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Demon Demonstrations [Training]

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Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 2:19 pm

Ittindi sat on a stump, cross legged still in his monopoly suit, this time his top hat had a blue stripe. The forest around him echoed, but it was a different sound than the last time he visited. No longer did Ittindi feel the life of nature in its fullness. Instead, the voice was one of the cycles, he could hear every groan and creak from the older plants as their individual ends approached. Behind even that sound, he had started to hear a new sound, one of life specifically the start of life. It teetered on the edge of death’s noises, but still strangely different and it had taken him a while to hear that undercurrent rhythm; the more he practiced his magic the louder it became. This must be a part of what Naki sought from their avatars, and he could hear their hum in understanding. While the cycle ended or started with death…there was much more to it than the end some would say the journey is more important than the destination.

As he sat there pondering, he began to think about his next move, he had mastered creating the deadliest Kusarigama thanks to stories and memories from Naki. He needed versions of the spell that weren’t quite as taxing.  He’d clench his fist, and less than a second later his grey magic seal would appear on his right shoulder. The blade and chain were too strong, Ittindi could tell as soon as it emerged, and the chain would dissipate. How to make a spell weaker, it wasn’t an idea that Ittindi often dealt with. Typically, he only started from the bottom and increased his power, he had to be careful not to expend too much of his energy trying to create a weaker model.

He'd sit on the stump meditating thinking on how to see the reduced cycle, to not grasp the full power of death. Did he need to focus on bugs cycle or was it not about the scope could death or life be measured by the creature’s size? Was it another factor or did he need to imagine a stream instead of a river.  His thoughts would be lost as he imagined possibilities.


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Tue Apr 16, 2024 7:44 pm


Lumikki and her ravens were soaring through the sky on their way back to the guild. She went to eat breakfast at the Silver Cleaver, a restaurant ran by her good friend Carla but now it was to return home and settle some matters. She had desires to make a trip back to Iceberg where she planed to spend a bit of time.

The sun still hang lower in the sky, not yet reaching its highest point. And the breeze was crips bit turbulent as the gale whipped through the air. Wandering clouds were slowly making their way up above as well so it was safe to say the a storm could be approaching. But the chaos of rain never phased Lumikki, she welcomed them. They became somewhat endearing to her after a Daemon arrived but for the moment she preferred not to think much of it. Instead she focused on enjoy the tasty wind throughout the skies flowing through her feathers as she was in her raven form.

That was until she spotted a certain man below the seemed familiar. And the more she studied him, the more she realized why. It would seem that I might have that walk with Ittindi after all… She mulled in her mind while descending toward him. Her ravens would follow along, not yet knowing why.

Eventually Lumi would settling on a branch to his left and man would ponder something she could only guess. But something was off. She was in no rush to startle him from his thought, instead she gleamed over him with her eyes to pounder the change and soon the answer would come.

At first Lumikki ignored it because she didn’t think it likely. So it went somewhat unnoticed as she gaze into his reputation, but eventually the buzzing fixation would drown the rest of her stipulations.

Ku,ku,ku…he fell into a Demon’s trap in the end did he. And here I thought he worried for his young master. Still I cannot fully understand the pact of the trade. And I doubt the bugger is a nice and Beni. Prob as troublesome as the bod clean in Yuurei. But could I eat him I wonder?…. She was as lost within her thoughts as he was, but Lumi would break the silence soon enough.

” Greeings friend, how strange it is to fine ye in the woods after all. Did I catch ye on a stroll through yer recommendations and ye’ve been captivated by the beauty? Or does something ail ya and ye need a favor to set it right?” She spoke in a sing-song voice giving away her excitement. Lumi was very curious of his answer.


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Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Wed Apr 17, 2024 2:38 pm

He felt it before he saw anything, the feeling of being watched. Ittindi knew it well from his job, the one he was passionate about butlering, not being a Rune Knight.  He looked around and forgot one of the more important lessons taught at Rune Knight introductory training. To always look up, no one expects anything from the sky, and Ittindi didn’t in this case either. He was so deep in his thoughts, that he almost let out a shriek. Instead, he just physically jumped and drew his pistol in a hurry. That was until he recognized the voice as Lady Lumikki.

”Lady Lumikki, why it’s a pleasure to see you. You nearly scared me half to death, though I suppose that was your intention. It’s funny you mention needing a favor, I don’t think there’s anyone I could admit this too besides you or Averie.”

