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Water Holds Memory

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Water Holds Memory Empty Mon May 27, 2024 4:03 pm


A few days had passed since Lumikki had found her way to the hut of the Witches. They accommodated her during the time with their wisdom and stories. Mending the friendship that would benefit them all in time as if the power of the coven grows, so do they all.

Meanwhile, Lumikki's unkindness occupied all of the Udgard Wilds, ever vigilant for the moment her company arrived. In three days time, they would finally show face on the edge of the Wilds which Lumikki had entered. It was Tenevi who had brought the pair of brothers there as this was the only spot to enter that she knew.

" My Revna, it seems your companion has returned with two men." A raven would perch on the open window beside her to relay the message only she could understand.

" They finally arrived, haven't they?" Edda inquired while placing down a cup of herbal tea, though she didn't understand the bird herself, she was good at reading many things. A witch of divination with her stature simply had a way with intuition, after all, it was a necessity for that line of work. Lumikki though unsettled about the witch's acute ways of always knowing, had grown to find comfort in her wisdom in the short time there. Likening her to Lumikki's Nan who at the time was the wisest woman the Demoness knew.

" Aye, they did," she'd answer the witch before turning to her raven," Lead them to the river and I'll meet them there." Lumikki had finally finished grinding the herbs she had promised Helda and grabbed for her tea as it was her reward. She'd cool it to her liking and begin sipping as Edda took the seat beside her." Good to hear they made it out fine." Edda uttered before taking a sip of hers, but she'd quickly recoiled from the heat as her impatience had gotten her burned. Lumikki leaned over to touch the cup and chill it like her own, prompting Edda to take another try. The older woman would just chuckle before complying with the suggestion." Perhaps I've gotten a wee too used to that. I'll miss having ye around lass, you've been a treasure."

" Oh she haaas!" Asa chimmed in with Lonu on her shoulder. The raven was a prior spirit from the Worth Woodsea taken bird form, so the younger witch had taken a liking to talking with him as listening to spirits was one of the talents she possessed. The pair had been inseparable, sharing tales of their collective homes. He had made a place for himself there just as much as Lumikki did and promised Asa his return in time when he could get the chance. She now wore a feather in her hair to remember him, as he now had a charm around his leg. She was a sweet girl, Lumikki thought to herself. One she was glad to have met. Of course, she only felt better for meeting all the witches, and even Helda would warm up to her after all the help the Demoness had given.

" Yea, yea...you should come back around six months time. Could really use another set of hands but, I'm sure I could make it worth your while." Helda joined, it was her way of being endearing. Edda was right when she said her sister wasn't callous, but the facade helped her maintain her comfort and Lumikki couldn't be upset by that.

" Yer all hard to forget, and I'll be sure ya get sick of me in time. I really came to see ya like me own after all, so ye know the tale. Whisper to a raven and I'll be sure to answer. Of course, the magic circle I left ye would work faster." It was rare for Lumikki to hand out her personal magic circle. As it worked like a means to summon her like any other Demon would possess. She didn't often enjoy getting called, but these three women were easily the exception, and Lumikki took her creed for their friendship seriously.

One could wonder what worth there was in a friendship, as the request seemed odd and it was; but there was good reason for it, as bonds and ties could prove beneficial. Edda had a sense for some time, of a coming shift to Iceberg. What it was exactly, she didn't know. So her request was one to simply assure the safety of her sisters should the time come that their powers would not be enough. And with the telling of Lumikki's growing stature, there would not be a better person to partner with in regards to Iceberg's safe being.

" The circle was an interesting gift, and I could appreciate the presence of runes in it." The pair were nearly done with their tea by then, " Iceberg is me home after all, it'll make me foundations no matter the core." She'd place her cup on the table and prepare herself to leave." We mean it when we say we'd want ya back lass, no need to be a stranger." Edda would take Lumikki's cup along with her own to place in the sink. " And I mean it when I say I'd remember ye all, always."

Lumikki would step through the window while her wings unfurled. Leaning out so that gravity could take her at first before her wings would catch the air and glide.

" Annoying, I didn't think I'd care for her but she wasn't so bad." Helda would grumble while tossing herbs into her cauldron." Ain't that a miracle to hear from you! Guess she really wasn't so bad." Asa teased her sister but Helda paid her no mind.

