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The Second Walk. (Social.)

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The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Sat Aug 31, 2024 9:57 am

Maple seemed to like these Lakes, so much so she was back here again out exploring  Zelenyy lakes again. Which since Maple liked nature. She was doing as she normally was, having a nice relaxing walk in near the trees and did not seem to bring much attention to herself while she was walking into them.

But this was what Maple considered her element, nature so she would be enjoying lingering in the tree and grass as long as it was green. Maple was not really hiding she was there she was just casually humming a song to herself while she lingered around.

But here she was back in the woods being a peaceful happy half elf lingering in the woods to see what all was to come. Maybe she would find some one new, maybe some one she had met before. Hopefully that had snacks or something interesting with them.

#2Go D. Drakkon 

The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:55 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was still training his spells. He was outside of Illingrad last time when he trained. It had gone well, and he had now three more spells he could use. He was hoping to learn the remaining spells that he had gotten from Lilly and then move on from there. This time he didn’t want to be in the way of people who were going to the city, so he decided to go to Zelenyy Lakes. There was a river where he figured he could use this next move at.

He and Hai Gone were together, the Dragon laying back on a tree while Drakkon was getting ready for his next move. He had his eyes closed as he was thinking about how to do this spell. He wasn’t sure he had seen Lilly do this move, so he had to go off by the feeling of what she would do.

It was then that he would draw his arm back towards them and then clicked their fingers at a specific location, which when he opened his eye it was the lake in front of him. The magic circle would start to appear by the lake in front of him. He was trying to form the magic circle as it was complicated. He actually had no idea what this spell was supposed to be, but he was trying to bring it out here. It was then that once it had formed a mist of magic would appear in an area as it started to grow in mass. He thought it was going well right now. This was going to be good because it meant that things were going fine for him.

Of course, things had gone wrong for him. The mist of earth would start to shake unable to keep itself intact. It was no longer stable, and soon enough an explosion would occur. It would cause the water to fly everywhere. Drakkon would use another spell to block the incoming water from hitting them.


Spell Training:


The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:14 am

It seemed it was now round two of meeting drakkon, Not that Maple mind she in fact seemed to not mind him. But this was Maple, The woman who if given a chance would hug anyone and talk to them the moment you let her. So it was some what normal up until something happen.

So now it was round two of Drakkon and Maple's talking to one another. Maple if anything would be fairly happy about it. After all the loud boom did also catch her attention, it could be something serious and some one could get hurt.

As well because Maple is some what of an inner optimist. She merely casually skipped towards the sound and the falls. It was just how Maple was it was just how Maple lived. Peacefully friendly and peaceful for the most part. It most likely going to be a wonderful reunion. Eventually Maple just showed up because she was at the area of the noise.

#4Go D. Drakkon 

The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Thu Sep 05, 2024 10:41 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was disappointed in how that had gone, but he figured that he could try again. He wasn’t going to quit that was for certain. This failure only motivated him to try to succeed. He relaxed himself trying to analyze what had gone wrong. When he was finished thinking, he had figured out what the problem was. He was trying to harden the mist, but he needed to just go with the flow. Hopefully, this idea would work, and he would start again.

Drakkon would draw his arm towards himself again, and he would click his fingers at a specific location. Once again he was targeting the river again. He would create the magic circle and with the magic circle being completed above the river, and in front of his head, the next step would begin. He would create a mist of rocks and he would let it flow as if it were water. It would go around that area and it would move around.

It didn’t mess up from there, and he could see that it didn’t implode or anything of the sort. Still, he was glad, which meant he had been able to master this spell now.

He looked over in a direction. He caught a whiff of someone familiar. His nose picked up Maple's scent, and he looked over in her direction.

“So, you found me. How’s the walkthrough nature going for you today.” He said to her as she was close enough to hear him.

500/500 Offensive AOE Spell Trained


The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 11:49 am

Dragon slayers where always interesting, because they knew she was here. Suppose Maple would just have to make sure she smelt nice because she assumed they smelt so many things. But suppose that was not entirely horrible knowledge to know. Even if Maple would not even needed in the context of it being a risk to her.