Ittindi would dust himself off standing up while looking over at Lady Lumikki perched in a tree, her sing song voice made Ittindi suspect she knew what he’d mention next. He wondered if all demons knew each other would that be racist or was it specisit to ask? He thought as soon as he entertained the idea he expected to hear protest from Naki but there was just silence in his head and heart.

”In a karmic twist of fate, I along with other members of my unit went to the void for gifts. While they all received great powers I received…a demon soul which I’m now bound too. I must be entertaining enough for it or it will kill me on the spot. So far I’ve had no problems, I guess I’m an entertaining individual. However, to my shame I don’t want any members of the Rune Knights to know. So here I am training in my old favorite spot with an unfamiliar magic, a favor would be to help me? I’m currently working on this.”

Ittindi would clench his fist and it seemed that shame might have been the reducer he needed, because he felt himself draw less of his magical power as a seal appeared on his back and the Kusarigama and chain shot out a weaker version to his first. It would stick right into a tree behind both Lumikki and Ittindi, 24 meters away. Ittindi would shrug as the chain and weapon would return to the world.

”It’s not your shame that’s giving you more control it’s your honesty in who you are. You are a demon’s avatar one of the best you should be proud.”

Ittindi quickly thought to himself what a liar, but what could be expected of demons? That was the best part of Lady Lumikki she was a very nice demon, but ultimately if she did tell others what he mentioned he could just call her a demon liar. Everyone would believe him a steadfast knight in the face of an evil world over a demon right? It did give Ittindi pause wondering if Lady Lumikki had lied to him at some point she seemed very honest for a demon. Perhaps that’s why his  Young Master enjoyed her company so…

(895/700 - Kusarigama III Trained)


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Wed Apr 17, 2024 10:47 pm


Lumi tilted her head in intrigue. The encounter delighted her and one could notice it in the rustling of her feathers. Lumi shimmied on her branch in a little jig before a flourish of plumage would circle around her in a vortex. It would continue to swell until she was fully obscures and the expanded as the Demoness descended her branch. Before her feet touched the ground with a soft thud, the feathers pulled away to revel her human form.

Brown skin with black stained arms and shadows coiled and shifting along her legs. Lilac hair pulled back in a ponytail. Lumi wore a dress that was short, dark blue, and foreign. One could infer it derived from Sin by its design and flower flourish.

” I too was blessed by that abomination, though I quite favor me gift.” There was a smile on her face but it was polite and warm. Yet it was in contrast with her slow and steady strut as she circled around him.” Though I can agree, entertaining indeed. But I would warn ye on their meddling. Not many Demons are tolerable as I. Mortals are just a fleeting interests. Still, there is no shame. Demons, Gods, Angels, well any higher being really. Their gifts and cruelties are interchangeable and hard to avoid. There is little need for shame, more like a need for resolve, but as a Demon of honor and more importantly a friend, consider this “shame” between us. I understand the annoyance after all.” Her voice turned from human to something more winded like the frigid gale of the tundra. If he acknowledged her nature then the need to hold the facade diminished. Not like she meant to hide form, but she didn’t want to overwhelm him. So when she finally halted her pace she stood before him, altered in appearance to show her dark skin and pale hair. The wings that adorned her head were pulled back along her ponytail. The arms that were stained black now seemed as if made of ice, and tattoos gleamed along her skin and face.

It was then that he showed his working spell and a chain shot back behind him. Piercing a tree quite a way off. ” Oy gives ya chains I see, so kind of him. But what is it ya need and has he started pestering ye yet? Is he in yer head?” Her lips pulled back in a toothy smirk reveling her fangs and she leaned forward to inspect the damage.

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Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Thu Apr 18, 2024 8:56 pm

It was odd seeing someone who wasn’t human have such style, Ittindi supposed a demon could have the same habits as anyone else. Lady Lumikki had a certain elegance about her as usual, the only thing Ittindi ever wondered was how was she the only full demon he ever heard of. His master could only summon such a form and she casually walked around in it.  Could there be anyone better to train with? Well maybe his Young Master but he had retreated as of late.

”You know it’s been talking in a lot of different voices, I think mainly past users of the magic, or some other mind game. Either way it is at the least interesting, It’s impossible to know when a demon is being honest, it’s hard enough with humans. And I do have more than chains, but I was worried about practicing with someone weak. It’s something to slow down my foes.  I saw a beautiful woman who wielded it in the lands of Joya. I doubt it’ll hit but it has a surprise if you taught my master you’ll be fine.

