" He mumbled quiet, tumbling from his lips with a sing-song note and a whisk of lavender scent around him. What are you hiding?

He had to admit, regardless of the result, the excitement in his chest was real. It'd pound through his ears - a true dungeon delver, an adventurer, and a boy of his roots in all. Oh golly! Vesper's voice in his ear, coming in a little cheer, did little more than redden his cheeks; leading the boy to bap his face with a burgeoning grin until he got the space to decipher the texts.

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Sun Jun 09, 2024 2:25 pm

The member 'Briar Caidh' has done the following action : Spin

'Dice 20' : 13


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Wed Jun 12, 2024 7:11 pm


Yu's gaze had only briefly drifted to follow Vesper's interaction with Astrid, but soon turned her attention back toward Briar, only barely showing the hints of a smile trailing along her lips. She went silent, nodding to Briar as he started to inspect the runes that were engraved underneath the drawings.

Three pillars of light to keep the darkness sealed away -

Yu brought a hand to her cheek, pondering at the words that were written there. "Could it be a reference to the three statues that the first expedition encountered? They do seem connected to the barriers keeping the throne room at bay."

Two pillars of light to lighten up the eternal night -

Yet Yu couldn't make any sense of what the next phrase might had suggested, and despite her frown she shook her head lightly, attempting her utmost to figure out just what it could had been. The drawing showed a illustration of a large throne, with a pillar on each side but it provided her with only more questions than answers. And finally there was the last phrase:

Two orbs of darkness, to erase the madness within

Yet the last drawing seemed almost unfinished, yet Yu couldn't help but hover closer to the wall. "These seem to be Caelish runes on first sight, but the ones at the last drawing have additional meaning based on the Fae language... While most of it is faded this part at the end sounds like a warning:

Don't be consumed by greed, lest the void consumes you..."

She hovered back to Briar and gently flopped down onto his head, her gaze shifting around the area and then settling on the large statue in the center of the room. Could it be?


Briar has gained +26 INT from their secret quest

#23Briar Caidh 

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 12:16 pm

Briar Caidh
Briar reads out what he discovers as he does, relaying it to the team aloud with bated breath and an undercurrent of wonder - a sense that something was right, connecting him to this place and these writings: at this time. Falling into place. It thrums through his mana and through his words, his voice rising higher in speculative excitement. A breeze blows through the room, around the stone, and carries with it a floral scent. He shivers. "Golly, guys ...," he starts, his eyes bright with curiosity and sparkling around the faces of his allies. He looks away from the runes and to everyone else, waving an arm in its thought.

"It's kind of like ... a riddle, ain't it?" He leads, taking a step back and brushing off dust that had collected on his legs during his trance. It felt like he was blinking back to the space they shared, his head no longer swimming in this ancient stream of knowledge. He goes so far as to knock the side of his skull and squint his eyes, refocusing. "Three pillars of light to seal, two to light up, two orbs of d-darkness to ... erase ...?" He starts strong and then falters, narrowing his eyes and scrunching up his nose. "Tarnit."

He crosses his arms, holding his staff to his chest while the group absorbs their information and considers over it, before he unravels again and taps his oak against the ground. Once, twice, thrice. He hums in thought, taking a few more steps back and peering up at the big statue. "Miss Yu, if it's as you say and it's alike to statues some other group found ... and they're connected to the fact that this door don't have no knob or what have you, then maybe ..."

He tuts his tongue, rolling back his shoulders and passing his gnarled stick from hand to the other before tapping it against the ground again. He hums out, a gentle wind picking up to tousle his silks and lace and then the blue-light tresses of his hair. "We'll just have to remove it. There's somethin' either under, inside, or about it that keeps us from movin' forward. I don't love the idea of desecratin' nothin, but ..."

"How do you feel about it, Ves? We've got a job to do, we do!" He exclaims a bit more excitedly, seemingly fallen prey to a delver's instincts and the adventurer's blood that courses through his veins. Flowers begin to sprout through the harsh stone flooring and waft a mist through the air, shining phantasmal in crystalline refractions. "I've got us, for our name is Daisy, and we strive ever onward - through any obstacle."

Yellow crowds their feet and glimmers over their forms, disappearing one by one with a memento in a blossom at the hips of Vesper and Astrid both that confers upon them this blessing of perseverance. A like bloom glitters in Briar's hair, pinning it back from his eyes, and he grins. "Do the honor and pave the way for our misses', pally?" And he steps back another one to stand defensively in front of Astrid, coming up under her chin, with Yu still in his hair.


Briar casts Name of Daisy, blessing Vesper and Astrid with a 1xA-Rank Constitution bonus (1xC for Astrid due to Aberration, 1xC for Briar through Spellsinger) in preparation to clear this section.
He asks Vesper to break the statue.

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] U7X0HIX

i'd rather travel 'round to find you in this goldfish bowl ♡

Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 1:31 pm

His gaze would linger on the opaque silhouette of the unfathomable woman, a timid curiosity in those puppy dog eyes, but there was a flutter deep within his heart. He couldn't read her thoughts, nor would he attempt to decipher the many mysteries etched into the enigma known as Astrid. The reciprocation in the faintest of smiles was enough for the boy as he scampered ahead to meet his friend, lean into the gentleness of his touch with a smile, hands entwined behind his back with a pacified and reassured sway. A tiny warmth in the kindling of a candlewick, melting away the persistent timidity that had afflicted him throughout this venture, even if just a smidgen.