"I did, Fairly simple when your a nature mage who can move through tree when not attacked."Maple chuckled about it because she just was use to roaming around the woods alone until Ryuko just chose to figurtively drag this forest hippie out of the woods to live a different life.

So now to the general thing she assumed."But Alas, I assume you have more spells you are training, anyone of them interesting?"Maple did enjoy the displays of magic. Since she saw things she most likely will not achieve, Not yet anyway.

#6Go D. Drakkon 

The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 12:00 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her words and he nodded. That was an interesting ability. He would have to see one day. When she asked him if he had any other spells that he was trying to train, he thought about it for a bit.

“I have a spell that allows me to dash around with the power of Earth. I can try it out and it shouldn’t be too hard to do.” He said this to her.

Drakkon closed his eyes thinking about how Lilly would be able to cast that spell. He took it from her, but never saw her use it before. Still, he was planning on learning it right off the bat. It was an easy spell to master and one of the lower-ranking ones. The Dragon Slayer was training to help his use of mana to also grow at the same time.

When he understood the spell and its mechanics, the Dragon Slayer would open his eyes. He would start manifesting his mana into his legs and he would stomp on the ground to begin the magic. A magic circle would start to form underneath him. This was perfect, and he looked down to see that it was forming without a problem. When it fully closed and it was made, he would move on to the next part of the spell. He had to choose a direction to be propelled in.

That wouldn’t be too hard to do, and he wanted to make sure it was away from Maple, so he didn’t accidentally hit her by mistake. He moved to the left and a burst of light would propel them to a different location. He would gather himself as he looked over to Maple with a smile.

“That wasn’t too hard to do.” He said to her as he figured he would see if he could use another one as easily as this one.

274|250 Trained Dash Spell


The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 2:55 pm

It seemed she was correct, He had more spell to keep trying to practice and train, Maple just seemingly enjoyed the show. While she could improve later on while doing various other things. But for now she was some what just a background watcher, At least this was a good sign to other people that Drakkon was not a danger to everyone, He had people he could care about or not harm. But Maple never assumed he was a monster to start with. Just a man striding to achieve his own goals.

She admired it. Upon achieving the spell. Maple clapped excitedly almost like it was something exciting to her. But this was her means of support."I have not see earth magic used in a while, It almost seems like a dying practice."Maple seemed to pay attention a lot to stuff it might be the better part of her being around

"Is that all of them?"She assumed there could have been at least one more spell. Or she hoped Maple was not trying to seem like she was here to be entertained. But it seemed to still entertain her for the most part.

#8Go D. Drakkon 

The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Fri Sep 06, 2024 3:57 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon would rub his finger under his nose as he had a smile on his face.

“Yeah I learned these spells from a Dragon Slayer of Earth abilities. I don’t see many people with that element, you’re right on that, so I decided to nab her spells before I never get to see her again.” He said to Maple as she had asked him that was all of them.

He chuckled as he had a lot of spells to learn, so he would do as much as he could today.

“No, I have one more Earth Monolith magic to try out. Once I finished that I do have a lot more Dragon Slayer Spell I have to make my own.” He said thinking about what to do with this spell.

The Dragon Slayer closed his eyes again thinking about what the person would do. This was another spell that he didn’t see Lilly use in their battle. It was, however, one that she did have in her arsenal. It was good to be able to get this element as it was like Maple had said a rare element to see a mage have these days. He would think about it all, and soon enough his eyes opened. He had got the information he needed and now it was to put what he knew to practice.

The Devourer readied himself as he got into position. He was going to make another defense spell, which was always good to have no matter what. He would start swirling his hand in a different location that was nowhere near Maple. He had remembered a stronger spell he had of Lilly’s started this way. That was good, so he had the mechanics of it embedded in his head.

