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Sung Lo Mei's Nursery

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Sung Lo Mei's Nursery Empty Fri Jun 07, 2024 4:19 pm



Name: Caith Sith

Slot: Companion

Race: Magical Plush

Class: Unique – 24 Points

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Mana: 1000

  • Strength: 31
  • Speed: 61
  • Constitution: 31


Height: 80cm
Weight: 5Kg

Appearance: A well made plush cat by all accounts, if not for the items of clothing he wears and habit of walking upright one might be forgiven for mistaking Cait for the real deal, since aside from his rather comical face he is quite realistic in appearance. Predominantly black in colour with white 'fur' covering the tip of his tail as well as his face and stomach, his eyes seem perpetually shut in a smiling uwu manner, and he even has a cute pair of fangs which poke from his mouth even when it is open.

Beyond this seeming to sport a number of accoutrements, he wears a pair of boots and almost cartoonish white gloves on his hands, with a red half cape over his shoulders and a crown made of brass atop his head. Carrying a conical megaphone in hand reminiscent of the horn of a trumpet, he often 'sings' through it though in truth merely repeats the onomatopoeic term 'nya' with various extensions and inflections in an effort to carry a tune, or mimic speech.

Description: Once a mere plush toy owned by the sickly daughter of a Caelese Mage, with the girl too unwell to go outside she put an enchantment upon her favourite toy to bring him to life, and act as a friend and companion to the lass while he was busy with his work and research to try and cure her. A tireless creation who proved a loyal ally of the girl, he loved nothing more than to see her smile and giggle, and spent each and every day crafting silliness for the girl to enjoy, but as time wore on even he had to worry about how sick she was getting.

Setting out into the world to seek a cure for the girl, he searched high and low, day and night for the promise of something which might help her, and eventually returned with what he needed in hand, though sadly it was too late. Coming home to find her father devastated and the girl having unfortunately passed, Cait was heartbroken at the discovery and still is to this day, though has resolved to continue to bring joy the faces and hearts of children even now, hoping one day to make up for his feeling of failure.

Personality: A deceptively complex figure, Cait at first seems even tempered and jovial, especially in the company of children, and on the whole seems to be rather fun loving and excitable. Gentle with people and disliking violence and abuse especially, he can be easily scared and tends to run away from confrontation usually, preferring to be called a cowardly cat to hurting someone.

Carrying more trauma with him than one might ever guess when seeing him goof around however, underneath his clownish attitude and fondness for performance Cait has a strong level of devotion toward those he has grown close to as well as a hefty dose of empathy, and seems to find his strength and courage only for the sake of others. Perhaps best described as something of a cowardly lion, frightful situations can make him very anxious but the pain of seeing someone he cares for hurting far outweighs his fear, and seems to see him at his finest and perhaps fiercest as well.


Requirements: None.


Partner Perks:
  • Felix Felis: The user receives an additional 20% jewels when completing quests and social interactions.


  • Name: Cait's Cure
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Healing
    Element: Arcane
    Range: Self
    Cooldown: 5 Posts
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: The user pushes their hands together and touches their target creating a magic circle in the process, upon touching their target, they will be healed for 1x S-Rank damage.

  • Name: Cat Nip
    Rank: D
    Mana Cost: 25
    Requirements: Arcane Magic
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 5 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Posts
    Duration: Instant
    Effect:  The user stamps down causing a magic circle to appear directly under them, a burst of energy will propel them, which allows them to dash in any direction up to 5 meters away at the users own lunge/dash speed.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Unique
  • Oprah Win Coupon
  • Tier 4 Jewels % Bonus (12 Points)
  • S Rank Spell (10 Points)
    D Rank Spell (2 Points)

Total points Acquired: 24
Total Points Spent: 24


Sung Lo Mei's Nursery Empty Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:25 am

This companion is approved. Please create a copy in the custom area of the shop to claim them.

Also noting down that the May 6th Custom Unique Companion Coupon has been claimed.

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