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An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.)

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#1Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Mar 12, 2024 11:47 am

Judith Karlinius
With Judith finally learning of Pergrande, Learning a way to the kingdom Judith took the first chance she could to head off to these lands. If anything Judith doing these things in some manner was either to be expected or shocking depending on who it was and when they met Judith. Over all she did not often talk about the recent things like over all the whole matter of seemingly being the only Ash Elf. It was not quite spread around quite yet.

But not shocking the first place Judith went was the forest after all she had a wonderful yet yes to pick up upon habit of wanting to see flowers and what ones would be over all rare for Fiorians to see compared to the naives here. Harmless so far unless some one over all said anything to her about it. But in the end Judith seemed happy.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Fri Apr 19, 2024 6:30 pm

Ittindi still wasn’t sure if Naki was the kind of demon who sent images for an ulterior motive or simply to start conversation. Either way, Ittindi interest had been piqued when he saw a beautiful hamlet out by a lake or a river? Either way the avatar at that time was a short brown-haired girl who was more proficient than he thought possible with the Naginata, one of the few inscriptions in the summoned blade was this women’s initials. It still felt too personal for Ittindi not to feel completely awkward watching in his inner thoughts. That had guided him to the Rune Knight’s outpost library in Northern Fiore. He found the country in his dreams it was called Pergrande, and he could travel there easily since there was always room on supply runs sent to embassies. It seemed to be a low traffic country both in and out. He’d have to find his own way to the inner circle of the country.

Ittindi travel to the inner country had been rather boring, cleaning jobs here and there apparently very few people in this country had ever seen professional cleaning. From some of his jobs he could hardly call some of their maintenance cleaning at all. Some exhibited the highest level of elegance, but most of those houses didn’t need his assistance. The important part was that he kept himself busy while making it to his dream location. The famed lakeside with a beautiful forest accompaniment. He’d be walking through it absorbing the smell, even the cycle could appreciate a place in such stark contrast to other parts of the country.  It was while he was strolling that he happened upon someone else they seemed to have the same intention as Ittindi.

”Beautiful day for nature isn’t it. It’s my first time ever visiting this place but I’ve seen it in my dreams….”

While he talked his gold Magic Council tattoo would be visible on his tongue. Ittindi stopped talking, realizing he had no idea if this person even spoke Fioran. How incredibly rude of him, he’d apologize if he could. How to start a conversation with someone in a different country? Ittindi would plop on the ground next to the flowers to look at them smiling. He thought that’d get the message across that it was a nice day for sightseeing.

The best part of his magical tuxedo was that it was so durable, and easy to clean. It had been by far his second-best purchase only because the Rune Knight Gun felt like a companion. It’s warm touch under his coat was a reassurance, today his top hat’s stripe was a royal purple, he liked the way it contrasted his eyes and wood.

#3Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Apr 20, 2024 1:53 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was a good question to ask, Judith was after all some one who use to be a nature mage. But as little this man knew of her, She knew very little of this man as well. Not knowing they both mainly lived in Fiore. But that would mostly likely come up in conversation. But Judith seemed some what humorous even before she would eventually greet him she would make sure to add in some kind of casual joke merely to show she was friendly."Took a swing in the dark, Found some one who spoke Fiorian."Judith mentioned to merely make it something no longer needed to think about.

But since she was here merely existing in nature in a new kingdom in some manner it was a decent choice to merely enjoy that."Far better then other places I visit when I get the chance too."She would at least answer his question, Even if she felt there was nothing amiss far from her to make a rune knight uncomfortable, Judith knew that mark very well. But she would for now keep that to herself.

After all there was other things to talk about and Judith enjoyed these general things."Often on my travels away from home, I see what species of flowers are entirely unique  to the land, bring back home and with out magic if it will last."I was a nice hobby Judith amassed a massive amount of flowers. But alas there is more as always the world had many things to show everyone.

Over all Judith had taken in details of things she would most likely make sure to keep in mind as important for later."You must know how to clean your clothing well, If you are willing to venture out into the woods in such a well made suit"Judith seemingly was not intending to suggest anything horribly negative merely compliment things she could assume of a person. After all she assumed rune knights would not be as well dressed as he was.

