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Modification - Nuclear Core

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Modification - Nuclear Core Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 4:50 pm



Name: Nuclear Core.

Slot: Modification.

Type: Race.

Class: -

Quantity: Limited.

Element: Lightning and Fire


Description: Made using terrifying and power-rich material, the Nuclear Core offers Machia immense power that they can harness for their destructive purposes. However, this comes at a substantial cost to the environment around them, slowly causing the grassy fields that they could previously trek without damage to wilt and decay over time. Friends and Family in constant close contact may become sickly due to its influence as well. Made outside of Talaz Lagaar, Machia will typically source a Nuclear Core from more shady individuals with it being a highly illegal form of mobile energy.


  • The user must purchase this item from the Mysterious Merchant.
  • The user must be a Machia


  • Nuclear Harmony: The user loses the minor fire and Lightning weakness they received through their race.

  • Energy Absorption: The user receives mana equivalent to two ranks lower than the spells rank when they are struck by lightning spells.

  • Nuclear Positivity: The user receives Lightning and Fire-based item synergy allowing them to receive the positive perks of said effect.


  • Name: Radioactive Field
    Rank: S
    Mana Cost: 5% of the user total mana pool
    Requirements: 50 RP Posts after this has been purchased
    Type: Debuff
    Element: Fire/Lightning
    Range: 50 Meters
    Cooldown: 1 Week
    Duration: Sustain
    Effect: Opening vents around the user's torso, they can rapidly leech out radioactive material to the surrounding environment causing anything within it to receive to have their physical attributes to be debuffed for the same rank as the user, up to S-Rank. This effect lingered upon those impacted for two posts, and resets upon continued presence within the area and does not stack with other instances of Radioactive field.

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