He would cast the magic circle as it started to form in front of his hand and in the location, he was creating the second magic circle. This was good and soon enough the circles would form and become complete, which allowed him to move to the next process. He would start creating the wall of magic that was growing and being built in that specific location. The rocks and anything earthly were being produced to make this wall. It would be put together and then compressed so it hardened and was now a huge wall. He wondered how durable this thing was, and he couldn’t wait to use it in battle.

“This is another spell I learned from the Monolith Dragon Slayer.” He said to Maple.

275/250 Trained Spell Defensive Wall Spell


The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Sat Sep 07, 2024 2:37 pm

Maple was starting to think over a few things to ask while he trained, only because she became curious about it. Maple had not really met or was unsure how many dragon slayers she actually met, But she was curious what he knew of them side from their magic or if the one thing she was about to ask. What they could possibly be like. So it was a simple question."Mind you, of the ones you have met, Which dragon slayer have you gotten along with the most?"Maple figured it would be an interesting one.

Over all she was still finding this all interesting, She felt like she was learning a lot. Even if on the entire idea of magical paper of recording she had not actually gotten powerful yet. But it was a good question while she seemed to enjoy what all was going on, At least for the moment.

#10Go D. Drakkon 

The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:33 pm

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon was wondering what other spell he could learn right now. While he was thinking about it though, Maple had asked him a question. It brought him to look at her and then looked away to think about how to answer her question. When he thought about an answer, he rubbed the back of his head.

“None of them, I mean if anybody it would be Toga. He’s the Inferno Dragon Slayer. Alexandre would have been the guy, but he hated my guts ever since he found out I had his Glacier ability.” He said to Maple.

He figured he would show her Toga’s firepower right now. He had a lot of his spells, if anything Drakkon basically had all of Toga’s moves as he was the one Dragon Slayter with the most arsenal that he could copy right off the bat.

He closed his eyes thinking about how his friend would activate this spell. it was another magic that he had never seen the Dragon Slayer use. He had gotten it through the ability of his Lacrima. It had allowed him to take spells from the Dragon Slayers he knew about without having to be around them. This was one of them and while thinking about it, he then knew it was a spell that had defensive property. That was good as he would need that for the future.

He thought about it for a bit meditating and learning the spell itself. He was hoping that he could do this without a problem but knew that it was never that easy unless it was one of the weaker spells he was mastering. It took him a while, but he understood the concept of the spell. It was then his eyes opened wide as he was going to start with the magic itself. He had to try it now, but he moved a bit away from Maple.

He wouldn’t do anything as it seemed like this spell was different. He would create a magic circle that would appear behind him as it was being created. He was hoping that it would work properly as he couldn’t look behind him. He was making the circle behind him, but he wasn’t sure if he would be able to get the result that he needed. While doing this something had gone wrong, and his magic circle would blow up from behind him, sending him flying to the water in front of him.

He would get up to the surface of the water and he would sigh with relief as it did backfire on him, but it didn’t kill him.

339|500 Training Shōnetsu Ryū: Kyomu No Gekikō [Inferno Dragon: Hollow Wrath, 焦熱龍:虚無の激昂]

Training Spell:


The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 7:30 am

It was a slightly disappointing answer but Maple did not mind at all. It was still a useful information for her to learn, If anything she wanted to ask more questions. Maybe see what else could be interesting she could learn with him around."Interesting."Maple said but she was not hiding she was not pondering and thinking of other things to ask him. But suppose she learned new names of other dragon slayers and which elements were."Hmm..Suppose my belief of everyone can some what find people they get along and be friends with is strange one."Maple mention but suppose Maple also was a different kind of person overly friendly and not shy."But I guess, Not everyone gets along despite my silly believes."suppose it was time to move one to other topics at least for now.

But she would come up with her next question pretty quick, Only because enjoyed trying to get to know this man. But this was also most likely the usefulness of Maple while not powerful yet."But suppose I have not met either of them either as well."Maple had not gone out exploring and meeting people for a while she was some what busy meeting some of the people who ended up in Pergrande, The people where nice, Yijun was nice. Alas getting carried away with her thoughts. As even if connections where good they also are easily fragile and broken.