And allowed to him to show more of who he was to Judith before they really starting asked for names, For it was easy to assume that would eventually happen, Just when was an interesting thing to ponder, This all was merely the start.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Apr 22, 2024 11:28 am

”Well that sounds like quite a challenging souvenir. Do you have much success in keeping them long term? If so it sounds beautiful, as for my suit it’s a very expensive custom made to be durable. I’m Ittindi Amali Butler extraordinaire.  If you’re ever in need of one while in Fiore, I had to vacation out here, only taking jobs here and there for fun and to absorb the culture.”

He would hand her his card with his contact information, depending on the city the Rune Knights would have different outposts to get in contact with him. Ittindi would think about what a great idea having a multicontinental garden, it made him think of more practical uses for it of course. His first thought was the kind of cures and antidotes that could be created there. On the flip side, that also meant nefarious uses such as undocumented foreign poison and toxins. Ittindi got more of an aesthetic vibe from the person in front of him. They didn’t look particularly human either. The second part of Judith’s implication took Ittindi longer than usual, that by purposely admitting they raise flowers without magic, they probably were a mage.

”Well it is nice to meet a Fiorian out here, what do you think your favorite place has been so far in your travels? I find it hard to imagine a forest more beautiful, this place gives the deep green a run for its money.”

Ittindi was making conversation on their random shared love for nature. It was one of the few things that took Ittindi out of his typical cleaning baseline. Nature had its own version of cleanliness, that Ittindi had to respect, it used the cycle that he now was an agent of as its main cleaning tool. The laughter of Naki showed again that their thoughts were similar, or was it laughing at some new front for its influence?

Ittindi would stand up after smelling and looking over the flowers directly in front of him. The undertone of pollen always seemed to be the first thing that hit him. The variety of floral smells brought back memories of Ittindi’s first magic. He wondered if he needed a suit to have elements of nature to feel his old magic again. Afterall his search for immortality was mute until he found a way to secure his life against Naki.

#5Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 2:05 am

Judith Karlinius
With a delighted smile Judith seemed to answer fairly quick."Results vary, But that is merely a simple answer and easily guessed answer."She would explain a bit more in the moment but Judith figured a blunt answer was over all a good thing to mention right away."I have travelled through most nations and fair amount of them retain life well, But this list and hobby does span long enough back that the most of them have wilted away like a fair amount of common fiorian flowers. I always take notes of each flower and where I find, I suppose when i find one here I shall make a new entry."

But if he wanted to tell him who he was, Judith would not really hide it either, Once you merely just how to pick up Judith was lingering about and her face it was kind of easy to know she was around."Well I am glad you treat me so casually, Makes meeting people easier."All the politics of everything did make Judith feel some what tired at the time. Then again she was never expecting to reach as far as she did."It is nice to meet you Ittndi, I am Judith Karlinius. Given your fiorian and your kind offer. Consider in return an offer that in which if you ever find your in Magnolia to come by and visit me, I would say the guild but my flower garden is entirely at home in my backyard, Nonetheless both spots are free for some one to visit."It seemed fitting she viewed this as meeting some one enjoyed a hobby of hers compared to work

That was more ideal."My guild is a wildfire within it's self. But the notes of flower and the smell of homemade bread does seem more fitting and less stressful." Here he was having a talk with the guild master of Fairy Tail about flower and bread and not guild work.

While he observed the flower Judith seemed to pat her robes for the moment."Hm...forgot my notebook back where I was staying. Might have to wait until i find the right flower."So far she had yet to touch any of the flowers. It was not uncommon for Judith to get lost in her thoughts and conversation.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Wed Apr 24, 2024 6:50 pm

When they had first said their name, Ittindi’s first thought was that it was the leader of Fairy Tail. Then as they continued, Ittindi could tell they were being serious, how had he found himself in front of a guild master while he was on vacation. Ittindi hadn’t been to that part of Fiore since he was a teenager. The idea of a flower garden of a guild master’s travels did sound enticing, it was surely full of flowers he had never seen in his life. Some that he might never see, and Naki found themselves agreeing with Ittindi’s logic on visiting.