Vesper's eyes dazzled in pure incandescence, hovering in the periphery as Briar deliberated on the elvish runes, unraveling their true meaning and unlocking the method by which they would proceed into the inner sanctum of the Void Cavern. He'd dote, a thumb wiping away the entanglement of his brunette fringes meshed again tepid skin, humming a long patiently, until finally; a solution. Vesper was incapable of understanding the words that would fall from his lips, but thankfully Miss Yu seemed to discern the meaning of the runes as well.

"A riddle?" His eyes widened, puzzled, jittery paws tapping away at the side of his thigh. He'd tilt his head, offering a nervous laughter as he took in the the jumbled slew of words missing a key piece of context. "Hmm, I don't really get it, Brii... Hehe~" A tongue slips from his mouth, an apologetic shutter of his eyes as a han raises to ruffle the back of his hair. "Riddles were never my strong suit. Sorry~" He slinks away for the moment allowing the two experts to solve the equation. "Good luck~ I believe in you~" He'd giggle, a flit of his closed paw in a cheer for the scholarly duo.

A docile gale to wake him from his patient meditation, ears perk at the beckoning of his name and the request that would follow. It felt right; almost like a command for an obedient wolf that's long since shed his wildness. But for him? Vesper would gladly untether the leash; the muzzle that restrained his beastly ferocity. A good-natured plea, considerate in every way, but to Vesper's ears alone it rang as such; Sic 'em, boy.

The familiar radiance of daisies is reflected in the glimmer of his vivid rubies as he looks down to his hip, trailing towards Briar with a little hop to warm himself up. "Anything for you. I can bust up this statue no problem! Just stand back, okay? There's no telling what's on the other side." His hand would stretch outward, magic coiling from his arm following the slant of his arm until it melds and glows into his steel-tipped fingertips, manifesting a small sphere-shaped candy that he promptly pops into his mouth with a swift crunch.

His body is energized, wound up, and ready to spring into action with another small hop that bursts forth, fist tightly clutched into the curve of his waist. A toothy grin resolved and keenly eager to prove himself to the adults who do everything they can to care for him, despite the glaring issue of his age and the dangers that are ever looming. "Gladly!" He'd shout, winding with a coiling halt, a leg kicking off the ground to propel his fist straight into the statue.

Vesper casts Rumble Candy and grants himself a B-Rank buff to all attributes. 3 Post Duration.
Vesper attempts to break the statue.


Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] Empty Thu Jun 13, 2024 7:15 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

She had been so consumed in her own head that she had not given much thought as to what was going on with the two Blue Pegasus boys. Venti and Brill were alive, that much was obvious given the sounds of them chatting amongst themselves, the obstruction having been in the way and seeming to have been for quite a bit. Though, had much time passed over the course of all of this? In reality, Astrid could not much tell, the fact that they had been within this sewer system seeming to have been lost to her, albeit briefly.

Her mind still felt ravaged after that strange encounter she had, the pain that she felt from her eye earlier having since faded to the point where she could think and focus, her mind no longer being splintered by the pain felt. Although certainly bearable, it made the ability to focus all the more difficult, but with the pain now having ceased, she was able to focus a bit more, but even then it seemed that her mind still was struggling. Within one hand, her fingers danced around the confectionary treat, almost treating it more like a coin being shuffled within her grasp.

After some time, she looked up, seeing that, to her surprise, the two had figured out how to open the door. Eyes opened and focused for the first time in a moment, she followed behind, allowing the pair to lead the show for now. As it was, she recognized that there were two realities: that her aggressiveness had resulted in the dried blood upon the side of her face, and that when posed against a threat she had the greatest chance of coming out the victor and surviving. The latter reality was one that could have come forth regardless of who led, but she had already suffered enough to assume the former was not worth the risk.

The two wanted to be heroes. They wanted to prove their worth.

Astrid was more than willing to allow them that opportunity.

Proceeding along, she felt the Magic imbuing around her as her attention turned to Birren, the hue lingering around him as she felt something. It was faint, diluted even. Her mind ran back to a different experience, the sensation when her arm waned, the ability to absorb Magic, or even channel it again harkening into her head. This was not the same sort of incident, but it was notable that it drew such strong parallels. Despite this, there was still something, a faint level of Magical energy imbued within her, affirming at least that there was some Magical potency within him.

What the strategy was that had been established by the pair, she was not sure. Nor quite what the room had in store either. Pillars, structures, the rough scent of stale air having not been disturbed for seemingly years, plaguing her nostrils. It was far from pleasant, but hardly a horrid situation either. She shifted her attention away from the scent that was invading her nose and instead towards observing the pair. It seemed that they had a plan and were carrying it out, watching as the one began to strike at one of the statues.

As tempted as she was to participate herself in helping, there was a part of her that was leery about proceeding. There was no doubt in her mind that her Eldritch Dragon Slayer capabilities would be more than enough to destroy the statue, but she didn’t see the worth, especially if the Void were simply lured once again by her abilities. It was somewhat fortunate that it only came after her Eye of Makima before, but for the time being at least, she felt it better to allow them to continue with what they were doing.

If anything, they could have considered an insurance plan, than anything else.

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