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A Rare Sight(Social/Open.)

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A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Jun 05, 2024 4:01 am

While it seemed peaceful enough Maple was actually out in an area some one would could easily see her being at. Maple was by Zelenyy Lakes. It was the kind of area Maple really enjoyed, Sure going about this as she had alone might not be the best idea but she was over all going to be fine.

After all she had yet to see the nature here all that much yet, So here she was exploring a close by section of the lake she needed to be sure she did not spend not that much time out lest worried souls sent out some one larger search parties for her. Then again Maple did at least tell people she was here at the lakes to explore and enjoy the nature of the place. She was to call this home so she wanted to get a feel of these lands here.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Fri Jun 14, 2024 6:17 am

Yijun walked along the edge of the lake wondering what might live just below the surface of the lake that could be waiting to be found. He figured the wilderness around here, made it feel like the kind of place a hero might pull a magic weapon from the waters or meet a beautiful woman that one would later find out was a princess of the place or a lords daughter. Yijun use to hear stories and things of the nature from the monks in Sin but he always figured that no such things could really happen in real life and the monks were simply getting his goat to get a rise out of him.

That is when he saw another person a woman walking around the lake and enjoying the nature of the place and he walked toward her as he guessed maybe she might be a local in the area and may know a thing or two about it and what might be around the place. "Excuse me miss?I am new to this area do you have any sights I may want to see before going from the area?" He now notices how pretty the woman is that he is walking up to and he kind of wonders if him being a daemon will be a problem as he is not a pure light race. He doesn't think that she would attack him but he stays ready to call out his spear if he needed it's aid.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 15, 2024 2:01 pm

Maple had settled into this nation well enough that she could guide some one around. At least he did not seem like a threat. So Maple had no worries personally. Anyone she had met here has been more friendly enough then what she expected. Maple for many years had low expectations of people being friendly for long, with currently life event of hers, She was over all coming with a better outlook on life.

Ryuko did a lot of help her. Now she would give back to the people here and show him around."There are plenty to see, Here let me guide you."Maple sounded more than happy to offer him a walk around. People should not fear her, She was everyone's friend if you let her be your friend.

Then she would merely tell him."I am Maple,It is nice to meet you good sir."Then she started walking towards where his goal was.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Jun 17, 2024 8:42 am

Yijun was confused at how quickly the woman had just agreed to lead him around and he wondered if she was a now a trap or an illusion of the wilderness around here but he followed her and he heard her name and it was a pretty name but seemed out of character of the area that they were in. He had to wonder if she was also someone that was not from here. He got up next to her and gently tapped her shoulder to make sure that she was really there before he spoke again. "My name is Yijun, it is nice meet you as well." He felt that she was at least solid and probably not a threat that was leading him to be eaten by something that was out here as he hadn't seen a lot of area around here that was taken up by people which often means there is a threat that roams around the area or poor hunting grounds.

"So what are you doing out here alone?" He figures she was probably enjoying the calm and quiet of nature and if she was out here alone she must be strong or very brave or so that is what he thinks not that it matters much what he thinks or does. He was going to stay as visitor as he can and not jump into fights or things that don't concern him unless he has to do so.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 5:39 am

People would call it a rare sight for Maple was not really known to be picked up to the public right away but from time to time Maple just casually walked away and went outside."It is a wonderful day isn't it?"She left it at that because she would rather not worry anyone about how connected she is here in pargrande, It would get people nervous when she just wanted to nature walk.

For she loves the woods and nature so much to not be in it when she could.So she would explain it as such."While my life has changed over the years, I am use to being in the woods alone. So often I use to just live in different areas of woods, Live off of the land and make magic tents. It was not until recently things changed for me."Hopefully it made sense.

Maple was a long time forest lingerer being alone was common so she just go use to it.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 7:46 am

Yijun looked at the woman as it seemed she was acting like she had something to hide from him, he wasn't going to ask about it as he knows that sticking his nose into things that aren't his business with no good reason will only just cause him trouble likes the monks had beaten into him that he needs not look for trouble cause if trouble were in need of him it would come looking for him. It was probably just a way for the monks to tease him while still sounding like they knew better and like it was wisdom of some sort that they were giving to him.

He heard her speak of being alone in the woods a lot and having become use to being alone."I see well if you want to walk and talk to me I am fine with being alone with you." He was attempting to make a bit of a joke as them walking together means that neither of them is alone, but he is unsure if that will land well or not but he guessed that he rather say something that was a bit more uplifting or supportive than to let the tone and mood set on a low note with the woman.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:01 pm

She did find his phrasing odd but there was most likely a underlaying means of it she did not know yet. But it was not exactly her thing to nose into about right away after all there was still things to see and learn. She was more then ready to be the guide of it."I figured that was the point was it not?"Maple was oddly nice about trying to seem welcoming.

