"You'll have to work hard too ... Hebi-chan," his voice dipped, his movements slowing to a halt for the subsequent seconds where he'd beam across to her. His right arm pulled up in a curl under his chin, needling his knuckles under the thin darkness of his smile.
Even his eyes fell half-lidded, watching her, before he blinked them wide again along with his grin and let light pour in once more to their meeting. "So do your best, Mona! Momo will too! Yippee! Guten ... luck!!" His arms bent together, collecting in showmanship against his chest and the resumed teetering of his seat, before he threw them wide in a hurrah - this time really almost falling off, having to right back with a cackle and the catch of his drink tossed briefly in the air. He gripped the mug with both hands, above his head, and then brought it down so he could snicker over it. "Momo hasn't had sake in for - ev - er ... maybe Mona-chan will go easy on Momo, hm, hm? Hahahahai, nono. Ganbare ~"
[ 359
roll d100 for first saving throw - 0-80 is fine, 81 or higher and you're tipsy from the first sip. ]