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A Rare Sight(Social/Open.)

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A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 06, 2024 8:29 am

Yijun has no idea what is going on with this woman. He sighed and returned the spear to the tattoo on his arm as he tries to follow her. This woman seemed extremely odd to him, he was just going to roll with it but he knows he needs to be careful as he doesn't know if she is just going to kill him or not. He wasn't sure what to even do here as she seemed to be a strange duck and that is a worrying thought. "Where are you taking me to?" At this point he was expecting something either very disappointing or crazy as this woman had been in a hurry that they get there that she was just walking through things and making it totally impossible to keep up with her. Yijun was going to have to be extra careful around her as she was a bit too strange and not very bright as far as he can tell as she demanded things of another person who she doesn't know and had no real reason to have even said it.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 3:42 am

Did he forget what they where going to see? Well side from the: Nature, Forest and plant life around them. But Maple was find where the borders between here."I am finding the boarder between Perrande and what is next, just from nature because I hear it's Iceberg, A nation I would not mind going too eventually."Maple said just to make it clear.

But in some manner she seemed to ponder weather or not it was the right spot. When eventually she did stop she looked around at what she thought she saw from far away of it being the entire idea of the board or Pergrande and Iceberg.

It was still fairly far away, But the views of nature was overall what she expected and had wanted to see. But Maple was not a fool or a risk taker, She saw a distance was far and she was not going to try and push anything too far just in case maybe the gap between what she thought was iceberg and here. At the chance of step where she shouldn't too yet.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Tue Jul 09, 2024 9:04 am

He wondered why she was going toward the boarder for and if this was even the way to the iceberg boarder or if it was sin or bellum. He was not really sure as he had gotten brought her in a cart and not walked but he guessed he was going to have to just keep following her at this moment he was looking around trying to think if he had seen any of this area on his way in from Sin or not. He wasn't sure as this place kind of lacked a lot of land marks that would make it a place that could be easily traversed if one were to try but he doesn't think he sees anything that really fit that.

"May I ask why you are trying to get to the boarder? Are you trying to escape from this country?" Yijun figured he had to ask so that he knew if he was helping her to escape or if there was another reason that she was heading for the boarder in such a rush as he knows that there is a lot of things that could cause that be he needed to make sure if this woman was being hunted or something so he can be mentally ready to help her.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 11, 2024 1:23 pm

It was a good question. Maple did actually have a simple answer it was not just a basic what she wanted to see it kind of thing. Just hopefully it did not seem too crazy."To sum it up: I am learning parts of the new land I recently settle into, If i know the border, I know and understand when i venture too far."Maple didn't rely on maps in which was silly.

But she knew it sounded odd but Maple was always to type to work this way."And at least, If i know these spots. When I feel bugging my future wife into coming for a walk with me, I can bring her here."There was some what different reasons for everything and she would admit it.

As much as it seemed plain each time."This way i can look up and show her this boarder so she knows I am trying to learn of this place. It is easier then maps for me."But suppose she expected him to consider all of this dumb but she enjoyed the walk.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Fri Jul 12, 2024 7:59 am

He heard the woman speak and he nodded as she was going to do this for a decently useful reason and he really couldn't find a fault in the logic of this statement that she had made. "I guess that is a good reason to want to do that. I hope your future wife will treat you right." He really hoped this woman was lucky and found a woman that would respect her and treat her right as she seemed innocent and looking to do right, just she was a bit clueless about somethings and it lead to some weird confusions with others. Yijun kept following her and he wonders where they are going to end up coming out from. She seemed to want to head toward the iceberg boarder which is also close to the Bellum boarder. Yijun was being careful and watching his footing as the terrain here was a bit rough to traverse as he was not use to it yet.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 13, 2024 2:09 pm

When they would reach the bored spots Maple wanted to see. As he caught up Maple would actually turn around ad go towards him, to catch up to him. She was trying not to leave him behind. Maple did ponder if her coming back would have been a bit odd but when she did, She stopped going through the trees and seemed to doing the harder walking with him.

"So I will say, thank you for putting up with up with me, I have a feeling i might be a bit odd to deal with."Maple mentioned in passing because she had a feeling it was a pain at times, She merely did things oddly and rarely explained them. Even it was an oddly wholesome and harmless reason. She felt almost unintentionally most of the time but seemed happy still that some one had joined her.

Then merely mentioning it as well."So make sure you know, I thank you for coming a long with me even if it is a bit of a pain."Since it almost felt like i was nearly the end of the harmless mission they where on currently. IT was fairly peaceful considering nature and how it was.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sun Jul 14, 2024 6:30 am

He looked at her as she came back to him and he felt a bit embarrassed that she had to come back to get him and walk with him, as he had failed to keep up with her and her phasing walking ways. "You are fine just a bit confusing to talk to as you seem to be lost in the waves of your own mind and lose track of the more grounded spirit of a conversation." He was being honest that he wasn't really worried about it as he wanted to make sure that he didn't hurt or offend her as she was doing fine just seemed like she got lost easy in the adventure that she forgets that she is with someone and they are actively trying to talk and get to now them.

"How are you feeling?" He wondered if the woman felt tired at all or any soreness that traveling would give someone. He didn't feel it much right now but he was pretty sure that he would be feeling it later as the terrain was quite odd and hard to get use to for him.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:50 am

He was correct in some manner. because she was happy and excited for what it all could mean and do for her in the future."Well you are not wrong, It is me being happy about the things i could see and learn in the future that i merely get lost in the joy of the moment."Maple mentioned knowing full well she was being honest about it.

Even admitting something just to kind of give him an understand how she is."It is just how i am sometimes, much like how I often try to control how friendly I am...But I have gotten carried away and hugged strangers before with out asking...I get mixed results."Maple said because in some manner while she resisted the urge too. Part of her wanted to hug him because that was just how she was over all.

Maple was just a person who seemed to life in a bubble of everything is peaceful and happy, Wanting to reflect that behaviour outwardly to everyone else. Endearing but she knew it was risky at times."I am happy, I am prepared to go back now."Since he did ask about that she answered honestly.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Sat Jul 20, 2024 1:24 pm

Yijun was glad that she had understood that she was a bit of a space case but he needed to make sure that she wasn't thinking that he was rude or anything to her as he had been being a bit grumpy and he will admit that to himself but unless she said something to him he was not going to just outwardly admit it as she was a person as well and she was going to be herself and that was fine with him as she was super nice to be around. "Thank you for walking with me and showing me a good time. Yeah lets head back and maybe see if we can get something to eat and drink to celebrate an adventure well done." He was not sure if she will accept that invite or if her wife to be will show up and get the wrong idea or not but it was worth a chance to relax after all the adventuring.


A Rare Sight(Social/Open.) - Page 2 Empty Mon Jul 22, 2024 5:19 am

It seemed like a decent off."I do not see why not."Maple contuing to resist her urge to seemingly hug him even if it was just how she was and harmless. But it was a good lesson in the moment for Maple.

Even if this all ended well, Maple seemed to be a good dinner guests at least, She didn't drink anything that was not water, She seemed to eat a fair amount of a salad and a fair of red meat about it. Still even with the talk back and food Maple seemed not even worried about being around Yijuin in any matter.

It would be a nice story to talk to Ryuko about later, how she made a friend out of a seemingly grumpy man. It was a typical Maple way of being but it just seemed to make her happy no matter how often it happens.


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