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Tiny Little Thieves [D-Rank] [Solo]

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#1Tsukishima Higurashi 

Tiny Little Thieves [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 3:52 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
This feels….weird.” Tsukishima says as he stands before the small local shop, a sense of unease settling in his gut. With a begrudging sigh, he adjusted the Rune Knight symbol displayed on his jacket. Today marked not only the beginning of Bael’s Grand Design but also the beginning of the Athlas elf’s ascension into the Rune Knights.

Enduring relentless training to wield the incredible magic bestowed upon him by the Demon King Bael, Tsukishima set his sights on the Rune Knights Headquarters. His intention was simple and clear: join the organization and climb the ranks. Opting to classify himself as a summoner class mage, a maneuver designed to obscure his ability to summon Bael’s demonic horde, Tsukishima quickly completed the required training regimen tasked to new recruits. With just one final task remaining, Tsukishima’s journey was nearing its completion. The task was simple: Complete the list of assistance requests given to him by one of the Rune Knight officers. The requests would range from simple retrieval quests to those that may require a more physical touch.

Word Count: 177
Total Word Count: 177 / 500

#2Tsukishima Higurashi 

Tiny Little Thieves [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 3:56 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"So you're the one they've sent to help me?" Munder's voice crackled with a mix of relief and urgency as he spotted Tsukishima entering the shop immediately noticing the symbol on the jacket. Munder himself embodied the quintessential image of a wizard, complete with a flowing robe, a pointed hat that seemed to defy gravity, and a long white beard that he absentmindedly stroked as he spoke.

"Yes, I am," Tsukishima said, his tone respectful. "How might I be of service?" "Goblins!" Munder's voice suddenly boomed, catching Tsukishima off guard as he instinctively took a step back. "Goblins have stolen my magical gems. I need them back, no matter the cost." Tsukishima nodded, his focus sharpening as he absorbed the urgency in Munder's words. "Do you have any idea where they went?" Munder's gaze drifted absentmindedly towards the outskirts of the town, his hand pointing towards the dense woods beyond. "That way." he murmured, his voice returning to its usual soft pitch, seemingly oblivious to the abrupt change in volume.

Nodding, Tsukishima wasted no time. His mission was clear. He bid Munder a brief farewell before heading out. “Time to go Goblin Hunting.

Word Count: 193
Total Word Count: 370 / 500

#3Tsukishima Higurashi 

Tiny Little Thieves [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 4:00 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As the elf ventured deeper into the dense woods, a sense of tranquility enveloped him. The bustling streets of the Era, with their never-ending noise and the ceaseless demands of Rune Knight training, slowly began to fade as he immersed himself in the peacefulness of nature. It was a welcomed retreat, a chance to reconnect with the earth and its music.

Yet, amidst the soothing peacefulness of the forest, a foul stench invaded his senses. The unmistakable odor of goblins, a vile concoction of rotting garbage and blood, tainted the air and guided him towards the source of the disturbance. Creeping through the underbrush, he caught sight of them: a small crew of five goblins, their grubby hands clutching stolen treasures with glee. They huddled around a mound of the stolen goods, their laughter punctuating the stillness of the woods. "Well, this should be simple enough." Tsukishima murmured to himself, a determined glint in his eyes as he extended his hand, conjuring forth a swirling gray portal. "Awaken, Lucian." he spoke, his voice resonating with authority as the demonic servant stepped out of the portal.

Word Count: 185
Total Word Count: 555 / 500

#4Tsukishima Higurashi 

Tiny Little Thieves [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 4:03 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
"My lord, how may I be of assistance?" Lucian's voice reverberated as he gave a respectful bow towards his master. Tsukishima's gaze remained fixed on the group of goblins, his expression stoic as he issued a single command to his loyal servant. "Eliminate them." Tsukishima ordered, his voice tinged with authority as he pointed towards the unsuspecting thieves.

A chilling smile crept across Lucian's face, his crimson eyes ablaze with a sinister gleam as he shed the white gloves from his hands. "It has been too long since I indulged in such pleasures," Lucian remarked, his voice laced with a hint of sadistic amusement. With a sudden blur of movement, he surged forward with a swiftness that even Tsukishima struggled to track, his form materializing behind one of the goblins in the blink of an eye. Caught off guard, the goblin spun around, only to meet his demise in a single, devastating blow as Lucian's fist connected with lethal precision. The goblin's lifeless body crumpled to the forest floor, a testament to the demon's unfathomable power.

Word Count: 176
Total Word Count: 731

#5Tsukishima Higurashi 

Tiny Little Thieves [D-Rank] [Solo] Empty Sun May 26, 2024 4:06 pm

Tsukishima Higurashi
As the remaining goblins stood frozen in shock, Lucian continued his onslaught, his movements a blur of deadly efficiency as he dispatched each foe with ruthless precision. Within seconds, the threat had been extinguished, and Lucian returned to Tsukishima's side, his demeanor once again composed and subservient. "It is done, my lord," Lucian announced, his tone devoid of emotion as he awaited his master's acknowledgment. Tsukishima nodded in approval, a faint flicker of surprise crossing his face at the ease with which Lucian dispatched the goblins. "You have performed exceptionally, Lucian. I underestimated the extent of your prowess." "It is my duty to serve you, my lord." Lucian replied. Satisfied with the outcome, Tsukishima dismissed his servant back through the portal as it collapsed onto itself before returning his attention to the recovered stolen goods. With the task completed, he made his way back to Munder, returning the items as the grateful wizard expressed his thanks and rewarded the elf for his efforts.

Word Count: 163
Total Word Count: 894 / 500
Quest Completed

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