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Unearthing a Dead Secret [Closed]

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Unearthing a Dead Secret [Closed] Empty Sun May 19, 2024 7:29 pm


"In my name..."

STR: 1 | SPD: 146 | CON: 251 | END: 251 | INT: 1001 | MANA: 11,650

"Bow before your queen"
- Astrid Venier

From within the heavy stone walls, the cruel heat of the spring weather almost was like that of the imagination only. Much to her delight, having taken the trip south from the northern parts of Fiore and the unexpected cold-front that had run through the region. It was temperate. Nice. And sadly a complete contrast to that of what she encountered as she got out of the carriage before the massive Magic Council building, the heat and humidity slapping Astrid in a nasty one-two combination that had her welcoming any sort of reprieve, even one within a dungeon-like atmosphere as the one she found herself in now.

It was private enough for Astrid’s liking at least. A massive room that simply invited anyone and anyone within the building to venture inside would have done nothing for her. Privacy, time, and the loose sense of secrecy that came with being in such an isolated part of the Keep was wholly sufficient, if not ideal to her preferences.

And a welcome surprise, for that matter.

Her arrival in Era was not one that was particularly expected. No notice had been given, nor had she been sure that she would have been able to secure such an accommodation on the evening of her landing. A day perhaps, at worst two maybe; that was the timeline she first anticipated, if only due to the nature of her trip. But Astrid was certainly not going to be disappointed at such a fortunate turn of events. The company was also a welcome boon. Ser Gepardo, one of the guards often serving under Astrid’s mentor, confidant, and sometimes lover, Lady Tsara, as a bodyguard, currently stationed again in Era for a time before eventually returning to Crocus to again serve the Lady. He and Astrid knew each other well enough, both having been friendly throughout not only Astrid’s campaign for her position within the King’s Court but following it too.

That they happened to be reunited at such a time was an unexpected, but certainly a welcome treat for both of them.

“I wouldn’t have figured you to be here in Era of all places,” Gepardo continued on, a large stack of heavy books in his arms, “Especially with all this talk of you being in Oak Town now? Still can’t quite get my head wrapped around that. Don’t know why you’d want to leave Crocus…”

Astrid looked up, having been focused on the reading of one of the texts provided, one of numerous documents that had been gathered, organized, and then re-written for clarity, all of it – including that of what was possessed by Gepardo – being relating to a single incident; a rogue group of Witch Hunters that several years ago had operated within Hargeon Town. “And what gave you the impression that I wanted to leave Crocus?”

The man placed down the books softly on the table, the weight of their total being something that even he did not expect, evident by his efforts to massage the muscles, the strain of their encumbrance unexpected. “Just some of the local talk amongst the regulars really. Came as quite a shock to hear that you were leaving is all, especially considering the Lady Tsara had stressed she wanted you to stick around.”

It was true, Lady Tsara had been insistent on Astrid remaining in Crocus, a motivation driven in large part by convenience than anything else. For years, the two had been separated, much to the dismay of both of them, the Lady Tsara especially. When Astrid first returned to Crocus, it was an unexpected but absolute delight to the older woman, having always regarded Astrid as family. It in part was the reason for her support of Astrid despite her brutal campaign against her father, a paternal role that she formally took for herself with his passing.

For her to venture to Oak Town, it was like losing her unofficial daughter all over again.

But there was enough reason behind Astrid’s arrival to Oak Town, one that Lady Tsara also knew, the discussions surrounding it having been held behind closed doors between the duo. It was the proper decision, as much as Lady Tsara wished it wasn’t. And there was pragmatic value to it too. Inevitably in the coming election cycles, Astrid would be looking at being voted as the Reigning Senator from Oak Town, a title that she would never be able to hold within Crocus whilst Tsara was present and serving. In this, it gave the small cabal that the pair were a part of the influence and control that came with two of the Reigning Senators than simply being amongst the multiple factions with one a piece.

