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Lily Knight

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#1Lily Knight 

Lily Knight Empty Mon Jun 03, 2024 5:15 pm

Lily Knight


Name: Lily Beatrice Knight

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Ethnicity, Father: Caelish

Ethnicity, Mother: Minstreli

Class: Sentinel

Race: Human

Rank: S-rank

Guild: None

Tattoo: Right side Ribcage

Face:Elegg - Goddess Of Victory: Nikke


Height: 5'7

Weight: 140lbs

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Violet

Overall: Lily's most notable feature is her short blond hair, falling just above her shoulders with bangs that obscure her eyes entirely, hiding the purple iris of her eyes behind them. Despite this golden mane covering her eyes like a veil, she seems to be able to see effortlessly, her gaze piercing through the strands with ease. Her peachy skin wraps around a five foot seven inch frame and she weighs in at one hundred and forty pounds. Lily possesses a curvy figure and a soft squishiness particularly in the tummy and thigh regions. Her clothing choices vary and she decides depending on  the weather, but mostly her choices emphasize her curves.

Extra: n/a


Personality: Lily is a bubbly young adventurer, her outgoing nature and love for excitement lighting up any room she enters. With a heart that can't bear to see injustice go unchallenged, she's a fierce defender of the weak, willing to bend the rules and take risks to right the wrongs she encounters. Despite her occasional ditzy moments, she possesses a sharp intuition that helps her piece things together in her own unique way.

While she may not top the charts in intelligence, Lily's loyalty and warmth more than make up for it. Once she befriends someone, she becomes an unwavering pillar of support, ready to go to great lengths to ensure their safety and happiness. Emotions come naturally to Lily, she wears them proudly and without reservation, never one to hide how she truly feels.

Unfazed by the complexities of politics, Lily's focus remains firmly on living life to the fullest. Her adventurous spirit drives her to seek out new experiences, meet new people, and make cherished memories along the way. Family holds a special place in her heart, and she strives to make her parents proud with her daring escapades.

However, Lily's trusting nature and flighty tendencies can sometimes lead her astray. She's easily persuaded and struggles with commitment, preferring the thrill of the open road to settling down in one place. Despite her faults, Lily's high energy and unwavering loyalty make her a beloved companion to those lucky enough to call her friend.

  • Adventure: Lily lives for the thrill of exploration and discovering new places. Whether it's hiking through dense forests, exploring ancient ruins, or sailing across uncharted waters, she's always up for an adventure.

  • Meeting New People: Lily is a social butterfly who loves meeting new people from all walks of life. She enjoys hearing their stories, sharing laughs, and forging new friendships along the way.

  • Being Stuck Indoors or One Place: As an adventurous spirit, Lily feels stifled when confined indoors or in one place for too long. She dislikes the feeling of being cooped up or trapped in an area and longs for the freedom of the great outdoors.

  • Being Taken Advantage Of:: Despite her trusting nature, Lily dislikes feeling taken advantage of or deceived. She values honesty and integrity in her relationships and expects others to treat her with respect and fairness.

  • Growing Evermore: Lily is motivated by the opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery that comes with embarking on new adventures. She sees each challenge as a chance to learn and develop new skills, broaden her horizons, and become a better version of herself.

  • Losing Loved Ones:: One of Lily's  fears is losing the people she cares about most, whether it's her family, friends, or fellow adventurers that she has grown a close bond with. The thought of being separated from those she holds dear fills her with dread and anxiety.

  • Claustrophobia:When triggered Lily becomes a crying panicked mess, placing her in most places that are too small and enclosed will have her looking for a way out almost immediately if she realizes it. She just cannot mentally handle the stress that comes with that fear and will even pass out due to the stress.


Strength: 70

Speed: 65

Constitution: 121

Endurance: 126

Intelligence: 501


Magic Name: First Generation: Earth Dragon Slayer

Magic Element: Earth

Magic Enhancement: N/A

Magic Description: Dragon Slayers are a unique type of people who utilize a form of Lost Magic, Dragon Slayer Magic. Each Dragon Slayer has their own form of Magic, just like each Dragon is a master of their own element. In addition, they also have the ability to consume the element which they utilize, just as long as it is not created from their own Magic. Dragon Slayers are known to possess keener senses than those of normal humans such as smell, as well as distinctive characteristics and features such as slitted pupils and noticeably sharper teeth.


History: Lily was born to a Caelish merchant named Gideon Knight, a simple man with his hands in all sorts of stuff to obtain anything that anyone would need. Her mother, Seraphina, was from Minstreli and was a prominent member of a small guild, where she went on adventures and helped those in need.

The two met because Seraphina often visited Gideon’s market stall for exotic goods and rare artifacts that helped her in her missions. Over time, their interactions blossomed into a deep romance. Eventually, they decided to have children, of course they settled down as best they could but the heart wants what the heart wants. They traveled extensively, their merchant endeavors taking them across the lands of Fiore, and in the coastal town of Astera, their middle child, Lily Beatrice Knight, was born.

Lily grew up in a life of constant movement, surrounded by the tales and treasures her parents collected. Her early years were filled with the scent of the sea, the rustle of market stalls, and the comings and goings of people looking to buy things from her father. Despite their nomadic lifestyle, her parents made sure she and her siblings were always surrounded by love and learning. Her father taught her the art of trade and negotiation, while her mother ignited her imagination with stories of her adventures on the missions she took.

Lily's adventurous spirit was evident from a young age. She would often wander the bustling markets and find hidden trails wherever her family was stationed, seeking her own little adventures. Her curiosity knew no bounds, and she loved the freedom that her family's lifestyle afforded her. At fifteen, her life took a dramatic turn during one of these explorations. While climbing a cliffside near a small town, she lost her footing and slipped down the cliff onto the hard stony ground. Instead of meeting her end, Lily awoke with a new power coursing through her veins, the power of an Earth Dragon Slayer.

Lily was excited to have survived the fall and the immense strength and new magic she now possessed. When she revealed what happened to her parents, they were both surprised and supportive. Recognizing the need for her to hone her newfound abilities, they encouraged her to join a guild. Lily embraced their advice and spent the next several years training and mastering her magic within the supportive environment of a guild.

As she reached twenty, Lily felt the call of the open road once more. Her heart yearned for the independence and excitement she had known as a child. With her parents' blessings and the skills she had acquired, she set out as a guildless adventurer, determined to carve her path in the world. Now, she roams the land of Fiore ready to face whatever challenges and adventures come her way.

Discord: Saint Neptune

Reference: New Year New Me Claim


Lily Knight Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 7:32 pm


This character is approved for roleplay.

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