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Ikazuchi's Husbandry

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Ikazuchi's Husbandry  Empty Thu May 30, 2024 2:59 pm

I am Ikazuchi and this is my Husbandry


Ikazuchi's Husbandry  Empty Thu May 30, 2024 3:02 pm

To be claimed with starting adventurer customs


Name: Sword Spirit

Slot: Companion

Race: Sword Spirit

Class: Unique - 24 CP

Quantity: Custom

Element: Arcane

Mana: 1,000

  • Strength: 1
  • Speed: 61
  • Constitution: 61

  • Total: 120 (Excluding the starting 1 in each stat)


Height: 1 Meter
Weight: Undefinable

Appearance: Despite being formed of Arcane-Element Mana, the appearance of the spirit is almost indistinguishable from a sword crafted from metal, other than the faint shimmer that can be witness when light reflects off of its surface. As the sword isn’t intended to be wielded and is moreso an autonomous entity, it possesses no handle and is strictly a blade responding to threats based on Ikazuchi’s will and its own autonomy.

Description: Ikazuchi’s Sword Spirit is a weapon spirit unique to him birthed from a technique he chanced upon during his time in training in the Arena of Champions while refining his swordsmanship. Through a wager, he was able to obtain the details and gradually form the spirit within himself embodying his swordsmanship, mana control, and willpower. Outwardly, he is able to project the form of the spirit to act within a close proximity to himself. Should it be destroyed, it will naturally reform within him to once again be projected outwardly after a period of recovery. In its embryonic state, the spirit’s performance is limited; however, it possesses potential to grow further as Ikazuchi refines the spirit with his swordsmanship and mana.

Personality: As an extension of Ikazuchi, the sword spirit’s behavior mimics his own in slight mannerisms. Ultimately though, it is a dependent extension of himself. That means that it doesn’t have true individuality. In a sense, it can be described as an extension of his swordsmanship that represents the culmination of his aspirations. While the spirit doesn’t have true individuality, it does possess a necessary level of autonomy to follow and assist Ikazuchi.


Requirements: None.


Companion Perks:

  • Spirit Connection: As a spirit formed by Ikazuchi’s will and Mana, the spirit may move freely within the area 5 meters around the user. While it is unable to communicate and take on a human form, it is sensitive to Ikazuchi’s intent following his will and protecting him independently within this space as needed.

Partner Perks:

  • Resonance: The Spirit acts as a medium for Ikazuchi to connect with the swords he wields and gauge their condition, This allows him to wield them more effectively granting him a 20% Word Count Reduction in Weapon Mastery Training for Swords.

Points Breakdown

Please list Companion Points gained and lost for a faster approval process.
  • Rarity - Unique
  • Source - Claiming as Starter Adventurer Companion
  • Effects - [ Tier 4 Companion Perk (12 CP) - Spirit Connection: Tethered flight and independent movement within a 5 meter radius of Ikazuchi.] [Tier 4 Partner Perk (12 CP) - Resonance: 20% WCR required to progress Weapon Mastery.]
  • Spells - N/A
  • Bonus Attributes N/A
  • Bonus Mana N/A

Total points Acquired: 24
Total Points Spent: 24


Ikazuchi's Husbandry  Empty Fri May 31, 2024 10:21 pm


This companion has been approved. Please make a copy of the companion in customs with their rarity and a link to this topic.

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