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The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi

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The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Feb 17, 2023 2:32 pm

The hunter merchant from Desierto purred. With her companion Maneki by her side, she strolled through the area with ease and made her way towards the base of the mountain. What lie ahead would a long and grueling journey, even for someone such as her with her particularly nifty and useful skillset when it came to traversing terrain. She leapt, effortlessly, and cleared several meters of terrain in a single bound. A gift from the gods, truly, she had become one with one of them. Hermes, a wonderful prankster messenger god that resonated with the abominable gigachad that resided within her naturally.

It was time, she knew, to harden her body and soar to newer and greater heights. But first, a testament of her temperance and tenacity. She bundled up, wearing many layers and making sure she had plenty of supplies in her explorer's pouch. She began her journey, taking steps into the snow as her feline companion decided to tuck themself away in the folds of her coat. It was cold, truly, and bitter. From the moment she left the inn she was slapped with the cold. How disgusting.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Feb 17, 2023 2:39 pm

Taking her journey further into the mountains, Ikanbi found herself losing her sense of direction quite quickly, much to her surprise. It all began to look the same after a while. Everything was covered in snow in every direction she looked and with the way it just continued to come down to no end she wasn't surprised when she looked back and couldn't even see some of her footsteps down at the bottom of the path. She was lightfooted for sure, being a graceful and prissy little hunter, but her god soul rang true and her journey from point to point and spot to spot was, well, effortless, other than the sheer biting winds of cold that wracked through to her core as though her body wasn't bundled up in a gratuitous amount of layers. How annoying, she thought to herself. It was cold, so dreadfully, horribly cold. She was amazed at the way in which the wolves she saw every once in a while were seemingly unbothered by the snow and wind, surely they had to be less bundled up than her. The cold wind nipped at her face and she pulled another scarf from her explorer's bag, bundling up her face.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Feb 17, 2023 2:51 pm

Finally, not at all to any of Ikanbi's surprise, the wolves that she had been seeing over and over again had decided that Ikanbi was huntable, truly a mistake. As she waltzed uphill in the treacherous snowy mountains, she carved a path through fallen trees and was warned of their sudden attack only because her feline companion became suddenly so alert. "What is it?" She asked her little critter friend, but the answer became apparent as Ikanbi looked around. A wolf was on her almost instantly, and she reacted with trained precision and grace. She had dealt with werewolves aplenty, so regular wolves were, by default, of no real consequence to her. Still, there were quite a few of them and she couldn't help but think that the timing couldn't have been any worse. The first one came at her and she rolled backwards, grabbing the canine and tossing it through the air before coming to her feet and leaping high, effortlessly and into the trees, eyeing the surrounding area for more wolves and spotting them all rather quickly, even if they did blend in pretty well with the snow.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Feb 17, 2023 3:00 pm

The huntress reached into the folds of her coat and produced two knives, dangly, little things, but knives none the less, staring down at the wolves from her perch as they snarled and snapped in her direction. "So be it." She said under her breath before leaping effortlessly into the air. She soared, spiraling through the air gracefully and landing cleanly on top of one of the wolves, digging her knives into its neck on either side with trained precision as she landed, tucked her knees into the sides of its rib cage, and twisted hard. She jerked its neck, her knives slicing through its throat flesh and her legs twisted the body the other way and she tumbled off of it, immediately leaping back into the air several meters high and doing the exact same thing to the next one. She was fast, and she could clear heights easily. Mere wolves never stood a chance, it would take a werewolf or better to get rid of her, even in the biting sheer cold of Sieghart.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Thu Feb 23, 2023 7:13 am

