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Case Files - Missing Person- Eelzad[C-rank/Solo]

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Case Files - Missing Person- Eelzad[C-rank/Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 5:07 pm

Eelzad stood at the entrance of Orchidia city, his eyes scanning the bustling streets filled with merchants, citizens, and travelers. The city was alive with activity, but beneath the surface, a series of mysterious events had been unsettling its residents. The Rune Knights, spread thin by the sheer volume of cases, had put out a call for assistance, and Eelzad, ever eager for a new challenge, had answered.

He had barely set foot in the city when a Rune Knight approached him, a look of relief on his face. "You must be Eelzad Kors," the knight said, extending a hand. "We've been expecting you. I'm Captain Roland. Thank you for coming on such short notice."

Eelzad shook the captain's hand, noting the weariness in his eyes. "Glad to be of help, Captain. What's the situation?"

Captain Roland sighed, pulling a small notebook from his pocket. "We've got a series of baffling cases on our hands. The one we need your help with involves a string of disappearances. Citizens have been vanishing without a trace, and the latest victim was taken from their home last night."

Eelzad nodded, his interest piqued. "Do you have any leads or clues so far?"

Roland handed Eelzad a small file. "This is everything we've gathered so far. The victims seem to have no connection to each other, and there's no clear pattern. However, there have been reports of strange lights and sounds near the locations of the disappearances. We've also found traces of an unfamiliar substance at each scene."

Eelzad flipped through the file, absorbing the details. "I'll start by visiting the latest victim's home," he said decisively. "Let's see if I can find anything the initial investigation might have missed."

Captain Roland nodded. "It's just down the road from here. I'll have one of my men guide you."

WC: 304
TWC: 304


Case Files - Missing Person- Eelzad[C-rank/Solo] Empty Sun Jun 02, 2024 6:01 pm

Eelzad followed the Rune Knight down the bustling streets of Orchidia, the city's vibrant energy a stark contrast to the mysterious and unsettling cases that had brought him here. As they approached the latest victim's home, Eelzad's mind was already racing with possibilities and strategies. He knew that every detail could be crucial in solving this mystery.

The house was modest and well-kept, but there were clear signs of a struggle. The front door was slightly ajar, and the interior showed signs of a hasty search. Eelzad entered cautiously, his eyes scanning every corner for clues. The Rune Knight who had guided him stood by the door, watching as Eelzad began his investigation.

Eelzad moved methodically through the house, examining overturned furniture, scattered personal items, and faint marks on the floor that suggested a struggle. He paused in the living room, noticing a faint, shimmering residue on the floor.

He continued his search, moving to the victim's bedroom. Here, he found more of the strange residue, along with a faint, almost imperceptible burn mark on the windowsill. Eelzad's keen senses picked up on a subtle, lingering scent in the air—sulfur, a telltale sign of demonic activity.

Eelzad's thoughts immediately turned to his Aqua Sphera Gauntlets, a powerful tool that could detect and track evil beings. He slipped the gauntlets onto his hands, feeling the familiar surge of magical energy. The gauntlets glowed faintly as they activated, attuned to the presence of malevolent forces.

Following the faint traces of demonic energy, Eelzad made his way back through the house and out into the street. The gauntlets guided him, the glowing light growing stronger as he followed the trail. It led him through winding alleys and busy marketplaces, the city's normalcy a stark contrast to the dark presence he was tracking.

As he moved deeper into the city, the trail became more distinct. Eelzad's determination grew—he was closing in on the source. The trail led him to an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Orchidia, a place that had clearly seen better days. The windows were boarded up, and the exterior was covered in grime and graffiti.

Eelzad paused outside the warehouse, the gauntlets' glow now a steady, bright light. This was the place. He took a deep breath, steeling himself for what lay ahead, and cautiously approached the entrance.
The interior of the warehouse was dimly lit, the air thick with the scent of sulfur and decay. Eelzad moved silently, his senses on high alert. As he ventured deeper into the building, he heard faint, eerie whispers echoing through the halls.

WC: 440
TWC: 744


Case Files - Missing Person- Eelzad[C-rank/Solo] Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:54 pm

Following the whispers, Eelzad found himself in a large, open space at the center of the warehouse. There, standing amidst a circle of dark symbols etched into the floor, was a figure cloaked in shadows. The figure turned to face him, revealing glowing red eyes and a sinister grin.

"Ah, another visitor," the demon said, its voice a chilling blend of malice and mockery. "You're just in time for the show."

Eelzad's grip tightened on his gauntlets, the magical energy thrumming with anticipation. "You're behind the disappearances," he said, his voice steady. "It's time to end this."

The demon laughed, a sound that sent shivers down Eelzad's spine. "Bold words for a mortal," it sneered. "But very well, let's see what you're made of."

Eelzad didn't hesitate. He activated his gauntlets, channeling the power of his Ripple Magic. "Sunlight Yellow Overdrive!" he shouted, his fists glowing with radiant light. The demon recoiled, its dark form flickering as the light washed over it.

With swift, precise movements, Eelzad attacked, his gauntlets amplifying his strength and speed. The demon fought back with dark magic, but Eelzad's determination and the power of his gauntlets gave him the edge. He landed a series of powerful blows, each one weakening the demon further.

Finally, with a final, decisive strike, Eelzad dispelled the demon, its form dissolving into shadows and fading away. The warehouse fell silent, the dark energy dissipating. Eelzad took a moment to catch his breath, the glow of his gauntlets fading as he deactivated them.

He knew there was more work to be done—there were still missing people to find and bring home. But for now, he had taken a crucial step in ending the threat and saved the people that were still alive in that area. Eelzad left the warehouse, the sense of accomplishment mingled with the resolve to see the mission through to the end.

Returning to Captain Roland, Eelzad reported his findings and the defeat of the demon. "There's still work to be done," he said, his voice firm. "But we've taken a big step forward."

Captain Roland nodded, gratitude and determination in his eyes. "Thank you, Eelzad. "

WC: 393
TWC: 1000

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