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BEEP BEEP BOOP [Social - RK invited]

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BEEP BEEP BOOP [Social - RK invited] Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 7:39 pm


How had it come to this? Standing in the empty office the robot's gaze drifted around the room. "Statement: General Kon has not returned." Her voice sounded cold, a bit monotone even yet her face clearly showed a hint of anger, annoyance and frustration. "Inquiry: Why has Magic Council launched no search and rescue operation for him?" The lass remained silent, contemplating the answer by scouring through the various intel she had obtained so far. "Result of Inquiry: Council sees opportunity in General's absence."

A groan of displeasure came from the robot as she stepped past the desk and gazed outside the window. To the other knights she might had been akin to an enigma, content to just observe and watch the everyday lives of them, but whenever the topic involved the General she expressed an interest and curiosity that was uncharacteristic of her.

"Inquiry: With the General absent, who will take over the command of the knights?" A light tilt of her head followed as she closed her eyes and attempted to retrieve whatever intel she could. "A group of fresh meatbags and an unknown furball. Hardly a proper replacement for the General."

Heaving a soft sigh she spun around on the heels of her feet and declared firmly. "Declaration: State of emergency has to be announced. Either General Kon has to be retrieved or a solution must be found in his absence. Execute Order Sixty-Five?"

For a moment she closed her eyes and mumbled softly. "If it was up to me I would execute that order immediately and drag these meatbags out of their office for being useless..."


BEEP BEEP BOOP [Social - RK invited] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 1:29 am

It was almost offensive at this point. Sending someone with the strength of sixty men on a mission to deliver files to the general’s office? Just plain old stupid, if you asked Rhea. She was top of her class in every way, and instead of being in the field where the action was, she was stuck at base. To make matters worse, the dragon slayer was delivering attendance records and other boring pieces of paper. Back home, recruits were ranked based on their strength and power first. Rhea sighed, pouting as she hunched her back, her boots echoing against the marble floors. If the General wasn’t in his office, she’d just slide the mail under the door. But she hoped to meet the legendary Konstant Saliva—or whatever his name was.

The halls were long and eerily quiet. Almost everyone had gone home or was heading out; shifts were changing, and the privates had an hour left. Still, there was something creepy about this part of headquarters. As she got closer to her destination, she heard a voice through the walls. Rhea had no business eavesdropping on private conversations, but if she could hear it, she might as well listen right? Her steps slowed and got quieter as she approached the door."Execute order sixty-five?" she heard. Gently, she pressed her ear against the door. Pedido sesenta y cinco? she wondered. Under normal circumstances, she would have just slipped the mail under the door and saw her way out of headquarters, but what she heard next seemed like reason for concern?

And what was up with that voice? It sounded like a..."Robot?" she whispered, although perhaps a bit too loud.


BEEP BEEP BOOP [Social - RK invited] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 5:59 am

BEEP BEEP BOOP [Social - RK invited] 3TYAm74

Saturn’s arrival to central kicked up a storm as many individuals didn’t recognize him. What they did recognize however was that he was now a colonel in the rune knights. Many individuals stayed their hand at the towering hulk of a man; his armor hadn’t slipped into place so he didn’t deem the people threatening him with spears as to be any threat. He’d wave them off as his rank was flashed in front of them. Causing many to apologize and many more to question where he had even come from. The white wyvern that had dropped him off didn’t stick around, kicking off of the ground and flying off into the sky.

He had been summoned to the rune knight headquarters and here he was. Staring up at the office that he could just tell from a glance didn’t have their wayward general in it. He wasn’t capable of frowning so all he could do was furrow his brow. Huffing he’d step forward; walking past the jabbering masses of guards and recruits. Some of them moved out of the way. Others irritated in the way he was acting would have said something but he’d just brush them aside. He would talk with them later to sort things out.

Look I was summoned here for a reason, just let me pass and we’ll talk about this later.

His voice rumbled and more of them simply scurried away; he didn’t threaten them or anything but there was a resonation of power in them that made it easy for them to understand that he didn’t have time for this. He thankfully wouldn’t have to duck his head through the headquarters doors but as he went deeper into them he noticed that they were getting a little harder for him to keep the same gait. Huffing eventually he’d get to the general’s office. Which had someone outside of it; a guard? No that didn’t make sense. Maybe this was someone who also got summoned?

You get summoned too?

His voice was hardly a whisper and his steps were hardly quiet; the mass of a man towered and nearly brushed against the ceiling of the floor above them. He didn’t look so bothered at the moment but the adjusting and needing to tilt his head slightly to fit just right would eventually wear thin. He liked being outside or sitting more than inside and not sitting.


BEEP BEEP BOOP [Social - RK invited] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 6:26 am

How long had it been since he'd set foot on the familiar cobblestones of Era? Tōga lost himself in a reverie of sunrises and sunsets, each painting a new chapter in his whirlwind odyssey across the vast, untamed canvas of Earthland. The city-state, a bastion of order amidst the chaos, had evolved in his absence, its skyline adorned with new spires and its streets teeming with unfamiliar faces. And he, too, had been transformed by his travels, his spirit honed by the trials and triumphs he'd encountered.

He strolled through the labyrinthine streets, his footsteps a rhythmic counterpoint to the city's vibrant pulse. The air buzzed with the whispers of commerce and intrigue, a symphony of human endeavor that both fascinated and repelled him. A cryptic summons had beckoned him home, a clandestine request for a private meeting cloaked in secrecy. While Tōga reveled in the adventures his position afforded him, the tangled webs of political maneuvering were a maze he'd rather avoid. With a sigh that carried a hint of resignation, he presented himself at the Rune Knights' imposing headquarters, his rank granting him swift passage through the labyrinthine security protocols.