Ikanbi stared around at the wolves as they circled around her, clutching her knives in her hands and her Nico companion hissed at the wolves whilst latched onto her. She leapt through the air again, cursing under the weight of the sheer cold that pressed against her face, but descended upon another wolf nonetheless, taking it out swiftly before leaping to another one and bouncing off of the original. This went on for some time, Ikanbi tediously and meticulously worked through the pack of wolves until their were only two of them left, at which point it seemed the wolves had decided that Ikanbi was not worth the trouble after all, and scurried off rather quickly. She sheathed her blades after wiping them free from their blood. She wouldn't pursuit them, she was certain they were no longer of any threat to her and that she would be well left alone now.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Sat Mar 11, 2023 7:24 am

Ikanbi of Desierto continued onwards through the snow with grace. It was coming down harder now, and the wind was nothing to laugh at either. It was cold, so cold, and it bit at her eyes and she was thankful to have bundled up nicely under the circumstances. Sure the extra layers made it harder to move a little bit, but it was a small price to pay for not freezing to death in the sheer cold winter's bite. It was getting darker by the minute now and the cold was only becoming more onset yet still Ikanbi persisted. She knew she had further to go and didn't have the time or luxury to be any warmer than she was currently.

Ikanbi continued through the sieghart mountains, and after a while her journey was stopped short by a rather large looking bear. "Oh my." She had exclaimed outloud at seeing the larger than usual beast. "Maybe he'll let me pass"

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:22 am

She waltzed forwards and began to listen to the music, the enchanted earmuffs permeating into her being as she hopped about the snow, darting about the rocks and sliding down this way and that and bobbing her head along with the music as she swiveled it around to check her surroundings. At least for now, she was not being followed it would seem, and so Ikanbi continued to tredge forwards into the perilous mountain, traversing through the harsh terrain and weather with a bit of ease as it would turn out. It was getting dark though, and it was getting a bit harder to see as the sun hit the snow just right at this blinding angles. Soon it would be dark entirely, and Ikanbi would have to fend off the spirits of the night, and she wasn't entirely sure if she was ready for the task. She readied herself and walked forwards through the snow, then began hopping and jumping and skipping about again and again.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:42 am

She continued her journey with Maneki Nico her feline companion, her fine little fuzzy friend. Trudging through the snow she leapt effortlessly through the air from one spot to the other, making a great deal of distance as the sun slowly set, and she readied herself and her weapons for the night creatures that surely would haunt her. She found herself ready, quite ready, to just do all of it then and there. She found her weapons in her satchel and wielded two axes of great length. She scurried forwards, continuing onwards as she leapt about from here to there and everywhere and without a care she nared to dare a way to glare at the creatures as they did stare with care as she dared to dare and glare at them in the night as it took over the watch. In the watch she continued, keeping a good watch and swiveling her around just right and making sure to check around her blind spots.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:46 am

Ikanbi snuck up onto the first creature, having identified it as a more feral sort of wolf thing but tainted by dark magic and years of bloodlines. She silently waltzed through the air, careering through the snow silently under the guise of the darkness and finding purchase in cleaving her axes straight through the wolf's shoulder. She brought the other one down as well, then wrought herself backwards and slammed them in again from the other side, then again from the first, then roared loudly into the night as the snow continued to come down. The other wolves had come for her now, and she would not falter. Relentlessly, she took the side of her hafted blade axe and dug it into the side of the head of another wolf, sending it reeling backwards into the snow as she did much of the same to two other ones and thought nothing of it. She wailed on them, sending slashing and bludgeoning strikes, counting how many of the tehir were and just what type of pelt she might could make and how much money she could fetch for her troubles.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:49 am

She performed her flash step, suddenly spritzing from one spot to the other so quickly that the wolves couldn't dare to keep up, then turned and spun on her heel, listening to the music and the howls as she dug her axe heads blunt sides into the legs and sides of the incoming wolves, sending them sprawling this way and that, violently knocking them off course. She then reached into her pouch, pulling out a small token and sticking it onto the side of each axe, before throwing them into the wolves and retrieves two more axes from her bag, and sticking two tokens onto them as well.