”I’ll definitely have to take you up on that offer, I haven’t been to Magnolia in years. If it isn’t too bold I’d love to ask you some gardening tips, its rare to meet one so devoted to a craft.”

It was probably a silly question to ask a guild master, but Ittindi’s magic wasn’t one that would be easily discussed with someone from a legal guild.  He’d rather keep the conversation on something he enjoyed like housework. They had mentioned homemade bread as well, Ittindi wondered how such a homemaker ended up being guild master of Fairy Tail. Then again they were easy to talk too that was something that tracked with Fairy Tail members, Ittindi hadn’t found any issues with any. Their were always those around the barracks that complained that Fairy Tail was just barely a legal guild, since Ittindi stayed in the north garrison that same scrutiny applied to Paradise Dawn.

”You mentioned bread Lady Judith…Karlinius or do you prefer Judy? What variety do you like to bake? I’ve only worked in a few kitchens but all had dedicated bakeries. Nothing like a morning quick once over and smelling fresh bread baking for the day.”

Ittindi surmised that the guild master didn’t want to be treated as such while on vacation. Likewise, Ittindi wouldn’t really want to enforce the law unless it was something catastrophic. People are allowed to have hobbies outside their work, that’s why Ittindi became a Rune Knight on the side of Butlering. Ittindi was just a work freak, he couldn’t stop thinking about how to improve recipes, freshen up rooms or gardens. Though with his lack of big family bookings he might have to start saying the opposite. It seemed that his Rune Knight career was starting to affect who wanted to hire him as a butler. He would continue to try and live in both worlds, he found less of the recruits insulting his cleaning habits and his butler day job.

#7Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Thu Apr 25, 2024 12:12 pm

Judith Karlinius
There was seemingly good thing to come, At least right away he was not asking questions about the guild. the dreadful parts of showing up in public all of the time is people always asking guild questions when she was doing other things it was hard to buy tomatoes when people just kept asking you what building your guild blew up or what bar fight in the city might have been your guild's fault as well. But internal thoughts aside. When he did say yes. Judith figured it was pretty simple to find her."I will be pretty simple to find when you visit, I will either be at the guild or my home is ten feet away from the guild. I won't be too hard to spot."She figured unless she asked to know more in detail said two pieces of information were good enough.

Judith was devoted to a lot of crafts, But that was more her humble starting point and not being a guild master for the longest time."I do have some notes for everyone flower for taking care of them, The ones that manage to live in Fiore anyway."Finding which ones would live and not live. Was an interesting thing to keep track of. But the conversation was about bread. Which was now a bit more of a wonderful thing to talk about because Judith never really talked about making bread with her all that much but Judith was happy about the small things.

When mentioning her name she would just keep it casual."You can call me Judith or Judy. I know comparatively I have been called Judith more because people use to call my daughter Judy."Either would offend her, She would never feel like an old lady at this point. But Judith would quickly show she knew a lot of cooking and kitchen related things. So she would mention it over all."It is silly to think, but it is a wonderful sense of peace for me. Bringing fresh bread into the guild. It over takes the smell of booze from the previous night."She could have gone in depth about how many different kinds of bread she could make and how long each took to make but most people where put to sleep by it, he might be different and she kept that in mind.

So she would explain."But I suppose my habits span from being the complete opposite of a guild master before taking the title. No one thought the guild barmaid would take over the guild...But no one ever complained about the food and drinks i made."Who better then some one who was just mothering children at home and just needed to pass the time. Now look where she was.

