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V. Gospel Mic

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V. Gospel Mic Empty Tue Aug 20, 2024 4:54 pm



Name: Gospel Mic

Slot: Weapon

Type: Staff

Handling: Two-handed

Class: Mythic

Quantity: Limited

Element: Arcane

Damage: +80

Durability: 3x S-rank


Description: The Gospel Mic f is a very impractical weapon. The staff has a magical statue that holds a harp on the front and a large megaphone at the top. If it were not for its usefulness, I’m sure no person would willingly use this thing.

Measurements: The blade is roughly 1.2 meters long with a large angelic statue taking up much of the body.


Requirements: None

  • Intelligence: +100


  • Choir of Angels: Your staff, for better or worse, will often burst into song singing sacred choral music. While her voice is lovely and sweet, it does cause interesting encounters. The music does seem to have some good effects on you though, so there’s that. Debuff spells that target your intelligence will instead be reversed and treated as a buff for you.

  • Amplified Voice: You can easily use the microphone at the top of the staff to amplify your voice, allowing you to speak to large crowds or over vast distances. The range of your spells is increased by 10-meters, while their size is one rank higher.


  • Name: Hymm of Haven
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 500
    Requirements:  Gospel Mic
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Arcane
    Range: 25 meters
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Sustained
    Effect: By tapping the staff against the ground, you can create a safe space occupying the full range of the spell. This space will not allow any form of combat or harmful acts to be committed within. Damage dealt to any target within the area is negated. The spell can only be sustained for a maximum of 3 posts.

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