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Kana's daycare trip

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Kana's daycare trip Empty Thu May 30, 2024 6:59 am

How had it come to this? It was a question that repeatedly resurfaced in Koh's mind as he watched his vessel being pulled along by the hand. He could sense her confusion, the tingle of a lost memory at the sensation of the warmth of the hand that was holding her threatening to resurface. "Everything will be alright my dear, you're safe now." The young woman spoke in a soft and caring tone. Although her adventures had taken her all the way to South Fiore, she had decided to spend the night in the forest on the outskirts of the coastal town. After all, she was used to sleeping in the wild, perhaps her instincts as a werewolf, or maybe the fact she had barely any jewels to pay for a hotel room. However, when she awoke during the moment she found herself alerted to the sound of not a predator, but the woman who was now holding her hand.

The woman had worriedly asked her about the whereabouts of her parents, which Kana had genuinely answered: She had no parents. At the very least she couldn't remember any bond of that nature beyond her beloved Koh.

WC: 200/2000


Kana's daycare trip Empty Thu May 30, 2024 7:05 am

This revelation had clearly worried the woman, who had thought that Kana might had been a orphan, well now that Koh thought about it, he couldn't blame the woman for coming to such a logical conclusion. Nonetheless, he couldn't help but find his curiosity stirred as the woman continued to gently reassure Kana that everything would be alright. The poor fool, did she not realize that Kana was a wolf wearing a sheep's clothes? Well, quite literally in this case perhaps. Even now Kana was not entirely certain about what was going on: between the grogginess from having suddenly been woken up and the kind ushering of the woman she felt herself unable to interject or correct the woman on her statements.

Still, something felt off about this all, that warmth and kindness was something she had long lost. The affectionate concern of an overprotective parent, it felt all so foreign, but also so very pleasant to experience. They had reached the outskirts of the city, nearing the place the woman likely intended to take her to, and for the first time since their trip, she spoke. "What is this place?" The girl's question made the woman turn to face her, a gentle smile lingering on her lips: "It is an orphanage."

WC: 216
Total WC: 416/2000

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