But her next question. Was pretty simple."Then I guess, This will be useful for me to see if I can help, Which known dragon slayer are you interested in meeting the most?"This was Maple had some interesting because it might be her chance to see if she could help him. Depending on who it was. Suppose it was a risky one to try and piece together. But also it seemed like a question she was seriously interested in knowing. If it was not too risky might be able to solve this ponder depending on the mage, Since if a slayer was too dangerous Maple might not be able to mange.

#12Go D. Drakkon 

The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Wed Sep 11, 2024 9:28 am

Go D. Drakkon
Drakkon heard her and he nodded. Everyone took things too seriously, but he understood. He was a drinker and a drug user, so he was always looking to have fun. She seemed like she did her best to get along with everyone. While she spoke he listened, but he was also thinking about how to master this spell. When she asked a question his ear twitched as he looked over to her. Who was the Dragon Slayer he was interested in meeting the most?

He thought about it, but he was pretty sure he had met all the Dragon Slayers except for one. He heard rumors, but wasn’t too sure about it if it were true or not.

“I think I met every Dragon Slayer there is right now. I know there are three of people that were in this guild two with Dragon Slayer powers, but one of them went missing and I heard the other one is crying about it. But if there was one power I would like to see up close it would have to be Galaxy or Chronos Dragon Slayer.” He said to her as only known the wielder of the Chronos Dragon was Judith.

Still, now that he answered that question it was back at it with being able to master this spell. This was a defense spell, one meant to protect from incoming attacks. He needed to treated a coat of armor, and not something explosive to attack. He closed his eyes for a bit before opening them up. He manifested his mana to be used behind him as he was materializing the magic circle that was behind him. The Dragon Slayer waited as it would fully complete the circle.

When it was done, it didn’t backfire on him this time. Instead, he would see that the fire that he summoned was black and it had red fire on the outline. It would start wrapping around his body and soon enough he would see that it had indeed become armor. He looked at his arms and then his legs to see that this was indeed a beautiful spell. This was amazing and he had to give it to Toga, the man’s spells were on fire.

“It seems like this spell is done and meant to protect me, which is a good thing.” He said out loud as he looked at her.

“Shall we go somewhere else and talk some more?” He asked her as he was in the mood to train more, but not here.

537|500 Spell Trained: Shōnetsu Ryū: Kyomu No Gekikō [Inferno Dragon: Hollow Wrath, 焦熱龍:虚無の激昂]



The Second Walk. (Social.) Empty Thu Sep 12, 2024 11:19 am

This was an interesting answer, Maple knew nothing about the other slayers for the most part and the fact there was so many it seemed to get her to think and ponder on a few things. Like if she should be able to find these ones easily. But the mentions of the other two slayers. Maple almost seemed to ponder about something, She was not hiding about what it was."Suppose you wouldn't know any hints of where to find either or then, Or their names?"Maple asked for this part might be how she helps.

Maple was going to see what she could find and how she could help."And where we could find them? Maybe I can find them and talk to him."Maple seemed to suggest using her normal friendly social means. If she found their locations it might be useful to him in the future.

But if he did not want her to do this. Maple would willingly back down. Maple was merely trying to help. But she was not trying to cause too many problems. After all she was also some what important to the leadership of this nation she was careful to not cause problems.

But she stopped herself for a moment."I suppose, Maybe i should not nose into that. Might worry Ryuko if her most valuable treasure, Elected to start causing some problems in other areas while they are worrying about other things."But she chuckled about it because in some manner what Maple was intending was suppose to be harmless. She was not here to make trouble she was here to see what all could help forward a goal.

It might be reckless in other manners. But this seemed if anything would be a good idea. Maple would have a easier time finding them most compared to him."But let us be off to continue talking else where it might be a better idea."It was a future talk anyway. But she walked with him casually as she normally did. but as they walked and left, Maple did not attempted to walk around any of the tree's she just seemingly just walked through them.


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