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The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic)

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The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) Empty Mon Mar 06, 2023 4:56 pm


The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) C0cbd5dbfe11464a8917ac639ae88cac

Name: A Journey through the Mountains

Difficulty: Epic

Participants: Yuurei Starlight, Brone Heavyaxe, and Kaito Todaro

Story: Yuurei has been mastering how to become a professional Blacksmith and at the same time has been trying his best to prepare for whatever the Seraphims have planned for him. The Watcher that appeared at their guild was enough to worry the young hunter. He knew firsthand how powerful they could be, and he wasn’t even sure if his powers and ability could be said to be the same. Still, while adapting himself with a new skill, it would seem like Yuurei’s father, Elijah, had something to tell his son.

He speaks to him about a powerful magic that is similar to what he currently has. He talks to him that the magic is somewhere within Mount. Kuja He tells Yuurei that he cannot give him the location as the one chosen will be gifted this power. Yuurei decides to take on this task to see if he can find the magic in question. He decides to go through the trial of Mount. Kuja, but knew it would be stupid to go at it alone. He brings his friends along for the ride hoping to gain a better starting point than just the tallest mountain in Joya.

This plot will affect the site because, on Yuurei’s journey through the mountain, he will release multiple Onis throughout the world directly. They will be found throughout Fiore and Joya as, one it is the place of origin, and two they would follow the person who released them. This will cause nighttime to be dangerous to traverse in.

Objective: Yuurei is seeking a new powerful magic that is said to be similar to requip magic.

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) 3557c7cf93de8bf74f3f532b3b5f7fa8

Name: – Where in Kuja?

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: Yuurei and Renji will arrive with their friends at the base of the mountain. They will see if they can find anybody within the main attraction of the mountain and see if they could provide any information that they might need. Will they be able to find someone who could help them or will their journey end here?

Rewards:+250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja.
  • Look around the area and ask for questions.
  • Find someone who could help and give you information or more back story.

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) 687b2cf212a4ea1631a3593652e5b63c

Name: – The Hidden Trail up Kuja

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: The group will use the information gathered and look for the hidden trail. This trail, being abandoned for years, is known not to be safe as one slip would mean the death of most people. Still, this is the place where they are told to go, if they wanted what they were looking for. The path is difficult as they go through the obstacles such as weakened ledges, broken paths and eventually having to climb the mountain itself.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Climb the path ahead.
  • Make it to the Cavern that leads into the Mountain

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) 99295f8b61b077ff55620b734ae63a7c

Name: – The Things that Lurk

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: The group now within close quarters, finds something weird within this place. The aura, the miasma, this place was hidden from the world, especially from the people within Joya. There were certain Onis that were sealed within Mount Kuja. These Onis are the worse of the worse as they couldn’t be taken out by those of their time, so they were sealed within the mountains. The group must find a way to navigate through the area and fight to stay alive.


Oni: There are many different Onis within the cave. They are all powerful and strong Onis that couldn't be killed in their time. They are despicable and will do anything and everything to win. They come in all shapes and sizes and their powers scaling differs.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Go through the Cavern that you are in
  • Fend off some vicious Onis that are found within the cavern.
  • Make it to the next area within the cavern.

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) A379de6f7e30ce595d38e5dfaa5fafb5

Name: - Getting Out Here

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: The group continues their travel within the Cavern. They are not given a break as the Onis in this area are hoping by defeating the group, they would be set free. The Onis want to possess their bodies as it would be the only way they could get out. Get out of the Cavern alive, so you can move on to navigating the Mountain.


Oni: There are many different Onis within the cave. They are all powerful and strong Onis that couldn't be killed in their time. They are despicable and will do anything and everything to win. They come in all shapes and sizes and their powers scaling differs.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Continue navigating through the Cavern with the group
  • There are more Onis to be fought within the place.
  • Try to make sure that none of you guys get severely hurt, it’s just the beginning.
  • Make it out of Cavern as there is more climbing.

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) B7f10a1c741453660cff376edea0c3c6

Name: – Resting a Bit

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: The group makes it out of the cave and is now within a new trail up the mountain. With everything that they had gone through, Yuurei decides that it's best for them to climb up and find a place where they can rest. The group will move up to the mountains and they will find a small crevice. When getting there, they will feel the mountain shake, but nothing happens to allow them to discuss things.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Climb the trail set for you.
  • Find a place to rest.
  • Discuss what might happen and what the should do.
  • Continue on with the path.

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) 25beb4867cc77975220f94a5aac82ce7

Name: – It Was a Trap

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: The group will continue moving through the mountain and they will bump into someone familiar. When they got close, they would see that it was the person who had given them the direction to the base trail of the mountain. You find out that they put you on the path in hopes of the group perishing. You fight them, as a group, but before you think you win, they will disappear, laughing as they told you to continue onward as there is no turning back.
Enemies: Does the quest involve non-player enemies? If so, mention them here.