But alas she would always mention to people."Baking is some what not too horrible, it just merely takes time for the stages needed to complete the dough. I find the work is worth the effort."Judith was getting some what carried away in conversation. But it felt more normal it was like talking about simple things a day a bit easier for once.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Mon Apr 29, 2024 8:49 am

For some reason, Ittindi had imagined a guild master would have a mansion or something similar a distance away from their guild. After listening to Lady Judy talk about her time leading to a guild master. Ittindi felt a kinship the burden of home making, it was truly a family ordeal. That was one of the few downsides to not staying at any one house for an extended period. Ittindi would build those familial bonds quickly with the estate children and staff, sometimes with his employer. Then before they knew it his contract would be up and he’d be traveling again, some thought it a power move to procure more business. Indeed, it could be, with how many raises had been offered to him upon his contract end. However, Ittindi did intend to bring the value of house making the very art of butlering to across Fiore. There would be none who didn’t know what to expect from an elegant house staff.

”Yes, Patient is indeed a virtue and baking can show the measure of one’s patience practically. The sound of creation in the morning to work past the dumping of trauma through drinking. I’m aware of the elation, it sounds like we’ve had similar hobbies Lady Judy.”

Ittindi had opted for Judy because of a maid he once knew. All the house servants and chore boys had a crush on this Judy she had rather desirable proportions around her chest and butt, and even Ittindi’s stoic demeanor couldn’t resist his teenage hormones. Her nickname was an affront to her nicer qualities such as her caring demeanor and good temper especially through all the leering eyes. Those days were also where he learned how to bake and cook, a butler wasn’t expected to perform as well as a head chef. Still, a couple gourmet meals were doable for Ittindi, although he needed practice to be at the top of his cooking and baking game.

”Hmm, it makes me want to bake for my Squad. I’ll have to find a good day for it, it can’t be after a cleaning day, as naturally a clean room is its own reward. Either way, I’ve been on both ends of the bread; I’m sure your guild picked you for Master because of your care and love in gardening, barmaiding and baking. What’s a family without it’s caretaker besides extra arguments?”

Ittindi would wonder how others he had met ran their own group of Knights. He could imagine Averie’s underlings running from library to library across Fiore seeking the knowledge she needed for her...experiments. No doubt Tōga’s bunch would be rowdy, thinking that camaraderie was more important than discipline. What mark would he make on his? Sure clean rooms and quarters would be one, but did Ittindi care about discipline or camaraderie? What did he believe made a good Rune Knight?

#9Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 6:22 am

Judith Karlinius
In some manner Judith still often ponder and reflected why they chose her for guild master. Over all what where her hobbies that she merely put to the sides now that she remembered she had to ponder."Oh? if you knew a few more things, I could jokingly ask you to sit in my place for a while."This was very easily picked up as a joke because she did not expect him to want to take over guild master duties to Fairy Tail. There is a reason why most people didn't want to be guild masters.

But since this was all merely humour, She would start walking along to see what ever flowers she could find, it had to be the right one after all. But since it was easily guessed a joke."Then again one could be close enough if they: Could sing and know how to ballerina and ballroom dance. to be a copy of me."But Judith was over all making herself laugh. Hopefully she was understood in some manner that maybe Judith did not meet many people who some what shared these things and seemed about it. Over all Judith had many skills but these where just merely her skills as the caretaker she was.

But if he wanted suggestions. Judith gave him two ideas since if anything it might be a good clue."It is entirely how many people you may need to bake people, Most people tend to have different tastes as you know. One could ask and find out."Knowing very well that takes the most time. Over all Judith tried taking account all of Fairy Tail member's enjoyment of what kinds of food and could hand some one an entirely cookbook on what each person wants. Let alone the drinks they enjoy."Or simple and safe middle ground could easily be: White, Whole Wheat, Rye and Sourdough."Options helped a busy one prepare.

But that was merely a Judith suggestion, He entirely had his own choice and options to figure out, She merely suggested to guide."I am unsure over all entirely if thats the choice. I am sure it is merely that simple."Judith mostly held secrets to herself but she in some manner he did not mind if he knew this."But no matter my professional manner of being, I do doubt why i was chosen and if willingly taking it if I hold back the guild...When nothings changed from what i use to do."After was an elf after all humanoid, Had her faults like everyone else and thus when people often see this part of Judith it dispelled this idea that she was a mythical figure. Even if that was most likely something other people thought of her.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Apr 30, 2024 9:20 pm

The thought of being a Guild Master even in jest left a bad taste in Ittindi’s mouth. He couldn’t imagine being locked down in one location, then again here was Fairy Tail’s guild master he had yet to meet with the General of the Rune Knights. Ittindi wasn’t even sure if the man was in Era at this moment, so maybe he shouldn’t balk at the idea so easily.  As she continued her joke Ittindi listened chuckling here and there before speaking.