It was an odd sensation as Ittindi focused on the last dead body sight he had investigated. It wasn’t particularly memorable, but the rot and stench were familiar enough. There was something lingering about death in an older person. This one had been independent Ittindi had prayed it hadn’t been to painful their house had been clean enough for their age. There had been rumor of a spirit in the house. Ittindi and his team hadn’t found any supporting evidence, that’s how most magical investigations went. Well before Naki now he was only taking high risk quests.  It meant that he didn’t have as much time with his men.  He’d start to feel a dry gag come on he wasn’t even sure when his mouth had become dry.

As a grey seal appeared around his mouth as his cheeks puffed out to almost inhumane proportions. Then he’d spew out a thick grey miasmic stream straight at Lady Lumikki at 20 m/s and the miasma would spread out on impact a 8 meter diameter haze would permeate until Ittindi ran out of mana or released the spell. It felt weird holding it out, his throat felt harsh as the dryness in his mouth passed. Normally when he sustained spells it felt like a rope tightening around his mana and energy. This magic made him feel actual experiences, and it was the grossest things in his life made tangible in his mouth.  He thought of the weeks old milk he’d inevitably find in children’s room when it started to smell so bad it would permeate through the hallways. Ittindi wasn’t sure what was worse rotting corpses or left over hygiene products, there was one sabbatical. That’s what they called it when someone lost their fortune and had to fire their waiting staff until they happened into more money. Ittindi had come back to the horror of a bathroom in waste. That smell was mixed in as well and there seemed to be a sense of nausea needed for this spell. Is that what Naki truly wanted to experience, maybe immortality isn’t as important as Ittindi originally thought. Not that he’d give up finding a way to stop this demon from holding a leash over him.

If by some miracle it had hit Lady Lumikki Ittindi would immediately release the spell otherwise he’d use the haze as cover trying to cement the feeling while thinking about how he’d need weaker versions of this spell as well. The nausea was bearable, but it’d be hard to eat for an hour or so after, and he desperately wanted to brush his teeth.  He wondered how much of this spell he could take in a battle; he’d need it against his Master. Would it be more important to free himself of control first or him? Did it have to be similar times were all demons in on pacts together, so far they seemed more human than Ittindi initially expected. The aftertaste of the spell made Ittindi grimace as he looked around for Lady Lumikki he’d squeeze his thumbs breathing in slowly. This was such a horrible spell, how did that person in the vision keep a straight face through the whole thing. He’d have to practice it to keep his stoic appearance, it wouldn’t do too grimace in the middle of battle. Ittindi wasn’t sure what he expected after that, his haze hadn’t been particularly strong, and he had telegraphed it. He wondered if it was obvious that it was his first time trying the spell.

776/700 Miasma III trained
Miasma III:


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 8:49 am


” It’s easier to consider all Demons liars, they’re the like to always devour. They’re petty, meddlesome, bored, temperamental, and old. It’s why I ate the Demon’s influence over yer master and replaced the power with me own. Spare another fool of their demonic prison. Of course I could hardly play virtuous, as much of me compassion left me on rebirth. But me ire is toward them and I stay loyal to me home. The more I could wane their power over me realm and be the sole Demon influence, the more pleased I’d be. And so if I should consider ye friend or kin, ye’ll be safe of me. But to all the rest, its all flights of fancy.” She spoke with simmering conviction, the annoyance for her kind was clear. One could even gleam sincerity from her words, though she would not maintain this appearance for long. Lumikki did not want to seem sentimental.

” Let’s see this spell!” she uttered with a shifted tone. It was energetic while the last had been seething. And Ittindi missing not a single beat, began the machinations for his cast. Lumi paced backwards as she watched him. He mentioned it was meant to slow and figured it would hardly hurt to take the hit. And when his cheeks could swell no more, a noxious gas escaped his lips and crawled her way. The Demoness wouldn’t tolerate the smell for long, figuring the touching her should prove its potency enough. In one swift motion, four large wings would unfurl from her back. The all pulled behind her at once and beat forward in one strong motion. The wind kicked up from her gesture was enough to dispel the gas, but not enough to halt the effects.

She felt in the movement of her wings and in the flexing of her hand. It wasn’t much, but enough to slow her down a tad. Like the sensation of standing outside in a windy, chilly day and slowly losing your dexterity. Such a sensation was not lost on her, just rare. Only her Uncle slowed her enough for it to impact her motion. But she couldn’t say she hated the temporary affliction, it was an odd sensation to lose some of the control or capacity one has over themselves. And it made regaining it feel so much sweeter.