After a moment, the wolves ran past one of the axes and it exploded, causing the wolf to cry out in pain quite loudly, alerting the other wolves as it was sent flying through the air, though all of them were alarmed and partially deafened by the explosion, which rocked the mountain.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:52 am

She threw another axe, then another, then summoned forth a magical snowboard beneath her feet, and began to glide around the area, lobbing axes she withdrew from her bag with one hand and rigged with exploding tokens with the other hand, sending them lobbing one after the other towards the wolves. She threw them around corners, at targets that dared to test her, and burried them in the snow, then she flash stepped, sneaking up behind the wolves in a suddent dusting of snow. Two of them saw her, but all of them smelled her immediately, but she was too quick.

Ikanbi turned on her heel, smacking the non-tokened side of her axe head into the nearest wolf, and smacking the non-tokened side of the other axe head into the other wolf and the two of them collidded into each other quite forcefully, growing silent as the other wolves began to investigate, not having caught Ikanbi in their line of sight yet, but they had surely heard everything.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 10:55 am

Ikanbi threw both of her axes, one towards her left, then another towards her right, at both of exits of the cave. Then she did it again, on either side of the same exits. Then she did it again, lining it around and down and up along the top and back around. The other wolves walked through and triggered it immediately, and Ikanbi flash stepped out, throwing back two more axes behind her than popped with the explosion and then also exploded, and she jumped off of it on purpose, soaring through the snow with her enchanted snowboard that did all of its wonderful hovering shenanigans.  She produced two more axes and soared past a wolf, sweeping it off of its feet with the blunt side of her axe and its handle. She then did the same to the next one, then the next two that she passed, then she went directly in between two and did them at the same time, one axe each.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:09 am

She continued gliding through the snow with maneki nico in tow and darted about the fields of snow, looking back at the wreckage of the explosion and hopping the snowboard up with its magic to continue about the area and waltz through the spirit wolf wilds, carving through them with her enchanted axes, enchanted swords, polearms, and knives. She threw many knives, at one point she reached into her pouch, produced another pouch, and from it produced three hundred and sixty one knives, and she got to work. She began to lace them with the tokens, and throw them one at a time, then two at a time, then three at a time, then four a time. Ikanbi got a momentum going, and began throwing ten exploding knives at a time, then twenty, then thirty, then fourty, then she found another bag and began to do it again, watching the mountain explode in a blaze as the spirits grew angry at her.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:16 am

Ikanbi darted forwards, performing the flash step again and surprising several of the spirits as she then spun around and swung knives in every which a way of direction. Several of them went into several of the wolves, startling them as she did the same maneuever again, sending another flurry of knives into the spirits as she vanished to another location and did the same thing, then vanished again and did the same thing. Each time, she became more proficient, she studied how the technique worked and utilized it better and more efficiently. She moved from point a to point b and released the knives, then moved to point c, then released knives again, then moved to point d. She did it again, over and over, she let fly a flurry of knives, and then they all exploded, and she sailed down the snow away from the furious flames towards the next group of spirits, already throwing more knives and axes into the fray.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:25 am

She produced then a singular polearm as she came upon a great snake, a white one that was hiding in the snow and genuinely surprised her because for one she hadn't expected it and two it surely had camoflauged itself quite well in the snow. She rose forwards, then flash stepped to the side as it struck and she turned, slashing at the back of its head and recoiling around the wide hard side of the other end and striking it straight into the side of the snake, then doing it again the bladed again, then twice with the other end, then twirling around as the snake struch again and she smacked the blunt end into the side of its large head, which then grew larger and she smacked it again with the blunt side, though she then twirled it around to smack at it with the bladed side, and knicked its eye, infuriating it.