”If that’s all it took I must be a worse dancer then I thought. I know my singing is perfect, I brought people to tears all the time. Well mostly babies.”

In all honesty Ittindi had a n average voice, being forced into the church choir at a younger age. That need to prove that he was special amongst a large family quickly dashed by the real talented singer in the family one of his sisters. While it was true he never reached out after being hired as a chore boy, they never reached out either. Ittindi hadn’t thought about his family in decades he’d listen back in on Lady Judith talking about bread interests.

The mark of a true gourmet always worried about the palette of guests, while that was important. It was equally important to have a commanding presentation that way even those who couldn’t partake were jealous. That was a key element of elegance the desire, even for those who couldn’t eat that food. Ittindi was surprised he had always heard rumors about elves, but so far they all proved untrue. It made him think about the demons he’d met recently, it was hard to focus when his own humanity being kept was a gift.

Even now if he did confess his disturbing new magic to his Young Master, how would he explain he still retained his humanity. Hopefully it wouldn’t be something broached, after all the last time they spoke it was about training Ittindi’s gun skills. He would just have to lean on that.

”I think that’s one of the few things I miss from serving the same family consistently. Knowing their exact tastes…how much spice to put on one plate over the other. I’m hoping I’ll convince a friend to settle down and hire me after I become the world’s greatest butler. Though I think I could afford a garden in my garrison in the north in the meantime you’ve inspired me.”

Ittindi was once again kneeling looking at some of the yellow flowers while he could feel Naki’s waves of content wash over him. It was odd to have a demon appreciate similar sights, his own theory of their joining gaining more merit.

#11Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Mon May 27, 2024 2:46 am

Judith Karlinius
In some manner the humor was there, given these two almost seemed more like two different workers, working the same kind of jobs. But each one is overall different in the things to do. But the common ground was relaxing. Judith, not seeing a flower she had not seen before, merely walked over and dug her fingers deep enough to make sure she got the roots and it merely seemed to.”Well considering how often one uses the skill one could always brush up with lessons.”Seemingly there was an odd feeling like after she dug the flower like there was an odd distortion of time around them.

What happened was Judith was controlling time upon the flower she took to ensure it would last the trip home, merely just holding it in her hand at the time. Listening away at the conversation. Everything was always going to be interesting around Judith. She was an elf. Even considered a rare kind of Ash Elf. As she never talked about it. There was merely the fact she held an ancient magic that while it was easily known she was the user, she merely really spoke about it. “I do think, If someone stood in my place for a while it would be funny to scare everyone.”Judith mentioned because it was over all a situation Judith was pondering over was entirely possible.

While Judith was over all used to serving a family. Only because she was the mother did she take care of many things.”Can’t say I have anything to offer in that situation for such a desire, the only other things i could suggest if you can’t tend to friends and their family.”Judith did mean this was a harmless manner after all, This seemed like it was the mother in her somewhat phasing into the conversation.”Why not consider hitting the dating market? Could lead into a wife and that way your skills are used for some to a bit more of a benefit towards the future.”Yes, Judith had suggested he find a girlfriend that might be helpful for him for such a desire. But she was not going to dig too deep into it.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Mon May 27, 2024 8:34 pm


Ittindi would watch Lady Judith go to pick up a flower when an odd sensation overtook him. It felt like the very laws of space and time were bending around them. She would continue to muse the idea of a surprise switch. The thought of someone discovering the wrong guild master under a hood or mask did seem funny, until you remembered the person impersonating the leader would be subject to questions and probably more.

” Yes, I imagine the surprise would be a huge deal that’s for sure. Do you know anyone proficient enough in illusion magic to pull a stunt like that off? What would you do with a theoretical day before the doppelganger is discovered.”