To prove the impact of his spell, Lumi took off into the air. From her ascent to her glide, she could feel the sluggish pull drag her down and when she was satisfied, she settled back down. ” Aye, she slows. Just not as much as I’d figure ye’d like.” Of course she was not privy for his desire to want weaker spells. In her studies and training, she always assumed people only wanted more. ” Lots of charming people in Joya. It’s become a place I value indeed.” she continued a conversational beat from a point he made before.” They sure have odd magic over there don’t they. Makes me more curious of what they can do.”


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Img_0811

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Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:04 pm

Lady Lumikki’s willingness surprised Ittindi again, was he that small under her wings. He had the feeling before in that café, but he thought it had been fleeting. Lady Lumikki’s power was immense to the point that he wondered how she truly viewed humans. Were we to playthings in some large gameboard in her mindscape? The revelation that she could change his Young Master’s curse so casually demonstrated the gap of power between them. The worse part was Ittindi still couldn’t tell which part of the formula he fit into.  

She flapped away part of the miasma once she felt its effects, Ittindi would watch as she gave a demonstration of his effects. It was very informing; he had never trained with someone who could break down his spells so scientifically. With this apt of a description, he could easily reproduce a weaker miasma, her wind reminding him of another story from Naki. He could mix wind in with his Miasma to make its effects dilute further. It would be a small matter to tweak the spell, he still hadn’t found the limits of his current magic. No doubt that was part of the draw, at the mention of Joya, Ittindi also thought of Tōga. He had been promoted a couple times since the last time they met, he wondered if he finally respected honorifics. Ittindi would release the spell as soon as Lady Lumikki was done showing the result to him.

”Yes, I believe this magic is from Joya as well, a majority of it’s avatars has been in Sin and Joya. It calls itself an Oni if that helps at all, though I suspect you don’t call yourself that?”

The last part was more rhetorical rather than interest, Ittindi didn’t care to learn too much about demons. Angels or whatever other mythological beings their were. None could stand up to the tide of human civilization in the end. However, Ittindi had to admit the strength of an individual is more important now in that contest he had been trumped. He’d hack a cough and the grey seal would appear again as a weaker miasma stream and exploded around Ittindi he’d dismiss it before the smell would hit him.

For some reason learning debuff spells were easier than ever. A couple years ago he could barely master anything besides offensive spells. He wondered how much was him versus the demon; it was hard to separate it already. They had only been joined for a couple of months. That was another thing he needed to mention to Lady Lumikki.

”The other odd thing is that I’m not entirely sure what my magic does. I’m use to more strict definitions than having a demon’s soul and power inside me. How do you find your inspiration for spells if you don’t mind me asking Lady Lumikki.”

He had an array of spells that he had imagined in his sleep. He had been planning it for the past month, delving into stories with Naki anytime it was in the mood to talk. He only had two ideas left, a basic magic dash and a mask shield. That was the only original idea from Ittindi the Mask shield that would suck in attacks, but he’d want to practice that one later, defensive spells were the second easiest for Ittindi to learn.

Ittindi would wait for Lady Lumikki’s answer why considering what other things he could do with a magic. He wasn’t sure what the capabilities of it were, he felt that he was almost to a point where he could merge with the soul. He had heard that call, but he shuddered to imagine what that truly meant. Would he grow wings like his Young Master had? What manner of disgusting creature would Naki-dōji be when merged. None of the stories talked about such a technique, Ittindi wondered if he'd be the first in a while to achieve such a result.

657/525 Miasma Stream II trained


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 12:52 am


” No I do not, though I don’t think us all that different. Oni are a fascinating bunch that I’ve taken interest in learning.” She did not mention her brother, the companion of Brone, to be an Oni. One that she’s grown much affection for. Nor did she mention the importance of Oni to her Guild Master and the result of his families work to repel them. She could only note her awareness and hint at her fascination and knowledge.” Though I could not insist ye better if I don’t know who he is.” Besides asking Benimaru, she could comb through the books back in the guild. She’s read through so many already that if the Oni afflicting him was well known enough, she’d recognize the name.

She was making it through her dialogue when Ittindi suddenly coughed joined by another magic circle. On reaction, one of her many wings would shield her face. It was not the prospect of damage that prompted her gesture but the displeasure of the smell. She did not want to suffer it again.

