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Therlin's First Servant summon!

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Therlin's First Servant summon! Empty Thu May 16, 2024 5:27 pm



Name: Caster: Esperia
Rank: A-rank
Mana Cost: 5% Mana per turn
Requirements: Servant Magic
Type: Champion Summon
Element: Arcane
Range: 40 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Size: 1.82
Strength: 1
Speed: 240
Constitution: 3x S-rank
Performed through the act of the Holy Grail Summoning rite, once the user has successfully bonded themselves to a Heroic Spirit they can then call upon their servant to materialize. This is accompanied by a clear sign in the form of either a gesture or calling the class of the servant
A young magus who met her end too quickly. Due to her legacy's origins mostly coming from the Fae-folk in Caelum Esperia resembles a tall Fae whose body is concealed by an ancient mage's robe. Often she conceals her head underneath the hood that comes with her robe.


Name: Sacred Soil
Rank: A-rank
Mana Cost: 200
Requirements: Servant Summoning Magic | Esperia
Type: Defensive
Element: Arcane
Range: 20 Meters
Cooldown: 4 Posts
Duration: Sustain
Cast by means of raising a hand and making a snap with her fingers, within a twenty meters radius around her a person will find their body shrouded by a collective of wisps that provide a full body armor the equivalent of an S-rank spell.

Name: Lesser Starlight Breaker
Rank: B-rank
Mana Cost: 100
Requirements: Servant Summoning Magic | Esperia
Type: Offensive
Element: Arcane
Range: 15 Meters
Cooldown: 3 Posts
Duration: Instant
Raising a hand toward a target of their choice the user starts to channel their mana into the sphere of a large circle of arcane magic, after which a magical circle will emerge in front of the sphere from which the user can fire a 2 diameters large beam that travels up to 15 meters. These hit by the attack suffer B-rank Arcane damage.

Champion summons and her associated spells will be learned in Therlin's long storyline.

Therlin's First Servant summon! Illyasviel-von-einzbern-fate-grand-order-thumb

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