Ittindi felt like that was what at the base of the request, Lady Judith wanted to leave behind her duties. Not permanently of course, but just for a day to be someone else. Ittindi hadn’t had the wish for a while, but it had returned with recent developments. He’d laugh at Lady Judith’s suggestion to start a family of his own. His ambitions were the only partner he’d have for a while. Even if the idea did cross his mind every blue moon, it had been banished completely by Naki. Who would want to start a family knowing they had to enter into dangerous situations to please the demon inside their soul?

Even worse what if part of his soul passed onto his child, Ittindi shook the thought quickly before he thought of an appropriate answer for Lady Judith. He didn’t want to seem rude, not for any reason.

” Well the thing is Lady Judy, if I make time for love that takes away time from being the best. I don’t think I could do the art of butlery and lead a family. Maybe I’ll change my mind as my path progresses.”

Ittindi wouldn’t burden someone with his whole life story. Especially not a guild master they might see it as a round about way of asking for help. Ittindi intended to solve his issues on his own, how he’d done everything for the majority of his life. Well he’d probably use some help from the Rune Knights and the Young Master. He didn’t need the list growing to fast lest it become untenable.

#13Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 4:35 am

Judith Karlinius
It was a good question to ask Judith, As a some one who know a lot of things she knew most likely many things. Even then she seemed puzzled for a moment."Well not at this time, I am sure one would not be hard to find."Judith did seemed to enjoy the entire idea. Currently she was seriously considering it at this point but that was because enjoyed the idea of finding ways to keep her guild members on their toes. After all just because she was a casual and guild master to some what look past things with the few members she had left.

One had to be prepared for if she did this."Even if possible for a one time spell use would be interesting for such an idea."But she seemed to already start figuring out all of the plan. After Judith timed a lot of things she knew when her guild members where around or not."Merely have the doppelganger show up when I normally show up for morning prep work...Most of my remaining members aren't morning people."I was all coming together to the most likely horrors of other Fairy Tail members that aren't Judith.

Judith did listen in some manner always would find something to mention."No matter the duty, one must eventually case upon the dreams in which they seem almost to flee from, Duty beholden or not."Judith might be only mentioning it because she seen it before from some one else."Something I wish my daughter learned to eventually make time for these things."She had to eventually relate it to family, Anyone who might had dug into Judith's family might know various related things.

But at least she would no try to pound it into him like she would other people. It was not her place unless this man came around Judith more often, After all she had habit of trying to mother other people."My only suggestion about it in the end."Much like how that flower was seemly in a state of altered time Judith would mention. But she would rise it up as a centre point for her suggestion. It would decay like its time had come and it was withered away like the cycle of nature."One must not wait too long, Not all things will linger forever."Then the flower seeming just slowly turn come back to life like nothing happen to it just slowly like time around it has gone back. Judith was messing with the flow of time in front of him again even if minor. But it was to prove a point.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Wed May 29, 2024 8:44 pm

Ittindi would chuckle as Lady Judith went through a plan to replace herself in the guild hall. He knew what to expect if he ever read a report about a blast coming from inside their guild hall. Ittindi thought back to that day, when Sleeping Calamity had been disbanded there was no where for him. He had pondered going to Fairy Tail knowing if he begged they’d take him in albeit under some kind of probation.  He’d continue to play along, while also looking around occasionally. He didn’t want to find himself being spied on; it was more likely when around a high profile figure.

” I’m sure they only sleep in because you make them feel safe Lady Judy. ”

Instead Ittindi had opted to pay for his name to be scrubbed clean, part of that was to forget his Young Master. He could already tell that he would have loved working with Lady Judith, but her real advice came after the story. Much like his Master Butler, you always started with the comedy or appreciation, then to the lesson.  Ittindi would think upon her words unsure if he would find himself heeding the warning. There was so much he needed to accomplish, and his life while stronger than before was more fleeting than ever.

”I know one thing, soon it shall be lemonade season and I can’t wait to taste all the different countries variations throughout the world. That’s a dream I will act on immediately, plus I have yet to be to Sin or Seven haven’t decided which yet. Do you have a recommendation?”