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It wouldn't take Lumikki long to arrive by the river and when she got there, she could see her brother's bickering from a distance. " Are we sure this is where the bird was taking us? Really, all ravens just look the same. So how do we know we didn't just follow the wrong bird?" He was poking at Mikhail but the older brother wasn't having it. Instead remaining calm throughout the younger one's nonsense. " Must you always Mùchén, the raven wouldn't do us wrong." Tenevi lamented from her annoyance. Mikhail may have been used to him, but she sure was not.

" Enough..." Was all he planned to say, but it would serve him well as Lumikki was finally near." Aye, good seeing ye both. Hope I didn't make ye wait long but I had to say me goodbyes. Now it's time for the next sliver of adventure." They'd turn to see her and promptly uttered their greetings, to which Lumikki would answer with her own, offering all three a hug as she was overjoyed to see them.

" How were the witches my Lumi?" Tenevi asked as the two pulled away, she too was excited to see Lumikki once more." They weren't what I expected, but quite formidable indeed. The trails they put me through to meet 'em aren't ones I'd entertain again, but they insisted it had to be done to prove me resolve of what more is to come. Can't say that doesn't have me worried but it's why I wanted to bring these two along. Figured I could really use their company right about now in case things turn left in ways I can't very well predict."

" Huh, you hear that Micky, she missed her big brother." Mùchén would tease Mikhail in a way he wouldn't bite, so he'd ignored Mùchén as he turned to his sister instead. " Good call little one, we should get going right?"

" Aye," Lumikki said while nodding her answer," They advised I'd follow this river until I stumble onto the brook ahead." She'd grab their hands and pull them along to the direction she was mentioned. Tugging at them lightly with her excitement as they strolled along.

" And what did they mention we'd find there?" Mikhail wondered out loud. His eyes were glancing upon the river they followed. From what he could see, everything was normal." What else did they tell you while you were there? Any interesting spells the mages don't usually know?" Tenevi asked so inquisitively that she almost seemed like a curious child. Leaning into Lumikki and even softening her voice. " They taught me no spells, but I'd agree they don't practice like us usual mages. Their magic almost felt more ancient than I'm used to, meanwhile, frost and dark are some of the most ancient mediums I know. Edda, the eldest, well she read the runes in a way I've never seen. Like they told her stories one could usually never know. She'd be the one who was pointing the way, and if she's the one to say it then I'll trust it."

" Hmmm, runes?" Tenevi would continue to inquire. The harpy was not privy to Icebergan ways. Though she was a sliver of her master's soul when Lumikki was a Daemon, she was separated while so young that many traditions were lost to her. It was the choice and tactic of Lumikki's late Nan as a means to hold off the Demon who wanted her granddaughter. She had figured, for the time, if there were no darkness to latch onto then her baby would be spared the fate of a Daemon for a little longer. Sadly when she grew too weak to hold up the wards, she couldn't finish her final protection charm, and it would be then that Lumikki's darkness that made up Tenevi would swiftly return. First just a specter in her thoughts, another voice in her mind, Tenevi would grow anew. Until a moment came when she could also take a form. Lumikki is a Demon, but through Tenevi, she had access to a different darkness, that of the primordial Nótt
for that was where Tenevi resided. Merging with the ancient dark before resonating once again with Lumikki's soul. It was this that proved the basis of their relationship. Two slivers of the same soul, a being reuniting as one to become something new. And it would be the fierce love of Tenevi to resemble the love one would have for oneself, especially for the times when Lumikki couldn't muster that on her own.

" An old means a divination among us Icebergans. Me Nan used to read a set herself and taught me the ways, as well as another way where ye read ice. But Edda does it....guess ye could say in a deeper way. Like she is tied to the runes in a deeper sense. Wouldn't be surprised if she somehow proved herself to the world runes, but I didn't bother to ask. All witches and mages should be afforded their secrets." Lumikki winked at Tenevi on the final point, pulling the harpy head in for a kiss.

" Runes you say? I think I remember hearing a little about them in my many travels. They're like markings carved into stones or bones that help you inscribe the future to the situation, yeah? Never looked that deep into it as I never gave it much thought. But I'd say that's some incredibly old magic indeed. I heard these "runes" come from some existence tied to the fabric of the universe itself, and one with the knowledge of those could affect reality." His sight went downward as he gave it thought, lightly scratching his chin with his finger. Mikhail has been traveling for decades now, but it would be a few times that he's found himself in Iceberg. In his free time, he'd study enough to become privy to the cultures he stepped into, but only enough to get the gist and understand the current time before things changed. One would be surprised by how fast things within the world could shift when you live long enough to witness it, so it wasn't his preference to look into things more than needed for the time. Idle readings of myths unlike his own would sometimes bring him comfort, as knowing his Demon father wasn't the only thing out there gave him peace.