” Is this the nature of all yer magic? I thought ye had other interests than this.” He answered with his aimlessness and it made Lumikki think it over. And as she tired to mull her answer, she pulled her head back and looked up above.” Hmmmm. The frost was something I’ve learned from me homeland, it was the darkness that halted me for a time. Some spells I took inspiration from me Guild, some from me home and legends. What aspects of yerself do ye value enough to show.” The prospect of it was enough to make Lumi giddy as she was curious of his answer. This human brought her intrigue. He was harder to read than most and it made her want to know about him more. Besides the fact that he was so intertwined with someone she knew.

Demon Demonstrations [Training] Img_0811

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Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 4:31 pm

”Naki-dōji the Oni Spirit of death, though I’m ashamed to admit their way of viewing the cycle of life is quite elegant, beautiful even. Though that could be the demon inside me talking, I’m not quite sure what influence they have over me. How does one even know something like that, in that part I have to sympathize with my Young Master. I often questioned how much the demon influenced him, but I now see the impossibility defining such a thing.”

It always felt weird giving Naki’s name out, they never seemed to protest or care. In that way they truly embodied death noncaring but inevitable. It was odd holding such a soul inside of him, the vain part of Ittindi whatever remained after his pride of cleaning felt validated by being chosen. Normally, from what he came to understand from reading more about such deals they were often forged through pact terms that bound you. There didn’t to be such a deal with Naki, Ittindi knew that he needed to experience certain things in life. However, it seemed that Naki was pleased with his current progress. The questions it would ask during his feet washings, Ittindi wondered if he did grow strong enough to fuse like his Young Master did. Would he rub his own feet? Would it even work that way.

Lady Lumikki talked about her experiences with magic and her traditions sounded similar to Ittindi’s. So, he decided he’d try the only original spell he come up with studying Oni’s in Joya. They had representations with these interesting masks, and Ittindi had found many for Naki-dōji in a way the masks were like the avatars for this soul. He wanted their guidance, and protection with luck he’d find a way to be the last avatar of Naki-dōji.

”Hmm, you’ve had the thought much earlier than my other avatars. Useless as it was for them to think so. Life moves on.”

Ittindi would laugh at seemingly nothing as he readied his hand, the seal would appear on his left forearm. It was a hideous face amalgamation that was screeching, not at all what Ittindi imagined but he could hear Naki’s voice laughing in the background. He’d dismiss the spell chalking it up to a prank, and not the way he was wielding the magic.

Ittindi was wrong as he tried the same spell and as soon as he saw the flesh he’d dispel it. Disappointed Ittindi would feel a different kind of energy from it. That was right he needed some kind of strong emotional reaction to power these spells. So far he had tried for death and embarrassment, what would correspond best with defense?

He’d think of his favorite things, the smile on his own face after a good cleaning. There was no better feeling than walking into a room and seeing everything have a place, and pristine elegance everywhere in between. The crisp sound after he was done starching his favorite button up shirts, or the first time putting on a freshly starched shirt. Most of all the effect of cleanliness, it wasn’t something that hit you straight in a face it was a small slow change that sent ripples through people’s souls.

This time as Ittindi summoned the seal he had a feeling of happiness, and he also felt Naki’s subtle approval. A mask did emerge around his forearm, but the shape wasn’t quite right. Ittindi wasn’t sure of it’s durableness either he’d toss it in front of his face while shooting a bullet straight through as the entire shield cracked. Ittindi would sit perplexed for a second, then realized what he was missing. If he wanted the protection of past users, he’d need to ask them for help. This was a spirit after all, maybe that was part of the cost would he be just another in its clutches?

He'd think of the many faces that had popped into his head during his time with Naki, as he kept happy thoughts and energy in mind. To his surprise one of the faces became solid bowing their head as it transformed into a seal appearing on his left forearm again. This time the mask was detailed, a large red bulbous face with a short thick tongue poking out through the mask hole, large sharp eyebrows and a small black painted goatee. Ittindi could feel the energy radiating off his arm and knew this was what he had intended. Though he doubted it could survive much damage from Lady Lumikki.

754/700 Shield Mask II trained.


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 11:38 pm


On the mere mention of the name, Lumikki strutted forward. Her curiosity took hold with each step that closed the gap and Ittindi was subjected to her piercing gaze. When the Demoness was but a few steps away, the wings she kept exposed pulled her back and lifted her off the ground. So that when the small framed woman stopped in front of him, she were be at eye level.