Ittindi changing the subject instead of giving any indication which way he leaned on Lady Judith’s advice. The image of the flower decaying would be etched into his mind, the cycle of nature always brought forth his fear of mortality. She was different than most of his teachers, instead of leaving the lesson there the flower would revert the flower to emphasize that he had time to still live a life regret free. Ittindi had a hard time seeing any thing but the decay lately he could still remember when the life coming back would of meant more.

#15Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Thu May 30, 2024 4:01 pm

Judith Karlinius
Judith might not realize the impact of the lesson of many she always just generally gave people, But digging into Judith's history she knew much because she had expanded into many things in the years. Left unmentioned was she used to have two of her children in the rune knights at one point. As well as her husband use to be a rune knight as well. Most likely the information on the Karlinius where long buried. But information records where risky that exposed things that if looked well enough when found exposed so many things people would better off knowing. "Everything Guild 's Duty is to protect it's members, in one way or another my protection isn't one of power." Everyone some how felt safe with a mother always watching, But never spring forward the means of what happen if she needed to actually protect people.

But Judith was the one of many connections."I could only suggestion Seven, As I have not been to Sin yet."Her trip to seven was nice she left a various different ideas."But i left with some ideas to what kinds of citrus fruits, figs and grapes you can get from there."The mixes of various juice flavours was useful for the drunk she dealt with for a long time.

But she also had gotten busy with other things that she could not keep up with making so many things. Even remarking."Some days...I miss the days when I use to have my husband make a Food Stall for me to bring into the public to allow the public to try samples of the things I make."It sounded silly, But in the realm of Judith it was entirely normal for her to gather food idea she wanted to give to her guild members make small batches and place herself some where in magnolia. It made the Guild Master seem more human and not this powerful figure everyone feared.

Judith now days was facing other personal trials of guilty she didn't talk to anyone about."I do however think ill visit sin in the future..But if you visit Seven, bring light clothing and be careful of beasts and monsters."If anything i seemed Judith had some planning to do now that wasn't just past reflecting from things long ago.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 6:52 am

Ittindi was still actively listening as he saw another new flower for the first time, he’d squat down low to smell and admire it. It had an earthier fragrance than what Ittindi expected from it’s pattern and color. With Lady Judith’s demeanor and power it was no surprise she had a husband when she had her children. Ittindi didn’t intend to pry into her personal life, but it sounded like her husband had passed and knowing their lifestyle it probably wasn’t peacefully. He couldn’t empathize; romantic relationships were a foreign thing to Ittindi, he had flings here and there. Nothing like what people described or remembered when they spoke of their love.

” With that many variations of fruit I bet they have quite the selection of variant drinks. Though I could develop another foreign favorite I wonder if my rank pay will keep up with my hobbies.”

He had developed a liking to a couple ingredients from Joya on his trip there, especially there flakes they used on their rice. It was so tasty between that and the sauce they used he could have rice as a snack instead of a side. He wondered what kind of cleaning tools they had in Seven, the feather broom they used in Joya was a shock, but after some practice Ittindi could see its practicality on their often hard floors.

”A stall does sound fun, I’ve never tried to sell my food. Have you ever had people ask if you’ll ever open again? I imagine that must feel like a great compliment.”

Ittindi couldn’t imagine the nervousness in opening a food stall unabashedly, what if people disliked his food. There were of course the children in a manor who often wouldn’t appreciate more complex dishes, but Ittindi had feared his cooking was only a suitable replacement when a chef was on vacation instead of being just as good. It didn’t’ help that in the Rune Knights hardly anyone knew how to cook so any meal he made for his men was appreciated.

”Oh I guess I’ll have some practice with the good old gun then, I guess I could wear a vest it’ll be weird not wearing a tuxedo I’ll feel naked.”