Inside, the pristine white halls echoed with his measured tread, each footfall a whisper against the polished marble floor. His mismatched eyes, one a warm amber that reflected the light of the setting sun, the other a mesmerizing whirlpool of crimson and obsidian, scanned the surroundings with a languid curiosity. A familiar scent, a delicate perfume on the air, tugged at his memory, and his gaze alighted upon a figure shrouded in shadows, a silent observer in the grand theater of power.

"Oh, I wonder what’s happening in there,” Tōga's voice, a playful baritone that belied the seriousness of the situation, materialized behind the enigmatic warrior.

"Come along," he offered, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "You seem curious, so come with me and we’ll find out" Stepping aside, he gestured towards the imposing doors of the meeting room, his senses tingling with recognition. The scent that clung to her, a heady blend of exotic energies and mana, was unmistakable, a signature he'd encountered before on the windswept plains and moonlit forests of Earthland - the essence of a fellow dragon slayer.

"Oooooooi, Saturn-san!" Tōga's exuberant greeting echoed through the hallowed halls, a burst of sunshine in the otherwise somber atmosphere. Ignoring the robotic organizer of this meeting, he made a beeline for his comrade, his arms outstretched in a gesture of genuine warmth and solidarity.

Seems pretty serious – us all being here, don’tcha think?” Tōga inquired towards his taller, furrier friend before turning his attention towards the woman he recently invited in. If she joined or not, his next statement would still materialize.

Oh! This is uhmm….. what’s your name?

wc: 485

-enter, Tōga !


BEEP BEEP BOOP [Social - RK invited] Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 9:19 am

Ittindi had pulled up outside in his mana car he had started to develop enough of a reputation between his gun, car and arena fights that people were starting to recognize him. It felt partially flattering, but more annoying all the people were causing more dirt to collect, which meant Ittindi would need to do another sweep over. He couldn’t imagine how Colonel Tōga and freshly minted Colonel Saturn handled the extra attention with such ease. He knew through the grapevine that the paperwork for his major promotion was in the woodworks. It wouldn’t be very long now, then he’d have to contend with the new gun unlocks.

He was in his magical tuxedo recently pressed and reenchanted from his adventures in Seven. He wondered if that was what part of this transmission was about, a new large guild being formed would surely be news. Though they hadn’t had a briefing on the Dragon Order he encountered in Pergrande, so maybe there was another reason. His top hat under his left underarm while in the building the golden cloth sitting at the base.

He’d walk through the halls at a brisk pace, returning any salutes and greetings but walking with a purpose to let them know he was busy. Up ahead he’d see a group of familiar faces with some unknown.  There was Colonel Saturn outside the door, he seems larger than he had at the beach maybe it was the armor instead of an apron. Colonel Tōga was speaking bringing life to the dreary hallways. While Ittindi respected Tōga boring places were supposed to remain so, he should have more decorum.

”Colonel Saturn, congratulations on the promotion. We’re in official capacity so now you have to let me call you Colonel, Colonel Tōga, these places are suppose to be serious we are using the people’s money after all. So, anyone know what's on today's agenda I wasn't briefed prior.”

Ittindi’s mind raced with what horrible or good news could deem calling an all hands on deck. He hoped for the latter, but had a feeling that it’d be the former. He’d look at the person he didn’t recognize, if they were important they had to be in an department Ittindi didn’t interact with like intelligence.  He’d wait to introduce himself until he knew what the meeting was about, he was sure they’d be able to do introductions there.


BEEP BEEP BOOP [Social - RK invited] Empty Mon Jun 10, 2024 7:54 am

Zerutod hurries along lamenting the fact he got too wrapped up in his research and completely forgotten about the Meeting Zerutod makes his way through the busy headquarters upon arriving at the meeting Zerutod apologizes for making everyone wait and makes a joke about his memory working as well as his eyes. and goes on to explain how he has been lost in research for a few days now. Zerutod begins to go into detail about what he has been working on but manages to stop himself before he gets too involved. in a playful tone, he asks if anyone one knows the reason for this meeting. he goes on to say he is sure he was told the reason and has just forgotten it.

Zerutod's footsteps echoed softly as he made his way through the familiar corridors of the Rune Knights headquarters. The hum of magical energy surrounded him, a comforting presence that guided his steps effortlessly. As he entered the meeting room, Zerutod sensed the shift in atmosphere. Hushed conversations ceased, replaced by curious whispers that followed him like a gentle breeze. Entering with a playful apology on his lips. "Ah, my esteemed colleagues, forgive my tardiness. My latest discoveries have kept me engrossed in distant lands," Zerutod chuckled, his voice gentle and melodic. "Seems my memory works about as well as my eyes."A few chuckles rippled through the room, and Zerutod could sense the tension easing slightly.

He moved to take his seat, his fingers tracing the edge of the table. "I must confess," Zerutod continued, his voice carrying a lightness to it. "I've been lost in my research for the past few days. Dimensional magic has a way of pulling me in." As he spoke, Zerutod's hands gestured animatedly, drawing invisible patterns in the air. His lavender eyes held a spark of excitement despite their blank stare. "But enough about me," Zerutod said, suddenly aware that he was rambling. "Does anyone remember the purpose of this meeting? It seems to have slipped my mind."

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