In some manner it just reminded her of her early years of walking away from her family. But maybe eventually other people side from Ryuko would know of this woman's life as she did seem to try and make it a fruitful one.

"I am too, I do not see what you are so worried about."Maple merely just said that just to kind of see where his mind was at. Since over all she figured he was joining her."I did figure you where coming with me."With that Maple waited to see if he was following or not.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Wed Jun 19, 2024 7:43 am

Yijun looked at her and he wondered if there was a reason that she was talking and being like that but she was not sure if she was really ready for the walk as she spoke strangely an he wondered if something was wrong with her. "Well yeah... Of course it was the plan. I was just attempting to make you feel better about being alone so much." He was guessing that his attempt to help her to feel better had failed and she was now not so sure about him any more and that is something he was going to have to figure out so that she could relax with him on this walk.

He just followed her while he tried to think about how he would handle trying to help to dispel the misunderstanding that they had with him maybe sounding like he is some kind of an idiot or something. "Where you looking to head to around here to show me?" He was going to be ready to summon his spear if he needs to fight something but he thinks that he is in the safe but there is never a one hundred percent chance that he is safe or that this place is safe.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 5:58 am

The more confusing part was Maple was just barely understanding the woods because she was busy with a few other things in her life. Liking apparently being an actual queen of sorts, she really did not have much grasp on it. But that was for another time and once she figured it out."I am never scared about being alone."Unless there is anything else to worry about anything else, But there was no lingering signs of anything to be worry about being there."Unless, you feel some one is going to attack a random Half-elf?"Maple then laughed about it because she wanted to joke about it.

Where they was going, was a good question."I have not fully mapped out Pargrande, I have been busy. This lake does some where border between the kingdom and the cold frozen north, So I am exploring."With that Maple seeming starting walking towards a tree, not paying it much attention, then she went through the tree. Almost like to Maple the tree was like portal or a door.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 20, 2024 6:50 am

Hearing the woman speak of someone attacking a random half-elf. "Well as a half breed race they are often frowned upon by purist of elves and of human's. You being attacked randomly might not be as low of a chance as you might be thinking." He was just being honest cause he doesn't want the woman to get attacked by someone cause she was only seeing through her rose tinted glasses at the world as he as a daemon knows that people are judgmental and dangerous to those that fully fit in to their molds.

"Oh I see so you are also a bit newer to the area as well then?" He stays close to her just in case as he doesn't want her to get harmed, though she might be able to defend herself he was not going to judge her skills but just air on the side of caution so if something was to go wrong that he can help to keep her safe and sound and not have to worry about her being killed because he was just wandering around and not keeping his guard up and be able to help her.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 5:33 am

Over all Maple seemed not overly bothered by it, Viewing him a bit more negative minded for the most part minor, While Maple had dealt with such judgment it was entirely through her own family compared to strangers much like they seemed to mention and puzzle it."I guess, If that is your experience, I might have been distracting them unintentionally."Maple said but then again she would most likely lead into explain most of her life in which might make sense why she might not fear people as much doing that to her.

Even remarking."However, My life has been years of living in the woods alone, No one found me all that much, I lived off of the land for many years alone."Maple said merely to keep the conversation going while he walked with him.

But Maple seemed at peace and not worrying about so many things in depth."Mind you my experience is with normal has been safe, My actual family however where the ones who treated me like an other for many years."Maple did not mind seemingly disclosing these things only because it seemed they where having an in depth conversation at this time.

Even remarking."But I suppose, at no fault of my own...I was born as a result of an affair that almost broke a marriage."Maple did seem at epace with it as over the years she learned her family did try to work on what happen and realized. Maple was never at fault for what happen.

"My father never really seemed to connect with me, My mother merely eyed me for the guilty she felt for what happen...My view of the world is okay, My soon to be wife has shown me i don't need to hide from the world anymore."Maple wanted to see if she let him know parts of her life, if he would some what seemingly see how she viewed the world as not as bad.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Fri Jun 21, 2024 3:36 pm

He looked at the woman as she said that, and he nodded at what she said and then he spoke. "I do... I am a half demon, I am classed as a daemon though." He was not sure if he should really be admitting that to a stranger of all people but he had admitted to the fact he was indeed part demon. Though he figures that she was making it clear that she didn't care but he was still uncomfortable talking about it.

He listened to the other things the woman had said and he really didn't have anything to add to it but he guessed that he could also just tell her about his experience but that story was not something that she needed to know but he was not sure if that was actually true or not but she had shared with him so he guessed that it wouldn't hurt anything to let her know about it as he was going to have to get out of the shadow of it any ways.

