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#1Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Tue May 14, 2024 8:18 pm

Alaric Holloway
It was hot. Summer was quickly approaching and Alaric felt it in the stuffy corridors of the guild’s hall. He paced through them in a flurry, not paying mind to those he passed. It had been a few days since he had seen either Lumi or Salem and he was getting quite restless over the whole ordeal. There were a few quests that were being asked but none that really looked decent, at least not around these parts of the world. They were all asking people to go out to different countries and cities. And he wished to stay near the guild for Salem’s return like a dog faithfully waiting for their master’s return. Not that Alaric was Salem’s dog. They were close but he was not at his beck and call or anything like that. No, that would be weird. He raced down the curved stairwell that spilled out into the dining hall and area the request board was located.

Wc 161

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#2Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Tue May 14, 2024 8:24 pm

Alaric Holloway
A cluster of new members gawked around the board. Alaric, having been in the guild for nearly a whole year now, pushed his way through them. “Ugh, excuse me.” He said as he wedged right between two of the newbies. He scanned over the board but grew frustrated. Nothing. When were they gonna get some new requests? Lumi had mentioned a hunt for some monsters coming up. She’d offer to take Alaric now that he was able to take a few blows before falling down. He doubted there was a better tracker in the guild than him. He smirked, rubbing his nose with glory just thinking about how much he’d be praised from Lumi and the envy Teveni if he was the star of the hunt. The harpy and he may have put the whole fight behind them but they still held a love-hate relationship that poor Lumi had to suffer through. Just as quickly as he had pushed his way through the crowed to check the quests out, he now pushed his way towards the door and fresh air.

Wc 183
Twc 344

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#3Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 10:58 am

Alaric Holloway
He broke through the entrance and outside, taking in the sunlight as it struck his skin. He threw his hands up into the air and let out an expressive Ahhh. The outside of the building introduced him to a breath of fresh air. A rolling breeze instantly swept him, cooling off his body and mind. Out here he could breath he could think. It wasn’t stuffy like the guild build. Too many bodies crammed into four walls. Not that he disliked Paradise Dawn but sometimes living in the same place you work and the same place you eat can drive a man a bit crazy. You’ve got to expand your horizons and stretch a little. Shoot, if it were closer to evening, he might have opted to go run through the woods a bit to let off some steam and extra energy but during the day it wasn’t too smart of a move. He could run as a human but not a wolf. There were too many hostile eyes for that. If he crossed paths with the wrong person, he may have ended up in a predicament he’d rather not be in.

Wc 194
Twc 538

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#4Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 11:02 am

Alaric Holloway
“Okay, now what.” he mumbled to himself. He might have been free from the suffocating inside of the guild but that did not free him of his inherent boredom. He should have listened to Lumi and got to know more people. He just really didn’t care to too much. He was content with the little tribe he had formed. There was nothing wrong with having a selective circle of friends, he had a large number of friends by association via the guild. He just had no reason to be friendly with them until it was beneficial for himself. Alaric slid his hands into his pocket and started to walk away from the guild. He’d left Bron behind to nap in the room. That little guy seemed to like being active at night more. He suspected it was because he could be a better thief then. Alaric had learned he needed to keep anything worth anything locked up or they always ended up under Bron’s bed.

Wc 168
Twc 706

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#5Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 1:45 pm

Alaric Holloway
He made his way through the trail that lead to the main road and from there he’d make his way towards town. Even if the guild’s board didn’t have any decent quests available, that didn’t mean that there were none to be had. Somebody in Orchida may have needs that were up to his skill set. Recently, he’d been promoted in the guild all the way to A-rank. He wasn’t totally sure why. Master Yuurei and him never spoke nor did the man ever accompany Alaric on any missions or training exercises. If he had to guess, Salem or Lumi likely put in a good word for him. Salem and he had tackled that dungeon with that Eezlad fella. Alaric might have been able to kill a lot of those birds but if it wasn’t for Salem’s defensive and healing magic, they may have had a much more difficult time with the whole ordeal.

wc 154
twc 810

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#6Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 1:46 pm