Still, that reasoning, although perhaps suspected, was never discussed openly. Thus, all talks of why Astrid had ventured to Oak Town were speculation at best, baseless rumor otherwise.

“Lady Tsara is a brilliant woman. Believe me when I say that when the matter was discussed with her, and believe me, it was discussed at length, she understood it fully.” She put the book that was before her away. Her attention was split enough that the words written seemed to have repeated themselves time again, much for as often as she found herself reading the same few lines of text. And of what she could tell, there was little value in this record. If only for the moment, conversation was more the focus at hand, “I would have loved to stick around in Crocus. Hard to leave a place like that once you’re used to all the finer things it has to offer, but I’ve managed to make due within Oak Town.”

She reached out, grabbing the book from Gepardo that she had made an off-gestured pointing towards, a move that the man was quick-witted enough to recognize, “I had even entertained the idea of her coming with me. I bet you can imagine how she responded to that?”

Gepardo had a rather wide smile at such a suggestion. He bit his tongue, holding back a laugh before speaking again, “After how many glasses of wine did you suggest this?”

Astrid smirked. There was a reason that Lady Tsara was so fond of Gepardo. His wit and sense of humor were appreciative, “She was still clothed.”

“Oh that’s not saying much! Perhaps I should ask were you still clothed at this point?”

The faintest shaking of the head, even Astrid couldn’t help but find the man insufferable at times, if not a welcome contrast to the types she’d typically encounter in Crocus, “The point being, is that she did not see it as a good idea.” Having almost forgotten the book handed to her shortly ago, she finally opened it up, scanning several lines quickly to see what seemed more like a hand-written ledger than that of any sort of official write-up. A potential improvement to what she were looking for.

“Those records,” her finger pointing to the top of the stack, descending down as it scaled along each stacked upon each other, “They all from the same source as this one here?”

Gepardo glanced through several off the top, opening and quickly scanning the first page or so. Hardly enough for a perfect analysis, but the records taken after the fact had a clear appearance and quality change to that of the record before Astrid. To whichever camp it fell into, it would stand out immediately. “Looks like it,” he said as he finished what may have been the fifth or sixth book of the pile.

“These weren’t taken by scribes, were they?”

“Didn’t look like it to me. Seemed like these were just, written journals basically. But I mean, you’re the one reading that one. I’d imagine you would know more than I.”

Astrid sighed. Though it was a fine point, it didn’t much answer the question that she was wanting, the one that required a bit more thought on the part of Gepardo. Taking a few of the books and scanning the pages herself, her eyes widened at seeing that there seemed to be a common theme in how they were written, their contents, and by whom.  “Humor me, and see about checking where exactly these books in question came from. I don’t care if you have to go through all of their records. Find me that source.”

Though not his preferred usage of his own time, Gepardo nodded and disappeared to wherever the records were held. Such was the reality right now, him while a Rune Knight, was also a servant to the Senate, Astrid being no exception to the matter. And the nature of why it was that she was here, that was her business. Gepardo had no need to be made aware, nor did he expected to be have such an expectation. Perhaps a hope that existing friendships may have overtaken the standing of their positions, but alas for this matter in question, they fell secondary to Astrid’s own interest in the knowledge.

While he tended to those matters, Astrid was fixated upon the actual substance in the journal before her. It was a written record, taken by one who supposedly had been at the heart of the rumored incident, at least she hoped. References to a ‘leader’, mentions of Blue Pegasus scattered about, what only sounded like fanatical rantings and ravings. Another name that she saw referenced once or twice. ‘Aegir.’ She drilled deeper and deeper, each word looked over and then again.

Before she knew it, she had reached the end of the first record. So much present, yet none either. Not enough.

To the second record, more of the same. Some individual details perhaps. Another mention of ‘Aegir’, but still not what she was looking for.

The third and fourth record were no different. It seemed that what progress she encountered had now ceased, things having ground to a dead stop.