Lumikki’s expression of that of amusement, but no malice could be sensed. And though it appeared as if this was all funny to her, the words she spoke only sounded sincere.” Fascinating meeting someone afflicted like a Daemon but still be human. This is a first for me….” Lumikki’s voice echoed like the howling wings, breaking and fracture by her lack of focus while her eyes studied him further like he was an anomaly; but her World’s eyes could only scratch the surface of the man.

” Being Daemon is a curse indeed. The loss of self while bleeding into the nefarious influence of another is vexing and taxing. Wearing one down like water on stone….” Lumikki pulled back and dropped onto her feet,” it is why I desired to be so much more. But it is also why I pity yer like.”

She paused in conversation to think over the name he gave it. It echoed in mind as if familiar, but his explanation of the Oni’s motivation is what helped prompted her memory to something she read months.” Aaaaah, I know of who ye speak oooof. What a nasty one to hold within ye mate…..But his methods of death are indeed beautiful and delicious. And his vigor for life quite relatable. If I were to observe ye, would I observe him? Curious….”

As she begun to ruminate on it, the man would continue to entertain her. First with an odd but curt laugh followed by the manifestation of a mask bubbling from his skin screeching. Lumikki laughed along as well, curious if it was the jest of his captor but Ittindi would continue the front. Attempting to spawn more masks at will.

Lumi sat back, and on her drop frost would pool and just beneath her. Forming into a chair for her to rest while she observe his training and wondering what went on in his mind.” Tell me Naki-dōji, why live on through them? Does yer need as an Oni to posses compel ye more than normal life or do ye prefer a front row seat to the suffering of yer mortals?”

Demon Demonstrations [Training] Img_0811

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Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:57 am

Through the mask a deep scratchy rough voice emitted from the mouth hole, addressing Lady Lumikki. Up until this point Ittindi was under the impression that the Demon Soul could only talk internally to him. He wondered what other things was Naki lying about through omission, was his original thought of having a sanctuary deep inside his mind a ploy as well? It wasn’t a question he could ask Lady Lumikki as soon as he verbalized it there was the chance it was just a place that Naki hadn’t looked.

”I am compelled by both, though I have to say this soul by far has been the most delicious experiences. In the morning, I watch this meat sack fix people’s daily lives, cleaning their rooms, cooking meals, helping with finances and I’ve even see him clean people’s feet for free all for the sake of cleanliness and honor of butlering. Then the battles he fights at night, they are as much as the Shoguns and Emperors of old. There always seems to be a reason when you’re in enforcement, I’ve been able to see all facets of life through his eyes. The inner turmoil in this one delicious as well, once I’ve had my fill I’ll move on as always. I don’t need to turn these humans into anything else though this one hasn’t asked surprisingly. Easier to keep them alive as humans so I can end their lives with the honor of their race.”

It was weird hearing his mask talk, and even weirder hearing how Naki saw his soul. He had a feeling this was the gist of it, but having it put into physical words, especially in front of another brought him embarrassment. The teenager kind, where all Ittindi wanted to do was disappear, go anywhere else. There was another part of that information that piqued his Interest. He was not a daemon, somehow he had retained his humanity, it meant that even if Naki could influence him he could not ultimately control him. Granted Ittindi’s love for life was enough that if the threat came, he’d probably acquiesce for most things.

Ittindi found himself speechless, after hearing from his mask, there was only 1 thing he wanted to do. He’d toss his mask shield in the air and shoot it with his gun, it took more bullets than he would of liked before it shattered. That combined with the embarrassment before, Ittindi did look at one of the bushes near him and wish to hide in them. That’s when a seal would appear under his feet, and Ittindi would groan as he was jetted across the forest his body landing right in the bush he was looking at prior.

””I’m ok, it’s weird having a magic work on your inner emotions. I’ve worked so hard not showing them on the outside I’ve never had to utilize them.”

Magic had always been a technical field for Ittindi, trial and error and astute mastery of the basics were all that were needed. Now, Ittindi had to learn how to calm his inner emotions to call up memories for his magic. The experience was what this demon wanted, and Ittindi would create so many that his ticket would never be punched. Just to be sure, he’d think of that angsty embarrassment from before, while envisioning where he’d want to disappear too. The seal would appear, and he’d be back where he started looking over at Lady Lumikki again, while dusting off his suit.

