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#1Mysterious Merchant 

Back in town [Open to 2] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:35 pm

Mysterious Merchant

Ahhh, Oak Town... Now that he thought about it, it had been far too long since he'd set foot in this city. Too long, or had he never even set foot in it at all? Hard to tell at this point, when you'd seen so many different dimensions throughout the centuries. Earthland was a beautiful dimension though, and he always looked forward to returning to it, however, the stars don't always line up in the way you expect:

"Aaand here we go, all set up now! Yohoho! Just a small stop before the next destination...!", swiping his hand, the Merchant rested his hands on his hips and turned around, looking proudly upon his work.

His shop was all set up now, but at the same time... He wasn't planning to keep it open for long. After all, he had many places to visit in Earthland!

Open for 24 hours, max two purchases. Each person can make only one purchase. Characters must travel to this location.


Back in town [Open to 2] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:48 pm


How had it come to this... A question that still vividly lingered on the Dragoon's mind as she arrived at the vendor stand of the aptly named 'Mysterious Merchant'. He did always have a knack for showing up when people least expected it, and on this occasion she was glad her Monarch had send her out to search for the merchant ahead of time. Armed with both a large purse of jewels and a note that contained the details of her Monarch's interest she approached the stand of the merchant and gazed around, a hint of curiosity lingering upon her visage. "I have come to make a purchase in the name of Monarch Ryuko. Having heard about the countless treasures in your possession, she feels one in particular would suit her role quite well."

She lowered her gaze to the paper and inquired. "Are the juggernaut teeth still on sale by any chance?"

Using my cape's effect to send my Dragoon over~:

Herald of the Conqueror: This cape can be given to one of the character's Champion Summons, which will allow that Champion to roleplay in any other topic without the Summoner being present, regardless of travel rules. If the Summon engages in combat without the Summoner present, they cannot gain claim bounties, fight rewards or weapon mastery from that topic.

Last edited by Ryuko on Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:22 am; edited 1 time in total

#3Isobele Kozilek 

Back in town [Open to 2] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:52 pm

Isobele Kozilek

"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

It had been so long, so dreadfully long that they had seen one another. She remembered its face well enough. The one whom had granted her power so long ago. The horrific nature of having become a Ghoul. She hated him, hated whatever it was. But at the same time, was beyond intrigued. Interested. She could not help but delight in seeing him here once again, now especially as there was something she wanted, that he knew that he possessed. Power. She wanted it. She knew it had the means of providing it. And though the gift of the Ghoul was a free one provided, there was always a cost as she had learned from others. Fortunately, she was prepared to pay, and so long as it promised her power, the cost then would be worthwhile.

"It's been too long. Have you missed me? I know I missed you..."


Purchasing Pact of the Dual Emperor for 8,000,000 J after applying the Super Shop Discount in my inventory and once my refund of 2,650,000 Here is approved.

#4Mysterious Merchant 

Back in town [Open to 2] Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 3:16 pm

Mysterious Merchant
@Astrid and @Ryuko have purchased Pact of the Dual Emperor and Juggernaut Teeth respectively, they may complete their purchases in the topics of the respective items.

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