" Oh, ye heard of those. Didn't think anyone outside of these lands took to learning about our old ways. But suppose if anyone I knew had, ye'd be one of two I'd consider being well versed." Her sing-song voice relayed her excitement and fascination with what Mikhail said, and this reaction took him off guard more than the jests that Mùchén tried to pull ever had." Let's be sensible, it was only some light reading after all. I just like to skim things from time to time for places that I've." He tried his best to brush it off but it wouldn't deter the Demoness a bit," Oi, ye've been here before? Could I ask why?" She only grew more invested as the conversation went on.

" Uh well you see, during that venture Lorimer wanted some sort of relic he heard about at the time. He wouldn't let up about this chalice that never emptied. You know how father was, always going on about his whims. So I entertained him, like I always did, and tried to travel into Iceberg to retrieve it. In the end, I couldn't find it but the last I heard it was in Dwarven's hands. Can't say I'm sad about failing to part the thing from them but that was an annoying trip indeed. I don't mind the cold usually, but the chill in Iceberg is far from pleasant indeed." By then, the river was beginning to narrow into a brook, so Lumikki figured they were getting close.

" Aye from the little I know of him, he was a real bod cean..." She grimaced at the thought." He was always sending Micky on the most errands, couldn't say I envied him for it. But that old man never cared much for me either. Didn't even bother with me once." Lumikki would reach out to cling to his arm, Mùchén could play tough all he wanted but he was actually a sentimental guy. " I'd rather go ignored than garner his favor. He wanted a pet more than he did a daughter." Her resentment stemmed from Lorimer's desire to sire a child with the potential to slay gods. With this, he was hoping to change the tides of the realm's order and free himself from being trapped within the abyss. It didn't work, of course, Lumikki was supported more than he'd thought. With the help of her Uncle, siblings, and companions, they were able to slay the Demon, to which Lumikki feasted ushered her own transformation. Letting herself drop into the abyss she that she could then be born anew.

" Wasn't all bad," Tenevi chimed in with barely a whisper." It made us after all." She'd sigh, only Lumikki could hear her. The Demoness would sigh too but nod along in agreement.

And for some time, the party enjoyed the walk in silence. Sticking to the path of the stream until Lumikki felt something odd. It was a longing to enter the water that she couldn't explain and without much work or fight, she'd let the sensation take her. Stepping toward the stream until she was at the edge. Everyone would look on in confusion, wondering what was going on, but before they could understand, she stepped right in. Mùchén was the first to lunge trying to grab his sister's arm and pull her back but she slipped through his grasp and fell into the water.

Lumikki felt as though she kept sinking, like she was slipping into another world but she couldn't put her finger on it. The only thing she could think of was how odd it was she could breathe. Meanwhile, at the surface where everyone was left panicking, the trio didn't know where Lumikki had gone. It was like she vanished and they were helpless to bring her back. Mùchén insisted they jumped in for her, but Mikhail would argue that staying in that spot was a priority if she came back. Tenevi was entirely quiet but sat down, leaning into the water trying to look for her master through the ripples of the stream. It was clear she was the most distressed and she would even add, the most helpless.

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When Lumikki opened her eyes once again, it was like she was in another time. Where the sun of her world had passed its highest arch, this one remained quite high. Lumikki stood herself up as fast as she could but the rapid movement almost sent her back to the ground. " Careful now dear, there's no need to be frantic. We have plenty of time here." It was the voice of a woman Lumikki didn't know, but her soothing tone and wisen voice were enough to calm the Demoness and make her docile. She'd look up again to find the woman sitting in a carved wooden chair. Sitting beside a table with parties and drinks poured, as well as an empty seat." I was expecting you lass, was given some word to see you. Nice meetin' you darling, let's say you have a seat by me and we have a wee chat." The woman gestured to the other chair and Lumikki would do her best to take it. Her legs were weak like a newborn fawn but she'd do her best to get up and soon she'd got to rest for her efforts.

" That's right, get comfy dear. My name is Sága of Sökkvabekkr, and I've been tasked with telling ye a story." She'd reach for one of the pastries and take a bite, prompting Lumikki to join, to which the Demoness complied. They both would enjoy the snack before breaking the silence again." A story?" Lumikki finally got to muster, she was curious about the purpose of this the whole time.

" Yes love, a story. One that'll aid ye in this quest of yours. See, it's an odd thing fightin' the dead. Their like is the kind to linger on; but if you know their story and why they're stuck within the realms of the living, well it'll help navigate a lot later on. So I Sága, keeper of tales was asked to tell you the one needed if you truly want to face Stigr Kjarr."