She sighed in frustration. There was little that she was finding here. And sadly, much of the records learned of after the fact did not do much to aid in her efforts either. The most minor details that she had hoped to find out simply were not there.

A time later, Gepardo returned, with him a small little box, barely large enough to store a loaf of bread if that. Though excited upon his return, his expression faded at the sight of Astrid’s frustration. A gentle cough marked his return as he presented the box before Astrid, “From what I was able to find, the findings here were what had first been looked up on the matter in question, but it seemed that things just died.”

“Died? As in?”

“Seemed a request had come through on behalf of a concerned party in Hargeon to kill the investigation. Little more details beyond that sadly.”

Astrid said nothing as she looked at the chest for a moment, processing what Gepardo said. It may have been innocent enough, but it was key to what Astrid was seeking. Her eyes never deviating from the chest, she spoke, her words cold, “Thank you Gepardo. If you don’t mind, I would like to resume my search alone. Feel free to take leave for the evening.”

Gepardo admittedly was surprised by the dismissal, conflicted even. On one hand, it was a disappointing way for their reunion of sorts to end, but on the other it was nice to get a chance to catch up on some much needed rest. After a moment he proceeded out of the room, leaving Astrid to her research, “It was a pleasure to see you again Lady Astrid,” he called out weakly.

Astrid averted her focus from the chest and turned her head in his direction, a surprisingly calm look on her face, “Thank you Gepardo. Extend my best to Lady Tsara if you should see her before I get the chance. And if you should find yourself in Oak Town in the near future, do reach out. Trust me that while it may not be the same as Crocus, the quality of fine dining in Oak isn’t to be discounted.”

His disappointed face quickly changed to a delighted look as he nodded his head, elated by Astrid’s invitation; one that he imagined at some point he would take advantage of. “Excellent. Good evening, my Lady!”

Once he departed and the door was closed, she returned to the chest, finally opening it, revealing a small collection of contents. An envelope addressed to the Magic Council, having been hastily ripped open, the inside contents still present. What appeared to be a large piece of a broken orb, sharpened at the edges, as if just smashed and yet preserved since. Some other miscellaneous things that did not hold much immediate value to her, until she came across two small clear bags. Within one, some strands of hair, red in color, a little bit of dirt attached, a small note indicating that it was located within a large cell. Nothing that she had read seemed to mention anything of that, which begged the question of how much did she still have to go in her reading.

Then she saw it.

Another bag, a small one not unlike the previous one. But in this, there was another strand of hair, light blue in color. Astrid’s eyes immediately widened at the look of this as she focused intently, looking over it, making sure there was no deviation from the light. It was light blue, just as she wanted to believe it.

Once she was certain, she rushed out of the room, showing an urgency that had seldom been displayed by Astrid. “GEPARDO!” She yelled out, a brief silence quickly coming being erased by the sound of rushed footsteps as the large man returned, breathing heavy at the pace that he had run to her.

“Is everything OK?” He asked between deep breathes.

Already composed by the time he had arrived, Astrid looked to Gepardo, “Have everything. Every single document, every record, everything possible that you have here packed up and prepared for travel. I want all of this coming with me as I return to Oak Town.”

“Travel… to Oak Town? Already?” Gepardo was surprised, especially in that her departure was seeming to be as sudden as her arrival. But it seemed she was steadfast in this decision.

She nodded, “I have matters to tend to in Oak Town. Our time together, though I appreciate the chance catching up, I’ve gotten what I need. None the less, I want everything here to come with me. Leave not a document remaining, not a single sheet of paper, understand?”

Gepardo nodded, “Of course Lady Astrid.” As he started organizing the contents, stacking up record upon record, he made an off color remark in Astrid’s direction, “Found what you were looking for then?”

He didn’t look to see Astrid’s face, but she pulled out the small bag from a small vest pocket, taking a glance at the blue hair, “More than what I had before I arrived here. And enough that I can make progress on.”

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