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V. Emerald Glory

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V. Emerald Glory Empty Fri May 31, 2024 4:23 pm



Name: Emerald Glory

Slot: Weapon.

Type: Staff.

Handling: Two-Handed.

Class: Mythic.

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Fire & Nature.

Damage: +80.

Durability: 3x S-Rank.


Description: Bitter rivals since childhood, Bin and Bao hated each other ever since they could form basic sentences, as they grew into adulthood this hatred between one another only continued to solidify causing their community to split in two cleanly between family lines. Walls were constructed between the village segregating the two halves, further sparking flames of distrust and discrimination. This was only curbed after the Great Fire of x283 killing more than half of the community alongside both Bin and Bao's eldest children who had secretly become lovers during an annual trade festival between the two communities. Following this great loss and recognizing the damage created from this rivalry, Bin and Bao buried the hatchet with Bin destroying the wall that separated the town while Bao created another around it. As a further symbol of their partnership and newfound friendship, Bin and Bao worked together to create the Emerald Glory, a powerful staff that incorporated both the fearsome powers of Bin's Unyielding Flames and Bao's Lifebringing Essence. This beacon of Peace remained within the centre of town for generations only to be stolen by the greedy Lao Feng, a descendant of both Bin and Bao, leaving the community defendless and leading to its ruin after being raided by savages from the Northern Fringes. Lao Feng's time with the Emerald Glory would be shortlived with them being murdered soon after leaving Sin causing the staff to be passed from one owner to another ever since.

Measurements: The staff is 2 meters long and possesses a green flame that is everpresent even during the harshest of climates.


Requirements: None.

  • Intelligence: +100

  • Restrained Growth: Due to Bao's sheer destructive presence within the staff, Bin's own is diminished as a result, the diameter of spells cast through the Emerald Glory are reduced by one rank.


  • Through the Fire and the Plants: The user can cast their spells through the staff and change them to a combination of Fire & Nature.
  • Lingering Forest: Spells cast through the staff continue to remain in the topic after they have been cast and retain their equivalent durability leaving behind burning plants hazardous to both friend and foe alike without the need for the user to sustain them.
  • Bushfire: Offensive spells cast through the staff cause them to spread out over time as they continue to burn everything around them as a result they expand in size against the ground by 5 meters per turn in size, this does not affect overall size only the spread of the spell.


  • Name: Entrapment
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Emerald Glory
    Type: Supplementary
    Element: Fire & Nature
    Range: 100 meters
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user slams down the bottom of the staff onto the ground immediately causing the plantlife to warp and bend to their will creating a zone of control as a great burning forest is created all around them 50 meters from them in all directions preventing any form of escape both on foot and through flight. This forest is virtually indestructible and can not be nullified being considered a piece of environment upon casting the spell requiring the user's defeat or them being disarmed after which the forest can be destroyed by dealing 2x S-Ranks worth of damage to it.

  • Name: Life in full Bloom
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 1000
    Requirements: Emerald Glory
    Type: Healing
    Element: Fire & Nature
    Range: Topic Wide
    Cooldown: Once per topic
    Duration: Instant
    Effect: The user raises the staff into the area immediately causing everyone in the topic both allies and enemies to immediately be healed for any damage dealt both overall and limb-based while removing any debuffs that might be present. During the post in which this spell takes place the user must remain stationary, however they will receive a minor physical and magical resistance in this state.

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