584/525 Full Second Evasion II trained


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 3:28 pm


It came as a shock to her that the mask would creak and move its mouth, but the voice that followed gave her a good chill down her spine. Lumi could not hold back her nature now, as her smile turned to a playful grin and her eyes began to glow. She heard the Oni out while nodding, in a posture where her head was held by her arm and her body learned to the arm of the chair. And in her excitement, black blossoms would grow and blossom along her feet and the base of her chair.

But before Lumikk could utter her response, Ittindi acted. His motion was swift as she shot at the mask but it didn’t crumble nearly as quick as the last. And before she could follow his intentions, his body jolted to the bushes nearby. As all these things happened, the Demoness was silent but as she got the time to regain her wits she broke into a boisterous laugh. It was like the chiming of bells ringing in rapid succession. ” Entertaining indeed~” Lumikki wiped a tear away as she spoke.” I didn’t think any akin to me kind remained so noble and keeping them human is a kindness that those of the Abyss never spare. Ye fascinate me friend, along with yer chose of vessel. But to encounter ye has been the most excitable occurrence.”

Ittindi would jolt back to her side and she’d look up to him. The Demoness knew all too well his frustrations and fear. His confusion and hurt. And she pitied him, more so that he was attached so tightly to his young master, someone else she knew.

” Aye feelings a a tricky thing. I would freeze mine over in battle to chill the nerves and cement me reserve. But I do not expect the same of others…” She sat back and gave it some thought. All things grow boring in time and so would this man. Whether he lived another five years, or forty more….this Oni would be his end. She would have to think very carefully on how to spare his fate. It never pays to show interest in what you want, nor is it favored to take the scraps of other Demons. But if would ultimately be the choice and desire of the man, how he wanted to dictate his future. She could only help him if that was what he wanted. And she could only begin once he asked it of her first. Lumikki was a Demon, but not nearly as old as Naki and it did her no favors to make enemies of Demons that inhabited her realm.

” But since we are here me friend. How do ye feel truly?”

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Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:06 pm

Lady Lumikki’s question pierced the heart of Ittindi’s training. Being so aware of his emotions did change how he perceived the world. The lull of death always simmering in his rearview added a level of anxiety that Ittindi had never been accustomed too.  So how did he really feel, what would he say if his Young Master had asked?

”Well I am a little worried about all of it truth be told. What can I do though, I will find a way to have it all. That starts with saving more money I’m sure an anti-aging artifact will appear, that’ll be the first step on my way to being the best butler.”

The only thing that Ittindi was sure of was that he needed more time, if he tried to beat a demon at their own game he’d need at least a couple centuries give or take. Not to mention Ittindi would need to learn how to fuse and take control eventually. He had yet heard of a tale of someone who had managed to push a demon out of their contract. Better to work in the bounds of it, he could be interesting as long as he kept his age. Best of all of it was that he was still human. He could hear it, even feel it when Lady Lumikki had confirmed it. That was something that he appreciated about Naki, and while he could feel their magic empowering him, he knew that he wouldn’t be able to delay this Oni forever.

He was starting to see into the cycle in odd ways feeling the many strings of fate around him. He’d work at snipping one of the tree’s threads, and with his left hand clenched a seal would appear on Ittindi’s back. The Kama would embed itself in a tree at just the right angle. Ittindi knew it wouldn’t grow an inch after that piercing. He’d dismiss the weaker chain away, and from how it felt, Ittindi could probably manifest multiple of it.

He'd look over at Lady Lumikki and think about what he had learned of her from their short conversation earlier. Ittindi usually wasn’t so selfish in conversation, but it was traumatic at least to him. How odd it must be to vent to a demon about a demon, Ittindi wondered if he was being rude in that case. That’d have to be a question on a more drunken night, surely from the way Lady Lumikki handled herself Demons had a culture. That meant they must have some version of a butler, as well as hellish cleaning arts. Something he’d have to find a way to naturally insert into conversation.

”Lady Lumikki, you had mentioned you received a gift from the void. If you don’t mind me asking what was it?”

466/350 Kusarigama I trained


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 9:12 pm


Lumikki leaned back while looking up at the sky and mulling over his goals for the future. It was not the oddity that perplexed her, being in a guild means you meet all kinds. But his determination to meet it, made her wonder how important such a thing was.

Hardly giving the moment time to sink in for the pair, Ittindi gestured for his next spell. It was much like the first that he showed her, and without the experience to tell the difference, both casts looked the same. But she was sure he did it for a reason, he was not a man of wasteful actions. So the Demoness didn't bother to inquire. Instead, he would ask something of her.