Unknown: He appears to you as a man with distinctive features and a top hat, but when he reveals his true self, he looks like a Demon. He fights with blades of his own and he is strong enough to enter the mountain without being a Starlight.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Bump into the person who told you where to go
  • Find out why they set you on this path
  • They test you guys out in combat before leaving
  • Continue to move on as you find you cannot go back from where you came.

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) Ff75b44c6de7b0708bd19dbb0952af98

Name: – No Going Back

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: The group had no choice, but to move forward, and if they had decided to go back, they would see that there was no entering the cave they had come from. They couldn’t even jump off the mountain if they wanted to. The group would move forward as teleporting didn’t even work to get out. It would seem like there was some type of magic within Mount. Kuja prevented people from leaving once they had entered. The group will move into the next point of entry; the cave would be lit around the area as it would be a short trip to the exit. Still, what awaits them is an Oni of great power.

Example NPC: One of the strongest Oni within the Mountain. He was the one closest to stopping the Starlight and was sealed in a separate area on their own. They wield every element except for light and nature, but they're all mixed with darkness.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Try to go back to the cave from before to find out you can’t
  • Enter the next cave.
  • Fight the powerful Oni that is waiting for you there.
  • Take them out and leave the cave.

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) 9c5533c10013592db4fa548f6b40ce7b

Name: – The Monastery

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: Once the group leaves the places they will continue their journey up the mountain. They will be noticed that they finally hit a flat space of the mountain, and in this space, there was a monastery built there with several monks living there. Yuurei heard of a monastery within Mount. Kuja, but was this the same one? They would approach the place and be stopped by the monks here. They would ask questions of the small group appearing here, which the group will answer, and be taken inside. The group will be taken care of as they waited for the head monk to appear.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Head to the Monastery.
  • Talk to the Monks on why you’re here.
  • Get treated for wounds, and have items repaired.
  • Wait for the arrival of the monk you’re waiting for.

Name: – The Tale of Mount Kuja

Rank: A

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: The group will be told the story of the Onis that dwell within the secret parts of Mount. Kuja. They will also be told why they cannot leave the Mountain anymore and that the monastery was built so that the monks here would be able to guard this place and make sure that nobody could free the Onis that were sealed there. Yuurei will explain his reasoning for being here, which the monk will explain was impossible unless he had freed the strongest Oni within the Mountain. After talking to each other, the head Monk will decide to have you go through one trial, and that if completed he would think about letting him go through with this madness.

Rewards: +250,000 Jewels
+10,000 Experience
+400 Fame
+7 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Talk to the head Monk and learn about this place, and the caves before you.
  • Tell the head Monk why you’re here, and be turned down.
  • Try to convince him to change his mind.
  • Accept him giving you a trial to prove your worth.

Name: – The Trial Ahead

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary:  The group will follow the head monk into three separate rooms. They will have the door close on them as these rooms will be as dark as they could be. Soon after, things would start to change and it will become a scenario strictly unique to the person within the room. They will all be tested on whether or not they could be corrupted and if so if they were strong enough to break from it. If they don’t pass, then they would become insane and forever trapped within the rooms they were locked within. They will each have their own problem and situations to go through. Overcoming this would allow the head Monk to see that they could handle the Oni’s tricks, abilities, and power.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja

The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) Dd095dc4497bdb90345bbf4bfbe9dacf

Name: – The Possessed Starlight

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: After the group completes their trials, the Monk will accept their strength, and their willingness to do good. He will deem them worthy to take on the Oni that the Monks have sealed for centuries. He will hope the group is truly up to the task, for if they lose, the Oni will destroy the seal holding the others within the Mountain and all hell will break loose. The group will take on the Oni, which is possessing a man with magic that allows them to use multiple weapons. It seems like the tales of what happened in the mountains centuries ago were true. Defeat, the foe in front of you, free the damned soul and destroy the Oni.

Akari Starlight: A man who led the Starlight clan to victory; he fought with many different weapons and armor, showing off and brandishing the stuff that he created. He is no longer the man he was, but a former shell as the Oni has completely taken over him after centuries have gone by. He is crafting and has magic abilities that allow him to use different weapons with ease. His magic abilities in wielding and using weapons surpass even that of Yuurei.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Within the Monastery there is a room sealed shut.
  • The head Monk will open it with several other monks, releasing the sealed that was there.
  • Enter the unsealed room and it will close behind you.
  • Fight the Possessed, preserved body and end the reign of Onis within the Mountain.

