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mermaid picture [quest]

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#1Briar Caidh 

mermaid picture [quest] Empty Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:01 pm

Briar Caidh
Briar was no stranger to remedial - or downright silly - requests about his hometown of Hargeon, even as he grew more as a mage, but he never saw them as anything but an opportunity to better help the people around him. There were few relationships as important to him as his one with the locals of the city; his friendships with characters like Raina, Bart, and Jacob, not to mention his 'troupe' in Marigold. They were considered on the same level as his guildmates when it came to what Briar was willing to do for them. It was only natural: his entire purpose for becoming a mage was to do better by the people in his life.

Helping Jacob with this task, even if others might deride it as delusional or goofy, was the heart of everything Briar wanted to be. He was going to be his best self by helping Jacob find his best self, up to tracking down this darned mermaid and getting him his hecking picture. It was another morning for Briar to find himself at the beach and Jacob's dinghy, but he managed his way into the sand without stumbling over himself this time around. A cheeky smile from him and a disgruntled one from his client.

[ 213 ]

#2Briar Caidh 

mermaid picture [quest] Empty Tue Apr 23, 2024 11:09 pm

Briar Caidh
Jacob never took long to warm to the caricature Briar embodied. It was a few soft words, a gentle yet hearty "good mornin' to ya', pally," and Jacob was left only to sigh as they climbed into his boat together. "Everyone else, Bri, they think I'm a liar because they haven't seen the damned thing themselves. That doesn't mean it isn't real, you know what I mean? What, something can't POSSIBLY exist if EVERYONE IN THE WHOLE WORLD hasn't seen it yet? It's insane. It's actually insane, and they call ME the insane one, Bri," the man fell into his raving, earning a sympathetic pout and a hand on his shoulder from the smaller boy.

They sail off to where Jacob had claimed to see the creature before, rowing in circles with the silence broken only by Jacob's grumbles and Briar's words of encouragement. He can only keep this up so long as the sun rises higher in the sky and Briar about breaks it to Jacob that they might have to try again later. It was a shame, really, and he believed Jacob, he did, but it couldn't be helped.

It was disappointment to both until the wind rustles his hair to draw his eyes behind them, catching the shimmer of a sparkling tail disappearing into the ocean with only a ripple left. Wha ... ?


[ 237 | 20% from Ring ]

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