He cleared his throat and he started talking. "Well I was made from the love of the demon man people told me he was a snake demon with a charming tongue and a human woman. My father left my mother I was never told a reason for it. My mothers family wanted to kill me... or her to leave me to die. They in the end as my mother refused to do such a thing ended up having her assassinated as well as me but my mother didn't tell them..." He was looking down at the ground as this was probably a story that the woman wouldn't believe or even think could be anywhere near true.

He was not going to make eye contact with the woman after admitting that and he was just going to look out at the nature and maybe see what he could see out there as he just had told someone more about his trauma but he wasn't sure what to do with that.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:55 am

It seemed in the end things where interesting as most people if they ever had a chance to look into this saw two people who had some what the same things happen to them in life while Maple's life went a bit differently."My father...forgave my mother and tried to not treat me differently...but well that didn't last long."There was signs they tried hard but the end results was still an aliened Maple, They raised her as a normal person for the most part. But her other family members really did get better treatment Maple just did not hated them.

"But i have moved on and some what...my family tried to make up for what happen, I just been busy and haven't visited for while." Maple said because it was just how it was for her. She felt her time was better used else were.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:33 pm

"I have a half brother that is a fully demon and he hates me cause I am a "Half bred" Says I was a waste of good demon genes. He is a dragon demon though, so I am guessing his mother was a dragon demon." He has no clue that he could be part dragon class of demon, he just thinks he is a snake demon in part of his blood. He also knows that his mother knew more about his father than he was told but he knows that he can't get those answers anymore as his mother was long dead and he was not looking to dip too deep into the dark arts to find a way to raise her for them even if he thought he now might be ready for the answers to be told to him.

"Well I am glad your tale has a far better ending than mine currently has." He was not sure if he should really have said that like he had just done but he was ready to move on and he gets closer to the water and he looked into it to see if he can see anything in the water like fish or other creatures one might see if they were to get into these waters.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Jun 24, 2024 3:58 am

Over all in some manner their different lives were over all different even if there was something that where the same."None tried to kill me,Yet some how no one noticed for years, That I merely just left."Maple would remark as she thought more about it. There was some kind peace with her now days, She really didn't think about it much only because she was a really busy person now days."But I suppose now days, I am a busy living here...I will have to go home to Stella eventually."Maple pondered for a moment.

Then Maple would merely say."In some manner, I wish the same happy life for everyone...I am getting married soon, Ryuko treats me wonderfully. There is a sense of belonging I never thought I would achieve...But you deserve it much like I have achieved it."Maple hope he achieve whatever brought him peace in life. Maybe she was too innocent natured for this world.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Tue Jun 25, 2024 7:08 am

He looked at the half elf woman and he wondered if there is really much that can be gained from such a thing but he figures that she is meaning well with her words even if maybe he wasn’t ready to receive them himself. He summoned his spear to his hand as he was going to talk about it but for some reason he felt uneasy about telling this woman what this weapon really did. "I don’t think my life was meant for happiness or joy I think my life was made for me to struggle against something I can’t in the end truly over come." His words were honest and true to how he felt in that moment that no matter what he did he was never going to find some happy ending or some ray of sunshine would land on him. He was not meant to find the end of his road in a peaceful way, probably dying to the hand of a hunter or his own brother.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jun 27, 2024 1:37 pm

Over all Maple could easily admit she was over all far more positive person then most people wanting people to see the better parts of life and what was it before them. Maple did know it was harder then how it was said."The world will always have struggles for people who live in it."Maple mentioned this was lesson a few people did have to mention to her.

"The various people i have met in life often told me that, My soon to be wife as well often tells me of struggles."Maple mention turning around and starting to walk backwards whiled they explore. Maple had no worries seemingly at this time. She was in a odd state of peace.

Maple then simply mention."Do forgive my positiveness I am aware it is..much at times. But I truly believe you will end up happy in the future."Maple mentioned because she actually hoped for it. She wanted him to be happy and had a chance for it even if it was silly.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Fri Jun 28, 2024 8:36 am

Yijun looked at her weird for her saying to excuse her for the way she is, he wonders if she thinks that some how she is an issue because she has a more happy go lucky lust for life than he does. "I don't think there is anything wrong with you being positive." He kind of wondered why she would thing that is an issue, though he hopes she doesn't trip and fall cause she is not watching where she is going and gods knows if she will just fall off of something or into something because of this as she didn't seem to have a detailed knowledge of the area either.

"You might want to watch where you are going so that you don't get hurt." Yijun spins his spear in his palm in nervousness of her doing what she is doing though he wants to know more about this woman as she seemed interesting to him. Though he is not sure how over protective her soon to be wife is of her, and he is not looking for more trouble than he already has.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 2:59 pm

In some manner Maple's carefree way of being, might seem to be worrying but she did not seem to have a single worry at all about it. Maple was use to nature and what could linger with in it."Well some people do tend to get uncomfortable about it sometimes...I suppose that is normally after i hug them."Maple mentioned because that might be the root cause no matter the gender they seemed to feel that way.