Stigr Kjarr? Lumikki thought to herself. The name was familiar enough but also a faint whisper in the back of her mind. Was it an old tale Nan told me? She'd try to reason, but the need to search for the answer was pointless with Sága to tell her. " Stigr Kjarr..." She'd whimper and Sága would nod in agreement." Yes lass, the Forgotten King. Of course, those with my standing never quite forget, and so this is my gift to you."

Lumikki reached for her drink but halted at Sága's mention of a gift." That's right! Why are ye helping me?" She was in such a daze that it hadn't occurred to her before but the realization snapped her back." That's the thing dear, this conflict has spanned quite the time, so your inclusion could spell an end to it all."

Sága reached out her hand and prompted Lumikki to take it, to which the Demoness would comply. Confusion had taken her but she meant to see this through. The scenery before Lumikki's eyes had begun to shift, from this peaceful setting by the soft rolling waves that surrounded them, to now a more frigid place with an old castle.

" You see, some time ago there was a kingdom within Harrogath ruled by their last king Stigr Kjarr. He believed in the strength and perseverance of man. and he challenges the gods not for power, but for the sake of his people. Iceberg is a harsh place and he needed them confident in their ability to endure. But because gods are fickle, he could not let that sway their resolve. So Stigr turned them away.

Does he not shy from sacrifice?  No, he does not, for to him that weakness is the sin that could curse his people. For if they do not keep pushing for the heavens, their innate ability would be wasted.

Stigr Kjarr does not aim to reach for the gods or even emulate them. He doesn’t even have ill intentions, only the pursuit for his people to grow and break their self-given limits. As one of the more prominent dragon slayers, won in the pursuit of a dragon that dared to take from him and his people. He studied their ways until he too felt in tune, and it was he who took the final strike- becoming the first Lightning slayer for his reward.

But he is not a man who puts his accomplishments above others, then draws the line and demands that they cross. He is not ignorant of the varying strength of a single person. He does not demand from them what they could not do, but if he sees the strength in them, he will pull it out by force if need be.

He was not a perfect leader. He could appear harsh, callous, and unwavering. And it would be his fervor to spite the powers of those above, put wane the people's faith in their gods but in themselves, that lead their people to be forsaken. In a time of great calamity, there was no one to hear them or listen to their screams but the men beside them. And not even Hel would welcome them into her realm. Leaving the people to walk the earth until this day.

What was the calamity you ask? Well during those times, the Giants still roamed in areas around the Udgard Wilds. You could still see remnants of their ruins as ye pass. It was they who warred with Harrogath as the king forced the conflict. He thought it best for his people to seize that land, but it proved to be his end. For the Wilds held more power than he knew and it incurred the wrath of more than he would expect. The Frost Jotunn entered the conflict, helping the giants push back their foe. When the battle was won, they'd curse his lands to ruin and forever be submerged in frost and snow.

In all that time of being undead, all that he was eroded with time. Memories fade and desires are forgotten. It was like a long and shameful slumber that he'd finally rise from. Least from what I could gather, the old King was stirred back to life by mortals with intentions, none that I am privy to as of yet for this story is far too new.

Stigr was a man that loved nothing more than his people, it was for them that he fought and stood strong. One could say that his only defeat would be to lose them all. He forsaken the gods and it led to his ruin, he thought they would make his people weaker and complacent as they were not relying on their own ability to survive. So when they need those gods the most, those gods turn away. You can see now how vital a story like this is if there is a King of Draugr toiling with their tireless army. My gift to you ye is simply to set you on the path to understanding all that was. As I hope having such stories aids ya in you're deep travels for I hardly have any more answers myself."

As Sága spoke her tale, Lumikki was struck with those visions of the past. Watching it all unfold with every word. She got a moment to stand before Stigr's presence and see him for the man he was, and peer into the conflict that claimed his people. The war was brutal and harsh but their labors were for nothing and even the Valkyries would not see them on. They fought with a roar but died in a whisper and all that was Harrogath.

“ The gods….,” he spoke in a gruff and hoarse voice that was deep like a lion’s growl,” would take everything if you let them. And they would still ask you for more…” And he believed deeply what he said. “ If we do not take a stand, they will be sure to see us all fall….” Stigr took a long pause as if he was thinking over something. Eventually, he began to speak again, “ I have seen it for myself.” Lumikki could see him now, for the sliver of that moment in time.

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