He remembered how he could only wear suits at night in Stella due to the sweltering heat. That was before he had obtained his magical tuxedo, that was something Ittindi would need to consider if he did end up purchasing a custom piece. He’d need a suit that could change fabric so it could be multi season, the need for such a magical object seemed more relevant. First he had to save for that necklace, he had put feelers about. Another thing to help disguise his missing nature magic, and to help Ittindi deal with that loss.

#17Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Fri May 31, 2024 2:36 pm

Judith Karlinius
It was a good question to ask Judith. In some manner she had not asked the public for a while if the stalls where missed. But it did wonders for information she gathered. she learned most people did not complain about free food and at times Judith actually would give advice to people who seemed troubled. It's helped a few people sometimes."That or some might repay in favour depending on how they feel about you."Judith mentioned slightly. Because it might be another way of looking at it. Not just an up in pay but other reasons that could work out.

Well Judith always thought of it was she used it to try and test things she never asked people to pay for it."I do ponder if people would pay, I most of the time didn't ask for money."That was just one of the keys of it. But Judith had always thought things as a means to bond with the towns people and not make money.

But if Judith made an honest judgment about it, she was sure people might have missed it. But Judith made a lot of effort for it to work."I am sure a few people miss it. Guild Master work got me a bit busy, I should clear my workload one day for it again."If anything Judith almost sounded like she missed it, But Judith was just use to well trying to make people come together in one way or another.

But since he pondered that."A vest and some short sleeves can help, That or you would run a temperature spell engraved in your suit that keeps under the clothing cooled while out during the day."This was one because she might have suggested that before because it was a useful idea. It was doable idea unless something cut off magic.

"I am sure there was a lot of things to stay cool, maybe bring sun glasses for your eyes. I didn't do that and have a hard time seeing."Judith did seem to laugh about it slightly because she had a hard time seeing. Mind you blue eyes did handle light differently.

They both seemed to have found something to take away form here. Judith could ponder if there was more however she had a feeling some one would be unhappy if she kept taking flowers.


An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Sat Jun 01, 2024 4:31 pm

As Ittindi finished smelling the flower, he decided it was about time to head out. It was nice to meet another kindred spirit in the guild master of Fairy Tail of all people. He’d have to make a visit out to Magnolia, Ittindi tried to imagine what kind of house Lady Judith would have. She mentioned children so would it be her family home or one she downgraded too after her children left the nest?

” Well I think it’s about time for me to leave Lady Judy. It was nice to meet a fellow homemaker, I’ll have to visit you in Magnolia, I appreciate the advice. I hope you have a good vacation.”

Ittindi would bow before listening to any last remarks from Lady Judith. Afterwards he’d walk off in the distance looking to wander until he found the path that he came in on. This would add to the appeal of the country when Ittindi thought of it. There was more to be discovered in Pergrande, and Ittindi wasn’t sure if he’d stay in this region or venture to another. He did see a castle that looked interesting to him, he wondered what the staff at that manor looked like. He’d have to take a detour to see it.

She had left him with a couple of ideas, one that Ittindi had already thought of with the material among others. Sunglasses were something that Ittindi hadn’t bothered becoming invested in, he thought it’d be a fleeting fashion, but it stayed. He’d have to get custom frames to compliment his vision correction with his regular glasses. Maybe he could find a magical pair, he did grow tired of the top hat some days. He probably would have his custom suit not include a hat; he’d find some other artifact later. Ittindi would continue to muse to himself until he made it back to his inn.


#19Judith Karlinius 

An Elf In The Woods Isn't Shocking...But This One Different.(Open Social.) Empty Tue Jun 04, 2024 3:27 am

Judith Karlinius
Judith's departure was pretty quick. As since he now wished to go she would just leave almost like in an odd sense she was almost not there in the first place. Time magic was fun that way. But she came for what she had wanted so in the end it seems to have worked out. "Well it is has been fun, Makes me ponder of a few things I might need to do, when I am home." Judith seemed to laugh about it slightly.

It seemed there was something now sparked in her mind. But she got the flower she was looking for, now one must go back home and add into her collection of many things."Do be safe out there." Asking a rune knight to not work too hard was a strong suggestion that most ignored. But she had enjoyed herself and now it was time to go do other things.


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