Alaric Holloway
Still, Alaric was now an official A-ranker in the guild and registered as such with the Council and everything. What he really needed to do was take the new title and head south or east, heck maybe west. See what sort of adventures were out there. The North was fun and all but it lacked in diversity of jobs and people. It would be interesting to experience the rest of the country. As an A-rank, he was able to take on much more difficult jobs but also much better-paying ones. That was what really made all this grand, how much money he could make now. What might have taken him three to five months to make before can be made within a week or so with steady work. It was a great feeling but as one who had been homeless for most of his life, Alaric knew that this power and joy money brought was only temporary. He had to constantly be fighting to keep it and to grow more, else it might just all slip away one day.

wc 179
twc 989

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#7Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 1:50 pm

Alaric Holloway
Alaric’s mind wondered to where he might venture to in the coming months. Perhaps somewhere hot and tropical? That’s where Salem’s from. An oasis spirit. He’d never seen an oasis before but had heard the word and there was an image of what it may be in his head. Further north was also a thought. Less people there and more wilderness. It was supposed to be gorgeous too. He’d remember seeing the northern lights before as a child living in Bosco but that had been ages ago. He’d left Bosco years prior and had no reason to return. For now, Fiore was his home. How long would it stay that way? He couldn’t say for certain but he knew that he was happy here. He’d grown here in many ways. His magic had started to flourish and his body was becoming more dense and strong with each passing moon. It was like he was becoming a new man completely.

wc 159
twc 1148

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#8Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 1:50 pm

Alaric Holloway

As he neared the city, Alaric mapped where he was going. A large region that neighbored a park. There were plenty of room there for wagons and stalls to be set up. He’d find some interesting goods from locals and travelers there. This was the first stop for many that had come through Seven or Bosco to Fiore. It was a nice treat that they were able to get the first pick of the litter so to speak. Maybe they’d have something from Deserito that he could buy for Salem? He stood on the corner before the market when his nose caught a nostalgic smell. It was a sweet cherry smell. Kirschen He thought to himself. Without realizing it, he was already walking with his nose pointed in the direction of the sweet smell. He had not had kirschen since he left Bosco and now he yearned for it more than anything else in this world.

wc 158
twc 1306

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#9Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 1:51 pm

Alaric Holloway
A small caravan of carts huddled in a semi-circle. Each having various wares with a few even selling food. On the far end of the circle, there stood a stout dwarf with a large cauldron before him. The bubbling aromas instantly told Alaric that it was the sweet sweet kirschen. The man stirring the pot must have noticed Alaric drooling over himself looking at the sweet treat. “Smell catch your nose, boy?” he said in a thick Boscoan accent. Alaric replied in fluent Bosconese “Who could resist the sweet smell of kirschen? It caught my nose two blocks away. We always had it around the time of the final frost. It’s been years since I’ve had it last.” The man gave Alaric a funny look but poured some of the cherries and wine mix into a bowl. “Ah you are kin! Great. Good.” He let out a hearty laugh before turning away to go through the cart’s storage space. Said you could smell us two blocks away? Might have added too much wine to the mix then, eh?” The man laughed once more before shoving the bowl into Alaric’s arms.

wc 197
twc 1503

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#10Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 2:31 pm

Alaric Holloway
He pointed over to another cart on the other side of the circle. “Go to him. He’s got good Gút Schweinebraten. He’ll share if you speak to him in Bosconese. We’re all about to eat lunch. Sit by me. I want to know how you like the kirschen.” He patted Alaric on the back, pushing him away from his booth and towards the other man. It was strange. Back in Bosco, people were friendly enough to strangers but not like this friendly. Perhaps it was due him being a Boscoan in Fiore, just like him. The dwarf was right. The man across the ways gave him a healthy portion of pork and sent him toward the center of the caravan where they had set up a small sitting area. Alaric found a seat and started to dig in. The flavors were wonderful. It was like being home. He was so close to the border of Bosco but it was nothing like the real thing.

wc 167
twc 1670

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#11Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 2:31 pm

Alaric Holloway
As he sat there eating a man sat beside him. At first, Alaric paid him no mind thinking it must have been the man making the kirschen. He looked up about to pay a compliment but found himself staring at a set of eyes he had not seen in probably fifteen years. “Jodocus!” The man brought his hand up to his mouth and coughed. Averting his eyes from Alaric. Just then the dwarf sat down beside them. “Well! Tell me, was the wine too much?” Alaric was still in a bit of shock but shrugged it off the best he could. “Ah, no. The wine was fine. The kirschen is delicious.” The dwarf slapped his back and laughed. “Wonderful! Jakusch, what do you think? The kirschen, is pretty good, eh? It’s my own mother’s recipe. She got it from her gran if you can believe it.”

