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Ryuko's Champions:

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Ryuko's Champions: Empty Fri May 03, 2024 7:35 am


Ryuko's Champions: 7rlti7gv
Name: The King of Conquerors
Rank: S+
Mana Cost: 10% Base Mana followed by 5% per turn.
Requirements: Monarch Dragon Slayer
Type: Summon
Element: Darkness
Range: 50 meters
Cooldown: 5 Post
Duration: Sustain
Size: 1.85 meters
Strength: 271
Speed: 501
Constitution: 1001
Effect: The user raises a hand in front of them and beckons their Champion to appear, causing a pool of darkness to emerge in front of the user from which their champion appears.

The Monarch's General and her closest confidant, when summoned Iskandar is a gigantic man standing over two meters in height. He has large muscles that give the impression of being able to kill a bear with his bare hands. He has sternly chiseled features with eyes that give off a dazzling glow, able to overtake Waver's soul in an instant with their sharpness, and burning red hair and beard. He wears bronze armor, with cuffs and greaves with white-furred fringes, that leaves his arms and thighs unprotected. He wears a thick red mantle with a fluffy white fur collar. It is luxuriously decorated, and looks like a curtain wrapping the stage of a theater.

Additional Effect:
This Champion has a minor physical resistance

Obsidian Dragoon spells:
Name: Eternal Glory!
Rank: S++
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Monarch Dragon Slayer
Type: self-buff & Other-buff
Element: Arcane
Range: Self
Cooldown: 4 posts
Duration: Sustain
Effect: Iskandar raises his sword and channels mana through it, causing his magic to empower both himself and the summons around him with an S-rank overcharged buff to Strength and Speed. As long as this buff is being sustained Monarch Magic's regular summons benefit from anti-nullification effects.

Last edited by Ryuko on Sat Sep 07, 2024 10:51 am; edited 6 times in total


Ryuko's Champions: Empty Tue May 28, 2024 5:02 am

These spells are approved for training.

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