In the motion of leaning forward to meet him in conversation again, Lumi stretched out her arm and pulled back what looked like a staff from out of thin air. A feat she could only accomplish due to the tool's nature, as it existed in two worlds at once. And she was only snatching it from the other.

It was a staff that was a little over a meter in length. Its fushia pink handle popped amidst the intricate metal from which the piece consisted, but the salmon-colored fin that adorned the head would most likely be what drew the eye in first. It gave the wand an aquatic aesthetic which one could consider didn't suit the Demoness but in all the time Lumikki had possessed it, she grew fairly attached. Seeing it rather as an extension of her and her power. It was just as chaotic as her, blowing out her spells for speeds and sizes her magic wouldn't reach alone. As if it desired to kick up devastating storms as much as its master. It would even mar her hands and fingers, blackening them further from the frostbite of its touch which only made Lumi love it more. It felt like it just simply made for her.

Lumi held it out with both hands to give the man a chance to see it a bit closer, as she happily showed off her precious treasure. " This was me gift, though I didn't know it at the time. The void came to me in a dream see, so I didn't think it real. And me Abyss Spin would eventually come to me in another, though it felt like a nightmare then. It's been helping me rip storms and throw me power ever since. Though....," she paused for a moment as it was hard to word for her at first. Ittini's situation was so odd and vexing." I could not imagine the void gifting me the presence of another."

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Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 11:51 am

Ittindi would see the beautiful rod, it had such vibrant colors. It had a stark contrast to Lady Lumikki’s skin it reminded him of how green and orange mixed.  She didn’t offer a complete explanation of her staff but hinted at its powers. Her gift reminded him more of the kind of gifts that had brought him to the void to begin with. She mentioned how she couldn’t imagine how his gift came from the void.

”Yes, I wonder sometimes if this soul was lost, and I was the only one fated to meet it. That our marriage of magic is fated, and it needs me more than I do. Then I hear the laughter in my head and think it might be true.”

Indeed, like clockwork the laughter from Naki would erupt, but so far Ittindi was the only one who had received a soul from the void that he knew. Whoever said that the gift was for him? It might have been a gift for Naki. Ittindi was starting to feel the drain of all the mana he’d been expending to train his new spells.

He felt that he had enough for maybe one more spell to train, nothing to serious. Ittindi had a feeling that he’d need another dash spell. As he worked on the previous version he felt that he needed another weaker spell. It also hinted at another ability; he knew that he needed more strength. He could feel Naki talking to him saying that they could show him a movement that was near instantaneous.

He'd barely think of emotions as the spell circle appeared underneath him. And he’d dash 5 meters to the right then he’d talk to Lady Lumikki afterwards. It felt exactly the speed he needed for a weaker spell. Ittindi’s mana was indeed drained, and he felt exhausted past his usual levels. However, he did need to find a way to thank Lady Lumikki as well.

”Lady Lumikki, I think I’ve exhausted myself past my usual state. I thank you for my training, I now owe you two favors. I should be going, need to hygiene and eat before I have a shift at a tavern. You should think about calling them in, though preferably not something that endangers my job. Though for the right reason I could be persuaded.”

Ittindi always left the door open to possibilities, but found a hard time thinking of an example of why he’d betray the Rune Knights. Even if his Young Master asked him too, which seems improbable from his behavior. Ittindi wouldn’t be sure his answer would be yes, in most cases he thinks it’d lead to a fight and arrest or his death. After he listened to any words from Lady Lumikki he’d wave goodbye while walking back towards town and the garrison.


471/350 Full Second Evasion I trained


Demon Demonstrations [Training] Empty Fri Apr 26, 2024 9:51 pm


" Favors are indeed a fun trade-off Ittindi and I've grown a liking to ye. Suppose we could me a few times more but don't worry. I won't drag ye into any trouble. I like to keep me trail clean, least enough to not be bothered. And no offense, but striking witnesses from yer ilk won't help me enjoy me pleasures."

Lumi rose from her seat and the moment she lifted from the ice, cracks would mark all its corners. The frost broke down like a brittle stone and fell apart before phasing into powdered snow. She let Ittindi go to rest. Hoping that maybe for a moment in his company, there was a little respite from his turmoil. The Demoness favored all dark races but the Daemon would always garner the most sympathy. She knew well enough how painful that path could be, even if she was sure all dark races harbored their own suffering.

Curtain Call

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