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Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B]

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Sometimes the best offense is the smelly one [Group B] - Page 2 Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 4:37 pm


It was a risky choice, after all the group didn't know just what consequences there could be to breaking the statue, but with it being the only option on how to proceed, the cautious decision would prove to be the correct one! With Vesper's attack the statue seemed unmoving, not even bulging for a moment when it seemed that it had no effect?

"Ah, it seems there is a disruption in the magic entrapped inside the statue~" Yu mused as the statue started to crack, then another crack and another till the statue started to crumble into dust, causing the large stone slate to slide downwards and pave the way forwards! A thin line of glowing light, like wisps illuminated the floor, leading the group along to what appeared to be a spacious audience chamber, a staircase leading further inside the keep showing a massive gate where one group had already gathered, and now two barriers had been dispelled at long last!

Only one group would remain, and with it the last barrier keeping the dangerous monster within at bay!


Group B has cleared this Devastating dungeon~ feel free to apply for your rolls and rewards, and look forward to the raid in the near future~

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