She did it again, cutting its nose, then its head, then jumping out of the way and slashing at the side of its length.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:30 am

Slashing at the great snake again, Ikanbin noticed that it continued to grow larger and she worried that she was beginning to make a problem. She then decided to grab her axes, jamming the blade of the polearm into the side of the snake before then slamming two axes into the same eye she had cut already, and leaving them in the side of the head of the snake. She then slammed two more axes into the other eye of the snake, then two axes into the bottom of the mouth of the snake, followed by a spear, then several axes around the head and neck area in general, carefully weaving and darting about and slamming axe head after axe head into each spot she could think to on the snake as the snake continued to grow larger.

After a while Ikanbi had decided she had planted enough, and utilizing her enchanted snowboard she craftfully made her way away a good distance as the snake began to chase her, then she detonated the token and the snake exploded all over quite violently and horribly, its head severing and being quite mangled terribly.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:34 am

A great bear charged towards her and she flash stepped out of the way, then leapt back over it as charged back around and she more properly gauged its speed. She produced two axes, and swung the blunt side of one into the bears arm as it attempted to maul her, and she knocked it to the side and followed up with another two righteous blows from her right to its left front shoulder then, then to wear she perceived to be its elbow, then the shoulder again, then its knees. She backed up, then went back for the knees again, carefully working her way around the great beast and doing her best to trim it down before suddenly smacking the back of its head hard with the blunt side of both of her axe heads, releasing a concussive spell that knocked it downards hard into the snow below.

The bear roared and swiped at her, and she leapt into the air effortlessly out of harms way, then threw her two axes down and detonated them, then landed in the explosion, retrieving the two axes as she did so and darting on through the snow.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 1:49 pm

Onwards Ikanbi of Desierto persisted through the treacherous and dreadfully cold snow. She trudged and she sludged and she mudged her way upwards through the mountain, it was a journey that seemed never to end. She wasn't sure what she was looking for but she knew in hear heart of hearts that there was something to be found here, something that called to her like a radio frequency that only she could hear. Still, the journey was not without its woe, it was so dreadfully cold she could hardly see where she was going now.

Still she continued though, the snow beating against her eyes. She had bundled up of course and yet the sheer bite of the wind still crossed through to her core. It chilled her bones, it made her ache. She could feel the buildings of frost upon her attire and cursed under her breath as she reached into her bag and found another scarf which she then wrapped around her head, and another coat which she wore over her current one. Lastly a skirt of sorts, very thick that she wrapped around her legs. It was quite roomy and would add another layer of protection against the sheer coldness of Sieghart.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 2:36 pm

The Sieghart mountains were truly not for those of Desiertian dessent. No, Ikanbi felt quite out of her element here, it was so much the extreme opposite of where she hailed from and had been raised it was eventually quite annoying to her to be in such a place. It mattered not however for Ikanbi continued onwards through the snow, trecking slowly uphill for what felt like an incredibly long time, because it was. Left foot, right foot, left foot, right foot, Ikanbi slowly made her way through the mountain and found the winter bite most grueling and cruel. Why had she even bothered to come here? A notion, of course. A hunter's test in a way she supposed. She needed to steel her resolve and condition herself to many different things. After all, she was a Hunter. She needed to be ready for any type of environmental effect that may come her way, who knows what the denizens of darkness might produce around her?

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 8:40 am

Rising from a campfire she had made to cook her food with Ikanbi continued along her journey through the harsh cold of the Sieghart Mountains. She was drained of energy, more tired than she could remember being in a very long time. She was thankful for her companionship in Nico, though they were tucked away into the folds of her warm garments. At least she wasn't alone. Try as she might Ikanbi couldn't stay warm. She had bundled up even more than she had anticipated, and yet still she found herself chilled to the bone. As she left the campfire she retrieved another large cloak from her bag, a nice thick fluffy fur one with a hood and she draped it around her body, pulling the hood up and over the other hoods she was wearing and synching the cloak shut with a belt. It was a nice white fur pattern, it would likely give her a bit of camouflage in the snow. It wouldn't be too much further now, but it seemed as though her journey through the cold and perilous mountains would never end.

The Tower Tarot: Ikanbi BgYy4ZU

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