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Dragon Order Guild Spells:

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Dragon Order Guild Spells: Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 9:53 am


Name: Dragon Transformation
Rank: S-rank
Mana Cost: 5% per turn
Requirements: Dragon Order Guild Spell
Type: Transformation
Element: Arcane
Range: self
Cooldown: Once a topic
Duration: Sustain
The user's eyes begin to glow as scales begin to replace their skin while their body begins to contort into a dragon transforming in size and appearance, as they transform, their equipment will be absorbed. Growing to a size of 20 meters in height and having a wingspan of 50 meters, the user towers over almost any opponent and may fly up to 20 meters in the air. While in this state, the user's spells are increased by one rank and their strength, constitution, and endurance will be increased by one tier while reducing their Speed by one tier. This is a transformation and not a spell. Limb durability and limb loss are carried over in this state. Therefore, it cannot be canceled by artifacts or magics that can cancel spells. This overrides any other transformation ability.

Name: Dragon's Blessing
Rank: S-rank
Mana Cost: 500
Requirements: Dragon Order Guild Spell
Type: Buff - Healing
Element: Arcane
Range: 25 Meters
Cooldown: Once a topic
Duration: Sustain
The user focuses on the Dragon's heart which has replaced their own, the fragment seemingly resonating with that of their companion. Upon activating this effect the user and their companion will radiate a powerful aura that bestows onto them an S-rank overcharged buff to their physical attributes, while at the same time making them incapable of having their attributes lowered beyond that value. Meanwhile, the user and their companion will once regenerate their health up to half their constitution, this effect can be triggered if one of them gets knocked out. Due to being a biological function this effect can't be nullified.

Name: Dragon's Wrath
Rank: S-rank
Mana Cost: 5% per turn
Requirements: Dragon Order Guild Spell
Type: Transformation
Element: Arcane
Range: Companion
Cooldown: Once a topic
Duration: Sustain
The user focuses their mana into their companion, allowing the dragon to tap into its latent power and transform into a giant dragon. Growing to a size of 20 meters in height and having a wingspan of 50 meters, the dragon can freely fly up to 20 meters.While in this state, the comanion's spells are increased by one rank and their strength, constitution, and endurance will be increased by one tier while reducing their Speed by one tier. This is a transformation and not a spell. Meanwhile, their body has grown more durable, gaining a moderate resistance to physical and magical damage.

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