wc 153
twc 1823

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#12Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 2:32 pm

Alaric Holloway

Jakusch? That wasn’t his name it was Jodocus. Alaric clearly remembered this man. He ran a tavern Sachsenstadt when he and his mother were living there. He was a decent man but ultimately had to have them leave. The guards and guests were starting to pick up Alaric’s unfortunate affliction. The man is formally known as Jodocus gave his approval of the dish and the dwarf seemed satisfied. He quickly moved onto the pair of women one table over and bothered them with his questions. “It’s Jakusch…now.” Alaric’s face grew puzzled. The man made a nodding motion with his head trying to get Alaric to follow his gaze. “Let’s talk over there for a bit. Lot’s of ears and eyes around here.”

The two quickly got up and moved towards the area between two of the caravans. “What’s going on? Why are you going by Jakusch?” The man made a waving motion with his hands toward Alaric. “Chill, chill. Don’t get all rushed Alaric. I’m trying not to draw attention to myself. I suggest you do the same. These guys mean business. There are members of the formal Silver Guard. You know, those guys that hunt wolves and I don’t mean the normal kind. Once the Queen took over, she disbanded them. Lot’s joined up to be guards for trade caravans.” Alaric took a deep breath calming himself before taking a few steps back. He looked at the people all gathered over at the tables. It seemed that they were having a good time and were friendly enough. None stood out as a former merciless killer who hunted weres and vamps for sport.

wc 285
twc 2108

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#13Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 2:33 pm

Alaric Holloway

He returned his gaze to Jodocus. “Okay, why you?” He looked around a bit nervously. “Let’s just say, I’m not human anymore.” Alaric glanced at him again with a questioning look. It was when he started to let him nose do the digging did he notice what the man before him was telling him. Rotting flesh. He was an undead, a lich. Something Alaric had never met in real life before. This revelation only fueled further questions but Alaric’s train of thought was interrupted. “Look Alaric, I always like you. You were a sweet kid and I hated that I had to send you and your mom away but like I told her back then. I had to. It was you or me and my whole business.” Alaric’s posture shifted and he leaned back with his arms crossed. “Yea, a lot of good that did ya.”

wc 156
twc 2264

Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#14Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Wed May 15, 2024 2:33 pm

Alaric Holloway

“Don’t be like that. You look like you’re doing just fine. Your mother even has that nice place out in Erwyr.” A rush came over him. Alaric slammed the man into the caravan’s buggy. “What did you say about my mother?” His tone had dropped to a low gravelly type. Undertones of a growl were hidden in his words. He could feel his blood rushing to his head. His face was becoming warm and red as he forcefully pinned the man to the cart. The force from the slam shattered whatever glamour he had going and the once familiar face melded away to a rotting one. “Alaric, enough.” The lich placed a hand on Alaric’s chest. A stinging sensation prompted Alaric to let up on the man and release him from his choke hold.

“I didn’t know she left you.” He said as he redeployed his glamour, nervously looking towards the crowd. A few of the bodies had gone missing. Alaric paid no attention to them but only to the man before him. “Yea, I ran into her a few months back out in Erwyr. She had a place up there in the mountains. I reckon she’s still there. Seemed pretty integrated into their community, being on their council and all.”


Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet
#15Alaric Holloway 

Her [Private-SL]  Empty Tue May 21, 2024 6:46 am

Alaric Holloway
Alaric’s gaze fixated on the man with intense emotions. Was he telling the truth? What did he gain from lying to Alaric? He had already revealed that he was an undead. Something that people had a harder time stomaching than even weres. Alaric shoved the man back into the carriage’s wooden walls. “Fine.” He grunted as he started to walk away. The Lich called out but Alaric’s mind was filled with such intense rage that it drowned out even the loudest of sounds around him. How could he focus on anything else when he had just been told that the woman who he had been searching for was only a few towns over. In a place that he could reach by nightfall if he pushed himself. Alaric looked back toward the camp but Jodocus had already slipped back into the group, avoiding looking at the wolf. The two had a chance encounter that sparked something in Alaric. Something he wasn’t aware that would spiral into something much greater of a flame.

Wc 176
Twc 2668


Her [Private-SL]  THOXIZP
#B72F22 | Sheet

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