Name: – The Setup for Joya’s Future

Rank: S

Type: Good

Participants: Yuurei, Brone, Kaito

Summary: The group would have freed the soul of the Starlight man from the Oni. The group would also see that they were able to take out the Oni as well. As it starts dispersing from existence, the man from before would appear in the room. They will absorb the Oni that you guys defeated the mountain will start to shake chaotically. The group will indeed have one battle ahead of them, but what they don’t know is that the combined powers of this mystery person and the Oni had allowed the Onis locked away to be free and run amok through Joya now. Finish this off, apologizes to the Monk, and receive your reward and gift. The Monks will start mobilizing to exorcise the Oni from this country now.

Akuma Starlight: Revealing himself to also be a Starlight, allows the group to realize that was why he was able to enter the mountain in the first place. He is even more powerful than he was before and is now infused with the Oni. It seems that unlike the Starlight before, he is actually in control, but it was thanks to Yuurei and his friends.

Rewards: +500,000 Jewels
+15,000 Experience
+500 Fame
+10 SP

  • Create a Topic within Mount Kuja
  • Watch the mystery man appear and become more powerful than last time.
  • Fight them off and wondered why the mountain was shaking chaotically.
  • The Monks will explain what happened before preparing to leave and help Joya.
  • Claim your gifts from the dead corpse in front of you.


The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) Empty Sat Jun 17, 2023 11:36 am

This Storyline is approved to Start.


The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 12:35 am


Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65488-where-in-kuja-brone-kaito
  • +13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +11 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +400 Fame

  • +14, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +475,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +3 Constitution, +8 Speed
  • +400 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +1 Speed, +10 Endurance
  • +400 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65519-the-hidden-trail-up-kuja-kaito-brone
  • +13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +11 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +400 Fame

  • +14, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +475,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +11 Speed
  • +400 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +1 Endurance, +10 Speed
  • +400 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65552-the-things-that-lurk-kaito-brone
  • +19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +15 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +500 Fame

  • +21, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +950,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +15 Speed
  • +500 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +15 Speed
  • +500 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65603-getting-out-of-here-brone-kaito
  • +19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +15 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +500 Fame

  • +21, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +950,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +15 Speed
  • +500 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +15 Speed
  • +500 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65641-resting-a-bit-kaito-brone
  • +13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +11 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +400 Fame

  • +14, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +475,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +11 Speed
  • +400 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +11 Speed
  • +400 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65706-it-was-a-trap-kaito-brone
  • +13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +11 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +400 Fame

  • +14, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +475,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +11 Speed
  • +400 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +9 Speed +2 Strength
  • +400 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65765-no-going-back-brone-kaito
  • +19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +15 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +500 Fame

  • +21, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +950,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +15 Speed
  • +500 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +15 Strength
  • +500 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t65993-the-monastery-brone-kaito
  • +13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +11 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +400 Fame

  • +14, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +475,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +11 Speed
  • +400 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +11 Strength
  • +400 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66227-the-tale-of-mount-kuja-kaito-brone
  • +13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +11 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +400 Fame

  • +14, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +475,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +11 Speed
  • +400 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 13,000 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +400,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +11 Strength
  • +400 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t66692-the-trial-ahead-kaito-brone
  • +19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +15 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +500 Fame

  • +21, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +950,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +15 Speed
  • +500 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +15 Strength
  • +500 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t67042-the-possessed-starlight-kaito-brone
  • +19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +15 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +500 Fame

  • +21, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +950,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +15 Speed
  • +500 Fame

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +15 Strength
  • +500 Fame

Mission Link: https://www.fairytailrp.com/t68132-the-setup-for-joyas-future-brone-kaito

  • +19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Santa Coin)
  • +15 Endurance (50% SL Quest)
  • +500 Fame
  • +Mythic Custom Ticket (SL)

  • +21, 000 Exp (20% SL Quest, 20% Guild 3 Perk)
  • +950,000 Jewels (20% SL Quest, 20% Empress, 20% Guild 4 Perk, 30% Relic)
  • +15 Speed
  • +500 Fame
  • +Mythic Custom Ticket (SL)  

@Brone Heavyaxe
  • 19,500 Exp (10% Guild 2 Perk,  20% SL Quest)
  • +800,000 Jewels (20% Guild 4 Perk, 20% SL Quest, 20% Empress)
  • +15 Strength
  • +500 Fame
  • +Mythic Custom Ticket (SL)

@Yuurei Total:
+195,000 Exp
+7,200,000 Jewels
+5,400 Fame
+156 Endurance
+Mythic Custom Ticket (SL)

@Kaito Total:
+210,000 Exp
+8,550,000 Jewels
+5,400 Fame
+3 Constitution, +153 Speed
+Mythic Custom Ticket (SL)

@Brone Heavyaxe Total:
+195,000 Exp
+7,200,000 Jewels
+5,400 Fame
+11 Endurance, +61 Speed, +84 Strength
+Mythic Custom Ticket (SL)


The Birth of a Higher Being (Epic) Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 2:36 pm

This epic has concluded and the rewards have been distributed.

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