Then she stopped for a moment and looked around."Why was something here?"Maple sounded curious when she stopped and looked around casually about these things, as she seemed to almost feel like nothing was wrong.

Then she would just merely go through another tree with out thinking about it. I was still so far a casual walk, There was faint feeling of it getting colder as they were getting closer north.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jun 29, 2024 4:49 pm

Yijun watched the woman walk through a tree and that was not normal now he was worried that he was following a ghost but he had touched her and knew she was a solid person, but then how did she just slide through a tree like that. Yijun wanted to ask but he figured that her answer would probably just not make sense to him so he was not going to bother as this woman seemed to not have her head on straight or really make any sense to him. "I am saying it cause I don't want you to trip and hit your head or get hurt miss."

Yujin tries to catch up to her as he had started to lag behind a bit as he was not use to the terrain and things that she was just walking through like she was a phantom of some sort. He wonder if this was normal or if he was having some kind of bad reaction to something that he had eaten or drank since coming to this place.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 5:43 am

He had some worries and some what she took that as a good thing. Maple would keep this in mind for future events if they ever met beyond this."Oh? I did not realize I was worrying about you all that much."To Maple this behaviour as normal to her. But suppose she knew she was a bit of an odd woman.

Noticing the distance between them she would ask."Do you want me to wait up for you? I could go back if you want?"Maple asked wanted to be sure. After all she was enjoying this conversation as Maple actually liked new people and enjoyed meeting them, Yijun was just happen stance one of many people who met Maple and dealt with this."Even then are you sure everything is okay? You still have your spear around when i don't feel like anything is around."Maple was a nature mage and most likely knew enough about nature to pick up if something was wrong.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Mon Jul 01, 2024 7:06 am

He sighed and tried to pick up his pace as she was now questioning him if he was okay and if she should wait up for him like she was mocking him and that kind of bugged him but he was not some master of this land or anything but he would think that someone just walking through things like that was cheating and not something that should be happening. "No I will catch up to you some how..." He used his spear to get over some gaps as he climbed over some of the tree roots and toward her.

"Is it abnormal for a person to carry their weapon on them in this country?" He asked as he just up to where she is having finally caught up as he was not sure what she was even on about but he was starting to see why no one went places with her as she seemed completely unaware or uncaring of those she was traveling with. He looked around and he wondered if she was so sure nothing was around even being a nature mage doesn't make her omnipotent in such matters as what are the limits to sense danger, can she sense an arrow in the air heading for them, a fire ball fired to hit? She spoke as if she was some other worldly being and he was not sure if she was or not or if she was just full of herself.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 5:12 am

While it was not Maple merely seemed to phrase it in a manner of she thought was innocent it was not needed but over all she would remark."unless there is something truly making you unease, In which I would like to know so maybe I can help."Maple mentioned because she was actually wanting to help if she could.

But merely would just continue to figure out."But given how i know forest life, nothing seems entirely dangerous at this time, unless something else is uneasing you and you feel like you need to be prepared."Maple seemed to slow down not by much merely to just kind of enough so he would catch up. After all her normal habits of travelling where sometimes easier so much for her, she forgot how hard it was for others.

Maple thought they might be close enough to see the things she wanted to see soon.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Thu Jul 04, 2024 6:48 am

Yijun was completely confused to the way this woman speaks, she makes no sense to him, she phases through things, talks in riddles and keeps telling him to put his weapon away while he is using it to help him follow her. He has no idea to why she is so insistent on him putting his weapon away when he is using it or to why she can do the things that she is doing. He sighed as she was giving him a headache as she seemed to be completely oblivious to how she was acting and that was making him wonder about his own sanity at this point to if he was the one that was weird in this situation cause he couldn't just phase through things and get to places like she did.

"Why are you so insistent that I put my spear away?" He figured the fastest way to get an answer was to just flat out ask the woman what her plan was or why she was so stuck on him putting his spear away for.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 5:10 am

Maple thought she had explained it clearly enough, It was not the first time maybe she just needed to consider other things. But Maple figured it would be better to move on from it."It is a minor worry, Most people who have weapons out when i tell them it is fine, Tend to be lingering hints of future trouble."Maple at least thought that was even if she did want to think she might be wrong.

Even then she would leave it be."But even with that worry, In the end we are almost to where i think the location is."Maple said that eventually stopped for a moment and looking around, Casually taking a few steps then stopped and got down on one knee and seemed to touch the ground. Like she was looking into something. But she was a nature mage so at times she found a lot of things interesting in nature.

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